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Ultrafast laser-pulse transmission and imaging

through biological tissues

Feng Liu, K. M. Yoo, and R. R.Alfano

The transmission of 100-fs ultrafast laser pulses through biological tissues was measured by using
femtosecond and picosecond time-resolved detection techniques. The broadening of transmitted pulses
was found to increase as the thickness of the biological tissue increases. The absence of a distinct
ballistic pulse transmitted through a relatively thin tissue is in sharp contrast with the pulse transmission
through a random medium of discrete scatterers. Because of the continuous variation of the dielectric
constant in tissue, the photons undergo scattering through the tissue, travel in various small zigzag least
optical paths, and form a broadened early-arriving portion of the transmitted pulse. Even in the absence
of a well-defined ballistic pulse, we can image an opaque object hidden inside a tissue as thick as 6.5 mm
with submillimeter resolution by selecting the early-arriving portion of the transmitted pulse.

Recently there has been considerable interest in tions. The ballistic pulse forms the image (shadow)
investigating ultrafast laser-pulse propagation and of an opaque object, while the diffuse component
light scattering in biological materials and discrete contributes a bright background that will wash out
random media'- 7 and in imaging hidden objects in the shadow if the random medium is sufficiently
random-scattering media.81 7 This effort has been strong in scattering. The early portion of the diffuse
motivated principally by the potential for developing component consists of photons that have undergone a
light-based diagnostic and imaging techniques for the few scatterings in the forward direction and traveled
medical community. The propagation of light in through a medium along some zigzag paths in the
random-scattering media is studied best when ultra- vicinity of the forward direction. These early-
fast laser pulses and ultrafast detection technology arriving photons, referred to as snake photons, have
are used. Ultrafast laser pulses traversing through been shown to retain some image information. 3 l7
discrete scattering media have been shown to split The ballistic pulse is of particular interest because the
into ballistic (coherent) and diffuse (incoherent) com- spatial resolution of the image formed by it is of
ponents.4 The ballistic component arises from the submillimeter scale and is limited by light diffraction.
coherent interference between the scattered waves There have been several studies using ultrafast lasers
and the primary wave. It propagates through the and time-resolved detection techniques to probe
random medium undeviated in the forward direction the optical properties of biomedical tissues. 6 7"192 0
with the pulse profile remaining essentially un- However, previous transmission experiments through
changed. The speed of the ballistic component of the tissue were performed by using thick tissues for
100-fs ultrafast laser-pulse transmission through a which the ballistic component may be too weak to be
discrete scattering medium has been found to be observed, and the reflectance experiments were per-
reduced by scattering or the effective group index of formed in a geometry in which no ballistic component
the scattering medium. 1 8 The diffuse component could be observed. Thus the question of whether a
undergoes multiple scattering and travels in all direc-
true distinct ballistic component exists for a light
pulse transmitted through biomedical tissue remains
an open issue.
The authors are with the Institute for Ultrafast Spectroscopy In the research reported in this paper we measured
and Lasers, Mediphotonics Laboratory, Photonics Application
Laboratory; Department of Physics and Electrical Engineering,
the pulse profile of ultrafast laser pulses of 100-fs
The City College and the Graduate Center of the City University of duration propagating through relatively thin biologi-
New York, New York, New York 10031. cal tissues, using femtosecond second-harmonic gen-
Received 7 January 1992. eration (SHG) cross-correlation and picosecond syn-
0003-6935/93/040554-05$05.00/0. chroscan streak-camera detection methods. No clear
e 1993 Optical Society of America. distinct ballistic pulse was observed passing through

