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Interview Questions

● What was life like In Mexico?

○ “Life was good. Although we were poor I did the best I could do to support
myself and six children. I worked two shifts and managed to build a house
of my own for her family.”
○ She only went up to the second grade. After her parents could not support
her going to school so when she became a bit older she began to work.
● How old were you when you left?
○ 30 years old
● What was it like leaving?
○ The hardest part was crossing over and not getting caught but the rest
was easy enough to handle and do on her own. As a woman she faced
many challenges coming over alone.
■ Rape, assault, being robbed...
● What did you want to achieve coming to the U.S?
○ Better life for herself; initial plan was to make money in the us and send
money to the kids in Mexico to give them a better life there
● Was it hard leaving?
○ Was not afraid to leave but was sad to leave her family behind. She knew
she was leaving for the right reason.
● How was the change from Mexico to Chicago?
○ Language was the biggest issue and being away from her kids
● What challenges did you encounter in Mexico?
○ Money was the biggest problem
● How did that lead you to move?
○ Better life. She wanted more and she wanted to figure out where that was
and how to get it.
● Why did you choose Chicago of all places?
○ Already had family here
● What challenges did you face coming here?
○ Coming in illegally. She had to cross through the river and each time she
would run the risk of getting caught and getting assaulted
● How did you overcome these challenges?
○ She found work and worked to put the money together.
○ Crossing over she would have to go by bus and wait till it was the “right
● How did you find work here?
○ Through her family; sister and brother in law
○ Worked in a metal factory
● Was it hard working with six children?
○ In Mexico: yes
○ In the U.S. : not as hard because she had found someone to help her
● If you could choose, would go back?
○ “Now I would because of politics and I’m too old to work so I don’t have
anything to do other than see my family.” The family is very separated but
she does her best to bring them together on special occasions. She has
family in Mexico that she would live with or she would try and reconstruct
her old home she built because she still owns it but it’s open to the public.
● What did you want coming here?
○ A better life in terms of supporting myself and my kids. She wanted to be
able to have a place to live with her children but starting off was rough.
The first complex did not allow more than two people in one
apartment/townhouse so the oldest son lived with her in the home and the
rest of the kids lived in the basement in secrecy.

● ¿Cómo era la vida en México?
● ¿cuántos años tenías cuando te fuiste?
● ¿Cómo era irse?
● ¿fue difícil salir?
● ¿Cómo fue el cambio de México a Chicago?
● ¿Qué desafíos ha tenido que atravesar en México?
● ¿Cómo te llevaste a mudarte?
● ¿Por qué elegiste Chicago de todos los lugares?
● ¿Qué desafíos enfrentaste viniendo aquí?
● ¿Cómo superar estos desafíos?
● ¿Cómo encontraste trabajo aquí?
● ¿Fue difícil trabajar con 7 hijos?
● ¿si pudieras elegir, ¿volvería?
● ¿Qué querías venir aquí?
● ¿Cómo te describiría a ti mismo como un americano?

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