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and Exercises
for Thai Students
collected and compiled by

1 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Unit 1 Nouns

คํานาม คือ คํา ที่ใชแทนชื่อคน สัตว สิ่งของ เชน student, dog, cat, house, man, etc.

คํานามแบงตามการใชได 2 แบบ คือ Countable Noun and Uncountable Noun

1. Countable Nouns (คํานามนับได)

เปนคํานามที่มีทั้งรูปเอกพจน และ พหูพจน และ ใชกับ indefinite article (a/an) ได

เชน a book เปน books

a dog เปน dogs

a pen เปน pens

a house เปน houses

2. Uncountable Nouns (คํานามนับไมได)

เปนคํานามที่มีแตรูปเอกพจน และจะใช a/an นําหนาไมได เชน

furniture bread hope salt air

sleep sugar milk snow courage

fun grass
2 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
วิธีทําใหคํานามเอกพจนกลายเปนคํานามพหูพจน ก็คือ เติม ‘s’ หรือ ‘es’ โดยมีกฏเกณฑ ดังนี้

1. เติม ‘s’ ทายคํานามเอกพจนทั่วไป ยกเวนเมื่อคํานามนั้นลงทายดวย ‘s’, ‘x’, ‘z’, ‘ch’ หรือ ‘sh’ จะเติม

‘es’ เชน

girl เปน girls fox เปน foxes

month เปน months class เปน classes

tree เปน trees wish เปน wishes

book เปน books quiz เปน quizes

2. ถาคํานามนั้นลงทายดวย พยัญชนะ + ‘y’ จะเปลี่ยน ‘y’ เปน ‘i’ แลวเติม ‘es’ เชน

lady เปน ladies fly เปน flies

duty เปน duties baby เปน babies

3. ถาคํานามนั้นลงทายดวย สระ + ‘y’ จะเติม ‘s’ เฉย ๆ เชน

day เปน days key เปน keys

boy เปน boys monkey เปน monkeys

4. ถาคํานามนั้นลงทายดวย พยัญชนะ + ‘o’ จะเติม ‘es’ เชน

hero เปน heroes tomato เปน tomatoes

potato เปน potatoes echo เปน echoes

3 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)

piano เปน pianos solo เปน solos

memo เปน memos photo เปน photos

5. ถาคํานามนั้นลงทายดวย สระ + ‘o’ จะเติม ‘s’ เชน

radio เปน radios studio เปน studios

video เปน videos

6. คํานามที่ลงทายดวย ‘f’ จะเปลี่ยน ‘f’ เปน ‘ve’ แลวเติม ‘s’

knife เปน knives shelf เปน shelves

wife เปน wives life เปน lives

half เปน halves


roof เปน roofs chief เปน chiefs

belief เปน beliefs cliff เปน cliffs

4 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
7. คํานามผสม (Compound Nouns) ที่เขียนโดยมีเครื่องหมาย – คั่นกลาง จะเติม ‘s’ ที่คําแรก เชน

mother-in-law เปน mothers-in-law

passer-by เปน passers-by

lady-in-waiting เปน ladies-in-waiting

maid-of-honor เปน maids-of-honor


(1) คํานามบางคําเมื่อเปนพหูพจนจะเปลี่ยนรูปไปเลย (ไมเติม ‘s’ หรือ ‘es’) ไดแก

man เปน men tooth เปน teeth

woman เปน women goose เปน geese

child เปน children mouse เปน mice

foot เปน feet louse เปน lice

(2) คํานามบางคําที่มาจากภาษาลาติน/กรีก จะมีรูปพหูพจนตามแบบภาษาดั้งเดิม ไดแก

crisis เปน crises datum เปน data

basis เปน bases criterion เปน criteria

thesis เปน theses agendum เปน agenda

analysis เปน analyses

5 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)

(1) คํานามบางคําคงรูปเดิม เมื่อเปนเอกพจน/พหูพจน ไดแก

species Chinese

fish Japanese

sheep Swiss

deer Series

He gave a series of lectures.

There are several series of programmes.

I caught a fish.

They caught several fish.

(2) คํานามบางคําเมื่อใชในความหมาย “ชื่อวิชา” จะมีความหมายเปนเอกพจน ใชคํากริยาเอกพจนแตเมื่อใชในความหมายของ

สวนประกอบของกิจกรรม จะเปนพหูพจน ไดแก

mathematics economics

statistics politics

Statistics is very interesting.

These statistics are useful.

6 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
(3) คําสมุหนาม (Collective Nouns) ประเภท ‘class, group, family, committee, club, company’

จะใชในความหมายเปน หนึ่งหนวย จะใชกริยาเอกพจน และเมื่อใชในความหมายของแตละอยางหรือสมาชิกแตละคน


The committee has produced its final report.

The committee are celebrating their victory.

คํานามที่มีรูปพหูพจน (ลงทายดวย “s”) แตมีความหมายเอกพจน

คํานามที่เปนชื่อโรค ชื่อเกมส หรือ ขาวจะลงทายดวย “s” แตถือเปนเอกพจน ไดแก

news measles mumps

dominoes darts

เชน No news is good news.

Mumps is not common in England.

Dominoes is my favorite game.

คํานามที่มีรูปเอกพจน แตมีความหมายพหูพจน

people clergy

police the rich

cattle the poor

เชน They are poor people.

The police have arrested the thieves.

Those cattle are the best.

7 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
คํานามนับไมไดในความหมายพหูพจน จะเติมคําที่บอกจํานวนหรือปริมาณลงไป แตกริยาเปนเอกพจนเสมอ เชน

a large amount of a lot of

a great deal of a little

plenty of a bit of

lots of some

เชน Lots of time is wasted.

I’ve got a little money; it should be enough to live on.

There is still a lot of snow.

8 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)

A. จงทําใหรูปพหูพจนของคํานามในวงเล็บ

1. I am proud of my (son-in-law)__________.

2. I have been here for three (day) __________.

3. She has just finished her (song) __________.

4. I think we need two (radio) __________.

5. Those were their (watch) __________.

6. Have you seen those (ox) __________?

7. Whose (knife) __________are these?

8. These (photo) __________are mine.

9. My (foot) __________really hurt!

10. We saw several (deer) __________in the park.

B. Make these sentences plural.

1. A dog is an animal.


2. A potato is a vegetable.


3. A girl likes a sweet.


4. A teacher is a man or a woman.


5. A fly is an insect.

9 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
6. A dog hates a cat.


7. A student is not always good.


8. A cow gives milk.


9. We can make a cake with flour, milk and an egg.


10. A mother is kind to a little child.


11. A box has a lid.


12. A chicken is a bird.


13. A chair is made of wood.


14. We fill our pen with ink.


15. A writer writes a book.


16. A picture is pretty.


17. We can read a book.

10 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
18. A garden had a tree.


19. We drink tea out of a cup.


20. An apple grows on a tree.


21. A boy likes a game.


22. An eye is blue or brown.


23. A fish can swim.


24. A pencil is like a pen.


25. A cat eats meat.

11 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
C. จงเขียน C หนาคํานามที่นับได และ U หนาคํานามที่นับไมได

1. ________advice

2. ________animal

3. ________tomato

4. ________intelligence

5. ________freedom

6. ________hero

7. ________gold

8. ________cup

9. ________garden

D. จงขีดเสนใตคํากริยาที่ถูกตองในวงเล็บ

1. Politics (is, are) Pom’s field of study.

2. Your trousers (is, are) brown.

3. The news (depresses, depress) me.

4. The police (has, have) arrested the criminals.

5. Here (is, are) two answers.

6. Measles (is, are) dangerous.

7. The rich (is, are) lucky.

8. There (is, are) 150 species of butterfly.

9. How many fish (is, are) there in the pond?

1 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Unit 2 Prounouns


หมายถึง คําที่ใชแทนคํานาม หรือ คําที่ใชแทนชื่อคน สัตว หรือสิ่งของ แบงเปน 7 ประเภท คือ

ประธาน กรรม Possessive Pronoun Reflexive Pronoun

I me mine myself
We us ours ourselves
You you yours yourselves(yourself)
He him his himself
She her hers herself
It it its itself
They them theirs themselves
One one one’s oneself
2 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)

A. จงขีดเสนใตคํา pronoun.

1. The dog chased its tail and finally caught it.

2. The painter prepared his brushes, and then he finally got to use them.

3. Teachers and students agreed that they had the same interests.

4. Extraction of a wisdom tooth can cause great pain if it is impacted.

5. Zebras are prized for the beauty they display.

6. The doctor removed John’s tonsils when he was five years old.

7. Ruth is bound to sell some antiques if she tries long enough.

8. Two atomic bombs ended World War II, but they are still discussed today.

9. San Francisco is a beautiful city; it is near to New York.

10. The state of Vermout imposes heavy income taxes when it needs funds.

B. จงเปลี่ยนคําที่ขีดเสนใตใหเปนสรรพนามใหถูกตอง

1. Mary is diligent. Mary studies her lessons every night.

2. John and Mary study in the same class. John and Mary are classmates.

3. Helen and I are neighbors. Helen and I live next to each other.

4. Jack is a good student. Jack never goes to school late.

5. Monty is Mary’s dog. Monty is an Alsatian.

3 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
C. จงเติมคําตอไปนี้ลงในชองวางใหถูกตอง “I, we, you, he, she, they, it”

1. Tom and I are friends. ___________ go to the same school. He goes to school by car.

___________ go by bus. Helen and Mary are sisters. __________have a dog. Helen likes

________ but Mary doesn’t. __________ always teases it.

2. Jim: Where do ___________ live?

Suda: _______________live in Chiengmai.

Jim: Where do your parents live?

Suda: __________live in Lampang.

3. Tom: Where is Somsak?

Winai: __________ is in the library with Pramote. __________ are studying for the exam


4. Customer: How much are these birds?

Shopkeeper: ____________are 50 baht each.

Customer: And what about this one?

Shopkeeper: 100 bath. __________ is a nice bird and ________ sings beautifully.
4 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
D. จงเติมคําตอไปนี้ลงในชองวางใหถูกตอง me, you, us, him, her, them, it

1. Mrs. Smith is very kind. She is our neighbor. She likes my sister and __________. Yesterday

she gave _________ some cookies and we thanked _________.

2. John: Do you know _________?

Som: I know ________ but I don’t know his wife. I’ve never met _______.

3. Mary: What will you buy for Jim and Jane?

Susan: I will buy some presents for ________. I will buy a tennis racket and I will buy

________ a beautiful doll.

4. Mary: What did your father give ___________ on your birthday?

Suda: He gave __________a bicycle.

5. Jack: Where are Wichai and Danai?

Wimon: I don’t know. Why do you want to see ________?

Jack: I want to tell ___________ good news.

5 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
คํา Pronoun

หมายถึง คําที่ใชแทนคํานาม หรือ คําที่ใชแทนชื่อคน สัตว หรือสิ่งของ แบงเปน 7 ประเภท คือ

1. Personal Pronoun 2. Possessive Pronoun

3. Reflexive Pronoun 4. Indefinite Pronouns

5. Relative Pronoun 6. Demonstrative

7. Other Pronouns

Personal Pronoun คือ คําสรรพนามที่ใชแทนคน สัตว และสิ่งของ แบงเปน 2 สวน คือ

A. สรรพนามที่ใชเปนประธาน ของประโยค เชน

I am a student. She has four brothers.

We are boys. They go to school.

You have three pens. It has two legs.

He has ten dogs.

B. สรรพนามที่ใชเปนกรรม ตามหลังกริยาและตามหลังบุพบท เชน

Mary likes me. I will see her tomorrow.

I told him a story. Did you see the snake? Yes. I saw it.

Helen bought a big cake for us. Tom dislikes them.

6 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Possessive Pronoun

คือ คํานามที่แสดงความเปนเจาของทําหนาที่ไดทั้งเปนประธานและกรรม ไดแก mine, yours, his, hers, theirs,

ours, its เชน

That is your book; this is mine.

This is my bag. Where is yours?

Are those your clothes? No, they are his.

I parked my car behind hers.

My parents work in Bangkok. Theirs work in Phuket.

Can I borrow your pen? Yours works better than mine.

These pictures are ours.

7 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)

In the following sentences, supply the missing personal and impersonal pronouns as shown in

the examples.

Example: The governor signed the proclamation.

She signed it.

1. Has the cat made a mess of dinner again?

Has ________ made a mess of dinner again?

2. No one but John can do that job properly.

No one but _______ can do that job properly.

3. Franklin and Eleanor Poosevelt had several children.

__________ had several children.

4. Your view of London and my view differ widely.

Your view of London and________differ widely.

5. Do you know when Dubliners was first published?

Do you know when ________ was first published?

6. Does this book belong to Norman and Susie?

Does this book belong to ____________?

7. Whatever preference you may have, there is a suitable wine.

Whatever your preference, there is a wine suitable for ________.

8. Was the portrait of his wife?

Was the portrait of _________?

9. Jane was instructed to give the paper to no one but Joe.

Jane was instructed to give the paper to no one but_________

8 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Reflexive Pronoun

คือ คําสรรพนามที่แสดงใหเห็นถึงการกระทํานั้นเกิดขึ้นแกตนเอง ไดแก myself, himself, herself, itself,

yourself (yourselves), ourselves, themselves

A. สรรพนามประเภทนี้ใชเมื่อประธานและกรรมเปนตัวเดียวกัน ในกรณีนี้สรรพนามพวกนี้จะทําหนาที่เปนกรรม ของกริยา

หรือบางครั้งจะตามบุพบท เชน

I cut myself.

He shaved himself.

They blamed themselves for the accident.

She spoke to herself.

Make yourself at home.

Take care of yourselves.

We enjoyed ourselves very much.

The dog got up and stretched itself.

B. สรรพนามประเภทนี้ใชเพื่อเนนวาประธานเปนผูทํากริยานั้น ๆ หรือบางครั้งอาจใชเนนกรรม เชน

I opened the door myself.

She herself told me the news.

He himself says so.

He says so himself.

I spoke to the students themselves.

She likes the diamond itself but not the setting.

We should see the house ourselves.

9 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)

A. จงเติมคําตอไปนี้ลงในชองวางใหถูกตอง myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, themselves, ourselves,


1. A: Don’t exercise too much. You will hurt ______________.

B: Don’t worry. I will stop now. I don’t want to hurt ___________.

2. A: May is very proud of _____________. She has got an A in Physics.

B: John is very proud of ________ too. He has got an A in Geography.

3. A: Did you eat all those oranges ___________?

B: Yes, they were very good.

4. A: Who painted your house?

B: We painted our house ___________.

5. A: Why do you think that Mrs. Jones is crazy?

B: It’s because she often talks to ___________.

6. A: Are Susan and Carol going out for dinner with us?

B: No, they are going to fix dinner by _____________.

7. The dog got up and stretched _____________.

8. Gary helped ______________ to another large piece of cake.

9. You owe ______________ a long vacation.

10. Our wishes ______________are to blame for our faults.

11. Nancy washed ______________ in the stream.

12. I usually give ______________ the benefit of the doubt; doesn’t one always give_____________

the same advantage?

13. God helps those who help ______________.

14. After each meal, Louise blesses ______________.

15. You should stop fooling ______________ about your health.

16. Mr. Sauders made ______________ successful through hard work.

10 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
17. Pam taught ______________ Spanish and French.

18. We are forcing ______________ to lose weight.

19. You should not blame ______________ for what went wrong.

20. She ______________will end up hurting.

21. Many a writer has found ______________ at loose ends after completing her first novel.

22. The town was ruining ______________ by permitting neighboring towns to discharge waste into

its sewage system.

11 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
B. Choose the best answer.

1. Any student who does not do __________homework will be punished.

a) his b) their c) her d) one’s

2. They went to visit a friend ________________in Chieng Mai.

a) of my b) of us c) of them d) of their

3. Some of the boys are in the room, but where are ____________?

a) other b) the others c) the other d) another

4. ____________ children like watching TV.

a) Almost b) The most c) Most of d) Most

5. As my bicycle was broken, I borrowed __________.

a) John b) John’s one c) John’s d) one of John

6. “Would you like to come to the cinema with me tonight?”

“Thank you, but I am very tired. We should go ____________time.”

a) other b) the other c) at other d) another

7. Your composition is too short. Write _________ page or two.

a) other b) another c) others d) the other

8. The manager wanted to see John and __________.

a) me b) I c) mine d) my

9. “Paul has a knife.”

“Don’t let him cut ___________”

a) himself b) itself c) him d) self

10. “Wantana can’t find her umbrella.”

“Is this red one___________?”

a) of her b) her’s c) hers d) her

11. “Is your new dress blue?” Yes, it’s ____________.

a) my b) my one c) of mine d) mine

12 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
12. She lent her pen to _________ girl.

a) another b) the other c) the one d) others

13. Say what type _______ of them is.

a) all b) some c) each d) most

14. When I was in Phuket, I saw a good friend of _________.

a) they b) me c) her d) yours

15. Which girl is your daughter?”

“ _________ with a pony tail.”

a) The one b) One c) She d) Another

16. ____________of my sisters is a nurse.

a) Other b) Others c) One d) Ones

17. I prefer red roses to yellow ___________.

a) others b) one c) anothers d) ones

18. The twins look alike. It is difficult to tell one from __________.

a) the other b) other c) others d) one

19. My seat is next to __________of the chairman.

a) this b) that c) those d) one

20. Why did you do __________ to me?

a) one b) these c) this d) those

21. Which do you want to give me, this or ___________?

a) one b) another c) this d) that

22. I gave him some of my books in exchange for some of ____________.

a) his b) her c) them d) your

23. Peter shaves ___________every day.

a) him b) myself c) himself d) oneself

13 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
24. She bought _________ a new dress.

a) herself b) myself c) himself d) itself

25. The two sisters love each ____________.

a) another b) one c) others d) other

26. The teacher was pleased because __________of her students failed the test.

a) all b) some c) most d) none

27. I have to go shopping because there’s _____________left in the refrigerator.

a) something b) nothing c) everything d) anything

28. Excuse me, Mr. Johns __________wants to see you now.

a) somebody b) nobody c) one d) none

29. He is very sad because he thinks that ___________ loves him.

a) somebody b) everybody c) nobody d) anybody

30. __________of the boys has a lot of toys.

a) All b) Most c) Some d) Each

31. The babies hurt ___________ when they fell.

a) itself b) themselves c) himself d) ourselves

32. __________ of us like Winai.

a) Each b) One c) All d) Every

33. __________ hopes that I will certainly come.

a) Everyone b) All c) Some d) Most of them

34. ___________ of the oranges I bought are sweet.

a) Each b) Every c) One d) Most

35. Anne didn’t tell ________ about her secret.

a) someone b) anyone c) no one d) none

36. Did you say ______________ to Mr. Jones about our plans?

a) any b) anything c) nothing d) all

14 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
37. _____________ knows a thing about this except you and me.

a) No one b) Anyone c) Some d) Many

38. My mother bought two dresses for me, but I didn’t want ___________ of them.

a) all b) neither c) either d) some

39. Those two books are interesting. I want to buy ________ of them.

a) neither b) all c) some d) both

40. You can ask Somchai or Winai. I think ________ of them can help you.

a) either b) neither c) none d) all

15 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Indefinite Pronouns

หมายถึง สรรพนามที่ไมเฉพาะเจาะจง ใชกับกริยารูปเอกพจนเสมอ

A. everybody, everyone, everything

Everybody likes you.

Everyone is ready.

Tell me everything about it.

B. somebody, someone, something

There’s someone at the door.

Somebody gave me this old book.

There’s something on the floor.

C. Each

Each of the boys wants this toy.

He wants to speak to each of us.

D. anybody, anyone, anything

Does anyone know that man?

Would anybody like a drink?

Don’t you have anything for me to do?

I don’t like anything here.

I didn’t see anybody there.

E. nobody, no one, nothing

Nobody likes him.

I want nothing from you.

No one will come here tomorrow.

16 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
F. either, neither, each, every

Either of these boys will help you.

Neither of these two girls is my sister.

Every car needs petrol.

Each student has a bag.

Take either half.

Neither book gives the correct answer.

17 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)

A. Choose the best answer.

1. A: Why is Dara sad?

B: It’s because _______ likes her.

a) nothing b) everyone c) anything d) no one

2. A: Where are you going?

B: I’m going to the drugstore. Do you want me to buy _________ for you?

a) anybody b) anything c) nothing d) everything

3. A: Is there _________ to eat here?

B: No. You have to go to a restaurant.

a) nothing b) either c) anything d) neither

4. A: Which book do you want?

B: _________ of them. Both are good.

a) Either b) Neither c) Every d) Nothing

5. We are sorry. There’s _________ that we can do to help you.

a) something b) anything c) nothing d) no one

6. __________ room in this hotel has a private bathroom.

a) Every b) Either c) Neither d) No one

7. I am hungry. Give me ______________ to eat.

a) nothing b) something c) neither d) either

8. The teacher invited _________ student in his class to his birthday party.

a) every b) neither c) either d) each

9. A: Why was she angry with her two sisters?

B: __________ of them helped her with her homework.

a) Either b) No one c) Neither d) Each

18 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
10. A: Why is Tom lucky?

B: His uncle loves him and buys ________ that he wants for him.

a) nothing b) everything c) something d) each

19 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
B. Choose the best answer to fill in the banks. no one, anyone, everyone, nothing, everything,

anything, something, someone.

1. A: Is there anyone in Room 543?

B: No, there isn’t __________ in Room 543, but there’s ____________ in Room 544.