554 APPLIED OPTICS / Vol. 32, No. 4 / 1 February 1993

the tissues, unlike the case of a pulse transmitting
through a random medium of discrete scatterers
where the ballistic pulse was clearly observed. 4 18
The 100-fs pulse transmitted through biological tis-
sues was found to be significantly broadened to 8 ps as
the thickness of the tissue was increased to 7 mm.
In a discrete random medium the ballistic pulse
remained undistorted and thus retained its pulse
profile. We imaged an opaque object hidden inside a
thick tissue of 6.5 mm with submillimeter spatial
resolution by selecting the early portion of the trans-
mitted pulse by using the SHG cross-correlation
The details of the experimental setups, SHG cross- 0 0.8 1.6 2.4 3.2
correlation,1"1 8 and synchroscan streak-camera 2 ' de- Delay Time (ps)
tection techniques have been described previously.
Ultrafast laser pulses of 100-fs duration were gener- Fig. 1. Normalized temporal profile measured by SHG cross-
ated from a colliding-pulse mode-locked (CPM) dye- correlation of a 100-fs ultrafast laser pulse transmitted through (a)
air and (b) 1.8-mm-thick. The intensity at the peak of curve (b) is
laser system with a pulse repetition rate of 82 MHz, 7.7 x 10-6 times the peak intensity of curve (a). The zero time is
an average power of 10 mW, and a wavelength set at the arrival time of the pulse transmitted through air.
centered at 625 nm. Part of the CPM beam was
amplified by a copper-vapor-laser-pumped amplifier
system to 5-mW average power at a pulse repetition 2 demonstrate the temporal profiles of the transmit-
rate of 6.5 kHz. The amplified laser pulses were ted pulses through 4.5- and 7.0-mm-thick tissues,
used in the SHG cross-correlation measurements, respectively. The arrival time of the transmitted
and the laser pulses generated directly from the CPM pulse is increasingly delayed as the tissue thickness is
laser were used in the streak-camera measurements. increased. The temporal profiles of the transmitted
We obtained the cross-correlation of the transmitted pulse through tissues are significantly broadened.
pulse and the reference pulse by focusing these two The transmitted pulse becomes broader as the thick-
pulses into a potassium dihydrogen phosphate crystal ness of the tissue increases. For 7-mm-thick tissue
where the second-harmonic light generated was de- the transmitted pulse is broadened to 8 ps. The
tected by a photomultiplier tube and a lock-in ampli- temporal profiles are not symmetrical; instead they
fier system. We scanned the reference pulse at consist of a fast rise and a slow-decaying component.
various delay times with respect to the transmitted The profile of the transmitted pulse through tissues is
much different from the one transmitted through a
pulse in order to obtain the temporal profile of the discrete scattering medium (latex beads in water)
transmitted pulse. The SHG cross-correlation tech- where two distinct components of the transmitted
nique can measure the early-arriving photons of the pulse are observed: a ballistic and a diffuse compo-
transmitted pulse with a time resolution on the nent.4 The principal reason for the absence of a
femtosecond time scale. With the streak-camera
measurement the laser pulse was incident on a slab of
tissue. The transmitted light through a small pin-
hole was collected by a lens and detected by a
Hamamatsu synchroscan streak camera. The syn- (a) (b (c) (d
chroscan streak camera measured with a typical time
response of 10 ps the total temporal profile of the
pulse transmitted through a random-scattering me- U,,
dium that contained both the early-arriving and C:
later-arriving photons.
The SHG temporal profiles of the transmitted 0

pulse through slabs of chicken-breast tissue of vari-

ous thicknesses are shown in Figs. 1 and 2 on
expanded and contracted time scales, respectively.
Curve (a) in Fig. 1 shows the temporal profile of the
cross-correlation of the incident laser pulse. The 0 10 20 30
full width at half-maximum of the cross-correlation Delay Time (ps)
function is found to be 140 fs, which corresponds to Fig. 2. Normalized temporal profile plotted on a contracted time
the incident laser pulse width of 100 fs. Curve (b) of scale measured by the SHG cross-correlation of a 100-fs ultrafast
Fig. 1 demonstrates the salient features of the trans- laser pulse transmitted through (a) air and (b) 1.8-mm-, (c)
mitted pulse profile through the 1.8-mm-thick tissues. 4.5-mm-, and (d) 7.0-mm-thick tissue. The peak intensities were
Curves (a) and (b) of Fig. 2 show the curves of Fig. 1 7.7 x 10-6, 1.2 x 10-7, and 9.6 x 10-9 times the peak intensity of
on a contracted time scale. Curves (c) and (d) of Fig. curve (a)for curves (b), (c), and (d), respectively.

