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Appropate age to start sexual life

will be the appropriate age to start a serious sex life from 18

years for many reasons, one not your body is not able to
begin sexual life your body does not develop well. Secondly,
he will have psychological problems in retaining information
because the mind will be weakened by starting his sexual life
early. Third, there are many illnesses that can harm his health
and may even lose his life. Fourth, parents have to give
sexual relations tips so that the students know what sexuality
and so they know how to take care of themselves finally each
adolescent has to wait for the right moment to perform these
types of sexual activities, since if they practice it before the
time they can have a bad future in their life.
therefore, it is important to let the teachers know about the
appropriate age of having sexual contact at their moment.
Having sex is not bad just that you have to know who to do
with, what to do and where to go.

George Gutierrez pasquier

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