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Geneva Maalihan



Ms. Friesen

Due: March 5, 2018

Beneath Being Different

The novel "Frankenstein", written by Mary Shelley, focuses on a creature who is a victim

of preconceived notions. He has the privilege to live but is ironically in chains of false

judgments. The creature starts his journey with a benevolent heart but after he is abandoned and

mistreated by Victor, his creator and the De Lacey family, his neighbors in the woods, he then

plans vengeance to humankind. He desires to be a companion but remains to be a beast in the

eyes of everyone. Mary Shelley depicts how sorrow and isolation can make the creature wants to

justify the miscarriage of Victor's obsession with knowledge.

Victor is ignorant of the possibilities his thirst for knowledge can cause. For instance,

Victor wants to discover the secrets of nature by making a creature that can help the human race.

He creates a creature that conceives a lot of human qualities but his monstrous appearance results

rejection from Victor, his creator. The creature tries to talk to him but Victor still treats him as

"[the] wretch whom [he] create[s]" (Shelley 95). Victor is conscience-stricken and "ardently

wishe[s] to extinguish [the] life which [he] … thoughtlessly bestow[s]"(87). The creature feels

agony for the rejection he receives from his creator and tells him that he is a "heartless creator

that [gives him] perceptions and passions and then cast[s] him … for the scorn and horror of

mankind"(141). Because of Victor's rejection, the creature isolates himself from people and as he

continues his wretched journey, he finds the De Lacey family whom he desires to be his
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companion and protector. He spends his entire journey to love, admire and hope to feel the

acceptance from them. The more he sees the family, "the greater [his] desire to claim their

protection … [and] yearn[s] to be known and loved by these amiable creatures"(133). His failure

of receiving his creator's acceptance makes him strive more for another person's love. The

creature wants to reveal himself but he is full of fears that they will be afraid of him like many

other people's reaction when they see him. Upon seeing the creature's hideous appearance,

"Agatha faints, Safie [runs away] … Felix dashe[s] him to the ground and struck[s] him violently

with stick"(136). The creature proves his fears when the family builds horror and consternation.

His heart sinks again to bitter sweetness. Upon knowing that the De Lacey family departs from

their home, the creature said that "the feelings of revenge and hatred fill [his] bosom and [does]

not strive to control them [anymore]"(139). As a result, he burns their house. Lastly, life once

again tests his kindness towards people. He encounters a child who will almost fall into the

stream. As the reward of his benevolence towards saving the child from falling in the stream, the

girl's companion "aim[s] a gun [at him and] fires"(142). As a result of all the rejections, hatred

and abhorrence the creature receives, he then says that "[he] will revenge [his] injuries [and] if

[he] cannot inspire love, [he] will cause fear"(148). Therefore, he kills innocent people to get

revenge for being born in a world where no one even himself wants him.

All things considered, the creature is justified in his vengeance against humankind. To

kill is a crime but to live with people who prevent your freedom is also an evil act. The creature

even tries to blend with people. It is not his choice to be born. It is not his fault to live the way he

is. Acceptance is the only thing the creature wants yet he receives barbarous words and savage

acts from people. It is not his fault to look hideous, it is the world's fault to accept what only is


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