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College of La\r'
Jaro. lloilo Ci!,
Juris Doctor Prcgram
'l hesis Wrifirg

Drta an.lysis is a pr@ess ofsummarizing tEnds dd panems

otrscrved ih rhc data. determining maior diferenlitls or rchtionships

anrons rariables used in lhe $udy dd the applicalion olappDptiale

narisrical rsrs o. a set ofdala ro answer ihe objeclives of a sludv

The rllte otdara anahsh to use depetrd! onl

- l he obicctive of the studl

- rhs Lind ofscales dfmeasuremcnl oarhedataor Yariables
heing deah \iih

Scales ofMelsurem.nt
Undsnirdlngihd measurcmedr scates oldara or vaiableshelps

dd.mine rhe rr p. of $oiisiics rhar co be used ii anallzing dara ro an$rd

Lcrese cholri.diles.T1rerearclourlev.holnr@dftmentiomi'r!!'
. iml. inte^rl. atrd [tid.

Tlre non,i',!l scale has no value h is also called a

.ai*oricll s$ e Numb.r ar. asiened ro $tegori.s olnoftinar

(&'!xrirhhs () iirriliiarc data nftr.c$irg A hiChd rumbcrEsignnenr do'\
n n xh,leerrllcor\eiqhr
Forex nle. *xisa noninal vdiablc lBcaregorics, male'md
'l.mrle.' do nor have mithemiriml Mlue. If nmber "l' is uod io
reffts.N \nale" od 2 ' is used to Fpr*nr "fen8lc," ildoes.ormo
thaihe lmale caiesory has a hisher valu lhm rhe Snale' catgorv
Nnmben re asigned b.alcsoiies ro hcilitare ptuesins.

Ln oilirtt s.d. r a meNue in *hi.h &h or cdteSori6 ol a

ar. ordered or a*ed inro No oi moft lerels ordes@s. smh
los 6hiBhorlest io Doi. fte dindce bdreen rhc tusr md Ine
kcond dnls, howevcr, is nofihe sme s dE dis6nce belse. the seond
o. ths dhr,i.e h€Neen $nd md fouith rsk'

For exmple, thre high shml nudsna rdo Eor irre fiN! *cond
r lhnd bono* in ih.t clas oblained a senenl avdale ol 94 39 md 33,
r.:Fedirly ']a[e nore rhlr while $en Enks E .onsecurive. lhc
di0. n..s in srd.s bc!!e.n iaik a€ not equd. Then iar'k in clas is an

An s.ale has Lhe chretri$ic ol an odiml bur in

addn,o[ the dishces beNeen port in ihe inbral salc is equsl. rbr

bd\een a body remptnru. md a rempcmtre ol

oflo desre* FaE ei!
.]0desrces Iare.heit is rhe sme as rhe dishne berwen 10 degftes dd
.0o.gfc Bod r.mpadur doe. nor ha.- db.oluE 7do poin

A zird r."/3 inieflal sale, ex@p[hai rhe rdio

is almon like tne
\cale hs r real zero poin An example oa a ntio $a1e is no hly
D.ome IncoB. values havc equd disun es beseen ach orher For
ineance.lhe dishnce benveen rhp 1,000 md Php 2,000, shich is Php
1.000 n equal ro the disrae btueen Php 2,000 a.d Php 1000.
Smilaly, the ddmce be$ren Php 5,000 md Php 10,000 isthesme
Php 15,000 md Php 20,000. *hich is Ph)
Dd(npno.rind F\rDplerolrht Four sql.ror \4.rtureDr t

cesdis do id hrrc

hi6s o llMr fis thc dhr. ctvnsb..!: sinrlq Muied

clEsdca M b€ d.*cd. The DelE ol hdNrddonr I'
difrmiE b€ 6 $erEr rd desq 2d Des.q d
rhc dinmtre bd'Er th. s.od

The dd nr€ numi€l valu4.

