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Q.1) Squirrel monkey is a type of __________ ?

A. Squirrel
B. Lizard
C. Monkey
D. Panda

Q.2) An instrument to measure temperature is called __________ ?

A. Hydrometer
B. Thermometer
C. Gyrometer
D. Tempometer

Q.3) Another name for a twister is

A. Earthquake
B. Tornado
C. Wind
D. Flood

Q.4) It is a bird born out of the largest egg in the world

A. Sparrow
B. Hen
C. Turkey
D. Ostrich

Q.5) The seventh planet from the sun is:

A. Earth
B. Uranus
C. Mars
D. Jupiter

Q.6) It bears the closest resemblance to man

A. Panda
B. Rhino
C. Chimpanzee
D. Elephant

Q.7) It is known as the ship of the desert

A. Cat
B. Panther
C. Camel
D. Rabbit
Q.8) The planet closest to the sun is:
A. Neptune
B. Mercury
C. Venus
D. Saturn

Q.9) The largest animal is the _______.

A. Giraffe
B. Camel
C. Blue whale
D. Rhino

Q.10) The layer that protects the earth from UV radiations:

A. Nitrogen
B. Ozone layer
C. Methane
D. Magnesium oxide

Q.11) An astronomical measure of distance is called:

A. Kilometre
B. Yard
C. Light Year
D. Metre

Q.12) The process by which green plants manufacture their food is called _____ ?
A. Respiration
B. Photosynthesis
C. Digestion
D. Excretion

13. What is the name of the closest star to Earth?______________________________________

14.. What does your heart pump?___________________________________________________

15.. Which is heavier, gold or silver?________________________________________________

16.. True or false? Ice sinks in water. _______________________________________________

17.. What is the name of a person who studies weather? ________________________________

18. Which of the 2 things in the list are
A. Bacteria
B. Mosquito
C. Seaweed
D. Virus

19. What do antibiotics do?

A. Help bacteria to grow
B. Kill bacteria that cause disease

20. What will happen if I have two magnets, and I put both the north poles
A. The magnets will attract
B. The magnets will repel

A. Friction
B. Air resistance
C. Gravity
D. Upthrust

21. Why are shadows formed?

A. if something gets in the way of the light
B. if I turn all the lights off
C. when the stars twinkle

22. Which of the following meals shows a good balanced diet and a variety of food?

A. A piece of white toast with chocolate spread, a banana and a glass of coca cola
B. A piece of cake and a hot chocolate
C. A glass of milk, a sandwich with ham and lettuce, and an apple
D. A fried egg, chips and baked beans
A packed of crisps, a chocolate bar, a jam sandwich and a bottle of fizzy lemonade.
23. What pumps blood around the
A. Heart
B. Lungs
C. Stomach

24. When you exercise your muscles need more energy. What happens to your heart beat when
you exercise?
A. It goes up
B. It goes down
C. It stays the same

25. Which of these materials can dissolve into water?

A. Sand
B. Sugar
C. Lentils

26. Which of these animals does NOT have a skeleton?

A. Dog
B. Fish
C. Snail
D. Horse
C. Wooden handle of a saucepan

27. If something is -20 degrees Celsius is

A. Hot
B. Cold

28. How many sets of teeth do humans have during their

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3

29. What is a
A. A meat eater
B. A plant eater
C. A meat and plant eater

30. What can keep us healthy?

A. A balanced diet and watching TV
B. Eating lots of sweets and going swimming
C. Eating lots of fruit and vegetables and playing computer games
D. A balanced diet and exercise

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