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NCS Expert Success!!! A newbie succeeds! No more drl in my E46!

Just wanted to shout out thanks for all the help here. and all the miles and miles of random posts of
wisdom!. After months of reading. and 2 weeks of playing with the installed INPA and NCS expert
I was able to code my 2000 E46 successfully today.
Been wanting to turn off my daytime running lights ever since I got angel eyes, I really wanted to
DIY though, so for what it would have cost me for one trip to the dealer to do this, I got a cable and
software and I got initiated into a whole new world on the way!.

Many thanks!. I guess a simple task to those of you at this a while, but for a first timer like me, I
was damn proud of myself.

Maybe to help the next guy, I got alot of information on the way, that for some reason didn't work
when I got to it.. for example, I have the Fisterprofile, and I wasn't able to do anything. I used the
"expertmode" profile and it worked for both reading and coding.

Further, although I was looking for something in particular.

GED_FL_ALS_DRL (dimmed high beams as drl-which is the case in my car) to turn for activ to
nicht-activ, but I never found it.
In my 2000 e46, I just went to the LSZ (light switching center) and changed TAGFAHRLICHT
(drl) to nicht_activ. It seems that from year to year, and even from car to car, there are different
terms for the same things.

Another thing that may be helpful, if you find one of those step by step NCS tutorials, it's good to
know that you can do this in 2 parts... first just read (process ECU) the file. and save it. Then exit
the program, and disconnect from the car.. this way you can take the time to read the resulting trc.
file and figure out what you want or need to change, without the car being in position 2 the whole
time. it helped to take my time and translate stuff before going back and actually coding the car. but
it looked to me like when I read the tutorial the 1st time, that you have to do it all at once..., now
that I understand what I was doing a little better, it is alot easier for "virgins" to read the .trc file and
then make any changes later..(in toehr words right before you load profile again after changing to
.man file)

Anyway thanks all!.. It's on to the one touch rear vent windows!


I fought with the two days so to save another look, here.

In order to implement an exercise we need an interface for connecting ADS companion to our Buni
+ INPA software. The interface, which has in this thread: =

I assume that he was running in a situation when we fully functional INPA which detects the battery
(battery) and ignition (ignition). Details are in the thread above. After a successful playing INPA
comes time for a willingness to change and there will be the needed tool, which is called NCS
Expert and is located in the Start Menu in the same folder in which the INP. So get to work.

First Launch NCS Expert (I assume we have a package installed in INPA language is not German).

Second Choose File -> Load Profile

Third Choose the profile window select Expertmode and click OK.

4th Choose File -> Edit Profile

5th In the window Passwort eingaben give the password to the profile: repxet and click OK.

6th The Profile Editor window click the button Individualisierung (bottom left)

7th In Memory Car window checkbox Individualisierung aktiv in the Car / Key Memory and click

8th Click the Profile info (bottom right) in the Profile Editor window
9th The info window profiles in the Profile Name with individualisation we add to our profile name
sounded Expertmode with individualisation (this way we will be able to easily distinguish it for the
future of the original profile expertmode) and click OK

10th In the window click on Profile Editior consistence check - you should see a box that says
konsistence info check OK

11th The Profile Editor window click OK

12th Choose File -> Save As Profile and change the File Name field to the next profile number or
FZG3.PFL and click OK

13th Choose File -> Load Profile and window profiles, we now have a Choose Profile Expertmode
with individualisation that we choose and click ok

14th We take a laptop under his arm and idzemy our Buni. Hook cables, insert the key into the lock
and turn on the ignition (not engine starting)

15th select the VIN / ZCS / FA (F1)

16th Select ZCS / FA f ECU (Read data ZCS / FA with our Buni ECU)

17th In the window select Choose Chasis E39 (my case).

18th Choose the window ECU choose EWS and click around .. After a while FG Boxes GM SA

19th Select the options F6 Back

20th Car Select Memory (F5)

21st We will get the following message:

22nd In the window mode of operation determines whether the programmed key or car (Car
Memory / Key Memory 1-4). My Bmka no programming keys and so did not use the, so skip this
part is not something to mess with. For me it was only a Memory Car. Functions is a list of
functions which we can be reprogrammed. Unfortunately, it is in German and below is a translation
of the language (for wreeve of

E39 Car and Key memory programming using NCS Expert in the Edibas package.

