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The players arrive in town – Macena.

The river continues on flowing east, but it is clearly marked that this is the last stop. In the distance, a
small grouping of mountains appear hazily in the distance.
Knowledge nature dc 12 reveals that it seems odd to you for such small grouping of large
mountains to exist.
Looking at the mountains gives you a strange feeling of foreboding, which you quickly shake off and
continue moving through the port. The town looks rather small, and very poor, except off in the
distance to the north where a large keep looms.
Where do you go?

1) The shipping station has quite a few barges parked around. Maneuvering into the small dock
takes some time, but you get in. Given the amount of shipping vessels, it seems odd that the
town doesn't seem bigger.... or nicer.
2) The bazaar is small, and has a large assortment of fish, some trinkets, and many general goods
that a traveler might be seeking. A couple of the stands that might draw your attention are
Maggie's Magic (run by a small gnome woman named Maggie, she has a small assortment of
minor magic items), Vicrum's Sword and Stone (A former adventurer who sells “Tried and True
Arms and Armor”), and Kristian's Clerical Clarity (A small shop dedicated to Holy items,
potions, holy water etc)
3) A large clearing with a statue of a man in the center. It has no apparent clergy, and at the base
of the statue it reads “King of Kings Niccolo Rex V”. There is a fountain, the floor of the
fountain appears to have gold coins scattered about it. To the East of the statue is a large marble
cross, with ropes around the ends of the cross bar, a small peg half way up the base, and rust red
4) The fisherman's wharf has fisherman on it, and a few small vessels. Mostly gruff old men, but a
few younger individuals moving about.
5) The sign out front depicts a well fed ogre patting his belly appreciatively, while the outside
looks dingy and rough, it is clear that this inn is well run and sees a fair amount of business. The
Owner/bartender is Tymar, and he is an enormous individual, dc 9 int check will tell you he is
probably half ogre, his wife, Kala, is the hostess, she is a petite half-elf woman who is very
gracious, and acts very much like she is your mother. Their teenage daughter (Kit) performs
music nightly, as well as waitressing and their son (Brutus) helps bounce trouble makers. They
have a talented halfling chef named Roger who thinks very highly of his cooking (which is
good). They are a very tight knit group, and take good care of their friends.
6) This stable belongs to the Inn, and has short term lodging and long term lodging. It costs 5
copper a night, or a gold for month.
7) The Gibbering drinker has a crudely drawn grouping of mouths with liquor bottles pouring into
them. Kind of a shady bar, thieves and low lives. Cheap water, gross beer.
8) Ms. Pennyworth's Humble Pie is a nice bakery that smells delicious, she is however... very
rude... almost like the soup nazi from seinfeld. If you don't do things the way she expects she
will kick you out.
13) Fletcher's Fletchings and General Goods, Tygar works out of there.

Halflings ride bears throw axes

ivan battlebrew, neutral good dwarven smith 225 years old.

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