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Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees

November 8, 2017

Members Present: Marie Black

Dr. Imogene Mixson
Marian Jenkins
Beverly Raley

Also Present: Sandra Holmes, Library Director

Joni Wood, Administrative Assistant

Absent: Jewnita Clark

Marie called the meeting to order at 9:10am.

Remarks by Chairman. We have four promises for the fundraising committee: Katrina Haynes
– Skipperville, A.P. Hoffmann – Midland City, Teresa King – Newton, and Brenda Simechak –
Ozark. Marian says Lillie Jarmon and Joyce Burroughs are also promises. Beverly suggested to
add Jenny Richie as well to the list. Pat Walker is removed from the list because she is a Friends
member. Kathy Brogden and Berta Blackwell won’t be able to serve on the committee.

Minutes from September. Imogene moved to have the September minutes approved and
Beverly seconded. All were in favor and the motion passed.

Circulation/Financial Reports. Per the Director’s reports, circulation is down, but numbers in
electronic use and computers is going up. In the Spring, we will probably begin deleting books.
Financially, we have some money left over, but it is not enough to last until we receive funds
from the City or County. As such, we will request funds from the City to help. Overall, we are
financially fine.

Old Business.
A. Library Update.
B. Reappointment of Marian Jenkins. Thank you Marian for accepting your
reappointment to the Board.
C. Christmas Luncheon. The date was set for December 4th at 10:30am; however, after
further discussion, the time has been changed to 12pm.
D. Dialogues on the Experience of War. The first meeting is the 2nd week of January and it
continues through the 2nd week of March. The notices and advertisements for it were sent
out at the end of October. The dialogues focus on WWII and the European and Pacific
Theatres, as well as the Homefront.

New Business.
A. Go Fund Me Account. We’re getting it setup and it should be live by the end of this
B. Friends separate account for donations. We want to setup an Army Aviation Center
Federal Credit Union (AACFCU) account for GoFundMe and keep it separate from the
other bank accounts. AACFCU requires us to have the Library Board minutes stating we
are allowing the account to be setup for the Friends of the Library and the Friends need to
have in their minutes that state the same. Additionally, we need to have 4 signatures – 2
from the Library Board and 2 from the Friends of the Library Board. From the Library
Board, Marie Black and Dr. Imogene Mixson will be the signers to open the account.

Marian motioned to establish an Army Aviation Center Federal Credit Union managed by
the Friends of the Library for the purpose of the GoFundMe account and the new
building fund. Beverly seconded. All were in favor and the motion passed.

C. Resolution of Auman fund donations. A look into the accounting records resolved the
question of how the donations were being spent; however, an additional amendment to
the original agreement may be necessary. The money is all there and accounted for and
we’ll take it only further if we are contacted by a lawyer.
D. No Meeting in December. There will be no meeting in December.
E. Christmas Bonuses for Employees. The bonus would be $100. Dr. Imogene moved to
give the Christmas Bonuses and Marian seconded. All were in favor and the motion

The meeting was adjourned at 10:10am, and the next meeting will be held on January 10,

Respectfully submitted by _________________

Approved by Secretary _________________

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