2. A: Is there ___________ I can buy for you in the town?

B: Yes, I want some writing paper.

3. A: Who can mend my watch?

B: I’m sorry. ___________ here can mend your watch.

4. A: What shall we do this evening?

B: There’s ___________ to do this evening. We have finished all our work.

5. A: Is there __________ here who wants to play tennis?

B: Yes, Jack wants to play tennis.

6. A: Did you buy anything here?

B: No, I didn’t like __________ here.

7. A: Carol will bring _______________for you to drink.

B: That’s good. I’m very thirsty.

8. A: Why do you always come to this shop?

B: It sells __________.

9. A: Who can take Sally to the airport?

B: There isn’t ___________ here who can take her there. __________ here has a car.

10. A: Who went to her birthday party last night?

B: ____________ did. She is a popular girl.

20 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
C. Choose one of the following words to fill in the banks. Each, every, either, neither

1. A: Which of those two houses did Bill buy?

B: He bought ________________of them. They were too expensive.

2. A: Which of the two books will you choose?

B: I won’t choose ______________ of them. They are not interesting.

3. A: Why is Mr.Ross happy?

B: It’s because ______________ of his students has passed the test.

4. __________ student here has to wear a uniform.

5. A: We saw everything in the city.

B: Did you see ___________ museum?

A: Yes, we saw every one of them.

6. A: Can I invite Susan, or must I invite Kathy?

B: You can invite _________of them. Both of them are nice.

7. A: Do you prefer the blue car or the red one?

B: I prefer _____________of them. There are ugly.

8. ___________ girl in this class is studying hard.

21 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Relative Pronoun

คือ สรรพนามที่ใชเปนเสมือนตัวเชื่อม ไดแก who, whom, whose, which, what, where, when, why, that

Who (ผูซึ่ง) ใชแทนนามที่เปนบุคคล และบุคคลนั้นตองเปนผูกระทําดวยจึงจะใช who ไปเปนสรรพนาม เชน

He is the postman who brings a letter for us at home.

The boy who studies hard can pass the examination easily.

Whom (ผูซึ่ง) ใชแทนนามที่เปนบุคคล และเมื่อไปแทนแลว Whom อยูในฐานะเปนผูถูกกระทําตลอดไป เชน

This is the student whom his teacher punished.

The singer whom I saw at Chicago is Michael Jackson.

Whose (ผูซึ่ง…ของเขา) ใชแทนนามที่เปนบุคคล เพื่อแสดงความเปนเจาของของนามที่ตามหลัง และ ใหสังเกตไวดวยวา

หลัง whose ตองมีนามเสมอ เชน

John is the boy whose father died in the war.

The girl whose mother has gone to Japan is my cousin.

Which, that (ที่, ซึ่ง) ใชแทนนามที่เปนสัตว, สิ่งของ ทั้งในรูปที่เปนประธานและกรรมไดทั้งนั้น เชน

The animal which/that has wings is a bird.

That is the ticket which/that I bought for you.

22 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)

A. In the following sentences, supply the missing relative pronouns as shown in this examples.

Example: The table that you refinished is standing in the study.

1. This essay, __________ is the best I can write, will surely be judged worthy of publication.

2. The story __________ I told you must not be reported.

3. Actresses __________ are good enough for the Broadway stage must surely be good enough

for regional theaters.

4. The antique of __________ you are so proud are worthless.

5. Plays __________ plots are obvious cannot hold the interest of an audience.

6. Horses __________ find their way home cannot be thought of as dumb animals.

7. My house, __________ is for sale, sits on a large plot.

8. The partners __________ signed the agreement lived to regret doing so.

9. Young men __________ you see in bars may not be spending their time wisely.

10. To __________ shall I address the letter?

23 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
B. Choose the best answer.

1. This is the school ________ I used to study.

a) where b) which c) that d) there

2. This test is for students ________________ native language is not English.

a) that b) whose c) which d) of whom

3. We saw a new play at the theatre, ___________we had supper at a restaurant.

a) after which b) which after c) then which d) and that after

4. The student ___________ lost his bag is waiting in the office.

a) what b) whose c) who d) which

5. The house _________ they live needs repairing.

a) where b) which c) whose d) what

6. The supermarket ___________ I shop does not accept checks.

a) when b) which c) that d) where

7. This is the biggest shopping center ____________ I have ever seen.

a) where b) what c) that d) whom

8. This is the only road __________ takes us to Henry’s house.

a) where b) whose c) who d) which

9. I could not understand ____________ the speaker said.

a) that b) what c) which d) whose

10. I’m going to see my uncle ____________ is in hospital.

a) who b) whom c) whose d) that

11. I have read the book __________ you lent me.

a) whom b) who c) that d) whose

12. Children _________ eat a lot of candy often get bad teeth.

a) which b) what c) who d) whom

24 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
13. The girl __________ pen you borrowed needs it.

a) what b) whose c) who d) which

14. Go and find the guests ___________ arrived here yesterday.

a) who b) whom c) which d) what

15. Look at the horses ____________ are drinking in the river.

a) whom b) who c) which d) what

16. The student ____________ father is sick does not come to school today.

a) who b) which c) what d) whose

17. I ate all the cake __________ you gave me.

a) what b) that c) when d) whom

18. My brother Tom, __________ hates fishing, will stay at home.

a) who b) whom c) that d) which

19. A man, ____________ name I have forgotten, came to see you yesterday.

a) whom b) which c) whose d) what

20. I put everything in my suitcase,_________ is under my bed.

a) what b) who c) that d) which

21. The teacher, ____________ every student is afraid of, is really very nice.

a) whose b) which c) that d) whom

22. She will go to visit her hometown, ___________ she always talks about.

a) that b) which c) whom d) where

23. This is the town ____________ I was born.

a) that b) which c) where d) when

24. I’m staying here with my eldest sister, ___________ you met last night.

a) whom b) who c) that d) which

25. The man___________ car was stolen was killed by the robbers.

a) who b) which c) what d) whose

25 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
26. Do you know Stephen King ______________ is the author of this novel?

a) who b) whom c) which d) whose

27. John lent me his new car _____________ he bought only last month.

a) what b) when c) that d) whom

28. Some of the friends ___________ did not come.

a) I invited b) I invited them

c) whom I invited them d) which I invited

29. The movie _____________ was a good one.

a) which we saw last night b) what we saw last night

c) that we saw it last night d) which we saw it last night

30. The man ______________ told the police.

a) found it b) he found it c) who found it d) who found

31. The magazine ____________ is not in the library.

a) I need it b) which I need it c) I need d) that I need it

32. The woman ____________ was young and pretty.

a) I spoke to her b) whom I spoke to her

c) I spoke to d) that I spoke

33. The key ___________ has disappeared.

a) opens the office b) it opens the office

c) that opens the office by d) that opens the office

34. The boys ____________ are very good students.

a) that you met here b) that you met them there

c) whom you met them here d) whom you met here

35. I can’t remember ____________ John told me about the accident.

a) whose b) what c) which d) who

26 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)

คําชนิดนี้ไดแก “this, that, these, those” มีหนาที่ 2 อยาง คือ

A. ใชขยายคํานาม เรียกวา “Determiner” อยูหนานาม

this และ that ใชขยายคํานามเอกพจน

these และ those ใชขยายคํานามพหูพจน

this girl these girls

this boy these boys

that student those students

that house those houses

หมายเหตุ this และ these ใชขยายคํานามซึ่งอยูใกลตัวผูพูด

that และ those ใชขยายคํานามซึ่งอยูไกลตัวผูพูด

B. ใชแบบคํานาม เรียกวา “Demonstrative Pronouns” ทําหนาที่เปนประธานและกรรม

ประธาน This is my car.

That is yours.

This is not good.

These are your shirts.

Those are mine.

กรรม I like this. I don’t like that.

I want these, but he wants those.

27 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
ใชหลัง Verb to be

What is this? It’s a calculator.

What is that? It’s a photocopier.

What is these? They are rubies.

What are those? They are parrots.

28 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)

A. จงดูวาคํา this, that, these, those ในประโยคตอไปนี้ เปน Pronoun (P) หรือ Determiner (D) เขียน P หรือ D

ไวที่ชองวาง ทายประโยค

1. This girl is pretty. ___________

2. That is Susan’s house. ___________

3. This is my father’s office. ___________

4. What is that boy doing? ___________

5. These are my books. ___________

6. What are those? ___________

7. Do you want to buy those roses? ___________

8. I don’t want to eat this. ___________

9. Those are good books. ___________

10. What is that? ___________

11. Is that man your friend? ___________

12. Are those your pens? ___________

13. These boys are diligent. ___________

14. Whose students are those girls? ___________

15. Do you want to drive that car? ___________

29 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
B. จงเติม this, that, these, those ลงในประโยคตอไปนี้

1. This is my umbrella. Is ___________ yours?

2. This is my sister. _________ are Bill’s sisters.

3. _____________ are the old typewriters. Those are the new ones.

4. What is ___________ thing in the sky? Is it a flying saucer?

5. I don’t like these vases. I like ___________ on the shelf.

6. Which will you have, these or _____________?

7. Indeed, if it were not ___________, I would not have told you.

8. I sewed a few of ___________ before I went on to ___________.

9. Let ___________ stand at best effort.

10. He decided to sell me ___________ instead of these.

11. Picture ___________ standing in your living room.

12. When you consider famous thoroughbreds of all time, it is doubtful that Secretariat would be the

___________ comes to mind.

13. We ate a little of ___________ and a little of ___________.

14. We ate a few of ___________ and a few of ___________.

15. When conditions are ___________ that Eastern Airlines closes down shuttle flights to

Washington, you know that no other airlines will be flying either.

16. ___________ who are willing to stand for office must be willing to debate in public.
30 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Other Pronouns

สรรพนามอื่นๆ ที่ควรรูจัก ไดแก both, all, none, one, ones, another, other, others

A. Both ทําหนาที่เปนทั้งสรรพนามและคุณศัพท มีความหมายวา ทั้งสอง

สรรพนาม He has two sons. Both are taller than he is.

Both of those books are mine.

I want to buy both.

คุณศัพท Both banks of the river are covered with snow.

Both boys are naughty.

I want to mail both letters.

B. All ทําหนาที่เปนทั้งสรรพนามและคุณศัพท มีความหมายวา ทั้งหมด ใชกับนามที่นับไมไดและนับไดทั้งสองอยางสําหรับนาม


สรรพนาม Is all of this money yours?

All of my brothers are good at sport.

All of us want to go.

คุณศัพท All six boys arrived late.

All oranges are not sweet.

He drank all the water that I gave him.

31 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
C. None เปนสรรพนาม แปลวา ไมมีสักอัน, ไมมีใครเลย, ไมเลย ใชไดกับทั้งคํานามที่นับไดและนับไมได

1. A: Is there any beer in the refrigerator?

B: No, there’s none left.

2. A: Why were you angry with them?

B: None of them wanted to help me.

หมายเหตุ neither หมายถึงไมใชสิ่งหนึ่งสิ่งใดในจํานวนสอง สวน none หมายถึงไมมีสักสิ่งเดียวหรือคนเดียวในจํานวน


D. One-Ones

1. One เปนสรรพนามที่ใชแทนคํานามเอกพจนที่กลาวถึงแลว

Ones เปนสรรพนามที่ใชแทนคํานามพหูพจนที่กลาวถึงมากอน

สวนใหญในกรณีนี้ one และ ones จะใชในประโยคเปรียบเทียบ หรือ ในประโยคที่เกี่ยวกับการเลือก

This chair is too low. I’ll sit in that one.

I don’t like this red car. I like that grey one.

I want these blue pens. I don’t want those red ones.

This one is better than that.

These ones are more beautiful than those.

Which one (ones) do you like best?

32 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
2. One หมายถึง หนึ่ง, คนหนึ่ง, อันหนึ่ง ทําหนาที่เปนทั้งสรรพนาม และ คุณศัพท

สรรพนาม I want to borrow one of your books.

One of the students failed the test.

One of my friends came late.

คุณศัพท I bought one kilo of oranges.

This trip will take one month.

One night there was a terrible storm.

E. Another เปนทั้งสรรพนามและคุณศัพท แปลวา อีก

สรรพนาม One student wanted to see a play.

Another wanted to go to a concert.

I don’t like this hat. Please show me another.

คุณศัพท I want another cup of tea.

She will have another child next year.

Please give me another pen.

33 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
F. Other เปนทั้งสรรพนามและคุณศัพท แปลวา อื่น, อื่น ๆ

สรรพนาม the other ใชกับ article “the” แปลวา อีกคนหนึ่ง, อีกอันหนึ่ง มีความหมายเปนเอกพจนมักจะใช

เมื่อรูจํานวนคน หรือสิ่งของแนนอน และมักใชคูกับ one

I have two sisters.

One is a teacher; the other is a nurse.

He has three bags.

One is black; another is blue. The other is brown.

คุณศัพท other ใชขยายนามทั้งที่เปนเอกพจนและพหูพจน

Where are the other boys?

The post office is on the other side of the street.

I know Wichai, but I don’t know your other sons.

G. Others-The others

Others เปนคําสรรพนาม มีความหมายวา คนอื่น ๆ, อันอื่น ๆ มักใชคูกับ some

Some students go to school by bus; others go by car.

Some are rich; others are poor.

Some people eat rice; others eat bread.

The others เปนคําสรรพนาม มีความหมายวา คนอื่น ๆ, อันอื่น ๆ ตางจาก others เพราะ the others มีความหมายเฉพาะ

เจาะจงกวา เชน

Some of my students are good at English; the others (the other students of mine) are

good at Maths.

There are twenty guests. Fifteen are here.

Where are the others(5 left)?

34 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)

A. จงเลือกคํามาเติมในชองวางใหถูกตอง

1. These apples are mine; ______________ are yours.

a) others b) the others c) both d) another

2. Some students are lazy. ___________ students are diligent.

a) Others b) The other c) Other d) All

3. There is a hotel on Rose Street. And there’s __________ hotel on Queen Street.

a) other b) others c) none d) another

4. Some people drive carefully; ____________ drive dangerously.

a) others b) the others c) another d) all

5. Some of the students here are obedient; ___________ are disobedient.

a) others b) the others c) both d) another

6. Hendry has two cars. One is blue, and _________ is white.

a) other b) the other c) both d) one

7. I have three close friends, ____________is a doctor; another is a teacher, and _________ is an


a) one – the other b) another – other c) one – none d) another – the other

8. Mary has two children. _________________are studying in my school.

a) all b) another c) others d) both

9. I wanted some string, but there was ___________ in the house.

a) one b) none c) all d) another

10. A: I have five tickets for the concert. How many of you want to go?

B: ____________ of us want to go.

a) All b) Both c) Others d) The others

35 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
11. Ed: I have 300 baht. If you need money, take ___________ of it.

Bill: Thank you.

a) none b) one c) ones d) all

12. Don: You have 500 baht. Please lend me 100 baht.

John: I’m sorry. _____________ of this money is mine.

a) all b) other c) none d) one

13. Suda: Do you want a blue pen or a red one?

Ann: I want __________.

a) both b) all c) another d) others

14. Ben: Of all these three boys, which one do you like best?

Tom: I like___________. All of them are unkind to my dog.

a) all b) none c) others d) both

B. จงเติมคําตอไปนี้ลงในชองวางใหถูกตอง one, ones, both, all, none

1. A: Have you got a red pen?

B: Yes, I’ve got _____________.

2. A: How much are these oranges?

B: Ten baht a kilo.

A: I want two kilos. Give me big juicy _____________.

3. A: Can they all speak English?

B: Yes. ___________ of them can.

4. A: Do your two brothers drink whisky?

B: Yes. ___________ of them do.

5. A: Did the four women sing?

B: No, _________of them did.

36 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก

6. A: Which of these notebooks do you want?

B: I want this yellow ___________.

7. A: Will Kanya and Wilai stay for tea?

B: Yes. ___________ of them will.

8. A: Can your three sons drive?

B: Yes. ____________ of them can.

9. A: Do those four men smoke?

B: No, ________________ of them do.

10. A: Can I have some more orange juice?

B: I’m sorry. There’s _____________ left.

1 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Unit 3 Articles

เปนคําที่ใชนําหนาคํานาม แบงเปน 2 ชนิด คือ

1. Indefinite Article

ไดแก a, an ใชนําหนาคํานามนับไดเอกพจน เพื่อแสดงจํานวน หรือทําใหคํานามนั้นมีความหมายทั่วไป ไมชี้เฉพาะ


A ใชกับคํานามนับไดเอกพจน ซึ่งขึ้นตนดวยพยัญชนะ หรือคํานามนับไดเอกพจนที่ขึ้นตนดวย สระ แตออกเสียงเหมือน

พยัญชนะ เชน

a mouse a school a book

a university a uniform a union

นอกจากนี้ a ยังใชในสํานวนเกี่ยวกับการเจ็บปวย ความถี่

to have a cold Twice a week

a headache

a fever

Once a week

An ใชกับคํานามนับไดเอกพจนซึ่งขึ้นตนดวยสระ หรือคํานามนับไดเอกพจนที่ขึ้นตนดวย พยัญชนะ “h” แตออก

เสียงเหมือนสระ เชน

An elephant An hour

An umbrella An apple
2 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)

A. Make these sentences singular, using the Indefinite Article.

1. Coats have collars.


2. Nouns are words.


3. Houses have roofs.


4. Horses are animals.


5. Balls are toys.


6. Bullocks are useful animals.


7. Boots are kinds of shoes.


8. Watches are small clocks.


9. Farmers use ploughs.


10. Roses are beautiful flowers.


11. Frenchmen are Europeans.


12. Girls wear dresses.

3 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
13. Postmen wear caps.


14. Oranges are good to eat.


1. Classrooms have blackboards.


2. Dogs are good friends to men.


17. Children are not always good.


18. There are always tables and chairs in dining - rooms.


19. Long sentences are hard for beginners.


20. Hungry boys eat large dinners.


21. Ants are insects.


22. Soldiers are brave men.


23. Pounds buy more than shillings.


24. Cities are big towns.


25. Schools are large buildings.

4 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
B. Add “a” or “an” where necessary.

1. __________ cow eats __________ grass in __________ summer.

2. I like __________ jam on __________ piece of __________ bread.

1. I can write __________ letter in __________ ink or with __________ pencil.

4. __________ milk comes from __________ cow.

5. __________ cat has __________ tail.

2. __________ cat eats __________ meat.

7. __________ ring is made of __________ gold or silver.

8. We make __________ butter and __________ cheese from __________ milk.

3. __________ cigarette is made of __________ tobacco and __________ paper.

10. __________ child must have __________ food.

11. __________ sugar is nice in __________ cup of tea.

12. We eat __________ soup with __________ spoon.

13. __________ knife is made of __________ metal.

14. __________ window is made of __________ glass.

15. __________ handkerchief is made of __________ piece of cloth.

16. __________ grass always grows in __________English field.

17. __________ chair is made of __________ wood.

18. __________ coffee is __________ drink.

19. __________ coat is made of __________ wool.

20. __________ fish swims in __________ water.

21. We can write __________ letter on __________ paper.

22. __________ piano makes __________ music.

23. __________ iron is metal.

24. __________bread is made from __________ flour, and __________flour is made from

5 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
25. __________ orange grows on __________ tree.

1. Definite Article

ไดแก the ใชนําหนาคํานามที่เฉพาะเจาะจง

Could I see the book about England?

Please give me the grapes on the table.

I have an orange and some apples. Who wants the orange?

คํานามที่ถูกกลาวถึงเปนครั้งที่สอง จะใช the นอกจากนี้ the ยังใชกับคําที่แสดงขั้นสูงสุดในการเปรียบเทียบ หรือคําที่


the best the first

the lowest the second

the most the third

หรือ the ใชกับคํานามที่มีอยูเพียงสิ่งเดียวในโลก

the world the north

the sun the east

the earth the south

the moon the west

“the” ใชกับชื่อประเทศที่มีคําวา “union, united, republic, kingdom” เชน

the Republic of Panama

the Soviet Union

the United States of America

the Kingdom of Thailand

6 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
the ใชกับเครื่องดนตรี

play the piano (the violin)

the ใชกับคํานามชื่อเฉพาะตาง ๆ พวกมหาสมุทร ชองแคบ คลอง เทือกเขา เชน

the Atlantic Ocean

the Black Forest

the Red sea

the Suez Canal

the Rocky Mountains

the Sahara Desert

the Himalayas

the ใชในสํานวนเกี่ยวกับเวลา และสถานที่ เชน

in the morning

the day before yesterday

in the bedroom

on the beach

down the stairs

the ใชกับสถานที่ หรืออนุสาวรียที่รูจักอยางดี

the Taj Mahal

the Empire State Building

the White House

the ใชกับโรงแรม, โรงหนัง

the Hilton (Hotel)

the Ambassador (Hotel)

the Fox (Theater)

the Playhouse (Theater)

7 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)

1. สําหรับคํานามชื่อเฉพาะบางอยางไมใช the เชน ชื่อสวนสาธารณะ ชื่อถนน ชื่อทวีป เปนตน เชน

Central Park Asia

Hyde Park Europe

Fifth Avenue America

2. ในสํานวนบางอยางจะไมใช the หรือ article อื่น ๆ เลย เชน

go to bed, church, work

go by bus, car, train

be at home, school, work

play football, tennis, cards

to have breakfast, lunch, dinner


A. Fill in the articles where needed.

1. ________ poor man we met yesterday had ________ little food.