Do.ird c,pit l lPhp)i I M,

Da alysis n re pmcss ofdelemrining the distibutionol cafs

or rsrondents mdft given .atgories of infodarion esponses and
sllm&inn3 of htuls and pateBs ob*ned ir rhe data. I! tuy !h"i"" ""
'le {' io o
pud o ne,en'k
"nJ nd^'.
u.ed in J{.n --.
rk(n,Ehips bcrlen/among vdablcs us in rh. siudy (P el. el .1.
1979) Dab$alysis nsy be de{r'ptk or i.ferenrial

DzvrirtivA at$i!. Descriptivc musis is Bc'lro de$ihe

aid cb,rder$ics
rhe natorc oro event or a poDnlation undet
in'eiigadon. h ir u*'l io of a lariablc
'l.erib. rhc characr.inics
or a

h,l.tenirl aiabsis. \nfclcnt\d nmllsis is r mdhod olanalysis

sd in reiins hypothesis It is usen b iei for signific.n e oiobseaed
dillerencs or rclatiomhip beMen or amoDg v iahlcs 'l his melhod is

Ddrv&iablc! mr bc malyad one at a time (uivsiare), lwo ar .

tihd abiveile) oi rtue ornorc!tarln.(mnltivriftc)
A, Dsctibins the chotacte*lics ol lhe Ddt Q"ieoiok)
when a resemher *mb ro de$nbe lho chaBctensdcs ol r sple
Dopularion co6ideiine one wiable ar a tide, lhe quenion omodv
dk.d ol rh. dara h: whi m ure chractnslica ol tne popuhtion
(Espondena, subjects, irems, or evenb)? rhe M nclhods oranalyzine
the dara to mss rhis quenion dc lr€quemy di*rbuiion and
m.asurcs c.n.rrl tcnd.ncy, which includcs the nern, the mod. rnd the

The nequency distibutior indicares rhe nmber and percenrage ol

resDonss loi ach catelory. Thc distibniion is a @tu1 msure lor
ansllzins nominal md ordinol dara. nr r.rqd6se is conpuled by
d ir idiq ihc nmbq of Esronses per caregory by rhe blal iumber of cas.s

or Espondens, and rhen nuldplying rhe Fsult by 100 The dala may be
pEsenred in hble or graphical fom.


\l!!,urrs 0f crntmr Tend.n.y
!r.$!.r r a ..tu rl reMcncy uhi. h aE .onnnonly cal hd arenE*,
.iabl. rr.i.&!her b nrhlize rhe drh inisjnstenunrber This
-. \, .1" ,, r. rdlo 3t..
!d "bl. , a. .d e
rcndeDcr r.c th. crD, m.dilnandnrod.
.'.rrs,n. The a rhc alenge oar \alles h is sebl ir
rrr|.inE i'adrl ,nd nrio dara. The m.m n denv.d by addinB dl rhe
\ihE d dividi're dre sun bv 1lr

.nmnr., achievcmenr can be

icD iest ln ihc nlusrio
<oeobbined b t5{udene
soE ot 15 rrud.nrs in ,chi*.Eflrred
32 33 35 37 37 33 90 9t 93 93 94 9s 95 S5 S6
M.,n = Sm of 32+ 3:l + 35+37..
r r:rr nrnrr i mhi:]. I
ror.\rmDk,, h. 15 . nB b_.q wtuc' a'c msed 8rm loqc- b
. 3 ' r rrr
. lo*.r '32,. dnd J.
3 ..r ' '
.' - use.'(oor ftc R"'rrc(0'), F rhe r.di'n.

s7 37 33 90 91 9l 93 94 95 959596

I Nlode. Ihe mod. h dE mo! lrcquenrly occu nrg

!Ilisu. 1,, rtrnlsitLarioDs. moJrlroier re usull)_ m

belos, 90 is the mode becausc

3N 90 90 90 91 91 91 969797

B, D.s.ibnq fotiord iltlh.Dota lu"irninte)

