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Teenage pregnancy

For a while now, infatuation and lust have been predominant over the minds of adolescent teens, like a
façade, these two factors are sometimes mistaken as love. Prioritizing their women, over their studies,
consequently this have led them to pursue family life, over their academic life.

Before we delve in deeper about this topic, let us first define teenage pregnancy. Teenage pregnancy is
when women under 20 years old become pregnant or give birth. These women can also be considered
as young as 10 years old or even below. Consequently, having sexual intercourse at that stage in life may
lead to irreparable damage not only to the people that you love but also to yourself, such instances are
when the baby turns out to be premature because your organs are not fully developed yet, and poverty
because of the inability to provide the baby’s needs at such a young age. Additionally, if you’re catholic,
having premarital sex is tantamount to violating the moral and ethical laws of the religion. So now the
question “why” comes to mind. Why do these things happen? Well, a lot of factors may contribute to
this social issue such as their upbringing, but this problem arises mainly due to lack of parental guidance.
Family is the first agent that can bring about change in our lives, without proper direction and guidance
the path of our lives may go elsewhere. But it’s not just the parents’ irresponsibility but also our
irresponsibility. The lack of discipline towards us also contributes to this prejudicial issue; analogously,
the dearth of self-control is an enormous concern not only to this issue, but also to most of the issues in
the Philippines. Another contributing factor is the lack of sex education in the Philippines. We believe
that by learning more about the sex can lead us to use it properly, appropriately, and responsibly.

Now we are left with the question “how?” How do we solve this crisis? What are some of the ways that
we can uphold proper ways that can effectively rejuvenate proper pregnancy? First is being aware about
our sex potentials. Being aware about our sex and knowing more about our sex, can remove the
ignorance towards our naivety over sex related phenomenon. Secondly, try to find different hobbies.
Make the most out of your youth days. Explore new things like playing basketball, try baking, and many
more stuffs to do aside from having sex. There are more things to explore and try in our younger days,
there will be more time in the future for adult things like sex, we’ll get there soon. Also, we must focus
on our education first before all these things. By focusing on our education, we won’t be able to think of
having sex with your boyfriend or girlfriend. Instead, encourage each other to do well in your academic
life. Focus on the things that will benefit us, teenagers, in the long run because teenage pregnancy can
potentially ruin our future.

As far as teenage pregnancy is concerned, it is clearly seen from the reports that somehow these
questions of us are being answered. In the current year, teenage pregnancy has dropped by 3.2%.
However, despite the apparent decrease over the years, this remains a multifaceted challenge that
requires serious action. To overcome this crisis or social issue, prioritizing sex education is necessary,
along with promoting responsible decision-making and empowering teenagers to pursue their academic
lives. Encouraging diversion of teenagers' attention is also recommended in order to mitigate this crisis.

Nobody desires to have a child when still a teenager. Adolescents are not interested in taking care of a
child at home. Adolescents should carefully consider what they are getting themselves into, even if
babies are adorable and everything. Teenagers have to give up a lot of things, and having a child when
they are still young is one of them. Before unintentionally becoming teenage mothers, teens should
consider the consequences of their actions. It is also the duty of other adults, in addition to parents, to
support a youngster in order to prevent early pregnancy. Most likely, you'll be traveling that route alone
for the most part. If you do become pregnant, own up to your mistakes.

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