2. I had ________ lunch with ________ old friend of mine near ________Lumpini Park


3. ________ chair which you are sitting on is not comfortable.

4. ________ fire which destroyed ________ building started from Dang’s room.

5. I bought ________ new hat yesterday. They said that it was ________ new style from

________ United States.

6. We had ________ dinner together at ________ good restaurant yesterday.

7. ________ Chao Praya is ________ best known river in Thailand.

8. We all had ________ good time at ________ dance last night.

9. Please open ________ windows because air in this room is not good.

10. ________ horse is ________ useful animal.

8 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
11. He painted ________ front door of his house with ________ green paint.

12. Put your bag in ________ back of ________ car.

1. ________ Indian tigers are ________ fierce animals.

2. ________cat caught ________ mouse yesterday but ________ lucky mouse escaped.

15. Which is ________ quickest way to ________ Royal Hotel?

16. Would you like ________ cup of tea and ________ cake?

3. ________ cheese and ________ butter are substances.

18. ________Alps are ________ highest mountains in ________Europe.

19. Take ________ chair and make yourself at ________ home; I shall be back in ________


4. He went to ________ bed with ________ bad cold.

B. Add “a”, “an”, “some” or “the” where necessary.

1. ________ children love ________ fruit.

2. It is pleasant to read ________ book in ________ afternoon.
3. ________ books are interesting for ________ child.
4. There is ________ garden behind ________ house.
5. I have ________ pen and ________ pencil.
6. ________ tea is very hot. I must put ________ milk in it.
7. ________ postman has just put ________ letter under ________ door.
8. You must give him ________ food and ________ cup of coffee.
9. ________ door of ________ garage is broken.
10. There are ________ beautiful flowers in ________ park.
11. I want ________ glass of ________ milk.
12. ________ student at back of ________ class is reading ________ newspaper.
13. It is not good to smoke ________ cigarette before ________ meal.
14. ________ page of ________ book is torn.
15. There is ________ fly in ________ lemonade.
16. ________ luggage is on ________ platform.
17. ________ butcher opposite ________ library always sells ________ good meat.
18. ________ cat may look at ________ king.
19. ________ donkeys are ________ stupid animals.
9 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
20. Put ________ butter on ________ potatoes.
21. I am fond of ________ apples with _______ cheese.
22. He always smokes ________ cigarette with ________ cup of ________ coffee.
1. Take________ umbrella with you to ________ office, it may rain.
2. ________ car is ready now.
25. I want ________ tin of ________ peaches, ________ sugar, and ________ pound of
________ raspberry jam.
1 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Exercise Unit3 Articles

Choose the most appropriate alternative.

1. She will be here in ___________ hour.

a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a

2. He likes __________ chess but I like __________ basketball.

a) a-a b) an-an

c) the-the d) no article needed

1. __________ elephant never forgets.

a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a

4. Have you got ___________ New York Times?

a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a

5. Do you want __________ tea?

a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a

6. This semester I’m going to study __________life of Beethoven.

a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a

7. Jack wants to learn ___________ guitar.

a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a

8. How did you like __________ film?

a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a

9. Jack was elected ___________ President for the second time.

a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a

10. He has got ___________ strange look in his eye.

a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a

11. A: What would you like to order?

B: Let me see ___________ menu first.

a) a b) some c) the d) an
2 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
12. She lives in ______________ United States now.

a) the b) a c) an d) no article needed

1. Paul likes ___________.

a) music and pretty girls b) a music and pretty girls

c) a music and a pretty girl d) music and pretty girl

2. Is ___________ Mt. Everest __________ highest peak of ______________ Himalayas?

a) the – the – the b) a – the – no article needed

c) no article needed – the – the d) no article needed – a - the

2. We’re going to ______________ work now.

a) a b) the c) no article needed d) some

2. I like John. He is ___________ honest man.

a) a b) the c) an d) no article needed

2. _________________ Englishman we met at the conference was married.

a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a

3. Have you ever been to ____________ Soviet Union?

a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a

3. ___________ always unwelcome.

a) The bad news is b) A bad news is c) The bad news are d) Bad news is

3. We stopped for ________ breakfast at a restaurant nearby.

a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a

3. I want to take _________ walk.

a) no article needed b) the c) some d) a

3. One of ___________ elephants ran away from the zoo.

a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a

3 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
23. “Raiders of the Lost Ark” is ______________ exciting film.

a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a

24. The boys will be here in ___________ few hours.

a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a

4. Many tourists come to _________ Bangkok for their holidays.

a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a

5. My father is _____________ kind and honest man.

a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a

27. ____________ Republic of Singapore is well known for her cleanliness.

a) no article needed b) The c) An d) A

28. I am going on ____________ European holiday next month.

a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a

29. The hens have laid half ____________ dozen eggs this morning.

a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a

30. Jane’s house is only_____________ hour’s drive.

a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a

31. The government will build ____________ university here.

a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a

32. Mount Everest is ____________ highest mountain in the world.

a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a

33. ___________ Chinese are hard-working people.

a) no article needed b) The c) Every d) A

34. _____________ book on that shelf is not the one I want.

a) no article needed b) The c) An d) A

35. John is __________ best runner in the school.

a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a

4 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)

36. ___________ dogs are bigger than mice.

a) no article needed b) The c) Every d) A

5. He swam across ___________ Chao Praya River.

a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a

5. ___________ swimming is a good exercise.

a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a

5. The earth goes around ___________ sun.

a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a

5. Winai and Weera will travel in __________ Europe next year.

a) a b) an c) the d) no article needed

6. I came here by ________ car.

a) the b) a c) an d) no article needed

6. __________ doctor whose clinic is next door attends his patients twice __________ day.

a) a–a b) the–no article needed

c) a–the d) the–a

6. Jane is __________ English teacher in ____________ Art Faculty.

a) no article needed–a b) the–an

c) a–no article needed d) an-the

6. __________ Erawan Hotel is one of ___________ famous hotels in Bangkok.

a) the – the b) a – the

c) the – no article needed d) no article needed – the

6. Bangkok is _________ in Thailand.

a) a large city b) the largest city c) a largest city d) large city

6. Please write out the answer at the end of _________________.

a) first chapter b) chapter one c) chapter first d) the chapter first

5 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)

47. __________ rich are often unhappier than the poor.

a) no article needed b) the c) Every d) a

48. ___________ honest is a good quality.

a) no article needed b) The c) An d) A

7. ____________ egg for breakfast is good for you.

a) Some b) The c) An d) A

50. I’ll meet you on _________ Phaya Thai Road.

a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a

51. This is __________ last show.

a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a

52. English is _________ difficult language.

a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a

53. He is collecting money for ____________ blind.

a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a

54. What ___________ lovely dress!

a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a

55. _____________ statistics is the most difficult subject for me.

a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a

56. All right, ___________ mother, I’ll do what you say.

a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a

57. I have ____________ friend who is ___________ interior designer.

a) a-a b) the-an c) the-the d) no article needed

58. Peter spoke to me in ____________ very friendly way.

a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a

59. ____________ soup tastes wonderful.

a) no article needed b) The c) an d) A

6 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)

60. Don’t talk so loud. You’ll wake___________ whole street.

a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a

7. We get up early to catch __________ early bus.

a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a

8. Jack is ___________ English teacher.

a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a

8. Mary is from ___________ Union of Africa.

a) no article needed b) the c) an d) a

9. Have you finished ______________?

a) the chapter second b) chapter second c) second chapter d) the second chapter
1 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Unit 4 Adjectives (คําคุณศัพท)


เปนคําที่ใชขยายคํานาม เพื่อบอกรายละเอียดเกี่ยวกับนามตัวนั้น เชน a beautiful girl, a useful book

The thin man can run very quickly. (เรียงไวหนานาม)

The soup smells good. (ตามหลัง verb to be, look, feel, seem, get, taste, smell, turn, go,

appear, keep, become, sound, grow, etc. โดยทําหนาที่ขยายประธาน แตวางไวหลังกริยา)

He made his wife happy. (ตามหลังคํานามที่เปนกรรม เพื่อขยายกรรม)

I have known the manager suitable for his position. (เปน Adjective Clause ขยายนาม)

คํา Adjectives สังเกตไดจากคําลงทาย ดังตอไปนี้

0. –ABLE acceptable, admirable, lovable, reliable, washable

0. –AN African, Brazilian, Asian, Russian

0. –AL historical, continual, economical, national

0. –ED blue-eyed, long-haired, open-minded, left-handed

1. –FUL careful, beautiful, wonderful

1. –IBLE possible, visible, horrible

1. –IC historic, economic, electric

1. –ISH foolish, childish, Spanish, youngish

1. –IVE destructive, attentive, attractive

1. –LESS careless, hopeless, useless

1. –LIKE childlike, godlike, businesslike

1. –LY friendly, lively, daily, yearly

1. –OUS previous, serious, continuous

1. –Y thirsty, lucky, hungry

2 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
หมายเหตุ participles ซึ่งลงทายดวย ED/ING สามารถใชเปน adjective แตความหมายจะตางกัน

เชน exciting (นาตื่นเตน) excited (รูสึกตื่นเตน)

interesting (นาสนใจ) interested (รูสึกสนใจ)

boring (นาเบื่อ) bored (รูสึกเบื่อ)

ประเภทของคํา Adjective

0. Descriptive Adjective ใชบอกลักษณะ หรือคุณภาพ เพื่อใหรูวานามนั้นมีลักษณะอยางไร

good bad tall short

black white fat thin

clever foolish poor rich

brave cowardly pretty ugly

happy sorry

The rich man lives in the big house.

A clever pupil can answer the difficult problem.

The black cat caught a small bird.

0. Proper Adjective ใชบอก สัญชาติ

English American Thai Indian

German Italian Japanese Chinese

He employs a Chinese cook.

Do you learn the French literature?

The English language is used by every nation.

3 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
3. Quantitative Adjective ใชบอกปริมาณ ความมากนอย

much many little some

any enough half great

all whole sufficient

She did not give any money to her brother.

Take great care of your health.

He ate much rice at school yesterday.

3. Numberal Adjective ใชบอกจํานวนที่แนนอน

Cardinal Numberal Adjective: One, two, three, four, five, six, …

My hand has five fingers.

Sonya wants to buy seven pens.

She gave me two apples and three mangoes.

Ordinal Numberal Adjective: First, second, third, fourth, fifth, …

Dave is the first boy to be rewarded in this school.

I am the first son of my family.

Michael won the third prize last month and the second one last week.

Multiplicative Adjective: Double, triple, fourfold,…

Some roses are double.

4 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
ตําแหนงของ Adjectives มี 2 แหง คือ

1. อยูหนาคํานาม เชน

Paul is a handsome man.

He is my old friend.

There is a beautiful house over there.

She likes a well-educated man.

ขอยกเวน :- คํา adjectives บางคําจะอยูหลังคํานามเมื่อเปนสํานวน เชนa court martial, the President elect,

the Attorney General

เมื่อมีคําประเภท someone, somebody, something, somewhere, anywhere, anyone, everything,


I feel that something terrible is going to happen.

Are you going anywhere interesting?

I like to go somewhere quiet.

1. อยูหลัง verb to be หรือ verb อื่นมีลักษณะเหมือน verb to be เชน look, sound, feel, appear, turn, etc.

He is poor but I am rich.

She looks sad.

The milk turned sour.

It sounds wonderful.

I feel asleep.
5 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
ในกรณีที่คํานามนั้นมีคํา adjective ขยายมากกวา 1 ตัว นิยมเรียงลําดับดังนี้

(1) Quantitative Adjective some, many

(2) Demonstrative Adjective this, that

(3) Possessive Adjective my, his

อยูกอน Adjective ที่บอกตัวเลข, ลักษณะ, ขนาด, สี

Look at the third modern brick house.

I have many new black picture frames.


A. จงเลือกคําคุณศัพทตอไปนี้เติมลงในชองวาง

sour sad blue-eyed

rich boring exciting

0. The thing that excites you is _______________.

0. The film was so ____________ that I feel asleep.

0. In hot weather the milk is likely to turn ______________.

0. He is poor but I am ____________.

0. What’s the matter with you? You look so ___________.

0. Mary’s eyes are blue. So, she is a ____________girl.

6 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
B. Pick out the Adjective in the following sentences.

0. The ship sustained heavy damage.

1. I have called several times.

2. Every boy goes to school.

2. Every man has his duties.

2. Say the same thing.

3. Several persons were present at the time.

3. He is a man of few words.

3. Which pen do you prefer?

3. He comes here every day.

4. He was absent last week.

4. My uncle lives in the next house.

4. Some dreams are like reality.

4. Praja won the second prize.

4. Much talk, little work.

4. I have not seen him for several days.

1 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Exercise Unit 4 Adjectives (คําคุณศัพท)

Choose the best answer.

1. Studying keeps him ____________.

a) busily b) very busily c) business d) busy

2. He is a ___________ student.

a) punish b) punishes c) punished d) punishing

3. The boy feels __________.

a) happy b) happily c) with happy d) with happily

4. Mary has extremely __________ and fine ________. She has tiny hands, but her fingers seem

long and slender.

a) blue light eyes, brown straight hair b) light blue eyes, straight brown hair

c) eyes light blue, hair straight d) blue eyes light, hair straight brown

5. Has jack had a very ____________life?

a) fortunately b) fortunate c) fortune d) fortunely

6. Does this theory seem ____________ to you?

a) clear b) clearly c) clearing d) clearness

7. The lake has a ___________ color.

a) green b) greenish c) greenery d) greeness

8. The children are making too much noise.

Please tell them not to be so ____________.

a) noiseness b) noise c) noisy d) noisily

9. Oranges are very _________.

a) juice b) juiceless c) juicier d) juicy

10. We all hope that our children will live in a ___________ world.

a) peacefully b) peaceful c) peacably d) peacefulness

2 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
11. He gave a ___________ smile when we passed each other.

a) friend b) friendly c) friend’s d) friendliness

12. This soup tastes __________.

a) good b) well c) goodness d) be good

13. We are going to build ____________ houses.

a) two more big b) big two more c) more two big d) big more two

14. He speaks English with ____________.

a) an accent foreign strong b) a strong foreign accent

c) a foreign accent strong d) a foreign strong accent

15. Thailand is still a ____________ country.

a) developing b) developed c) development d) developer

16. I feel so ________ to my mother.

a) closely b) close c) closer d) closed

17. The film we saw last night was very ____________.

a) exciting b) excited c) excitedly d) excitement

18. People are not usually ______________ when they have to watch a game.

a) excited b) exciting c) excitedly d) excitement

19. I am very ________ anything to do with aeroplanes.

a) interested in b) interesting in c) interested for d) interesting about

20. The man told a lot of jokes and we were all very ____________.

a) amusing to them b) amusing by them

c) amused by them d) amusingly to them

21. Mary sells ____________animals.

a) lives b) alive c) lived d) live

22. The ________sun roused the campers.

a) rise b) risen c) rose d) rising

3 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
23. We praise a man’s ___________action.

a) honor b) honorable c) honorably d) honorary

24. The southern part of this country has a very ____________ climate.

a) pleasant b) pleased c) pleasure d) pleasantly

25. We have a ___________ trip.

a) tired b) tirelessly c) tire d) tiring

26. Don’t disturb the children! They’re _________.

a) sleep b) sleeplessly c) sleeping d) sleepily

27. The grass was __________.

a) knee-high b) a knee-height c) high-knees d) a height-knees

28. It is __________ animal.

a) a two-legs b) a two-legged c) a two-leg d) two-legged

29. The snow is already two feet ___________.

a) high b) thick c) deep d) tall

30. This is the ___________ fashion from Europe.

a) latest b) later c) late d) last

31. She will go to Japan with her __________ mother.

a) forty-five year old b) forty-five-year-old

c) forty-five-years-old d) forty-five years old

32. Your work has been ___________ this semester.

a) excellence b) excel c) excellent d) excellently

33. He is very _____________ in politics.

a) acting b) acted c) active d) actively

34. Rats are very _________ animals.

a) destruction b) destructively c) destroy d) destructive

4 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
35. Do you have an ____________ vacation?

a) enjoy b) enjoyable c) enjoyably d) enjoyment

36. The food smells ___________.

a) delicious b) deliciously c) be delicious d) be deliciously

37. I always feel so ____________ to my mother.

a) closed b) close c) closely d) closer

38. You won’t get A unless you work ____________.

a) hardly b) hardy c) hard d) harden

39. Why does Jack do so many ____________ things?

a) foolish b) fool c) foolishly d) foolishness

40. This salad tastes very ____________.

a) salt b) saltiness c) saltern d) salty

41. The new teachers seem ____________.

a) friend b) friendliness c) friendly d) friendship

42. I hope we will get somebody lively and ___________.

a) energetic b) energetically c) energize d) energy

43. The latest methods of language teaching are very _____________.

a) effectively b) effective c) efficient d) efficiently

44. That book is somewhat ___________.

a) confusing b) confused c) confusion d) confuse

1 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Exercise Unit 5 Adverb (คํากริยาวิเศษณ)

Choose the best answer.

1. The sun burnt the grass ___________.

a) quick b) quickly c) quicken d) quickness

2. He worked so _________ that he fell ill.

a) hardly b) hardiness c) hard d) harden

3. I have read this novel ___________.

a) recently b) recent c) two years ago d) now

4. I can paint this wall ______________.

a) fastly b) fasten c) fastness d) fast

5. Bob speaks English ___________.

a) clearly b) clear c) clearness d) clearance

6. John drives very _____________.

a) careful b) carefully c) careless d) carefulness

7. Sunan pronounces English vowels ______________.

a) bad b) good c) well d) goodness

8. Prices have gone up very _____________.

a) rapidity b) rapidness c) rapid d) rapidly

9. You are ___________ right.

a) near b) quite c) quitely d) total

10. ___________ anyone came.

a) Hardly b) Hard c) Almost d) Rather

11. She is ___________ fat.

a) quitely b) near c) exact d) rather

12. Answer me ___________.

a) honest b) honestly c) frank d) honesty

2 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
13. I hope to meet her ___________.

a) soon b) yesterday c) recently d) yet

14. He is _____________ very kind.

a) real b) reality c) really d) realize

1. That cost _________ twenty baht.

a) quite b) near c) rather d) almost

16. He spoke __________ of his children.

a) boastfully b) boastful c) boasting d) boastfulness

17. He killed a cat ___________ yesterday.

a) accidental b) accidentally c) accident d) cruel

18. They were _____________ treated.

a) kind b) cruelty c) cruel d) cruelly

19. My grandfather died _____________.

a) happily b) happy c) happiness d) in happy

20. The two boys said ___________ the same thing.

a) exact b) exactness c) exactly d) never

21. He did this project ___________.

a) difficult b) in difficult c) difficulty d) with difficulty

22. He ___________ his meal.

a) had finished almost b) almost had finished

c) had almost finished d) had been almost finished

23. The accident happened ___________.

a) fast unbelievably b) fast unbelievable c) unbelievable fast d) unbelievably fast

24. The postman came ___________.

a) here last month every day b) last month here every day

c) here every day last month d) every day here last month
3 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
1. She walked ___________.

a) in carefully b) with care c) in care d) with carefully

24. She always does her job neatly, ___________.

a) perfectly and fast b) perfectly and fastly

c) perfect and fastly d) perfect and fast

25. Most students do their homework _____________.

a) with hurry b) hurrying c) hurryingly d) hurriedly

25. The girl yawned and rubbed her eyes ___________.

a) bright b) sleepily c) sleepy d) brightly

25. The teacher says Mary will pass the course on condition that she studies____________.

a) hardly b) heavily c) hard d) heavy

25. She ___________ the bus.

a) nearly missed b) missed nearly c) only missed d) missed only

1 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Unit 5 Adverbs (คํากริยาวิเศษณ)


ทําหนาที่ขยายคํากริยา (verbs) คําคุณศัพท (adjectives) และ คํากริยาวิเศษณ (Adverb) ดวยกัน


เชน He works hard every day.


เชน These students are very intelligent.

He is stupid enough to do that.


เชน She drives very carefully.

You speak so well.

It rained rather heavily yesterday.

หนาที่ของ Adverbs

1. ขยายคํากริยา

He walks quickly.

She speaks English fluently.

They always get up early.

2. ขยายคําคุณศัพท

He is very good.

It is too hot to touch.

It is cold enough to drink.

2 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
3. ขยายคํากริยาวิเศษณดวยกัน

He walks very quickly.

She speaks too fast.

The machine works quite well.


Pick out Adverb in the following sentences.

0. Try again.

0. He is too shy.

0. She speaks English clearly.

0. I am so glad to hear it.

0. Are you quite sure?

0. I have heard this before.

1. Please walk slowly.

1. She speaks loudly.

1. He arrived here safely.

1. I live happily in this town.

1. The sun shines brightly.

1. The moon rose early.

1. She writes a letter neatly.

1. Please do not walk fast.

1. I slept well last night.

3 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)

1. เติม –ly ขางทาย adjectives

slowly suddenly loudly

quickly surely rudely

carefully certainly politely

beautifully quietly badly

2. ถา adjectives ลงทายดวย –y ใหเปลี่ยน y เปน “i” กอนเติม –ly

easy เปน easily

angry เปน angrily

greedy เปน greedily

happy เปน happily

hungry เปน hungrily

noisy เปน noisily

3. Adverb ของ good คือ well

He works well.