Thr r\n nhnorlr iE$ur.s olvariarioDs ae rh. r,ngc aid

xsur! ol!ariarion sl.Dlri.d a:

nnnrs th! lo!.n \rlu. PhE 1

Renq. = Hishsr lalue- Lor.( viluc+ I

h $e smple darr below, the hilhen scoft is 97,

lo\crn 32. Theroge = 97 (he highen $ore) minxs
lorrnscorc) pl6 1 = l5 +l =16
R7 3? 33,r0,r0 S0 9l 91 9l 969797
irsta tlanl D.\ittion (SD). Thr midrrd delialion(SD) glvcsll'e
{:c. olrlr di:larcs ol individual obse stiotrs tloD ftc srout n.tu',
th: \qur. r.or oal1r. a\.mg. squrcd dcrhrion.leach cise aro'n I'e
Thc ners involved ii calcutaiing !h. skndard devlarion (sD) ae
I I Cal.nlare dre n.& ofihe distiburion (i)
2 Subtad rhc hean aron each sof (x x-)
I Squarc each oirh{e scofts (x X,
r Divide rh sun ofdr squed scoies by rhe numtru of
scoa (', Thc resull is cal lcil dre vr ii,, r..
I TsI. the squirc mt ofih. varia

B. Atutytuts Diffe,.n.$ ithia tle Data

A ie*drher my rar ro know rvheder rhe d iircnce be&eetr rwo
! ,,ed b] .,r I e

l. Dillcmnc. iD preporrion!

. .
"'., 0,, lo o1,'mtr' "n. ;
drfei,. inrh",o.opo'tu o mJ. i.l! i o,.ep.o@.jon.j endt
d, r lil i, rh3ni.,
., br o .tr'.
' or
'-".J). ,o!
sieiificamdiflcren.ebdsecnDnDonionsiz=587 orj
.blr1 d,..r-
pisrriburion or srudetrr
Dy smokinrpndicc{ nnd sc!


Astodyconpa rsrb.perfomln.eornutemdltm.hcollcgs
..J.1 -d hJ . - 2- s tem,- ,.de r oiJ.ed L 4n
/.d-. td2 sD to. ^t, ,he I 3
1r. d dd-of 3 3.
rhc male nudenb siEniiicmlr) dinif, fron L\lr of
E female nudcn6, the
z.t6tdiILreNc bcheD mer.scobelppljed flre rsult ofrhe dalysis
shoM in Table 4 irdicares rhaihdc is no 3i gnificmt bdseen
rhersohcans(Z=1.74, p=.150). This neans $d tne male and rhe fcmale
shde.b do .or si-qnlficanrly diffcr in tm
ol rhcn nmn college cndes.
(For a sanlle popularion of 30oilss, rhe!r.$isused)
To analyze the differenes ongdreeormoreneaN, ihe
Aialr:hofv mce (axovAl k Ed
l,bk 4. I omprrxon or Ymn Collqe P. orm,ff. or srudenE,
42,!4 t69

C. D.ktlhi"E Relotiot ips B.lneeh yatilbls (Bitotiate Aaabsis)

M r nud'es locus o. ddeminins a$ociarion or EldioNliip
$*cm r*o v iahles Ile sifrplcs sa) ot finding our sheiher rheE is
an dsociarion bdwc.n rqo raiabte s is by uug cio $rabularion
A oshbularion dhplays rhe dinnbudon ol om raiable for each
cxtesory of mothq rariable. ror eunplq Table 3 shotrs the dibibution
ol )ou,s duhs by votins bebvior d income flre ftse*ch quenion
beins addrcsed by rhis aralyns is: ls ihcE ! rclarionship between
lncomc and rhe de.nio, ro vor. or nor b voe? The d.p.ndoI va able is
"lolinc bchayio4" {hilc lhe lrdep.ndenr veiablc G monrhl) inconc '
ln cro$hbularioN, rhe DeMnraSs aE added up ro 100 perenr in
*ch colmn In icnding the able, fie !.cnbges at. ompiretl lcrc$ the
.olumns, nor mrd$ .ona. fu iable shows a negatlvo lso.idion bels.en
incoD. sd voting behNior or young ldulh. As in€me incr es. rhe
pcre.uge of young lyho votd d*reases ftom 53.r % olihose xho
s, gbero*,0.000p..o.,o 4 eooo.r oeqiove'ers.tunB o-
\ouoc A'rulE bJ \otng B!br!'o' rnd

