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22 A club project on display at Milwaukee's airport museum N OCTOBER 1990, George Hardie, historian with the Mitchell Gallery of Flight Museum in Milwaukee's airport, thought it would be a great idea to have a model display of aircraft involved in Operation Desert Shield. Georg turned to the Richard I. Bong chapter of the International Plastie Modelers Soci ety for help. With interest running high on the military buildup in the Persian ‘ulf region, 14 club members volunteered for a piece of the project FSM Senior Editor Paul Boyer coordinated the effort and designed the display First, he decided on 1/72 seale since it had the best selection of kits of the aircraft involved. It was important that the display be set up quickly, so a Mareh 1, 1991, deadline was established. Models already in the collections of members were drafted to help speed things along, but that left 20 of the 36 models to be built At the club's December 1990 meeting, the kits were handed out and work be gan, By the deadline, Desert Shield had become Desert Storm and most of the models were finished. On March 9, Paul and club member Al Jones installed the models in a beautiful glass-topped case, then suspended a Heller E-3A Sentry AWACS) and Italeri C-130 overhead. Typeset labels inform the museum visitor of each airplane's designation, name, ait foree, and mission. Club members who participated in the project are Matt Cords, Chuck Davis, FSM artist Steve Davis, Allan Jones, Brian Kawezynski, Dan Lewis, Dave Ligman, Dennis Moore, John Plzak, Allen Ranier, Dave Schemel,’ Larry Schramm, Les Walezak, Ross Whitaker, and Dean Wonser FSM FineScale Modeler (Top) Operation Desert Storm aircraft in 172 seule are on di play at the Mitchell Gallery of Flight Museum at Milwaukee's ‘airport terminal. The 36 aircraft models are labeied to inform ‘museum visitors of each aircraft's designation and mission. (Above from left) Dave Schomel’s Italeri F.144.~ Tomeat looks ready to defend the fleet. Hasegawa's low-visibility EA-6B Prowler was built by John Pleak. Paul Boyer took a stab at the mysterious U.S. Marine sand and brown desert colors with his Hasegawa OV-10A Bronco. Matt Cords built this Ialeri F-15E Strike Eagle and used the latest RepliScale decal sheet for the 4th TFW markings. Al Jones built laleri's AV-SB Harrier und painted it in the two-tone gray: scheme used in the Gulf War. British Desert Sand was applied to this Airfix Buccaneer S2B by Ross Whitaker. (ight) Since they wouldn't fit in the 7° 9" by 2 6° case, the E-84 Sentry and C-130H Hercules were suspended from the ceiling by fishing line. September 1991 23 ‘Saudi Arabi This lineup of Marine AH-1Ws Super Cobras shows how sand was painted over the green and black. Note the three-digit num- ber an the forward fuselage and the overpainted ineignias. DOD via David H. Kiaus. 24 — FineScale Modeler Bahrain United Kingdom ‘Another group of “Whiskey” Cobras, this time with gray painted ‘ver the Field Green and black of the Land Camouflage scheme. (C5 Galaxy in typical European 1 colors.

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