4. คําบางคําทําหนาที่เปนทั้ง adjective และ adverb โดยไมเปลี่ยนรูป เชน early, late, fast, hard, straight

Adjectives Adverbs

It’s still early. He gets up early.

It’s late now. He got up late yesterday.

It’s a fast horse. It runs fast.

This is a hard problem. He works hard.

Draw a straight line. Go straight along the road.

4 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
หมายเหตุ adjectives ตอไปนี้ไมมีรูป adverbs และไมใชเปน adverbs

He is friendly. They are lonely.

Suda is lovely. It is likely to rain.

จะเห็นวาคําขางบนนี้มี –ly สะกด แตเปน adjective ไมใช adverb


A. จงเขียนคํา Adjective (Adj) และ Adverb(Adv) ขางใตคําที่ขีดเสนใต

1. Careful students write their exercises carefully.

2. Suda sings beautiful songs. Suda sings songs beautifully.

3. She speaks fast. I don’t understand her fast speech.

4. Tom is usually correct. He usually writes correctly.

5. Bob told good stories. Bob told the stories well.

6. That work was hard for those men. They worked hard.

7. They are happy children. They are playing happily.

1. He is a bad boy. He behaves badly.

9. She is greedy. She eats greedily.

10. Dan is a fast runner. He runs very fast.

B. จงเขียนรูป Adverb ของคําในวงเล็บตอไปนี้ในชองวางที่กําหนดให

1. My friend plays the piano (beautiful) ____________.

2. Ann (usual) ____________ speaks English very (good) ____________.

3. Danial closed the door (quiet) ____________.

4. Our team played football (bad) ____________ yesterday.

5. Sandy studies (hard) ____________and learns everything (good) ____________.

6. Mr. Johnson (usual) ____________arrives at his office (early) ____________.

7. Nina shouted at the boys (angry) ____________.

5 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
8. They got the money (easy) ____________.

0. I tasted the medicine (careful) ____________.

0. He looked at me (sad) ____________.

0. Nida learned French (quick) ____________ and (easy) ____________.

0. The workers got tired from working so (hard) ____________.

1. Go (straight) ____________along this street.

2. She cleans the room (regular) ____________.

3. (Sudden) ____________, we heard a loud noise in the kitchen.

4. These two questions are (unusual) ____________difficult.

4. He smiled at us (sleepy) ____________.

4. They ate the cakes (greedy) ____________.

4. I was angry because she spoke to me (rude) ____________.

4. We can’t keep up with Winai because he runs very (fast) ____________.


1. Adverbs of Manner quickly, happily, fast, well

2. Adverbs of Place here, there, at school, at home, outside

3. Adverbs of Time now, soon, today, tomorrow, then, already, yesterday

4. Adverbs of Frequency once, twice, often, sometimes, never, hardly, seldom

5. Adverbs of Degree very, rather, quite, too, extremely

Adverbs of Manner

หมายถึง คําที่ไปทําหนาที่ขยายกริยาเพื่อตอบคําถามวา How (อยางไร) การกระทําหรือเหตุการณนั้น

A: How does he work?

B: He works well.
6 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Adverb of Manner สวนมากจะมีรูปมาจาก Adjective โดยการเติม –ly ลงขางหลัง Adjective เชน

slow เปน slowly

bad เปน badly
quick เปน quickly
careful เปน carefully
happy เปน happily

อยางไรก็ดี Adverb of Manner บางคําเปนคําเดียวกับที่ใชเปน Adjective โดยไมเติม ly ขางหลังก็มี

เชน hard, fast แตทั้งนี้จะรูไดวาเปน Adjective หรือ Adverb นั้น ตองดูที่ตําแหนงวาง นั่นคือ ถาอยูหนานาม

เปนคุณศัพท แตถาอยูหลังกริยา ก็เปน คําวิเศษณ (adverb) เชน

He is a hard worker. (Adjective)

Somsak works hard. (Adverb)

Micheal is a fast runner. (Adjective)

Peter runs fast. (Adverb)

ตําแหนงของ adverbs of manner

. วางไวหลังกริยา เชน

He walks slowly.

They smiled happily.

We run quickly.

. วางไวหลังกรรมตรง เชน

He ate the food greedily.

Dara came home early.

They finished the work quickly.

She looked at me happily.

7 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Adverbs of Place

หมายถึง คํากริยาวิเศษณที่บอกสถานที่ที่เหตุการณนั้น ๆ เกิดขึ้น adverbs เหลานี้ ตอบคําถาม Where?

A: Where do you live?

B: I live in Bangkapi.

ตําแหนงของ adverbs of Place

A. วางไวหลังกริยา เชน

Don came here yesterday.

They ran to school.

I will work at home.

A. วางไวหลังกรรมตรง เชน

I put the book on the desk.

She keeps her clothes in the cupboard.

He bought this shirt at that department store.

ตําแหนงการวาง Adverb of Place มีหลักเกณฑดังตอไปนี้

ใหวางหรือเรียงขยายกริยาจากสถานที่เล็ก ๆ ไมใหญโตไปหาสถานที่ที่ใหญโตกวางขวาง เชน

I was born in a small village in Petchabun.

Mary lives in a small village in California.

At a small university in London, there are many students paying attention to studying the

history of Far East Asia.

8 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Adverb of Time

หมายถึง กริยาวิเศษณที่ใชขยายกริยาเพื่อ แสดงเวลา ใชตอบคําถาม When แบงออกเปน 3 ประเภท คือ

1. ประเภทที่เปนคําเดียว ไมมีคําอื่นมารวมดวย ไดแก

today yesterday tomorrow late

lately recently early before

tonight now then soon

still yet already just


2. ประเภทที่มีคําอื่นมาประกอบดวย ไดแก

this morning in the afternoon last week

last month next year on Sunday

next Monday before three o’clock two weeks ago

the day after tomorrow during summer in B.E. 2520

in January on 5th February, etc.

3. ประเภทที่เปนประโยคเพื่อมาขยายกริยาแสดงเวลา ซึ่งจะขึ้นตนประโยคของมันเองดวยคําเหลานี้ when, since, until,

after, before, as soon as, etc. สวนตําแหนงการวางนั้น จะอยูสวนใดของประโยคหลักไดทั้งนั้น เชน

When you have time, come and see me, please.

He ran away as soon as he had seen a tiger.

ตําแหนงการวาง Adverb of Time มีหลักเกณฑดังตอไปนี้

1. โดยปกติทั่วไปจะวางไวสุดประโยคเสมอ โดยเฉพาะเมื่อขอความนั้นเปนประโยคสั้น ๆ เชน

Mr. Smith will leave for London tomorrow.

Chaiya used to live in Bangkok two years ago.

9 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
2. ถาตองการจะเนนเวลาใหเปนกรณีพิเศษ ก็ใหวางไวตนประโยค เชน

Last week we went to San Francisco by plane.

Yesterday he stayed in Singapore; today he’s staying in India.

1. ถามี Adverbs of Time หลายคํา หรือหลายประเภทมาอยูในประโยคเดียวกัน ใหวางจากหนวยเล็กไปหาหนวยใหญ

เสมอ เชน

Linda’s family is going to visit me at five o’clock in the afternoon on the first of May, 1984.

I go to bed at seven o’clock in the evening on Sunday.

At three o’clock tomorrow, I will meet you in front of the Intra Theatre.


ถาผูพูดตองการจะเนนเวลาที่เปนหนวยใหญ มากกวาเวลาที่เปนหนวยยอยก็สามารถที่จะวางเวลาที่เปนหนวย ใหญ

นั้นไวหนาเวลาที่เปนหนวยยอยได แตหลังเวลาที่เปนหนวยใหญนั้นตองใส Comma (,) เสมอ เชน

The plane arrived yesterday, about four o’clock.

Today, at twelve o’clock the teachers will have meeting.

Adverbs of Frequency

หมายถึง คําวิเศษณที่บอกความถี่ของการกระทําและตอบคําถาม How often?

A: How often do you go to the cinema?

B: I go to the cinema twice a month.

Adverbs of frequency ไดแก always, often, ever, sometimes, occasionally, never, recently,

already, generally, usually, hardly, seldom, rarely, twice

10 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
ตําแหนงของ adverbs of frequency

. วางไวหนากริยา เชน

He sometimes goes to the cinema.

They often go sailing.

I hardly see him.

We usually have dinner at six o’clock.

. adverbs ที่เปนกลุมคํา วางไวทายประโยค เชน

Winai goes to Chiengmai twice a month.

Mr. And Mrs. Ross go to church on Sundays.

I go to work every day.

. วางไวหลัง verb to be

Kanya is always at home on Saturdays.

Wipa is seldom absent from school.

. วางไวระหวางกริยาชวยและกริยาแท หรือหลังกริยาชวย + ประธานในประโยคคําถาม

Have you ever seen a rocket?

I have recently sold my car.

Chitra has never eaten eels.

11 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Adverbs of Degree

หมายถึง คํากริยาวิเศษณที่บอกปริมาณ adverbs เหลานี้ ไดแก very (มาก), quite (ทีเดียว), too (มากไป), rather

(คอนขาง, ออกจะ) , almost (เกือบจะ), extremely (อยางยิ่ง), nearly (เกือบจะ), enough (พอ)

ตําแหนงของ Adverbs of Degree

A. วางไวหนา Adjective และ อยูหลัง Verb to be

He is rather impolite.

It’s very loud.

It’s too hot to work.

They are quite good.

Dinner is almost ready.

B. วางไวหนา Adverb ที่ตองการขยาย

He played extremely badly.

I slept very well.

We know him quite well.

B. วางไวหลังคําที่ขยาย

This box is not big enough.

He did not work hard enough.

You are not tall enough.

12 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)

A. Complete each sentence with one of the following words.

quickly fluently suddenly carefully

violently brightly slowly elegantly

quietly continuously well repeatedly

1. He called ____________but nobody answered inside.

2. David drives ____________but a lot of accidents happen.

3. She walked in ____________so nobody heard her.

4. If he speaks ____________I can follow him.

5. Sunny didn’t study ____________and failed in the examination.

6. She speaks Chinese ____________because she is a Chinese.

7. It happened ____________and I have no time to think.

2. The sun is shining ____________in summer.

9. Yesterday it rained ____________.

10. The bride dresses very ____________.

B. Choose the correct word in parentheses.

1. Have you ever seen him (late, lately)? No, but I’ll see him (short, shortly).

2. He (most, mostly) comes (first, firstly) in English.

3. I had (clean, cleanly) forgotten that I had promised to pick John up.

4. When I remembered, I (quick, quickly) turned round.

5. I (hard, hardly) drive (quick, quickly).

6. We were (close, closely) followed by a police car when we were on the high way.

7. You went (wrong, wrongly) once, when you turned (right, rightly) in front of the post-office.
13 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Order of Adverbs (ลําดับของ Adverbs)

A. เมื่อมีคํา Adverb หลายคําในประโยคเดียวกัน จะเรียงตามลําดับดังนี้

0. Adverb of Manner

1. Adverb of Place

1. Adverb of Time

She put the glasses carefully on the table yesterday.

Linda slept soundly in the bedroom for three hours.

They played football happily in the field yesterday.

. เมื่อใชกับกริยาที่แสดงการเคลื่อนไหว เชน go, come, walk, run ลําดับของ adverbs จะเปนดังนี้

1. Adverb of Place

1. Adverb of Manner

1. Adverb of Time

He goes to school by bus in the morning.

Richard went to the cinema with his friends last night.

Susan will go to Chicago by plane next month.

14 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)

จงเรียงคํา Adverbs ที่อยูในวงเล็บใหถูกตองตามคําสั่ง

ตัวอยาง Adv. Of Place + Adv. Of Time

They are studying their lessons (now – at the library).

They are studying their lessons at the library now.

(0) Adverb of Place + Adverb of time

0. We met Tom (on Sunday – at Nakon’s house).


0. The girls went (to school – a few minutes ago).


0. They studied the lesson (yesterday – on page 56).


0. My parents went (to Singapore – last summer).


0. Linda and Susan went (on Wednesday night – to a concert).


0. Jira studies with me (every afternoon – at the library).

15 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
(2) Adverb of Place + Adverb of Manner

1. Anon always comes (on time – to this class).


2. I wrote a few sentences (on the paper – quickly).


3. They are going to work (at the library – for two hours).


4. He goes (to work – by bus).


5. Did Suwan go (with his friends – to the cinema)?


6. Apichat always walks (with his brother – to school).


7. Tom and I ran (to the train – with our suitcase).


(3) Adverb of Manner + Adverb of Time

1. The students speak English (now – well).


2. Aranya studies her lessons (with Wipa – every night).


3. Wichai did all of the work (by himself – last Friday).


4. Chinda and I watched television (last Sunday night – with Suda).


5. The students are pronouncing the words (now – carefully).

16 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
6. Mike will go to Chiengmai (tomorrow – by train).


7. The teacher explained the lesson (this morning – clearly).


(4) Place the words in parentheses in regular positions.

1. I spoke to her (after supper, sweetly, in the hotel)


2. He left (early, the office, this morning).


3. We must finish our work (tomorrow, before midday).


4. Mary has been (today, here, many times).


2. Mr. Thomson sits on the lawn (often, in the evening).


6. Smith doesn’t travel (to every country, always, by plane).


7. Prani will return the book (next week, to the library).


8. Come (today, here, immediately).


9. Jimmy went (every Sunday, to Bangsaen, by car, last month).


10. They arrive (never, at the meeting, on time).

17 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
11. I have been studying (hard, all day, at home).


2. My family flew (by American Airline, twice, to London, last year).


3. I said goodbye to her (yesterday, at Don Muang Airport, regretfully).


4. These boys walked (in a hurry, last night, to the theatre).


4. We played football (in the rain, enthusiastically, yesterday).

92 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Unit 6 Comparison

6.1 Comparison of Adjective

การเปรียบเทียบ แบงออกไดเปน 3 ขั้น คือ

1. การเปรียบเทียบขั้นธรรมดา

as + adj. + as

Pom is as big as Tum.

Pam is as beautiful as Ann.

ตัวอยางขางบนเปนการเปรียบเทียบ 2 สิ่งที่เทากัน แตถาเปรียบเทียบความไมเทากันใช

not + as/ so + adj. + as

Pom is not as big as Tum.

Pluto is not so distant as Mars.

2. การเปรียบเทียบขั้นกวา

เปนการเปรียบเทียบ 2 สิ่ง วาสิ่งหนึ่งมากกวาอีกสิ่งหนึ่ง มีรูปแบบที่ใชได 2 อยาง คือ

a. more + adj. + than

b. adj. + er + than

This book is more interesting than that one.

Jack is more handsome than Bob.

She is more diligent than Suda.

Bill is taller than Tom.

Weena is prettier than Pimala.

93 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)

(1) มักใช more กับ Adj ที่ประกอบดวยพยางคตั้งแต 2 ขึ้นไป

more selfish

more intelligent

more useful

more interesting

แตถา adj นั้นลงทายดวย y หรือ ow ก็อาจเติม er + than

happy เปน happier

lovely เปน lovelier

clever เปน cleverer

narrow เปน narrower

(2) Adj ที่เปนคําพยางคเดียวมักเติม er (+ than) เมื่อเปนขั้นกวา

tall เปน taller

large เปน larger

big เปน bigger

แตถา Adj นั้น มีรูปเหมือนกับ past/present participle ก็จะใช more + adj + than

hurt เปน more hurt

bored เปน more bored

interesting เปน more interesting

94 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
(3) Adj บางคํา มีรูปขั้นกวาและขั้นสูงสุดตางออกไปจากกฎเกณฑ คือ ไมเติม -er หรือ -est ไดแก

good เปน better เปน best

Bad เปน worse เปน worst

Far เปน farther/ further เปน farthest/ furthest

Much เปน more เปน most

Little เปน less เปน least

(4) ในการเปรียบเทียบขั้นกวาโดยสิ่งหนึ่งนอยกวาอีกสิ่งหนึ่ง

less + adj + than

He is less sincere than you are.

This shop is less crowded than that one.

3. การเปรียบเทียบขั้นสูงสุด (เปรียบเทียบมากกวา 2 สิ่ง)

The + most/ least + Adj

The + adj + est

This shirt is the least expensive in the shop.

Pam is the most beautiful girl in my class.

That boy is the tallest of all.

I am the happiest girl in town.

95 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)

(1) ในการเปรียบเทียบขั้นสูงสุด อาจใช

{more + adj หรือ adj + er } + than + any other …

ซึ่งมีความหมายวา มากกวาสิ่งใด

Tum is taller than any other boy in my class.

Bangkok is bigger than any other city in Thailand.

Pam is more beautiful than any other girl in the family.

(2) มักใช The most กับ Adj ตั้งแต 2 พยางคขึ้นไป สวน The Adj + est จะใชกับ Adj พยางคเดียวเปนสวนใหญ

the most selfish

the most intelligent

the most difficult

hard เปน hardest

slow เปน slowest

late เปน latest

ยกเวน เมื่อ adj พยางคเดียวมีรูปแบบเดียวกับ past/ present participle จึงใช the most + adj

hurt เปน most hurt

frightened เปน most frightened

interesting เปน most interesting

เมื่อ adj ตั้งแต 2 พยางคขึ้นไปลงทายดวย er/ ow/ y นิยมเติม est เมื่อเปนขั้นสูงสุด

clever เปน cleverest

96 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
happy เปน happiest

yellow เปน yellowest


A. จงใชคําคุณศัพทในวงเล็บตามดวยตัวอยางขางลางนี้

Example This girl is (beautiful) that one.

(1) This girl is as beautiful as that one.

(2) This girl is more beautiful than that one.

1. Ann is (clever) Jane.

(1) ____________________________________________________.

(2) ____________________________________________________.

2. Bob is (small) Mike.

(1) ____________________________________________________.

(2) ____________________________________________________.

3. Kyoto is (interesting) Tokyo.



4. This restaurant is (crowded) that one.



5. This hall is (narrow) that one.


97 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
B. Supply appropriate comparative or Superlative to each of the following.

1. Prevention is (good)_____________ than cure.

2. London is the (big)_____________ city in the world.

3. The pen is (sharp)_____________ than sword.

4. This pen is (good) _____________ than the other.

5. Who is the (tall) _____________ in the class?

6. My uncle is (old) _____________ than my father.

7. He is one of the (good) _____________ speaker in Thailand.

8. Shakespear is (well-known) _____________ than other English poets.

9. Malee is the (beautiful) _____________ girl in the village.

6.2 Comparison of Adverbs

แบงเปน 3 ขั้น คือ

1. การเปรียบเทียบขั้นธรรมดา

as + Adv. + as

I type as fast as you (do).

He speaks as clearly as I (do).

ตัวอยางขางตนเปนการเปรียบเทียบ 2 สิ่งที่เทากัน แตถาเปรียบเทียบความไมเทากันใช

not + {as/ so} + adv. + as

Tom doesn’t work as hard as Mary.

He doesn’t speak so clearly as I (do).

98 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
2. การเปรียบเทียบขั้นกวา

เปนการเปรียบเทียบ 2 สิ่ง วาสิ่งหนึ่งมากกวาหรือนอยกวาอีกสิ่งหนึ่ง

(มากกวา) more + adv. + than


adv + er + than

(นอยกวา) less + adv. + than

He works more slowly than I do.

I speak louder than/ more loudly than you do.

He works less efficiently than Tom.


(1) มักใช more หรือ less กับ adv. ที่ลงทายดวย -ly

slowly เปน more/less slowly

quickly เปน more/less quickly

loudly เปน more/less loudly

(2) Adv. ที่มีรูปเดียวกับ Adj. มักเติม -er (+ than) เมื่อเปนขั้นกวา

hard เปน harder

fast เปน faster

late เปน later

early เปน earlier

slow เปน slower

99 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
(3) Adv. บางคํามีรูปขั้นกวาและขั้นสูงสุดตางออกไปจากกฎเกณฑ คือ ไมเติม -er หรือ -est เชน

well better best

badly worse worst

much more most

little less least

far farther/ further farthest/ furthest

3. การเปรียบเทียบขั้นสูงสุด


most + adv.


Adv. + est

I played worst of all.

She sings best in the group.

He speaks most clearly of all.

หมายเหตุ:- จะเห็นวาในการเปรียบเทียบขั้นสูงสุดไมจําเปนตองใช The นําหนา Adv. และ Adv. ที่มีรูปเดียวกับ Adj.

จะใช Adj. + est ในการเปรียบเทียบขั้นสูงสุด

100 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)

A. จงใชคํากริยาวิเศษณในวงเล็บตามตัวอยางขางลาง

Example Tom can run (fast) Mary.

(1) Tom can run as fast as Mary.

(2) Tom can run faster than Mary.

(3) Tom can’t run as fast as Mary.

1. I speak (slowly) Betty.

(1) _______________________________________________________.

(2) _______________________________________________________.

(3) _______________________________________________________.

2. She arrived (late) you did.




3. Mary sings (well) I do.

(1) _______________________________________________________.

(2) _______________________________________________________.

(3) _______________________________________________________.

4. Jane works (efficiently) Jim.

(1) _______________________________________________________.

(2) _______________________________________________________.

(3) _______________________________________________________.
101 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
5. I type (badly) Tom.

(1) _______________________________________________________.

(2) _______________________________________________________.

(3) _______________________________________________________.

6.3 Comparison and Contrast

หมายถึง การเปรียบเทียบความเหมือนและความแตกตาง

1. การเปรียบเทียบความเหมือนกันหรือความคลายคลึงกัน จะใชสํานวนตอไปนี้

to be the same as

to be similar to

to be like

to look like

Winai’s job is the same as Niwat’s. They are both engineers.