Four Asp.ct of a Rdrtidnship/Asocirrion Bgs'en vanrbhs

l'.u asocd ol sociarion/ftlationship bdtuo so
u iables v
mir bc analyTrn using a ciosr.bularion: sxnrcnce' $E'gth! irrcdhi'
and p itcrn (s.hud, leee).

beiween No vlrilbles
Ern Pn... An dsocinion/tolationshiF exist
\ne. fie ps.en-@6 mon3 catsories ol &e depardenL vdable v4
S4,srn lh. c
smrg ,r 6; re D s rds tF ' . . -'.! jer bc.rre o 1o '.
car+ones of th. d.lendenr vdiable
,Iiz.ri,n. For oudtirarive vaiables (inr{vd ard Etio), ftenrhE
e d 'o e.i r l e.'. . e
.rriaoe ' 'dtra"'. i or r! 'he 'n,
a'iod' 'l
Po tre
- ^h",* 'i..o di ndeD o', 'hDtr 'o e d o nere',h h"
de e6e in th. valuc ofrhe dependent variatle, thc Eldio.ship is neS3rive'
p.attn I lnec"-, ,. F cen sc. dinn on or de ucpe 'den.
a.i"b,e d F L ,i rNrr r. opy m.,s.in5 o'd
re"p. i"i.+l"c u.i o"-^ ". o' oerhal P'&'3 r
"q,r". e. , .n "n'db ' cc. rgr rheq.hsee'4.., Led p'iicrns

?rn Table 4. il is that

rsocirtioD .risb bel*ed 8ge and
v*iit hehalior ofvoune adult fte dara show ihar therisahlshcr
p-*iuce ot *e; m&e-"p-de.Ls who vebelo*25 vea6 o1d
lTop€rccnO thm mo.s tho* $io old{{loDet{
." : : "b " d,.. rso!,diin beqcen J.- o oi
F imns
t(r \1-
:iU l,ceor.e oot.
p-{(n, -. ir-"e
\uco a_on8.he.o nsa CmLp r_O
uiJn Mongrheod qrourrl0 oor

rd ro- r m3 n. h,. n,ed dtr. Jou ge

r{fl) ro'okth Lhenousloude@dr
- hL p,'km h noDdonh hr.du.- s .r- \a ue nr , n" !&,-u,
oe.rcJ..s Lstur or,lreorher
'he ^rei.,! {. Disrriburion ot R

hEd- -i4.i

Srrrnkrl \l.rru16 or R.t,riutrrh,r

drr ft *dd shnnic?l neasur.s or
@ connody used in e carioq healrh. ecoioDr!
{o( r( !h The .r,* or,r.* _*...,..
reqt oi med urcmen, ir,r"

strhmi zcd beto! are \on. mon comonly

oartarionshrts. (Refei roa narisii.s ued measures

Eid,;;dnffi --
D. M nranaQ Aralt\is

A nultiveiale uilysis pemi6 $e rsacher lo study fuiJEr $.

ellicr ol one vfi$le on bother. {hen on. or more wiables dc held
coniad li allom fd $e ddemimrion of (hc .necr r iables o, ihe
Fl.dorshi p besen so vaiables, ontouins for o,e or moE variabl.s

lorexamplc, a chi s{we rsr may shou rhd dposure ro ai!

