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Working With Special

COURSE: Early Childhood Education II UNIT C Groups of Children and

Child Care Issues

ESSENTIAL Understand issues affecting development of

7.00 B2 10% children.
Infer appropriate responses to signs and
OBJECTIVE: 7.02 B2 5% symptoms of child abuse and neglect.

Essential Questions​:
∙ What is child abuse? What is the difference between abuse and discipline?
∙ How should teachers and caregivers respond to signs of child abuse and neglect?


What is child abuse?

∙ Differences between abuse and discipline
∙ Types of child abuse and neglect

▪ Non-accidental physical injury (physical abuse)

▪ Emotional abuse
▪ Sexual abuse
▪ Child neglect
∙ Signs and symptoms of child abuse and neglect

Appropriate responses to incidents of suspected child abuse and neglect

∙ Legal requirements for documenting and reporting
∙ Building the resilience of abused children

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