Nipa’s bag is like Busba’s. Both bags are brown and have a lock.

Chintana looks like her mother.

นอกจากนี้ยังสามารถเติมคํานามระหวาง the same as และ as ได สวนใหญใชในการเปรียบเทียบเรื่อง อายุ สวนสูง

น้ําหนัก สี และรูปราง เปนตน

Linda is the same age as Richard.

Both of them are 15 years old.

Micheal is the same height as Vichit.

They are both 5 feet tall.

Jack is the same weight as Luzy.

Both of them weigh 50 kilos.

102 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
คําวา the same ยังสามารถตามดวยคํานามโดยไมตองมีคําวา as ประกอบก็ได เชน

Susan and Jane come from the same country.

Aree and Aranya are reading the same book.

สวนคําวา like ยังใชในสํานวนการเปรียบเทียบตาง ๆ เชน

Tom drinks like a fish.

Nina works like a horse.

2. การเปรียบเทียบความแตกตางกัน จะใชสํานวนตอไปนี้

to be different from

to differ from

Albert’s job is different from Roby’s.

Albert is a dentist. Roby is an engineer.

Jane’s dress differs from Betty’s dress.

Jane’s dress is red, but Betty’s dress is yellow.

103 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)

A. จงใชวลีที่เกี่ยวกับการเปรียบเทียบความเหมือนมาเชื่อมประโยคตอไปนี้


Betty comes from England. Mary comes from England.

Betty and Mary come from the same country.

Henry’s nationality is American. John is American, too.

Henry’s nationality is the same as John’s.

Nida has brown eyes and black hair. Her mother has, too.

Nida’s eyes and hair are the same color as her mother’s.

1. My shirt is blue. Susan’s is blue, too.


2. Suchai runs fast. The wind is fast.


3. My newspaper is “The Bangkok Post”. Yours is “The Bangkok Post”, too.


4. Jilly’s room is small. My room is small, too.


5. Billy is 14 years old. Rick is 14 years old.


6. My car is old. Yours is old, too.

104 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
7. Barbara’s doctor is Dr. Kevin. Billy’s doctor is Dr. Kevin, too.


8. The play that Billy watched was “Macbeth”. Nan also watched it.


9. My house is green. Yours is green, too.


10. Arther will go to Japan. Paul will also go to Japan.


B. จงใชวลีที่เกี่ยวกับการเปรียบเทียบความแตกตางกันมาเชื่อมประโยคตอไปนี้


This bag is black. That one is brown.

This bag is different from that one. or This bag differs from that one.

1. My dress is yellow. Hers is white.



2. These flowers are natural. Those flowers are artificial.



3. Bill’s friends are poor. Henry’s friends are rich.


105 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
4. Sunee’s room is small. Suchai’s room is big.



5. Srima’s hair is black. Nan’s hair is brown.



6. My house is white. His house is green.



7. This computer is a model 444. That one is a 355.



8. My car is a Toyota. Yours is Mercedes.


106 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Exercise Unit 6 Comparison

Choose the best answer.

1. Jack learned ___________ than I.

a) more quickly b) more quicker c) most quicker d) more quick

2. Which one works _________ of all?

a) most hard b) the hardest c) the most hardly d) harder

3. Mary really doesn’t do her job __________ Jane.

a) as good as b) as good than c) as well as d) as well than

4. It rains less ____________ in May _________ in August.

a) heavily… than b) heavy…than c) heavily… as d) heavier…than

5. Please try _____________!

a) little hardly b) a little hard c) little harder d) a little harder

6. Mary doesn’t work quite ___________ Jill.

a) more hard as b) as harder as c) as hard as d) so hardly as

7. When you feel happy, time passes __________ faster.

a) more b) much c) too d) enough

8. She types __________ than I do.

a) much slowly b) as slowly c) more slowly d) most slowly

9. Jack works ____________ of all.

a) less clearly b) least clearly c) as clearly d) little clearly

10. This knife does not cut as ___________ as that one.

a) best b) good c) better d) well

11. Do it as ____________ as you can.

a) best b) good c) better d) well

107 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
12. He arrived ____________ than she did.

a) late b) less c) later d) latter

13. Jane drives __________ than Jill.

a) most carefully b) more carefully c) most careful d) more careful

14. I have a good friend. She is a girl _____________.

a) of the same age as me b) of my same age

c) of the same aged me d) age the same like me

15. This job is so much _____________ than my last one.

a) hard b) harder c) hardly d) more hard

16. Storms at sea are the _____________ of all for fishermen.

a) more dangerous b) more danger c) most danger d) most dangerous

17. Travel by car is _____________ travel by bus.

a) expensive b) more expensive than

c) expensive than d) the most expensive

18. My daughter is the ___________ girl in class.

a) smallest b) smaller c) small d) most smallest

19. I think the weather in Bangkok is not ___________.

a) as cold as was last year b) so cold as it was last year

c) so cold as last year was d) as like last year was

20. Tom is _____________ in his group.

a) more handsome than any boy b) more handsome than any other boy

c) so handsome as other boy d) handsome more than other boy

21. I have never seen ____________lake.

a) more beauty b) a more beauty c) more beautiful d) a more beautiful

22. Who is ___________ man in your country?

a) more famous b) the more famous c) the most famous d) most famous
108 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
23. The new bridge will be ____________ and the most expensive one.

a) longer b) the longest c) longer than d) longest

24. Each of them is very talented, but only the ___________ one will win the prize.

a) good b) better c) much better d) best

25. Of all the boys, Jack works ____________.

a) the better b) the best c) better d) best

26. There is one thing ______________ that I want to stay.

a) farthest b) farther c) furthest d) further

27. This year the weather is not _____________.

a) so cold as last year was b) as cold as was last year

c) so cold as it was last year d) as like last year was

28. Jane is ___________ white _________ snow.

a) as… as b) same… as c) so… as d) similar…to

29. Linen is ____________ than silk.

a) as durable b) so durable c) more durable d) most durable

30. Honey is just about __________ sweet ___________ sugar.

a) as…as b) so…as c) more…than d) most…as

31. Doesn’t Tom look a little bit ____________ than he did last week?

a) unhappier b) unhappy c) unhappily d) more unhappy

32. We met three girls yesterday; Mary was ___________ one.

a) prettier b) the prettier c) prettiest d) the prettiest

33. Jack is _____________ satisfied with his job. He’ll start looking for another one soon.

a) more b) less c) most d) as

34. Mr. Smith looks _____________ than his two brothers.

a) as old b) so older c) more old d) a lot older

109 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
35. It is usually _____________ here in May than in August.

a) hot b) very hot c) hotter d) more hot

36. This is the ___________street in town.

a) widest b) wider c) most widely d) wide

37. Whose job is ___________ dangerous, a policeman’s or a fireman’s?

a) as b) so c) more d) most

38. Mary is __________ in her group.

a) more beautiful than any girl b) more beautiful than any other girl

c) most beautiful than any other girl d) so beautiful as other girl

39. My watch is very accurate, but yours is ___________ accurate than mine.

a) much more b) much less c) very more d) somewhat less

40. She doesn’t type __________ fast ___________ Jack does.

a) so…as b) as…as c) same…as d) similar… to

41. Mary works ___________ of anyone in the class.

a) much harder b) harder c) hardest d) most hard

42. She feels ____________ of herself now.

a) far more certain b) more certain than c) far certainly d) very certainly

43. She is ____________ taller than her mother.

a) very b) more c) enough d) much

44. This exercise is ___________ than the preceding one.

a) more easier b) much easier c) much easy d) easy enough

45. He is ___________ stronger than I am.

a) very much b) too much c) much more d) very more

1 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Unit 7 Preposition

เปนคําที่แสดงความสัมพันธระหวางกรรมและคําอื่น ๆ ในประโยค แบงออกเปนประเภทตาง ๆ ได 4 ประเภท คือ

0. Prepositions of Manner

แสดงความสัมพันธทางดานวิธีและอาการตาง ๆ เชน by, on, in

by I go to school by bus. (or by car, by train, by bicycle)

Malee went to England by plane. (or by sea, by air)

on I like to travel on foot. (or on horseback, on a boat)

in Please write in ink.

Get in my car.

When will he arrive in New York City?

He usually speaks in a high voice.

0. Preposition of Direction

แสดงความสัมพันธทางดานทิศทาง เชน into, out of, toward, up, down, away from

He ran into (out of, toward) the room.

Don’t run away from me!

He climbed up (down) the tree.

0. Preposition of Time

แสดงความสัมพันธเกี่ยวกับเวลา เชน at, on, by, in, for, during, before, until

at The game will start at 1.30 p.m.

This shop closes at midnight.

Let’s have a big party at Christmas.

Don’t go out alone at night.

2 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
on (ใชกับวัน หรือ เดือนซึ่งตามดวยวันที่)

See you on Monday.

My birthday is on March 9.

He’ll come here on December 25.

They arrived on Tuesday morning.

by (ราว ๆ)

Please arrive by 9 a.m.

Try to be here by 10 p.m.

in (ใชกับชวงเวลา เดือน หรือ ป)

The bus will arrive in an hour.

I go to work early in the morning.

I’ll take a trip in June.

Jack moved here in June, 1980.

She was born in 1950.

for (= เปนเวลา)

I have waited for two hours.

(for a long time, for 15 minutes)

Jack has been working here for 6 years. (for 3 months)

during (= ในระหวาง)

We saw them often during the summer.

(during our childhood, during 1970)

3 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
since (= นับตั้งแต)

They have been there since 1980.

I haven’t seen him since Monday.

before (กอน) - after (หลัง)

Please arrive before (after) 10 p.m.

I will see you before (after) Monday.

until (= จนกระทั่ง)

I’ll be here until Wednesday. (until 5 p.m.)


on time = ตรงเวลา

in time = ทันเวลา

ahead of time = ลวงหนา

behind schedule = ชา

at the beginning of = ตอนตน

at the end of = ตอนปลาย

in the middle of = ตอนกลาง

4 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
4. Prepositions of Place

แสดงความเกี่ยวพันของสถานที่ และตําแหนง

in The paper is in the desk.

The fish is in the bowl.

He is sitting in the lobby.

นอกจากนี้ in ยังใชกับสถานที่ใหญ ๆ เชน

in a country in a city in a village

at (ใชกับสถานที่เล็ก ๆ)

She is at home. (at the store, at the office, at the airport)

นอกจากนี้ at ยังใชกับบานเลขที่ + ชื่อถนน

She lives at 215 Sukhumvit Road.

on The book is on the table.

Don’t sit on the sofa.

นอกจากนี้ on ยังใชกับชื่อถนน (ไมมีบานเลขที่)

I live on Sukhumvit Road.

under (= ใต)

The paper is under the table.

Put a pad under the hot dish.

beside (= ขาง ๆ)

The napkin is placed beside the plate.

5 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
near/ by (= ใกล ๆ)

Jane is sitting near (by) the door.

against (= ติดกับ)

He is pushing against the wall.

นอกจากนี้ยังมีคําบุพบทอื่น ๆ ที่ใชแสดงตําแหนง เชน next to, opposite, across

The cinema is across the road from (opposite) the café.

The café is next to the bookshop.

over/ above ทั้งสองคํา แปลวา เหนือ, สูงกวา แตมีสํานวนใชตางกัน

The plane is flying over a city.

Don’t lean over the wall.

I’m over 36.

My house is over yours.


This city is above sea level.

His name is above mine on the list.

Don’t wear skirts above the knee.

below (= ต่ํากวา, ใต)

Wear skirts below the knee.

My house is below sea level.

His grade is below average.

behind (= ขางหลัง)

The paper is behind the desk.

6 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
หมายเหตุ : สํานวนและคําพิเศษอื่น ๆ ที่ใชกับบุพบท

by (make something) by hand

(learn) by heart)

(know somebody) by name

by accident, by chance

pay by the hour

sell by the yard

sell by the dozen


at ease at last at least

at once at war at work


for ever for example for good

for sale for the time being


in fact in love in order

in pain in prison in theory

in turn in vain in the long run


on business on fire on foot

on purpose on the way

out of

out of control out of danger out of date

out of luck out of order out of place

out of use out of the question

7 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)

without doubt within reason under repair

up to date up to now with luck

off the record from now on


agree with (somebody) be charged with

cope with compete with

interfere with quarrel with

supply with


apply to listen to object to

reply to turn to


base on comment on count on intrude on

rely on decide on (something)


arrive at guess at look at

peer at play at work at


differ from emerge from escape from

prohibit from suffer from recover from


believe in engage in invest in

interest in involve in succeed in

8 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)

beware of consist of dream of

get rid of think of

A. จงขีดเสนใตคําบุพบทที่ถูกตองในวงเล็บ

1. Do you live (at, on) Sukhumvit Road (in, on) Bangkok?

2. Let’s go (on, over) Chapter?

3. He sat (near, against) the fire.

4. I am tired (with, of) that girl.

5. Jane is (of, from) England.

6. He told me to come (at, in) 10:30, not (at, in) noon.

7. Did you meet Jane (at, during) your stay in England?

8. He has been working (during, since) noon.

2. Will you be here (by, on) 6 p.m.?

10. I’ve lived in England (for, since) two years.

11. Your score is (above, over) average.

12. My sister is writing (by, with) a pen.

13. I usually go to school (by, in) bus.

14. Jane lives (on, at) 223 Sukumvit Road.

15. Please listen (at, to) me.

16. My house is (between, among) two rivers.

17. This is good (to, for) him.

18. Are you good(at, in) English?

19. I was born (on, in) March, 1954.

20. He is guilty (for, of) the robbery.

9 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
B. จงเติมคําบุพบทที่ถูกตองลงในชองวาง

1. This book is different ____________ that one.

2. I am thinking ____________ going to the United States some day.

1. The exercise is ____________ the top of the page.

4. Although it is very warm in the daytime, it is cool ____________ night.

2. The Second World War began ____________ Europe ____________ 1939.

6. We walked ____________ fifth Avenue to Eighth Avenue.

7. We are going ____________ a walk ____________ the evening.

8. Mrs. Miller took the flowers ____________ the table.

9. Does dived __________ the lake and swam _________ the boat.

10. The party will be held __________ Tuesday.

11. When will they arrive ____________ Bangkok?

12. Bloomington is located _____________ the State __________ Indiana.

3. This book is written ____________ Banrbara Cartland.

14. I went to the movie twice ____________ week.

15. She was able to translate the letter ____________ herself.

16. Are you going ____________ plane or ____________ train?

17. The X bus passes ____________ my house.

18. It has been raining ____________ two hours.

19. It has been raining ____________ noon.

20. Their house is ____________the corner.

21. They live ____________ Clark Street. What street do you live____________?

22. Washington is not ____________ New York.

23. Is it very cold there ____________ the winter.

24. My birthday is ____________ June.

10 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
25. They arrived ____________ the first ____________ August.

26. Why do you sit ____________ that chair?

27. Are they coming ____________ the morning or ____________ the afternoon?

4. The room has many pictures ____________ the walls.

29. The mailman is waiting ____________ the door.

30. They are studying English ____________ American center.

5. I am ill ____________ typehoid.

32. Jack left ___________ London this morning.

33. Don’t be angry ___________ your maid. She is just a young girl.

34. This shirt is different __________ mine.

35. I’m in favour _____________ NATO, but I’m____________ the use of the nuclear weapons.

6. What’s the difference __________ a boat and a ship?

37. Don’t hurry. I’ll wait _____________ you’ve finished.

38. I’ll be back ___________ a minute.

39. I will meet you ____________ three o’clock ____________ Monday.

40. It is necessary to arrive ____________ the airport early.

41. I’m sorry, but I don’t agree ____________ you.

42. Would you like to correspond ____________ an American?

43. They set off ____________ Paris ____________ dawn.

44. He made a table ______________ old boxes.

45. You’re welcome any time ___________ my home.

46. They sold things _____________ a high price.

47. I really feel sorry ___________ you.

48. I like to listen ____________ records of classical music.

49. Have you paid ____________ the tickets yet?

50. What are you so angry ____________?

11 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
51. The valley is surrounded ____________ mountains.

52. How long does it take to learn English?

That depends ____________ you and ____________ how much time you study.

7. He got the wrong letter ___________ mistake.

C. Underline the correct preposition in each bracket.

1. His family has been in London (for, since) two years.

2. Your birthday is (in, on) January, but mine is (in, on) June 17.

3. The Jame family lives (at, on) Fifth avenue (in, on) New York City.

4. When you send a letter, don’t forget to put a stamp (in, on) the envelop.

1. Martinet will leave here (for, to) England (in, at) the end of June.

6. Columbus discovered America (in, on) 1942.

7. Michigan is situated (among, between) Lake Michigan and Lake Huron.

8. Suni walked (in, into) the kitchen and put her shopping-bag (on, over) the table.

9. It takes three yards (of, by) material to make a dress.

10. I have just received the bill (to, in) the middle of the month.

11. Mr. William spends five hours (in, on) his office (on, at) 655 Wireless Road every day.

12. The headmaster let me do instead (of, for) him.

13. We can meet each other (by, at) dinner because we are very busy every day.

14. Every year many Thais die (by, of) cancer.

15. They will have finished this work (in, by) next month.

16. We must go to the station (on, in) a hurry, because there are five minutes left.

17. Today the cabinet will have a meeting (in, at) midday.

18. His brother always gets up (in, at) dawn.

19. Most people like to go to Bangsaen (during, between) the summer holidays.
12 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
20. The plane will fly in France (in, on) Tuesday (at, on) eleven o’clock (in, at) the morning.

1. The Grand Palace is situated (among, during, between) Wat Po and the University of Fine


2. There is only one (among, between, during) the boys that knew the answer of this question.

2. The Browns will arrive (to, in, at) Thailand (at, on) Christmas.

2. When we write to our friends, we should write (with, by, in) ink.

3. This liquid smells (as, like) turpentine.

1 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Exercise Unit 7 Preposition

Choose the best answer.

0. If you are using a telephone you are __________ the phone.

a) on b) by c) with d) at

0. I have the friend who is a student ____________ a university ___________ England.

a) in…at b) at…over c) at…in d) of…of

0. Our school team lost the football match because our best player was sent __________ the field.

a) out b) off c) away d) aside

0. I think she is angry ___________ you for some mistake __________ your work.

a) at…on b) with…in c) for…in d) against…on

0. Please write ______________ ink when you fill ___________ the form.

a) with…on b) in…with c) with…off d) in…out

1. They went to Singapore ___________ train.

a) in b) by c) with d) between

1. According ___________ her story, she missed the bus.

a) to b) by c) with d) in

1. The jar is full ___________ rain water.

a) with b) off c) of d) by

1. You should try to be there __________ time.

a) with b) by c) over d) on

1. I met Jack _____________ chance in the coffee-shop.

a) by b) with c) on d) over

1. It was very kind __________ you to do this for me.

a) off b) of c) by d) with
2 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
12. I prefer this shirt _____________ that one.

a) over b) of c) to d) from

13. We will go there ___________ foot.

a) with b) on c) by d) in

14. ___________ his surprise, he won the first prize.

a) In b) With c) By d) To

2. I am going to London ___________ Sunday.

a) at b) in c) for d) on

16. School begins __________ half past eight.

a) at b) in c) on d) by

17. I’ll be 25 years old ___________ 1986.

a) at b) on c) in d) for

18. Fresh fruit is good ____________ our health.

a) to b) with c) for d) in

19. The boat left ___________ noon.

a) by b) from c) since d) at

20. He was born ___________ the fifth of May.

a) by b) on c) in d) at

21. I have been coming to this restaurant __________ 5 years.

a) for b) during c) since d) in

22. He hasn’t been here _____________ last Saturday.

a) for b) during c) since d) on

23. I saw them often _________ the summer.

a) for b) during c) since d) on

24. I don’t care ___________ sweet things.

a) to b) of c) over d) for
3 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
25. You ought to be ashamed ____________ yourself.

a) of b) on c) with d) by

26. He died ____________ pneumonia.

a) with b) of c) at d) by

27. He has not been here ____________ some time.

a) during b) in c) for d) since

3. He has been __________ London for a week.

a) at b) into c) on d) in

29. The captain is __________ board the skip.

a) in b) on c) at d) over

30. That ship is __________ fire.

a) at b) on c) in d) under

31. Never throw stones ____________ animals.

a) at b) on c) in d) over

32. He bumped ____________ the table.

a) at b) on c) into d) over

33. By 2 o’clock the fire was ____________ control.

a) in b) with c) to d) under

34. __________ July the weather is very hot.

a) At b) For c) In d) On

35. Chinese people enjoy themselves ____________ Chinese New Year’s Day.

a) at b) on c) in d) for

36. The birds began to sing ___________ dawn.

a) to b) by c) in d) at

37. Who is ___________ charge of the soldiers?

a) in b) under c) over d) at
4 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
38. There is a difference ____________ your pen and mine.