is s,enilicmdy re1abd ro
smoking habib' of yrung
tmtesionft. one nay trEue, horever. thar rhe rtationshiD beNem ihe
rwo vdilblcs is nor dnd or 6usal, since ft 6 posibl. lnar a pcsor.who
has be. exposed io anri-smokinE ads may *ill moke, beauk dEr. at
other factors Nhich may als atrect a pe*ont dohiotr ro smoke. such
anitode lordds canc{, lor example. Even il onc h5s seen anti smokins
als. he/shc does.ot Falt cm vhe(her hdshe gc6 .mcer or nol, he
\ill iillsmol. In such a cas, a nuliiuiat malysh cs be done by
rontollins orholdinc coNhr atitudesrovrdscdcer

lr aha co.buing for orher !

iables, rhe exrenl of rclarionshiD
b.rwn -porw ro sJld .Tokins \abis
uchased, i1 cr b€ conchded rh4 rhe lanables contolled hare 'msinno
inflEne on rhe ehtionshiD, or lhat lhe .latiomhip brtuten rhc $o
rdabks n sEblc Il {hs *r of relatio.ship be1wtu .xporuft ro ari
.n oL s V 5d md smol g \abir, de.Fdfl o. dr.ppld. v'a e din
vei tes arc o oued, n cm b€ concluded thal the €l.rionship beireen
rhe No vlriabl.s is spurioE.

Dah i .ryrcbrion is the uoces of explainins the neding of the

lara i. a rablc wilh eDphdis on rhc hisllishh md tunds show by the
dara Ir lnnbd cxDlains $e memins ol rhc &la md rc1ars ihe to
fsuhsolt.ldd shdies md ro re rheoreric.t lmework or conccplual

Bclorc inErpre or is madc. however, the dah nNi tus be

pftscnre{l i. releEnce b orher rolm r}ar make ii
casy lorihe resmh to scs paiterns, hnds, rclftionships, whichaid:rhe
Susg.ned Si.p6 in Irt.rpErine D,h
I Review objstives, hyporhsi! ind rheorec.l/con(epruaL
lramewo* and us th.c ic qiae
Descibe rhe d.ta Orher than the usuar way ol poi.ring oLr
percentases rhe re*dher may be described using fracrions or
Btios to avoid monorony The nrio is nore appropnaie when
ium6$ ro be rcponed are small
In desribinE @d int rprdin8 dda, a re*archer nay tucus on
*reme number (hi8he$ or lowe$), especially when ihe nunbes
EnuBsatinE rhe rlbulared daia in ihe rexr
sholld bc avoided In some ca;es. absence olmeniion oace@in
carcgories i5 rls msniutul
The dara seNe as slppoaing lea ro the rd,
rhu! rhe rable mui
bc placed afttrlherd lhar prcsena and ideryfta ihe data i. rhe
r.ble I]1c iumber ofrhe hble where the d0ra bein8 desorlbed or
diss!.d r. found mu* be reter.d ro
In iidpreriig.rcs labularcd data, rhe re*archer should desribe
or dsos the vaiirble in .elation ro ihe indepeidenr

Il a hyporhss is being re$ed, n should bs sraied rhar the

hypoihesis is enhs Ejeded or ior retecred one nay aho nate rhai
'the nndings suppon, or do no! sppon the hyporhesis thar "
genenliz ion mu$ be suppoftn 6y ihe dala froo rhc rablc
Stodies wnh rhsdical/concepilal iiamewoik mu$ $ow vhdfler
o. Dor thc data suppod rhe rheory used lfihe restsh oaihe suny
doe. noi Lppon'he r.-oD
theory from rhe dara or rhe daia may .l1ow lor modilicaiions i'r ihe

