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_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close
%g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ));
Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorWhite ), styleNoTitle |
ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() );
_SECTION_BEGIN("ARIMA-Intra Rajat Dutta");
//Vwap &n OHLC of First 15 Minutes
NewDay = Day() != Ref(Day(),-1);
DayH = ValueWhen(NewDay, TimeFrameGetPrice("H", in15Minute, 0));
DayL = ValueWhen(NewDay, TimeFrameGetPrice("L", in15Minute, 0));
DayC = ValueWhen(NewDay, C);
ATP = (DayH+DayL)/2;
//Plot (VWAP, "Vwap",colorGreen, ParamStyle("Style"));
//Plot (ATP, "ATP",colorGold, ParamStyle("Style"));
//Critical Values)
x = (DayH-DayL)+(0.618*(DayH-DayL));
y = (DayH-DayL)+x;
//Entry & Exit Prices
LongEntry = ATP+x;
LongExitOne = LongEntry + (DayH-DayL);
LongExitTwo = LongEntry + x;
LongExitThree = LongEntry + y;
LongExitFour = LongExitThree + y;
LongReversal = LongEntry - (DayH-DayL);
ShortEntry = ATP-x;
ShortExitOne = ShortEntry - (DayH-DayL);
ShortExitTwo = ShortEntry - x;
ShortExitThree = ShortEntry - y;
ShortExitFour = ShortExitThree - y;
ShortReversal = ShortEntry + (DayH-DayL);
//Plotting of Lines
Plot(LongEntry, "LongEntry",colorTurquoise,styleLine);
Plot(LongExitOne, "LT1",colorBlack,styleLine);
Plot(LongExitTwo , "LT2",colorWhite,styleLine);
Plot(LongExitThree , "LT3",colorGold,styleLine);
Plot(ShortEntry , "ShortEntry",colorTurquoise,styleLine);
Plot(ShortExitOne , "ST1",colorBlack,styleLine);
Plot(ShortExitTwo , "ST2",colorWhite,styleLine);
Plot(ShortExitThree , "ST3",colorGold,styleLine);
Plot(LongReversal, "LongReversal",colorBrightGreen,styleLine);
Plot(ShortReversal, "ShortReversal",colorRed,styleLine);
Plot(ATP, "ATP",colorGrey40,styleLine);

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