a) at b) after c) between d) with

39. Put it over there ____________ the fire-place.

a) from b) to c) with d) by

40. It is ___________ him to say, not you.

a) with b) at c) for d) in

41. He bounced the ball _________ the wall.

a) between b) against c) under d) in

42. My father fight ____________ corruption.

a) at b) with c) against d) for

43. I hope we get there ___________ time.

a) for b) at c) on d) with

4. England and France were ___________ war.

a) in b) on c) under d) at

45. The people suffered ___________ hunger.

a) with b) from c) at d) over

46. He was pleased _____________ his exam results.

a) on b) in c) with d) for

47. People were jealous ___________ Ann.

a) on b) in c) of d) for

48. He lost his bag ___________ the way to school.

a) on b) in c) of d) for

49. A poor man is always ____________ need of money.

a) under b) for c) in d) at

50. Eggs are sold ____________ the dozen.

a) at b) for c) on d) by
5 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
51. He got a job ___________ a doctor.

a) as b) like c) for d) by

52. Don’t walk __________ an old lady!

a) as b) like c) for d) of

53. I usually work from 9 a.m. ___________ 5 p.m.

a) for b) by c) until d) at

54. Your grade is ___________ average.

a) in b) above c) over d) up

55. Did you see the girl ___________ a red dress?

a) in b) on c) with d) by

56. What are you interested ___________?

a) at b) in c) on d) for

57. Those children will share the sweets ____________ themselves.

a) with b) on c) between d) among

58. When are you leaving ____________ London?

a) to b) at c) for d) by

59. He is ___________ his office now.

a) to b) of c) on d) in

60. They went to London __________ plane.

a) by b) with c) in d) on

61. Good students always listen __________ the teacher.

a) at b) for c) with d) to

62. I am tired _____________ watching TV.

a) at b) about c) of d) in

63. My room is directly ___________ yours.

a) over b) on c) in d) upon
6 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
64. Jack was blamed ____________ the accident.

a) at b) for c) with d) by

65. I don’t know what it is ___________.

a) over b) at c) with d) about

5. Camels can go a long time ___________water.

a) over b) at c) without d) on

67. Who are you going to sit ____________?

a) with b) at c) near d) on

68. She swept the dust ___________ the rug.

a) with b) at c) under d) through

69. Don’t fall ___________ the stairs.

a) over b) up c) along d) down

70. We will be in London ___________ three hours.

a) on b) in c) at d) by

6. The man ___________ the red hair seems familiar.

a) in b) on c) with d) by

72. We sent a notice _____________ the meeting.

a) about b) for c) of d) on

73. Elections are held ____________ October 19, 1985.

a) in b) on c) at d) by

74. This book was written __________ him.

a) under b) with c) through d) by

75. I live ___________ Sukhumvit Road.

a) in b) on c) at d) by

76. Please explain this problem ___________ me.

a) to b) for c) of d) with
7 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
77. This telephone is ___________ order.

a) off b) without c) out of d) under

78. These shoes are made ___________ the finest leather.

a) in b) of c) with d) by

79. This place is famous ____________ Mexican food.

a) for b) of c) with d) by

80. He is afraid ___________ his own shadow.

a) for b) by c) with d) of

7. You can depend __________ me.

a) for b) on c) with d) of

82. Are you familiar __________ this type of work?

a) for b) on c) with d) of

83. Please excuse me ____________ being late.

a) for b) on c) with d) of

84. I agree __________ you on that point.

a) for b) on c) with d) of

85. Please take these books along ___________ you.

a) on b) with c) for d) by

86. This cloth is sold _________.

a) with yard b) on a yard c) as a yard d) by the yard

87. She is standing _________ Tim.

a) near to b) after to c) beside d) opposite to

88. Nobody ____________ me finishes this exercise.

a) as b) but c) to d) beside

89. He came to the party ________ the rain.

a) with b) because of c) in spite of d) despite of

8 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
90. We must _________ all the rubbish.

a) do away with b) look up to c) blow out d) cut in

7. Don’t judge a person __________ his clothes.

a) on b) in c) at d) by

8. She called me ___________ very late last night.

a) up b) in c) at d) off

8. He can’t make _________ your words.

a) at b) out c) up d) in

8. What’s taking an entrance exam ____________?

a) look like b) alike c) likely d) like

8. The boy depends __________ his sister to take care _________ him.

a) to, which b) on, of c) on, about d) to, to

8. It has been raining since nine o’clock in the morning; the field is wet. I think we should call

________ the match this evening.

a) on b) at c) out d) off

8. They said your boyfriend was still handsome, __________ his missing front tooth.

a) with b) no matter of c) except d) in spite of

8. It has been hypothesized that differences in the behavior of the sexes may be __________

differences in metabolism.

a) due to b) up to c) alike to d) in addition to

8. I go ________ the post office every morning on my way to school.

a) on b) in c) off d) by

100.The population of New Jersey ____________ the 1970 census was 7,168,164.

a) due to b) according to c) together with d) in spite of

9 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
101.____________ an increased number of public housing projects, most Mexican cities have a

severe housing problem.

a) Owing to b) In spite c) Despite d) Because of

102.“What has happened?” “A truck carrying a full load of toxic gas has just exploded, sending

poisonous fumes _________ the whole community.”

a) through out b) among c) for d) in

103.There are many inconveniences that you have to put __________ when you go camping.

a) far to b) away from c) out from d) up with

104.John will take __________ the family business when he comes __________ age.

a) up, to b) over, of c) in, of d) off, to

105.I think you’d better sort _________ the things you want to keep and things you want to throw

___________ before we leave.

a) with, out b) away, out c) out, away d) of, away

1 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Unit 8 Conjunction


คือ คําสันธาน ซึ่งทําหนาที่เชื่อมประโยค กับประโยค คําสันธานที่ควรรูมีดังนี้ and, but, because, so, or, although

And (และ) ใชเชื่อมขอความที่สอดคลองกัน หรือคลอยตามกัน

1. เชื่อมประธานของประโยค

Sunee and Suda go to school. = Sunee goes to school. Suda goes to school.

Anan and his brother like dogs.

The boys and the girls study hard.

He and his brother are playing football.

My mother and I went shopping yesterday.

2. เชื่อมกรรมกับกรรม

He will buy a pen and a ruler. = He will buy a pen. He will buy a ruler.

She likes coffee and tea.

They have breakfast and lunch at this restaurant.

Susan borrowed a plate and a bowl from me.

2. เชื่อมกริยากับกริยา

They always dance and sing. = They always dance. They always sing.

We love and respect him.

Linda often listens to the radio and watches television.

2 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
4. เชื่อมคําชนิดเดียวกัน

She is pretty and polite. = She is pretty. She is polite.

He is lucky and rich.

He is tall and handsome.

They work hard and quickly.

I always drive slowly and carefully.

But (แต) ใชเชื่อมใจความที่ขัดแยงกัน

Sam is poor but Susan is rich.

I like coffee but you like tea.

Sedan is clever but he is lazy.

He wants to go to London but his wife wants to go to Liverpool.

Because (เพราะวา) ใชเชื่อมขอความที่เปนเหตุเปนผลกัน

Because จะอยูหนาขอความที่เปนสาเหตุ

Sunee does not go to school because she is sick.

I like David because he is not selfish.

Anan does not want to go out because it is raining.

The teacher was angry because Susan was late.

Because he is rude, nobody likes him.

นอกจากนี้ Because ยังใชบอกเหตุผลในการตอบประโยคคําถามที่ขึ้นตนดวย why

A: Why do you like Sindy?

B: Because she is nice.

3 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)

หมายเหตุ : Because she is nice. ไมถือวาเปนประโยคที่สมบูรณ มักใชในภาษาพูด ซึ่งตองการขอความที่รวบรัดถาจะทําใหเปน


I like Sindy because she is nice.

A: Why is he happy?

B: He is happy because he has passed the final examination.

A: Why is Tipawan crying?

B: She is crying because she is afraid of the dog.

So (ดังนั้น) ใชเชื่อมขอความที่เปนเหตุเปนผลกัน เหมือนคําวา Because สวน So จะอยูหนาขอความที่เปนผล


He does not go to school (ผล) because he is sick (สาเหตุ).

Because he is sick (สาเหตุ), he does not go to school (ผล).

He is sick (เหตุ), so he does not go to school (ผล).

(ประโยคนี้จะสลับที่เอา so he does not go to school ไปไวขางหนาไมได)

จะเห็นวา Because + สาเหตุ แต So + ผล

He is rude so nobody likes him.

They are poor so we help them.

She is kind so we love her.

Susan passed the final examination so his father gave him a car.
4 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Or (หรือ, มิฉะนั้น) ใชเชื่อมขอความซึ่งเปนการเลือกเอาอยางใดอยางหนึ่ง

0. เชื่อมกรรม

Do you want a pen or a pencil?

Do you like David or Richard?

Are you angry with him or her?

1. เชื่อมกริยา

You can stay with me or go out with them.

You can buy furniture or rent it.

1. เชื่อมคุณศัพท

Is she pretty or ugly?

Is Tom lazy or diligent?

Are they poor or rich?

Is he tall or short?

1. เชื่อมกริยาวิเศษณ

Does he work well or badly?

Will you eat here or there?

Did they get up late or early?

Although (แมวา) ใชเชื่อมขอความที่ขัดแยงกันเหมือน But แตมีวิธีใชความแตกตางจาก But ดังนี้

He is rich but he is unhappy.

Although he is rich, he is unhappy. or

He is unhappy although he is rich.

1 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Exercise Unit 8 Conjunction
A. จงเชื่อมประโยคตอไปนี้ดวย and

Example Winai can swim. Somchai can swim.

Winai and Somchai can swim.

1. Wipa bought bananas. Wipa bought oranges.


2. Nipa will go shopping. Dara will go shopping.


3. Danai is a teacher. Suwit is a teacher.


4. My father reads books. My father reads newspapers.


1. Mrs. Ross is pretty. Mrs. Ross is kind.


6. He drives fast. He drives carelessly.


7. Wanna is polite. Wanna is diligent.


8. Susan speaks English slowly. Susan speaks English clearly.


9. Nantha likes hotdogs. Nantha likes hamburgers.


10. Wirat types badly. Wirat types slowly.

2 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
A. จงเชื่อมประโยคตอไปนี้ดวย but

Example Tom speaks to me. He does not speak to Winai.

Tom speaks to me but he does not speak to Winai.

0. Rewat wants to go to Chiengmai. Weena wants to go to Phuket.


0. Manop watches television. He does not go to the cinema.


0. Sirichai wants a car. He does not have enough money to buy it.


0. John can swim. Bill cannot swim.


0. Bancha bought a pen. Sirima bought a pencil.


0. Chinda is polite. Weera is not polite.


1. Mary is diligent. Betty is lazy.


1. Sornchai is poor. Linda is kind.

3 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
B. จงเชื่อมประโยคตอไปนี้ดวย and, or หรือ but

1. Sunee __________ Suda are going to school.

2. Weena will go shopping _____________ Srisuda will go to the cinema.

3. A: Do you want coffee _________ tea?

B: I want tea.

1. A: Do you like Suda ______________ Sunan?

B: Yes, I do.

5. I went shopping _____________ I saw Wilai at the shopping center.

6. I asked her for help ___________ she did not help me.

7. Do you want to eat at a restaurant ____________ at home?

8. Is your English teacher kind ___________ strict?

9. A: Will you buy orange juice ____________ pine apple juice?

B: I will buy both.

10. She is diligent ___________ polite so every teacher likes her.

B. จงเติม so หรือ because ลงในชองวางใหถูกตอง

1. He wants a lot of money _____________ he wants to buy a house.

2. I was sick yesterday ___________ I did not go to work.

3. We stayed at home last night ___________ it was raining heavily.

4. I am very thirsty ___________ I drink water.

5. Wichai ate a lot of food ____________ he was very hungry.

6. Montha is afraid of her teacher ____________ he is very strict.

7. I have a lot of homework _____________ I don’t want to go out.

8. Everyone likes Sirima _____________ she is not selfish.

9. Ben was not polite ____________ I was angry with him.

10. My father gave me 500 baht ____________ I passed the final examination.
4 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
D. จงใช because เชื่อมประโยคตอไปนี้

0. He ate too much. He was sick.


1. She is weak. She cannot carry a heavy box.


2. Somchai can carry a heavy box. He is very strong.


2. He is rich. He will buy two cars.


3. They are poor. They do not have anything to eat.


3. He loves her. He wants to buy everything for her.


3. His father punished Winai. Winai hit the cat.


3. I have a lot of homework. I will go to bed late.

5 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
E. จงใช so เชื่อมประโยคตอไปนี้

0. Nathee ate too much. He has a stomach-ache.


0. I want to buy a new blouse. I will go shopping.


1. Buri has no money. He cannot buy anything.


1. Sirima did not go to school. She was sick.


2. They passed the final examination. They studied hard.


2. He will marry her. He loves her.


2. Nida watched television until midnight. She got up late.


2. The teacher punished Danai. Danai came to school late.

6 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
F. จงเติม because หรือ although ลงในประโยคตอไปนี้ใหถูกตอง

1. Mary does not have any lunch ___________ she wants to lose weight.

2. Don is poor ___________ he works very hard.

3. Bancha likes his car _____________ it works well.

3. Charas is not happy _____________ his wife is angry with him.

3. Nitaya passed the final examination ___________ she did not study hard.

4. He is very thin ____________ he always eats a lot of food.

4. ______________ I like her, she does not like me.

4. ______________ Pairote broke the glasses, his father punished him.

4. Nobody likes him _________ he is handsome.

4. Ratana studies hard _______________ she wants to pass the final examination.
7 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
C. Choose the best answer.

0. ____________ she was sick, she went to work.

a) Because b) Although c) So d) But

0. I helped him _____________ I liked him.

a) because b) so c) although d) but

0. They love ___________ adore their father.

a) but b) so c) because d) and

0. He is lazy ____________ he is clever.

a) and b) so c) but d) although

0. Do you want to have lunch now ______________ wait till later?

a) and b) or c) but d) so

0. I want to lie down ____________ go to sleep.

a) and b) but c) or d) so

0. The car is quite new ___________ in good condition.

a) and b) but c) or d) so

0. He worked too hard, ___________ he fell ill.

a) but b) because c) or d) so

0. ____________ the house is old, it is in good condition.

a) Because b) Although c) Or d) But

0. I came here ___________ I wanted to see you.

a) so b) although c) because d) but

0. It started raining, ___________ we went home.

a) so b) but c) and d) although

0. Which color do you want red, green, ____________ blue?

a) and b) but c) so d) or
8 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
13. He is good at most sports. He can play tennis, football, basketball ___________golf well.

a) or b) but c) and d) so

1. Richard is handsome, __________ I don’t like him.

a) but b) so c) and d) because

1. Some people don’t like her __________ she is pretty.

a) so b) although c) because d) and

2. Jim was not there, ____________ her sister was.

a) and b) or c) so d) but

2. He is studying English __________ he wants to go abroad.

a) because b) so c) although d) but

2. I couldn’t hear the teacher, _____________ I moved to the first row.

a) because b) so c) although d) or

2. ____________ Mr. Johnson is 70 years old, he is still an active man.

a) Because b) So c) But d) Although

2. Ying left home early _________ she had an 8 o’clock class.

a) although b) so c) because d) and

1 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Unit 9 Modals

Can เปนกริยาชวยที่ใชนําหนากริยาอื่น ๆ มีความหมายวา “สามารถ”

Subject + can + v1 + (Object)

I can drive a car.

บอกเลา ปฏิเสธ คําถาม

I can swim. I cannot swim. Can I swim?

You can swim. You cannot swim. Can you swim?

He/ She can swim. He/ She cannot swim. Can he/ she swim?

We can swim. We cannot swim. Can we swim?

They can swim. They cannot swim. Can they swim?

It can swim. It cannot swim. Can it swim?

รูปยอของ cannot คือ can’t

I can’t swim. They can’t swim.

May เปนกริยาชวยที่ใชนําหนาคํากริยาอื่น ๆ มีความหมายวา “อาจทําได, คงจะ, อาจจะ” ใชเพื่อแสดงการอนุญาตหรือคาดคะเน


You may be ill.

You may leave.

Suda may come back late.

Subject + may + V1 + (object)

2 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Can และ May ใชกับประธานไดทุกบุรุษ และคํากริยาที่ตามหลัง can และ may จะเปนกริยาชองที่ 1 เสมอ

บอกเลา ปฏิเสธ คําถาม

I may come. I may not come. May I come?

You may come. You may not come. May you come?

He/ She may come. He/ She may not come. May he/ she come?

We may come. We may not come. May we come?

They may come. They may not come. May they come?

It may come. It may not come. May it come?

รูปยอของ may not คือ mayn’t แตไมนิยมใช

Must เปนกริยาชวยที่ใชนําหนาคํากริยาอื่น ๆ มีความหมายวา “ตอง, จําเปนตอง” ใชไดกับประธานทุกบุรุษ และคํากริยาที่ตามหลัง

must จะเปนกริยาชองที่ 1 เสมอ

Subject + Must + V1 + (Object)

บอกเลา ปฏิเสธ คําถาม

I must go. I must not go. Must I go?

You must go. You must not go. Must you go?

He/ She must go. He/ She must not go. Must he/ she go?

We must go. We must not go. Must we go?

They must go. They must not go. Must they go?

It must go. It must not go. Must it go?

หมายเหตุ: must not = ตองไม รูปยอคือ mustn’t ใชเมื่อตองการไมใหทําอะไร

3 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Need เปนกริยาที่ใชนําหนากริยาอื่น หมายความวา จําเปนตอง มีวิธีใช 2 แบบ คือ

a) ใชแบบกริยาชวยอื่น ๆ ในกรณีนี้ need ใชไดกับประธานทุกบุรุษโดยไมมีการเปลี่ยนแปลงและกริยาที่ตามหลัง need

เปนกริยาชอง 1 เสมอ

I need go now.

He need work hard.

We need help him.

Need not = ไมจําเปนตอง คํายอ คือ needn’t

You needn’t get up early tomorrow.

They needn’t run.

You needn’t work too hard.

b) ใชแบบกริยาธรรมดา มีความหมายวา จําเปนตอง เชนเดียวกัน ในกรณีนี้ตองเติม ‘s’ เมื่อประธานเปนเอกพจน และตองมี to


Subject + need(s) + to + V1 + (Object)

บอกเลา คําถาม

I need to go now. Do I need to go now?

You need to go now. Do you need to go now?

He/ She needs to go Does he/ she need to go

now. now?

We need to go now. Do we need to go now?

They need to go now. Do they need to go now?

It needs to go now. Does it need to go now?

4 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
เมื่อเปนปฏิเสธ ตองใชกริยา do มาชวย

I do not need

You do not need

He/ She does not

need to go now.

We do not need

They do not need

It does not need

do not need ยอเปน don’t need.

does not need ยอเปน doesn’t need.

You don’t need to work today.

Bob doesn’t need to help me.

Have to มีความหมายเหมือน must (ตอง)

Have to เปลี่ยนเปน has to เมื่อประธานเปนเอกพจน สวนกริยาที่ตามหลัง have to จะเปนกริยาชองที่ 1 เสมอ

Subject + {have to, has to} + V1 + (object)

บอกเลา ปฏิเสธ

I have to go. Do I have to go?

You have to go. Do you have to go?

He/ She has to go. Does he/ she have to go?

We have to go. Do we have to go?

They have to go. Do they have to go?

It has to go. Does it have to go?

5 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
I have to tell him.

You have to obey your parents.

He has to go back to Japan.

หมายเหตุ: Do not หรือ Does not have to = ไมตอง, ไมจําเปนตอง

(มีความหมายเหมือน need not)

รูปยอ คือ don’t have to หรือ doesn’t have to

I don’t have to

You don’t have to

He/ She doesn’t have to go.

We don’t have to

They don’t have to

It doesn’t have to

You don’t have to study here.

Vichit doesn’t have to leave now.

We don’t have to listen to him.

6 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Should = ควร, ควรจะ ใชกับประธานทุกบุรุษ และคํากริยาที่ตามหลัง should จะเปนกริยาชอง 1 เสมอ

Subject + should + V1 + (Object)

บอกเลา คําถาม

I should go now. Should I go now?

You should go now. Should you go now?

He/ She should go now. Should he/ she go now?

We should go now. Should we go now?

They should go now. Should they go now?

It should go now. Should it go now?

รูปปฏิเสธ Should not รูปยอ คือ shouldn’t แปลวา ไมควร, ไมควรจะ

You should give him some money.

You should not give him any money.

He should not be rude.

They should watch television.

We should not smoke.

7 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Ought to = ควร, ควรจะ มีความหมายเหมือน should

ใช ought to กับประธานทุกบุรุษ โดยไมมีการเปลี่ยนรูป และคํากริยาที่ตามหลัง ought to จะเปนกริยาชองที่ 1 เสมอ

Subject + ought to + V1 + (Object)

บอกเลา ปฏิเสธ

I ought to go now. I ought not to go now.

You ought to go now. You ought not to go now.

He/ She ought to go now. He/ She ought not to go now.

We ought to go now. We ought not to go now.

They ought to go now. They ought not to go now.

It ought to go now. It ought not to go now.

รูปยอของ ought not to คือ oughtn’t to

We ought to obey the rules.

You oughtn’t to go to school late.

1 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Exercise Unit 9 Modals

A. จงใช can และ cannot กับคํากริยาในประโยคตอไปนี้ใหถูกตอง

Example He (swim) in the sea.

He can swim in the sea.

They (not, drink) whisky.

They cannot drink whisky.