1 February 1993 / Vol. 32, No. 4 / APPLIED OPTICS 555

clear distinct ballistic pulse may be due to the struc- ical tissues must be measured by a synchroscan
ture of biological tissues. The dielectric constant of streak camera. The salient feature of the transmit-
tissue shows both discrete step and continuous ran- ted pulses through tissues of increasing thickness are
dom variation in space. Because of the continuous shown in Fig. 4. The 100-fs incident laser pulse
variation of the dielectric constant in biological tis- measured by the streak camera is shown by curve (a)
sue, the photons will be not only discretely scattered in Fig. 4. The full width at half-maximum of the
but also bent continuously in a zigzag pattern follow- measured laser pulse is 8 ps, which is the time
ing the least optical path. Thus the early-arriving response of the streak-camera system. Curves (b),
portion of the transmitted pulse through tissue does (c), (d), and (e) of Fig. 4 show the temporal profiles of
not include a distinct ballistic pulse component that the transmitted pulse through samples of thickness
traveled undeviated through tissue, instead it con- of 1.8, 7.0, 9.0, and 12.0 mm, respectively. The
sists of photons that traveled through the tissue in transmitted pulse becomes broader as the thickness
various small zigzag paths. The continuous distribu- of the tissue increases. Again no distinct ballistic
tion of path lengths of the early-arriving photon gives pulse component is observed. The early portion of
rise to a broadened early portion of the transmitted the transmitted pulse contains the snake photons as
pulse. The early portion of the transmitted photons depicted in Figs. 1 and 2. The long tail portion
is referrerd to as the snake photons, since these arrives much later in time and corresponds to the
photons traverse through the tissue along small diffuse component of the transmitted pulse in which
zigzag paths in the vicinity of straight transmission. the photons have undergone random walks in the
As shown in Figs. 1 and 2 the arrival time of the tissue.
transmitted pulse was delayed. The delay time in- These temporal profiles of the transmitted pulse
creased as the thickness of the tissue increased. The through tissues measured either by SHG cross-
delay time at the peak of the transmitted pulse that correlation or by the streak-camera method could not
was measured by the SHG cross-correlation method be described well by the diffusion theory. The rea-
was plotted against the tissue thickness in Fig. 3. son for the poor fitting is that in these experiments
For thin tissues the delay time depends linearly on the thicknesses of the tissues are only smaller than or
the thickness of the tissue up to 6 mm. For thicker - 5 times the transport mean free path. The diffu-
tissues the delay time exceeds linear dependence sion theory describes well the transport of the pho-
because the photons undergo multiple scattering tons in the random-scattering medium when the
while traversing through the tissue. The linear thickness of the medium is 10 or more times the
dependence between the delay time At and the sample transport mean free path. 2 ' We obtained the trans-
thickness L can be described by an effective group port mean free path and absorption length for chicken-
index ng of the tissue through equation At = breast tissue to be 2.5 + 0.5 and 60 30 mm at 625
(L/c)(ng - 1), where c is the velocity of light in the nm, respectively, by measuring the transmitted pulse
vacuum. From the fit between this relation and the profiles through thicker tissues and fitting the tempo-
measured data an effective group index of 1.49 + 0.02 ral profiles by using diffusion theory. These optical
for chicken-breast tissue is obtained. The best fit is parameters are close to those given in Ref. 6.
shown by the solid line in Fig. 3. Assuming an asymmetric scattering parameter g =
The transmitted pulse profiles through thick biolog- 0.9, we computed the scattering length to be 0.25

5 -§S l l
(a) air

J\ A Cb) 1.8 mm

] Cc) 7.0 mm
C \9.C9.0 mm

0 2 4 6 8 10 JC m
0 80
Thickness (mm) Time (ps)
Fig. 3. Plot of the delay time of arrival at the peak of an ultrafast Fig. 4. Normalized temporal profile measured by the streak
laser pulse transmitted through tissues versus the thickness of the camera of a 100-fs ultrafast laser pulse transmitted through (a) air
tissues. The experimental results are plotted by the squares. and (b) 1.8-mm-, (c) 7.0-mm-, (d) 9.0-mm-, and (e) 12.0-mm-thick
The solid line is the best linear fit of the effective group index = tissues. The zero time was selected at the peak of the transmitted
1.49. pulse.