The findin$ of rclared $udies should be comDaftd wnh lhe r.sulis

oarhe sudy Ans s ro rhe aolrowiiS que$iois on sese a! a
guide in dara inrerpretdioi: Do rhe findiDEs onradid or suppoft
fiidingsofprevious $udies? whar re ihe co.radidions, whar
d- esso's fo" -co1.,0."o c
Eunple or D.h an.btu ht rpr.r,non
M& M.di, itposuF &d D.rhq;frftud6
Th. d s.n Tabl( I lhw tr loe driodrv,6t perce , of.he co.e8e
rudenk \.rn hi* m63 d{ir *potue md Deior driilds b"udr
d,t4. qh'k rhe md ery of l}N wirh to* dedia.xpoure (o) pef,u
d rud* rryards drrioc M6s medh *poue b re.aEn
ro berat ddinc,toiude! orcolege fio@ in fle ftstr otrhe
dl4'e also an65 ro Lht &d 'I1E cb sE. r.d E {alni.rl\
,3n,6dr 'es,dr d.001 l*el. lnu!,troqnr rd r,F rej4ioo ot,he.Ji
t)porheqs lt (m be oedu..d rrftrorerhar md$ n.dnm&E,Bs(
016 alirldc roMos @r4 rhB mmr rt u. moE.;Gd 6rros.,
ee b @s media, 1is moie libeal UEir din]dcj iomrds ddins The
ofrhB rtodv suppodr rhr lnorBr anda,ctl!.ons otdetr(a/
'icuk ) Nda, rtoo7, md Hower (ts3e^
/106 al, o, w\(h .hos .hd
evotue to frss media iifluoG ihe ariiudes ofu indiridurl This
ojnms lhe tudpoinr of dE lDponentr oI tne CdS"iriFc€rllh thsry
Btrch *plldr6 q\m.m.r *ds a enq (otre m motdi,!
.nitudB 'ir rte
d b.bsvior of hdivdu
Table I Di$iburion of Rspondenb According ro r€!@ of Mas M€d,e

Exed ofM.dt!
'l here some dala or infomtion shich omot be qmnied or
mb41( aruly,rd in their qualiunve lom
Exmptes olthese da6 Ee
belicrs, aBirud; 3nd perceprios, cspeidl, resardi.s delicaE subj@B
.ol'e.rd J s qJi ' d"c
30p"" . ., " -drpu o're 'rnE\'or i D'
rolCD de sullrlMiTed'
.,-"o' Teod d de. No.E'113ld!r'.'e4J?d ro'
Onaliiaiivc dara supplemeni ro quoiitdive dara dd
rhey caralso po de debil to (he slaiitical daG addtfsis

di'.. qok o.h'

": ' 'n. .ded 'n ' '-.po'dcfl
d rl) U.oue
', o \.
infommt c be diredly quor.d and inchded in thE di$nsion
t eire -.oloi d life- 1o th. dara

An *c.rpi frob . qr.litntiv.:iudY

Donesiic viol.trc. Anonq Mru id Wom.n Age itr Region \aI

"Physi€l sbuse experie.ed by !h. lictitr, includcs ptvsical

r$dulr" such s barinE, boxirg, slalling, andhitiing. I!olien lery6
luks on $e s
bo'ly whict whd visihlo produ;es
Dsychologicd etrecL One koy infomul rcraled lhd whm h.r
husbDd gcs diunl he wuld 6ar he. To avoid emhmr$me fic
lollosnrg dar. she would Dur on thicka nul.-up io hide the
brukes lo avoid enbarssmen! sbe avoids pmple, evo h{
cloEi liicnds " She lurthr dplains rhat If ny husband b€at qe I
s6v at home e followins day and EIN 10 see people, b.cue I m
oshamed. ll sonm norices nJ hnises, I would say rhat L\cs sere
woRKsuoP 10

W e rhe specinc obtecriyesof yourrropos.dshd,

2 win. de hrlolh*esollour sudy (ityouhaveanv).

Lis! rhe rtuiables sni.h \o,,

d shburion. 4d Lhose 6rsh.h

List L\e Daih ofvdabtes. rhe relarioNhip betue.n lvtrich

io deEmine I]1en i.diciic whar sEtisics you proDosc
me urc hi L\iskn.emddeseeotcl oahiDbdurn

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