1. Suda (draw) beautiful flowers.


2. My brother (not, drive) a car.


3. I (lift) this heavy box.


4. Ying (sing) beautiful songs.


5. The baby (not, run) quickly.


6. I (answer) these questions.


7. Vipas (not, eat) with chopsticks.


8. A bat (fly).

2 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
B. จงเปลี่ยนประโยคตอไปนี้ใหเปนประโยคคําถาม

1. Malika can use a sewing-machine.


2. He can swim across the river.


3. They can make tables.


4. We can go to Malaysia.


5. Tom can touch the ceiling.


6. Bill can control the horse.


7. Arjarn Vichit can ride a bicycle.


8. Srisuda can make chicken curry.

3 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
C. จงใช may และ may not กับคํากริยาในประโยคตอไปนี้ใหถูกตอง

1. My parents (return) tomorrow night.


2. You (tell) everyone the news.


3. Andrew (not, arrive) next week.


4. Mary (know) the answer.


5. There (not, be) enough food for everyone.


6. Mr. Ross (help) you.


7. They (not, agree) with you.


8. The work (not, be) easy for you.

4 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
D. จงใช must และ must not กับคํากริยาในประโยคตอไปนี้ใหถูกตอง

1. I (see) him tomorrow.


2. You (not, drink) alcohol again.


3. You (not, use) my typewriter.


4. He (finish) this work next week.


5. They (do) their homework tonight.


6. We (not, disappoint) our parents.


7. Arjarn Vichit (stop) smoking.


8. They (not, eat) in the bedroom.

5 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
E. จงใช need และ need not กับคํากริยาในประโยคตอไปนี้ใหถูกตอง

1. We (help) our friends.


2. She (not, come) here early tomorrow.


3. You (exercise) sometimes.


4. He (eat) vegetables.


5. They (not, buy) those books.


6. Ying (buy) a new shirt.


7. Arjarn Vipas (be) on a diet.


8. You (not, tell) me everything.

6 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
F. จงเติม mustn’t หรือ needn’t ลงในชองวางใหถูกตอง

1. Benjawan ___________ go to bed early because tomorrow is Sunday.

2. A rich man _____________ work hard.

3. You ____________ take an umbrella because it won’t rain.

4. You __________ drive a car if you are drunk.

5. You ____________ go to the bank.

6. You _________ tell this to anybody because it is a secret.

7. You _________ smoke in here because smoking is forbidden.

8. You ___________ clean the room now because I will clean it myself tomorrow.

9. You ___________ buy anything for me because I will go shopping tomorrow.

G. จงเปลี่ยน must ใหเปน have (has) to

Example He must do it now.

He has to do it now.

1. They must learn to swim.



2. We must go by train.



3. I must go to bed now.


7 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
4. You must write a letter to Paul.



1. Nantha must get a job.



6. Pee Kong must study French.



7. Richard must wear a uniform.



2. Jimmy must take an English test tomorrow.



H. จงเปลี่ยนประโยคตอไปนี้ใหเปนประโยคคําถาม

Example He must leave now.

Must he leave now?

He has to leave now.

Does he have to leave now?

1. We have to study this lesson.

8 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
2. Everyone must take the final examination.


3. Malee has to go shopping this afternoon.


4. We have to return these books to the library tomorrow.


5. Theera has to explain everything to them.


6. You must speak to Mr. Robinson tomorrow.


1. They have to leave for Chiengmai next Friday.


8. You must mail that package to Winai today.


I. จงเปลี่ยนประโยคตอไปนี้ใหเปนประโยคปฏิเสธ

Example She must leave before seven o’clock.

She must not leave before seven o’clock.

She has to study these three lessons.

She doesn’t have to study these three lessons.

1. We have to be there at eight o’clock tomorrow.

9 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
2. He has to give a pen to Jimmy.


3. You must tell your friends these plans.


4. He must help his friends with their homework.


5. You must send a telegram to your father.


6. I have to stay at my office until seven o’clock tonight.


7. The teacher has to explain the same lesson twice.


8. They must return the money to Mr.Smith before Tuesday.


J. จงใช should และ ought to ในประโยคตอไปนี้

Example He (finish) that work before Monday.

He should finish that work before Monday.

He ought to finish that work before Monday.

1. Bill (return) to England next week.



2. You (report) to the police about the accident.


10 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
3. We (walk) very fast to get there on time.



1. You (invite) Srisuda to the party.



5. He (be) more careful.



6. Vichit (stay) at home tonight.



2. We (tell) her the news.



8. They (go) to bed early.



K. จงเปลี่ยนใหเปนประโยคปฏิเสธ

1. You should answer his telegram.


2. He should wait until next week.

11 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
3. They ought to drink more coffee.


4. We ought to lock the front door.


1. Robert should look for a new job.


6. You ought to tell him the truth.


7. Ladda ought to postpone her trip.


8. She should go with Mr.Fox.


L. จงเปลี่ยนใหเปนประโยคคําถาม

1. We should obey the company’s rules.


2. He ought to follow his teacher’s instructions.


3. Vichit should learn to play the piano.


4. Pee Kong should pick up Henry at the airport.


5. They ought to attend the meeting tomorrow.


6. We should go shopping at this supermarket.

12 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
7. Bancha ought to go to the cinema tonight.


8. Wipa ought to study harder.


M. จงเติมกริยาชวยตอไปนี้ลงในชองวางใหถูกตอง –can, may, must, must not, don’t need to, doesn’t have to,

can’t, should, should not

1. We ____________ wear uniforms. It is one of the school’s regulations.

2. You are ill. You __________ stay in bed and rest.

3. You _________ clean the room. I’ve already cleaned it.

1. _____________ he swim? Yes, he can.

2. You may keep the book for a week. After that you ____________ return it to the library.

4. _____________ I come in? Yes, sure.

4. I _____________ reach the ceiling. It’s too high.

5. You should ask Ann. She ___________ know Tom’s address.

6. He _____________ do his homework tonight. He can leave it until tomorrow.

7. You _____________ drink this. It’s poisonous.

8. She ____________ go out tonight. It’s going to rain soon.

9. You __________ help your neighbors when they are in trouble.

13 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
N. Choose the best answer.

1. When crossing the road you _________ be careful.

a) might b) could c) need to d) can

1. My father said, “ ____________ watch TV all the afternoon if you wish.”

a) You ought b) You should c) You may d) You have to

3. ___________ I sit here or is this seat taken?

a) Can b) Will c) Should d) Might

4. The girl _____________ walk again soon after she has an operation.

a) will b) can c) shall d) should

5. ___________ you explain the question again?

a) May b) Shall c) Might d) Can

6. Our dog is very clever. He ___________ open any door in the house.

a) can b) may c) should d) will

7. Good morning, sir. What _________ I do for you?

a) can b) may c) should d) will

8. The story Tom told us yesterday ____________ be true. He never tells lies.

a) shall b) may c) should d) will

9. I ____________ stay at the office late today because there is a lot of work to do.

a) must b) might c) could d) can

10. Prices of houses have gone up. Now you __________ not find one for under $19,000.

a) must b) can c) shall d) should

11. _____________ I interrupt you for a moment?

a) May b) Should c) Might d) Shall

12. You __________ now, children.

a) may to go b) can to go c) must to go d) may go

14 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
2. The students _____________ their homework now.

a) should to do b) ought to do c) ought do d) shall do

14. He ____________ tomorrow, but I’m not sure that he will.

a) ought come b) should to come c) may come d) must come

3. We ____________ vegetables every day. There are good for our health.

a) should eat b) ought eat c) may eat d) must not eat

16. If you want to get a better grade, you __________ study very hard for the next exam.

a) should b) may c) can d) shall

17. Mary is ill. She ___________stay in bed and rest.

a) can b) may c) ought to d) shall

18. It’s late! We __________ walk very fast to get there on time.

a) ought b) may c) can d) must

19. I ___________ read the instructions carefully to understand them.

a) can b) may c) might d) have to

20. Which of these shirts should I buy? I _________ decide.

a) may not b) can’t c) will not d) must not

21. When ___________ we return all of these books to the library?

a) may b) would c) must d) might

22. Wannee is unhappy because she __________ find her diamond ring.

a) shouldn’t b) mustn’t c) doesn’t have to d) can’t

23. ___________ Jim go to the party with us? If he wants to go, I can pick him up.

a) Will b) Can c) Must d) Shall

24. Vichit can play the piano, but he _________ sing.

a) may not b) should c) must d) cannot

25. Everyone ___________ help his friends and neighbors when it is necessary.

a) will not b) may c) cannot d) should

15 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
26. ___________ you tell me where the Lido Theatre is?

a) Must b) May c) Can d) Should

27. My father said I _________ do my homework before I watch television.

a) must b) may c) should d) ought

28. Tim is seriously ill. He _________ see a doctor before it is too late.

a) may b) can c) must d) ought

29. You ___________ it next Monday, if you like.

a) can do b) may to do c) should do d) must do

30. You cough a lot. You __________ stop smoking.

a) should to b) can c) ought to d) may

1 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Unit 10 Verb Forms

แบงเปน 5 กลุมสําคัญ ไดแก

1. Verb ที่ตามดวย Infinitive

2. Verb ที่ตามดวย Infinitive Without To

3. Verb ที่ตามดวย Gerund (V + ing)

4. Verb Form พิเศษ

5. Inchoative Verb

Verb ที่ตามดวย Infinitive

A. Verb + to + Verb

กลุม Verb ที่มีโครงสรางแบบนี้ ไดแก

agree arrange attempt bother

care decide deserve endeavor

fail forget hesitate hope

learn long mean plan

prepare promise prove refuse

swear seem try trouble

undertake use to wish would like

Example I agree to help you.

Don’t bother to see me out.

He failed to get an A.
2 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
I’m longing to see my son again.

Don’t trouble to come to see me.

She is planning to leave tomorrow.

We hope to go to Paris.

She deserves to get the money.

He tried to telephone Jane.

I would like to try.

B. Verb + {Noun, Pronoun} + to + Verb

กลุม Verb ที่มีโครงสรางแบบนี้ ไดแก

advise allow ask beg

cause command encourage expect

forbid force get invite

need order persuade remind

teach tell tempt want


Example We won’t allow them to smoke.

He asked me to pay for the meal.

The teacher teaches us to speak English.

They forced him to go.

Don’t tell me to do so.

I want you to do this.

He caused me to be late.

I advise you to study abroad.

3 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
หมายเหตุ: กลุม Verb บางตัวจะมีโครงสรางได 2 แบบ คือ อาจตามดวย to + Verb หรือ Pronoun, Noun + to + Verb


ask beg expect promise

want wish would like

Example The child begged to go.

He begged me to go.

They wished to stay.

We wished you to go.

C. Verb to be + Adjective + to + Verb

คํา Adjective ที่มีโครงสรางเชนนี้ ไดแก pleased, nice, upset, surprised, easy, interesting

Example I’m very pleased to meet you.

Jane is very nice to talk to.

I was upset to hear that.

It’s easy to learn.

He was surprised to see Jane.

Football is interesting to watch.

4 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
D. Verb + {Pronoun} + Question Word + to + Verb

Verb ที่ใชในโครงสรางนี้ ไดแก ask, consider, explain, find out, know, show, tell, understand, wonder

Example Could you tell me how to get there?

Please show us what to do.

I wonder who to talk to.

He asked me where to stay.

Can you find out when to go?

Verb ที่ตามดวย Infinitive without to

A. Verb + Verb

กลุม Verb ที่มีโครงสรางแบบนี้มักเปนพวก Modal เชน will, shall, would, should, can, could, may, might,
must นอกจากนี้ยังมี had better และ would rather

Example I must go now.

You’d better take a holiday.

You can help her.

I’d rather stay home.

We should try again.

5 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
B. Verb + {Pronoun, Noun} + Verb

กลุม Verb ที่มีโครงสรางเชนนี้ ไดแก

help hear have feel get

make see watch let

Example I always let my son stay up late.

I didn’t see you come in.

Please help me solve the problem.

The teacher made us repeat the word.

หมายเหตุ บางครั้ง “help” อาจตามดวย Pronoun, Noun + to + Verb

I helped her to write the report.

Please help her to move the box.

C. Why (not) + Verb

บางครั้ง เมื่อตองการเสนอแนะอะไรจะใช why (not) ขึ้นตนประโยค และจะตามดวย Verb ไมมี to

Why not take a holiday?

Why stand up if you can sit down?

Why not stay home tonight?

6 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Verb ที่ตามดวย Gerund

A. Verb + Verb-ing

กลุม Verb ที่ตามดวย gerund ไดแก

admit appreciate avoid can’t help

consider delay deny dislike

enjoy feel finish give up

keep like mind miss

postpone practice quit recall

stop suggest be used to be worth

Example I really appreciate having time to relax.

He admitted taking the money.

I enjoy eating.

I’ve finished working.

You should keep trying.

Have you considered studying abroad?

I’m used to typing.

B. Verb + Pronoun, Noun + Verb-ing

กลุม Verb ที่ใชโครงสรางนี้ ไดแก feel, find, watch, observe, smell, see

Example I found this movie interesting.

She watched him eating.

I smell something burning.

7 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
C. Preposition + Verb-ing

เมื่อมี Preposition นําหนา Verb ที่ตามหลังมาจะกลายเปน Gerund (Verb-ing) ทันที

Example I look forward to hearing from you.

Check the oil before starting the car.

She earns her living by typing.

Don’t talk about driving.

หมายเหตุ : Verb บางตัว จะมีโครงสราง 2 แบบ คือ

(1) ตามดวย to + Verb

(2) ตามดวย Verb-ing

เชน begin, continue, intend, love, like, neglect, propose, start

คําเหลานี้ความหมายจะไมเปลี่ยนหรือ เปลี่ยนเพียงเล็กนอยเมื่อใชโครงสรางตางกัน

I begin to laugh.

I begin laughing.

แตยังมีกลุม Verb บางตัวที่ความหมาย เมื่อตามดวย to + Verb จะแตกตางจากเมื่อตามดวย Gerund

เชน forget, go on, try, remember, regret

You really must stop smoking.

He stopped to smoke a cigarette.

I shall never forget seeing the Queen.

I forgot to see the Queen.

จะเห็นไดวาเมื่อตามดวย Gerund จะมีความหมายวาสิ่งนั้นไดถูกกระทําไปแลวในอดีต และเมื่อตามดวย Infinitive

8 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Verb Form พิเศษ

A. {get, have} + something + V3

This morning I had my shoes shined.

You should have your teeth checked.

She got her hair washed.

B. {be, feel, seem, look, get} + V3 (participle)

You get confused.

After a long day, you feel tired.

Jane looks worried.

นอกจากนี้ จะเห็นไดวา คํากริยากลุมนี้อาจตามดวย Present Participle ซึ่งทําหนาที่เหมือนคําคุณศัพท (Adjective)

This lesson was interesting.

This movie is exciting.

Inchoative Verb

คือ กริยาที่แสดงการเปลี่ยนแปลงสภาพ หรือ ภาวะ กริยาเหลานี้ ไดแก become, get, grow, turn, go, come, fall

Inchoative Verb ตามดวยคําชนิดตาง ๆ ดังนี้

1. inchoative verb + Adjective

He is getting rich.

She is growing old.

I’m becoming bored.

Malee has got thin.

His face turned pale.

9 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
2. inchoative verb + Noun

Billy wants to become a dentist.

3. inchoative verb + to + infinitive

I got to know Sally at the party.

1. inchoative verb + comparative of adjective

Jim is getting better at golf.

It’s getting longer.

The water is getting hotter.

1 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Exercise Unit 10 Verb Forms

A. จงเปลี่ยนคํากริยาในวงเล็บใหมีรูปที่ถูกตอง

1. Jack asked me (come) right away.

2. I try (see) the manager.

3. We are very happy (be) here.

4. I’m not used to (get) up early.

5. Do you mind (turn) off the radio?

6. They object to (smoke) here.

7. You should get your shirt (clean).

8. When will you have your car (check)?

9. Please let me (do) it.

1. I told him how (do) it.

2. You’d better (stop) your car.

12. They must (study) tonight.

13. Can you get John (deliver) the paper?

14. Why (pay) more at other shops?

15. The party was pretty (bore).

16. I avoid (face) the dentist.

17. I’m looking forward to (watch) the game.

18. You’d better have your hair (cut).

19. Is this book worth (read)?

20. I find this fact (interest).

21. Will they allow us (park) here?

22. When did he stop (smoke)?

2 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
23. Do you enjoy (listen) to pop music?

24. He was surprised (hear) that.

25. The teacher found her TV (steal).

A. จงตอบคําถามตามตัวอยางขางลางนี้


Are the leaves brown? (turn)

Yes. They’ve turned brown.

1. Is Nantha better? (get)


2. Are you accustomed to the weather here? (get)


3. Is John mad? (go)


4. Is Weena fat? (get)


5. Is Pipat ill? (fall)


6. Is the milk sour? (turn)


7. Is it dark? (grow)


8. Is Richard asleep? (fall)

3 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
9. Is the bread moldy? (go)


10. Is Danai the manager? (become)


1. Is Susan interested in Steve? (become)


12. Is the zip undone? (come)


C. Choose the best answer.

1. Hurry up! We must run to the bus stop. I can see a bus ___________.

a) come b) comes c) coming d) is coming

2. I think I must have my hair ___________ soon.

a) a wash b) to wash c) washed d) washing

3. When I returned home, I found my servant _________ to a chair.

a) tying b) having tied c) to be typing d) tied

4. Listen to the people. Can you hear them ___________?

a) shouted b) shouting c) are shouting d) will shout

5. Ask the visitor to come in; don’t keep him ___________ outside.

a) stand b) standing c) to stand d) to be standing

6. I dislike ____________ when I am absorbed in my studies.

a) to disturb b) disturbed c) disturbing d) being disturbed

7. I would like _____________ my hair _____________.

a) have…. cut b) having…cut c) to have … cut d) to have … to cut

8. He heard some birds ____________.

a) sung b) will sing c) are singing d) singing

4 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
9. Would you mind ____________ more slowly?

a) speak b) speaking c) to speak d) spoke

10. He promised ___________ up smoking.

a) to give b) giving c) give d) gave

11. After a while she stopped ____________ out of the window and began her homework.

a) looking b) to look c) looked d) from looking

12. I shall never forget ___________ to school for the first time.

a) go b) went c) going d) to go

13. I tried to avoid ___________ to him but in the end I had to.

a) speak b) speaking c) to speak d) spoke

14. Those windows need ___________.

a) for cleaning b) to clean c) cleaned d) cleaning

1. Did you see the building ____________ down?

a) fell b) to fall c) is falling d) fall

16. He will not go in the boat because he is afraid ____________.

a) to be drowned b) of being drowned c) from drowning d) to drown

17. The teacher told him ____________ it again.

a) don’t do b) do not do c) not to do d) to not do

18. I don’t remember ____________ him before.

a) see b) to see c) saw d) seeing

19. I will try to prevent him ____________ himself.

a) from hurting b) hurt c) to hurt d) from hurt

20. He ran away without ___________ to help.

a) stop b) stopping c) stopped d) to stop

21. Would you mind ____________ the door, please?

a) close b) to close c) closed d) closing

5 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
22. I didn’t want to do it. They made me ___________ it.

a) do b) to do c) did d) done

23. Everyone watched the plane ____________ off.

a) to take b) taking c) took d) taken

24. We all look forward ____________ Jane.

a) to meeting b) to meet c) meet d) meeting

25. This book proved ___________ popular.

a) being b) to be c) for being d) is

26. We mustn’t fail ___________ our promise.

a) keeping b) keep c) to keep d) to keeping

27. We must urge her _____________ harder.

a) trying b) try c) for trying d) to try

28. I found the movie ____________.

a) excited b) to excite c) exciting d) to be exciting

29. He got the car ___________.

a) check b) checked c) to check d) checking

2. He prefers to __________ his own letters.

a) typing of b) be typed c) typing d) type

31. We were asked ___________ early.

a) to come b) coming c) come d) of coming

32. I am fond of ___________.

a) the swim b) being swum

c) swimming d) doing swimming

33. We are ____________ there at six.

a) being b) to be c) be d) to have been

6 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
34. I found her __________.

a) tired and depressed b) tiring and depressed

c) tired and depressing d) tiring and depressing

35. They helped me __________ my homework.

a) did b) doing c) done d) do

3. He let me ____________ his car.

a) drove b) to drive c) drive d) driving

37. I would rather ___________.

a) worked b) work c) to work d) working

38. You’d better _____________.

a) hurry up b) hurrying up c) to hurry up d) hurried up

4. I happen _______________ you are wrong.

a) to know b) knowing c) know d) knew

40. I enjoy __________ cards.

a) play b) to play c) playing d) play

41. She was upset ___________ that her mother was ill.

a) hearing b) to hear c) of hearing d) hear

42. We couldn’t help ____________her.

a) to love b) love c) being love d) loving

43. I would rather ________ than stayed home.

a) go out b) went out c) have gone out d) going out

44. He said he would __________me the next day.

a) call b) be called c) calling d) to call

45. Please help me ___________ the bag.

a) carry b) having carried c) carrying d) carried

7 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
46. I will have the men ____________ my car.

a) washed b) wash c) to wash d) washing

47. That seems ____________ a well –built house.

a) being b) was c) to be d) of being

48. You should ___________ your work __________ quickly.

a) getting…done b) getting… to do c) get… do d) get… done

49. They used to ____________ in Bangkok.

a) living b) live c) lived d) be lived

50. She appeared _____________ tired.

a) being b) be c) of being d) to be

51. You must always keep ___________.

a) of talking b) on talking c) to talk d) talked

5. ____________ too much makes me sleepy.

a) Eating b) To eat c) Eat d) Eaten

53. We are very much interested in __________ the U.S.

a) visit b) to visit c) visiting d) being visited

54. Aren’t you going ___________ town now?

a) to leave by b) leaving to c) leaving for d) to leave for

55. Mary is about __________ her mind and ________ me.

a) changing…to marry b) to change ….marry

c) to change …. to marry d) changing… marry

56. I wouldn’t dream ___________.

a) of going b) to go c) going d) of go

57. The man ________ is my uncle.

a) spoken b) speaking c) speak d) spoke

8 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
58. I spend a lot of time _____________.

a) dance b) in dancing c) dancing d) to dance

59. Watching television can be ____________.

a) bore b) bored c) to bore d) boring

60. The building ___________ in this picture is my house.

a) shown b) showing c) is shown d) is showing

6. He got up _____________.

a) to go b) going c) gone d) go

62. I rely on you __________.

a) helping b) to help c) help d) helped

63. We shall be delighted _____________.

a) coming b) come c) to have comed d) to come

64. She has gone __________.

a) to shop b) shopped c) shopping d) shop

65. It’s no good ____________ it.

a) thinking of b) think of c) thinking at d) to think at

66. Are you keen on ___________?

a) to garden b) garden c) for gardening d) gardening

67. There’s a policeman ___________.

a) come b) coming c) to come d) came

68. They forced us _____________ their invitation.

a) to accept b) accepting c) accept d) accepted

69. I’m glad ____________ you’re getting better now.

a) that know b) that knowing c) to know that d) that to know

70. The teacher permitted him ____________.

a) to have it b) to having it c) have it d) having it

1 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Unit 11 Sentence Construction

1. ประโยคบอกเลา (Affirmative Statements)

2. ประโยคปฏิเสธ (Negative Statements)

3. ประโยคคําถาม (Yes-No Questions)


โครงสรางของประโยคบอกเลา คือ

Subject + Verb + {Object Complement, Object (กรรม)}

They are students.

