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K. Shore/Soc-Ch.

Gender, Age and Health 
Sex = ​the anatomy of what reproductive parts one is born with 
Gender = ​the behavioral and psychological traits for men and women  
Wage gap = ​the level of womens income relative to that of men 
Glass ceiling = ​invisible barrier that prevents women from gaining upper level positions in business 
Ageism = ​the belief that one category is by nature superior to another age category- directed 
against elderly people in industrial societies  
● Describe the major milestones in the women’s movement. 
womens suffrage, women working and independance  
● List gender expectations for men and women in the United States? 
The gender expectations for men is to not cry, have sexual relations, be tough, and for the women is to be 
fragile, sex objects, not smart or incapable of doing a mans job.  
● How does the aging population affect the American society? 
Jobs need to open up for the younger generations so we can work. Also social security benefits impacting 
the economy. 
● Explain the Americans with Disabilities Act 
Americans with disibilities act of 1990 has brought employment, public services, public accomodations, and 
telecommunications to disabled people. discrimination is illegal. still trying to raise the employment rate.  
● What factors contribute to the rising health care costs in the United States? 
The age inequality in america  

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