AUSSENTEMP_WARNUNG_GONG: External Low Temp Warning Gong

AUT_SITZVERSTELLUNG: Automatic Seat Adjustment (select or When When I unlocked the
driver door opened), linked to key number
AUTO_ZV_DISABLE: disable automatic central locking
BC_KL_R: Interior lighting ON When ignition is switched off after driving with headlights on
TWO-QUITTIERUNG: Anti Theft System Acknowledgement
EINSCHALTMELDUNG_IMMER: Power-up messgage always
ERKENNUNG_SITZBELEGUNG_1: Recognition seat allocation (do not switch this off Otherwise
the airbag system gets up-set)
FH_BEIFAHRERTUER_TIPP_AUF: power window Passenger Door Window One Touch Down
FH_BEIFAHRERTUER_TIPP_ZU: power window Passenger Door Window One Touch Up
FH_FAHRERTUER_TIPP_AUF: Power window Driver Door Window One Touch Down
FH_FAHRERTUER_TIPP_ZU: Door Driver power window one touch up Window
FH_TUEREN_HINTEN_TIPP_AUF: Doors in Rear Window One Touch Down
FH_TUEREN_HINTEN_TIPP_ZU: Doors in Rear Window One Touch Up
FuĂŸraumklappen: Floor flaps (IHKA)
HECKKLAPPE_ENTSICHERN: Rear Trunk opening from remote key
HEIMLEUCHTEN: Home Shine (Follow me home lights)
INNENLICHT_AN_MEHRFACH_ZV: Interior Light On Several Times, central locking
KEY_MEMORY_IHK Key IHK Memory Module (A / C temperature memory from key number)
KEY_MEMORY_RADIO Key Memory Radio (Radio channel / volume from key number)
KOMFORTOEFFNUNG_FB: Comfort Opening Remote Key
KOMFORTSCHLIESSUNG_FB: Comfort Closing remote key


NOTSTROMSIRENE: Emergency Power Siren

QUIT_OPT_ENTSCH: Acknowledge optical remote un-locking (two flashes)

QUIT_OPT_SCHAERF: Acknowledge optical remote locking (one flash)

SCHIEBEHEBEDACH_TIPP_AUF: One touch open sun-roof

SCHIEBEHEBEDACH_TIPP_ZU: One touch sun-roof close

SOFT ON / OFF: Soft dim / undim of the interior lights

Sprache: Language selection

TAGFAHRLICHT_ECE: Daylight Headlights
TEMPERATUR_EINHEIT: Temperature Unit (C / F)
UMLUFT MEMORY: Circulating Air Flap Memory (remembers if re-circ is on after shutdown)
VERBRAUCH D1: Consumption units
VERRIEGELN_AUT_AB_X_KMH: Automatic central locking after X KMH
VERRIEGELN_AUT_MACH_2_MIN: Automatic central locking after 2 MIN
VERRIEGELUNGSSCHWELLE: Locking Device-swells (threshold) (speed of X above)
WEG_EINHEIT: Distance unit (distance, miles or km)
ZEIT_EINHEIT: Time unit (12H or 24H)
ZUENDSCHLUESSEL_WARNUNG: Ignition Key Warning, a really anoying Which Beeps option
if you leave the key in the ignition
ZV_SELEKTIV: central locking selectively (selective unlocking)

Each individual key can also be set to allow selective un-locking and automatic locking after X
ENTSICHERN_CENTERLOCK: Release Central locking
FUNK_INNENRAUMSCHUTZ: Radio monitoring of interior space
INNENLICHT_AN_MEHRFACH_ZV: Interior lighst Several times he
NEIGUGSGEBER: tilt sensor
STANDRUECKSCHALTUNG: Condition Resetting at standing
TAGFAHRLICHT_ECE: Daylight lights
UMLUFT_MEMORY: Recirculating air flaps memory
WISCHERINTERVALL: wiper interval


BELUEFTUNGSKLAPPE_OEFF_1: Ventilation Flap opening

Fernbedienung: Remote control
GEBL ZUEND AUT B EIN: automatic blower on at ignition
GEBLAESEBALKEN CAR MOD: Blower Bar Automatic Mode
BEI KLIMABETR ZUEND EIN: airconditioning at ignition on
HIGH LOW TAKTEN Anzeige: Clocks High Low Announcement

In the section we have a parameter status of the parameter, the aktiv and aktiv them. Letter S is for
us to set a standard letter and individual setting.

23rd Before we can change the settings you must But just Read or F1. August buttons greyed out
for a few / several tens of seconds until the car is read out our current settings. When the button
again will we start to pick black. And so we choose the functions in the middle pane, then select the
desired options in the right window and press F2 take over. name of the function to be programmed
with porzadanym state appears in the box at the bottom. If you want to remove functions (do not
change its state) approached the window on her lower F3 and click Delete. When we change what
we already hit F4 Broadcast and soon we will see a window confirming the setting parameters.
Voila! Disconnect kompa and test whether it is just as intended.

PS. If you change the settings then it lights when programming (optional broadcast) we will begin
to blink and the key illumination light in the middle. For me it was. Programming to succeed so do
not panic.

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