556 APPLIED OPTICS / Vol. 32, No. 4 / 1 February 1993

mm. Assuming that the attenuation of the ballistic I I

light follows Beer's exponential decay law, the inten-

sity of ballistic light would be reduced by a factor of
7.5 x 10-4 for the case of 1.8-mm-thick tissue. The
measured SHG intensity was found to be attenuated
by a factor of 7.7 x 10-6. Thus the ballistic light
would be observed, if present, for the 1.8-mm-thick
tissue, because the expected ballistic intensity is 100
times larger than the actual measured transmitted ( b)
pulse intensity. In a discrete random medium with ._
comparable optical parameters and larger thickness, C
we clearly observed a distinct ballistic component
along with a diffuse component by using the streak-
camera detection method.4 9 Cl)
Although no distinct ballistic pulse is present, we (C)
can demonstrate that the early-arriving snake pho-
tons can still be used to image an object hidden in
biological tissue. A bar code acting as an opaque
object was sandwiched between two chicken-breast WA 12 I P
tissues with a total thickness of 6.5 mm (2.5 mm in
front of and 4 mm in the back of the bar code). The
0 v4 6 v I8
Position (mm)
bar code consisted of two clear and one dark segment; Fig. 5. One-dimensional images of a bar code measured by the
the width of each was 1.8 mm. The tissue sand- SHG cross-correlation technique at various time delays located (a)
wich was placed on a translational stage that was in air with a zero time delay, (b) in 6.5-mm-thick tissue with the
scanned perpendicularly to the laser beam. The delay time set at 9.8 ps, (c) in a 6.5-mm-thick tissue with the delay
profile of the transmitted pulse at early time was time set at 14.5 ps.
obtained by the femtosecond SHG cross-correlation
technique. By fixing the delay time and scanning
the object (without tissues) along a direction that is
perpendicular to the laser beam, a one-dimensional challenge to develop a practical nonionizing biomedi-
image of the object is obtained and shown in Fig. 5(a). cal optical imaging system.
The plateaus and valleys in these intensity plots In conclusion we measured the temporal profile for
correspond to the clear and dark regions of the bar a 100-fs laser pulse transmitted through biological
code, respectively. The intensity variation at the tissues by using both femtosecond and picosecond
plateaus are caused by the fluctuation of laser pulses time-resolved detection methods. No distinct ballis-
during the scan. Curve (b) of Fig. 5 shows the tic component of the transmitted pulses with a profile
one-dimensional image of the object hidden inside the of incident pulse through tissues was observed. The
tissues. The delay time was set at the rising peak transmitted pulse was increasingly broadened as the
(delay time, 9.8 ps) of the temporal profile of the thickness of the tissue was increased. The effective
snake component. Curve (c) of Fig. 5 shows the group refractive index can be determined from the
image at the delay time set at 14.5 ps, 4.7 ps later delay time of arrival of the transmitted pulse through
than the case of curve (b). The image resolution was thin tissues with thicknesses of < 6 mm. The early-
on the submillimeter scale. The image quality for arriving or snake photons were shown to carry enough
both curves (b) and (c) was not severely degraded. information to image an opaque object embedded
The most likely reason for the distortion of the image inside a 6.5-mm-thick tissue with a spatial resolution
was that the tissues were inhomogeneous and were on a submillimeter scale.
not cut smooth enough. These results are consis- This work is supported in part by Hamamatsu
tent with the recent work of Wang et al.13 using a Photonics K. K. and Mediscience Technology Corpora-
laser pulse of wider duration and a poorer time tion.
response detection system.
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