(Subject + Verb + Complement)

I like her.

(Subject + Verb + Object)

จะเห็นไดวา verb to be มักจะตามดวย complement ซึ่งอาจเปน adjective หรือ noun หรือ pronoun

Mary is ill.

They are friends.

The book is mine.

แตถา verb เปน verb ประเภท “appear, become, feel, look, seem, smell, sound, taste” มักจะตามดวย

adjective เชน

I feel happy.

She looked tired.

It sounds good.
2 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
สําหรับ verb อื่น ๆ ที่ ไมใช verb to be หรือ verb ประเภทดังกลาวขางตน มักจะตามดวย object ซึ่งอาจเปนคํานาม

คําสรรพนาม หรือคําที่ใชแทนคํานาม เชน

Jack collects stamps.

He loves Jane.

I bought a book.

They like coffee.


ในกรณีที่มีประโยคบอกเลาขึ้นตนดวยโครงสราง “There is หรือ There are” There จะอยูในตําแหนงประธาน

สวนประธานที่แทจริงจะตามหลัง verb เชน

There is a pen.

There was an accident yesterday.

There are many girls here.


ประโยคบอกเลาสามารถทําใหเปนประโยคปฏิเสธไดดวยการเติม “not” ที่ verb หลักเกณฑในการทําใหประโยคบอกเลา

ใหเปนประโยคปฏิเสธ มีดังนี้

1. ถา verb เปน verb to be ใหใส “not” ไวขางหลัง verb to be เชน

He is a worker. ⇒ He is not a worker.

They are students. ⇒ They are not students.

I am ready. ⇒ I am not ready.

3 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
บางครั้งในภาษาพูดหรือภาษาเขียนแบบกันเอง จะใชรูปยอของ verb to be + not เชน

am not ⇒ ’m not

is not ⇒ isn’t

are not ⇒ aren’t

was not ⇒ wasn’t

were not ⇒ weren’t

2. ถาเปน verb อื่นที่ไมใช verb to be เชน arrive, play, like, speak, etc. เมื่อจะทําใหเปนปฎิเสธใช verb to do +

not ขางหนา verb ตัวนั้น เชน

He likes coffee. ⇒ He does not like coffee.

He wanted that pen. ⇒ He did not want that pen.

They work here. ⇒ They do not work here.

They arrived last night. ⇒ They did not arrive last night.

จะเห็นไดวา ถาประธานเปนเอกพจน จะใช does แตถาประธานเปนพหูพจนจะใช do ในประโยค present tense

แตถาเปน past tense จะใช did

verb to do + not ก็มีรูปยอเชนเดียวกัน Verb to be + not เชน

does not ⇒ doesn’t

do not ⇒ don’t

did not ⇒ didn’t

4 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
3. ถา verb นั้นมีคําประเภท modal

เชน “will, would, shall, should, can, could, may, might, must”

เมื่อเปนปฏิเสธจะเติม not ขางหลัง modal เชน

He will go there. ⇒ He will not go there.

He can drive. ⇒ He cannot drive.

You should go home now. ⇒ You should not go home now.

ขอยกเวน modal “ought to” เมื่อเปนปฏิเสธจะใส not ขางหลัง “ought” เชน

He ought to help her. ⇒ He ought not to help her.

รูปยอของ modal + not

will not ⇒ won’t

would not ⇒ wouldn’t

shall not ⇒ shan’t

should not ⇒ shouldn’t

cannot ⇒ can’t

could not ⇒ couldn’t

may not ไมนิยมใชรูปยอ

might not ⇒ mightn’t

must not ⇒ mustn’t

need not ⇒ needn’t

ought not to ⇒ oughtn’t to

5 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
4. ถา verb นั้นเปน verb to have เมื่อเปนปฏิเสธทําได 2 อยาง

A. เติม not ขางทาย have

B. ใช verb to do + not ขางหนา have เชน

I have some whisky.

I don’t have any whisky.

I haven’t any whisky.

He has some money.

He doesn’t have any money.

He hasn’t any money.

หมายเหตุ จะเห็นไดวา ในกรณีที่ประโยคเดิมใช some

เมื่อเปนปฏิเสธ some จะกลายเปน any

6 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
ประโยคคําถามแบบ YES-NO

1. เมื่อ verb เปน verb to be จะยาย “be” มาไวขางหนาประธาน

Verb To Be + Subject + Object?

He is a student. Is he a student?

He was a worker. Was he a worker?

They are coming. Are they coming?

2. เมื่อ verb เปน verb ตัวอื่น จะใช verb to do มาชวย

Verb To Do + Subject + Verb + Object?

He likes tea. Does he like tea?

John studied Chinese. Did John study Chinese?

3. เมื่อประโยคนั้นมี modal อยู จะใชโครงสราง

Modal + Subject + Verb + Object?

She will come to school. Will she come to school?

He can drive a car. Can he drive a car?

I shall go now. Shall I go now?


ถาประโยคเดิมเปนปฏิเสธอยูแลว เมื่อเปลี่ยนเปนคําถามก็จะเปนประโยคคําถามปฏิเสธ

He is not a student.

⇒ Is he not a student?

หรือ Isn’t he a student?

7 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
He will not help me.

⇒ Will he not help me?

หรือ Won’t he help me?

He does not drink coffee.

⇒ Does he not drink coffee?

หรือ Doesn’t he drink coffee?

1 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Exercise Unit 11 Sentence Construction

A. จงเปลี่ยนประโยคบอกเลาตอไปนี้ใหเปนประโยคปฏิเสธ

1. It is a nice day.


2. They enjoy Thai food.


3. Jack was here yesterday.


4. They usually go home for lunch.


5. I will take this course.


6. He has done it.


7. There are many people in the room.


8. You should work hard.


9. We must speak clearly.


10. I can help you.


11. My mother gives me some money.

2 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
12. They are having a party this evening.


13. He handed in his report.


14. I heard the news at noon.


15. She plays the piano.


B. จงเปลี่ยนประโยคบอกเลาตอไปนี้ใหเปนประโยคคําถาม

1. John was making the noise.


2. Tom will sing two songs.


3. You could help me.


4. The cook is preparing the food.


5. The students understand the lesson.


6. Camels live in a desert.


7. He speaks French.

3 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
8. I have three shirts.


9. The teacher punished him.


10. We must take the bus.


C. จงเปลี่ยนประโยคปฎิเสธตอไปนี้ใหเปนประโยคคําถาม

1. He couldn’t do it.


2. You don’t like Jane.


3. Rich people don’t help poor people.


4. Jack isn’t working.


5. The teacher didn’t come yesterday.

4 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
D. Choose the correct question form for each of the following sentences.

1. John has to leave.

a) Has John to leave? b) To leave has John?

c) John’s to leave? d) John to leave?

2. They will come again.

a) May they come again? b) Would they come again?

c) Do they come again? d) Will they come again?

3. He did his best.

a) Does he do his best? b) Did he do his best?

c) Was his best done? d) Didn’t he do his best?

4. They came too late for the show.

a) When did they come to late? b) Are they coming too late for the show?

c) Did they come too late for the show? d) Do they come too late for the show?

5. She likes coffee.

a) Does she like coffee? b) She likes coffee?

c) She coffee? d) Likes she coffee?

6. He is eating his lunch.

a) Was he eating his lunch? b) Does he eat his lunch?

c) Is his lunch being eaten? d) Is he eating his lunch?

7. He has left already.

a) Did he leave already? b) Has he left already?

c) Has left he already? d) Is he leaving already?

8. We must take the bus.

a) Do we must take the bus? b) Have we taken the bus?

c) Must we take the bus? d) Will we take the bus?

5 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
E. Choose the correct negative form for each of the following sentences.

1. He could be wrong.

a) He could be not wrong. b) He could not be wrong.

c) Not he could be wrong d) Could he be not wrong?

2. You must do your homework.

a) You must not do your homework. b) You not must do your homework.

c) You mustn’t do your homework. d) Must you not do your homework?

3. It was a bird.

a) It was a bird not. b) It not was a bird.

c) It was not a bird. d) Not it was a bird.

4. It will be easy to do it.

a) It will be not easy to do it. b) It will be easy to not do it.

c) It will not be easy not to do it. d) It will not be easy to do it.

5. John can do it well.

a) John cannot do it well. b) John couldn’t do it well.

c) John can do it not well. d) Can John not do it well?

6. He has come home from school.

a) He isn’t come home from school. b) He hasn’t come home from school.

c) He had not come home from school. d) Hasn’t he come home from school?

7. You may have one tomorrow.

a) You may have one not tomorrow. b) You may have not one tomorrow.

c) You may not have one tomorrow. d) You mightn’t have one tomorrow.

8. He will arrive tomorrow.

a) He won’t arrive tomorrow. b) He shouldn’t come tomorrow.

c) He shall not come tomorrow. d) He will arrive not tomorrow.

6 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
F. Choose the correct response to each of the following question.

1. Can’t you make it work?

a) Yes, I can’t. b) No, I can’t. c) No, I didn’t. d) Yes, I did.

2. Has he told you the news yet?

a) Yes, he has. b) Yes, he had. c) No, he has. d) Yes, he didn’t.

3. Were you able to speak to him?

a) No, I was. b) Yes, I am. c) No, I am not. d) Yes, I was.

4. Would you like a cup of tea?

a) No, I would. b) Yes, I would. c) Yes, I will. d) No, I won’t.

5. How many have you caught?

a) I am having two. b) I catches two. c) I am catching two. d) I have caught two.

6. May I help you?

a) Yes, you may. b) Yes, you might. c) Yes, you mightn’t. d) Yes, may you.

7. Is Bob in his room?

a) Yes, he isn’t. b) No, he is. c) No, he isn’t. d) Yes, he was.

8. Must you finish it?

a) No, I must. b) No, I might not. c) Yes, I may. d) Yes, I must.

9. Do you have to see him?

a) No, I don’t have to. b) Yes, I have. c) No, I don’t have. d) Yes, I do to.
1 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Unit 12 Question Tags

Question Tags

เปนรูปแบบของคําถามตอทายประโยค ซึ่งเปนการถามความเห็นของผูฟง กริยาที่อยูในสวนของ tag จะมี tense เดียวกับ

ประโยคที่มาขางหนา Question Tags ที่พบบอยมีลักษณะดังนี้

1. ประโยคขางหนาเปนรูปบอกเลา tag จะเปนรูปปฏิเสธ

It will work, won’t it?

You can drive, can’t you?

We are late, aren’t we?

He plays tennis, doesn’t he?

You saw him, didn’t you?

2. ประโยคขางหนาเปนรูปปฏิเสธ tag จะเปนรูปบอกเลา

It won’t work, will it?

He can’t go, can he?

You didn’t telephone, did you?

We haven’t done it, have we?

3. ประโยคขางหนาเปนรูปบอกเลา tag ก็จะเปนประโยคบอกเลานับเปน tag ชนิดพิเศษผูถามจะใชเพื่อแสดง


You’re coming with us, are you?

You went out with John again, did you?

2 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
สิ่งที่ควรระวังใน Question Tags:

1. ถาประโยคขางหนามีคําที่มีความหมายปฏิเสธ Tag จะเปนบอกเลา คําที่วานี้ไดแก

hardly, barely, scarcely, rarely, seldom

Jane hardly talked to anyone, did she?

You seldom go there, do you?

2. ถาประธานของประโยคเปนคําตอไปนี้

nobody, anybody, no one, anyone, neither

ใน tag จะใช pronoun “they” และ tag จะเปนบอกเลา เชน

Nobody liked her, did they?

None complained, did they?

Everyone likes her, do they?

หมายเหตุ: ถาเปน Nothing จะใช pronoun “it”

Nothing is done, is it?

3. ถาประธานของประโยคเปน “this/that” ใน tag จะใช “it” และถาเปน “these, those”ใน tag จะใช “they”

That’s a beautiful car, isn’t it?

Those are your books, aren’t they?

4. ในกรณีที่ประโยคมีคําวา “I think/I suppose” นําหนาใจความหลัก ใหดู verb ในใจความหลัก

I think you will help me, won’t you?

I suppose he can’t swim, can he?

3 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
5. ในกรณีที่กริยาในประโยคอยูในรูปลดรูป จะตองจดจําใหไดวากริยาตัวเต็มคืออะไร

’d better = had better (ควรจะ)

’d rather = would rather (ชอบมากกวา)

’d do =would do

’d done = had done

6. เมื่อประโยคเปนประโยคคําสั่ง tag จะเปน will you เชน

Stop talking, will you?

Open the window, will you?

Let me do it, will you?

7. เมื่อประโยคขึ้นตนดวย Let’s ใน tag จะใช shall we เชน

Let’s go out, shall we?

Let’s eat, shall we?

1 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Exercise Unit 12 Question Tags

A. จงเติม Question Tag ทายประโยคใหถูกตอง

1. He arrived at 10 P.M., ?

2. We should go now, ?

3. Hand in your paper now, ?

4. Let’s go for a walk, ?

5. You weren’t at the meeting, ?

6. It’s cold, ?

7. You’d better read it first, ?

8. Suda hardly goes shopping, ?

9. Nobody works here, ?

10. Those people are waiting for you, ?

11. I think the answer isn’t correct, ?

12. They are going with you, ?

13. That’s not the same book, ?

14. They said they wouldn’t do it, ?

15. Jane used to live here, ?

2 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
B. Choose the best answer.

1. I believe you are just fourteen years old, ?

a) do you b) are you c) don’t you d) aren’t you

2. Let him go to the movies tonight, ?

a) will you b) will he c) shall we d) won’t you

3. Peter often has his hair cut on Sundays, ?

a) has he b) does he c) hasn’t he d) doesn’t he

4. We’d better go shopping, ?

a) doesn’t we b) haven’t we c) hadn’t we d) had we

5. That job is hardly suitable for Jane, ?

a) isn’t she b) is it c) isn’t it d) is she

6. Your son is very smart, ?

a) isn’t he b) is he c) does he d) doesn’t he

7. These aren’t your books, ?

a) are you b) are these c) aren’t they d) are they

8. It seems strange, ?

a) seem it b) does it c) doesn’t it d) isn’t it

9. You don’t mind if I sit down, ?

a) don’t you b) do you c) are you d) will you

10. You won’t be late, ?

a) will you b) won’t you c) wouldn’t you d) do you

11. Tomorrow is Sunday, ?

a) will it b) wasn’t it c) isn’t it d) was it

12. He will do it again, ?

a) does he b) will he c) doesn’t he d) won’t he

3 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
13. You’d rather stay home, ?

a) hadn’t you b) wouldn’t you c) do you d) have you

14. Do it for me, ?

a) will you b) don’t you c) doesn’t it d) do you

15. He used to play tennis, ?

a) wasn’t he b) was he c) didn’t he d) did he

16. I don’t think you are right, ?

a) aren’t you b) do I c) don’t I d) are you

17. Not many people like Jack, ?

a) don’t they b) do they c) doesn’t he d) does he

18. Open the window, ?

a) will you b) can you c) do you d) don’t you

19. This is your bag, ?

a) is this b) isn’t it c) is it d) isn’t this

20. Those are your students, ?

a) are those b) aren’t those c) are they d) aren’t they

21. Let’s stop talking, ?

a) do we b) won’t we c) shall we d) don’t we

22. Let me have this one, ?

a) will you b) won’t you c) shall we d) shan’t we

23. They rarely go to the market, ?

a) don’t they b) do they c) are they d) aren’t they

24. He’s been to England, ?

a) doesn’t he b) does he c) hasn’t he d) has he

25. The shops close at half past three, ?

a) don’t they b) do they c) aren’t they d) are they

4 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
26. There’s something wrong, ?

a) is it b) isn’t it c) is there d) isn’t there

27. Nothing can stop me now, ?

a) can’t it b) can it c) doesn’t it d) does it

28. Don’t forget, ?

a) will you b) won’t you c) do you d) don’t you

29. You can sing, ?

a) can’t you b) can you c) don’t you d) do you

30. Somebody came to see me yesterday, ?

a) didn’t he b) did he c) didn’t they d) did they

1 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Unit 13 Passive Voice

รูปของ Passive Voice

โดยทั่วไป กริยารูป Passive Voice คือ

Verb to be + V3

1. สําหรับ Simple present tense ประโยค Passive Voice จะมีโครงสรางดังนี้

ประธาน + {is, are} + ( not ) + V3

Homework is done. (They do homework.)

Clothes are made. (They make clothes.)

Tickets are not sold here. (They do not sell tickets here.)

English is not taught at that school.

(They do not teach English at that school.)

A lot of beer is drunk in this country.

(They drink a lot of beer in this country.)

Letters are sent to England. (They send letters to England.)

2. สําหรับ Past tense ประโยค Passive Voice จะมีโครงสรางดังนี้

ประธาน + {was, were} + ( not ) + V3

The window was not broken. (They did not break the window.)

She was given a cat. (Someone gave her a cat.)

Pictures were taken. (They took pictures.)

Mistakes were made. (They made mistakes.)

The house was built. (They built the house.)

A letter was received. (He received a letter.)

2 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
3. สําหรับ Present Continuous Tense ประโยค Passive Voice จะมีโครงสรางดังนี้

ประธาน + {is, are} + ( not) + being + V3

The bridge is not being repaired. (They are not repairing the bridge.)

The dishes are being washed. (She is washing the dishes.)

Your children are being looked after. (Someone is looking after your children.)

The room is being painted now. (He is painting the room now.)

4. สําหรับ Future Tense ประโยค Passive Voice จะมีโครงสรางดังนี้

ประธาน + will + ( not ) + be + V3

This package will be sent to Japan. (He will send this package to Japan.)

Questions will be asked. (They will ask questions.)

The books will be bought. (They will buy the books.)

These letters will not be typed. (She will not type these letters.)

The radio will not be repaired. (He will not repair the radio.)

5. สําหรับ Present Perfect Tense ประโยค Passive Voice จะมีโครงสรางดังนี้

ประธาน + {have, has} + ( not ) + been + V3

I have not been told the news. (They have not told me the news.)

The books have been sent to England.

(They have sent the books to England.)

An elephant has been seen in the streets.

(They have seen an elephant in the streets.)

3 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Some coffee has been brought. (She has brought some coffee.)

The lamps have been bought. (They have bought the lamps.)

6. รูปประโยค Passive Voice เมื่อใชกับ modals ตาง ๆ มีลักษณะดังนี้

ประธาน + modal + ( not ) + be + V3

These windows must be shut. (You must shut these windows.)

These letters should be typed. (They should type these letters.)

This cake can be eaten. (You can eat this cake.)

This car cannot be sold. (You cannot sell this car.)

The books must be returned tomorrow.

(They must return the books tomorrow.)

Cars must not be parked here. (People must not park cars here.)

Books may not be taken outside. (People may not take books outside.)

Food may be cooked in this kitchen. (People may cook food in this kitchen.)

ตารางเปรียบเทียบโครงสราง Active Voice และ Passive Voice ของกริยาที่อยูใน Tense ตาง ๆ

Tense Active Voice Passive Voice

Simple Present keeps/keep is/are kept

Present Continuous is/are keeping is/are being kept

Simple Past kept was/were kept

Past Continuous was/were keeping was/were being kept

Present Perfect has/have kept has/have been kept

Future will keep will be kept

4 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
ตามธรรมดา ประโยคที่เปน Passive Voice จะไมกลาวถึงผูกระทํา (agent) และ มักจะละ agent ถาผูกระทําเปน

สรรพนามบุรุษ ตาง ๆ เชน he, they, we, she หรือเปนคําจําพวก somebody, someone, people ซึ่งไมระบุวาเปนใครโดย

เฉพาะในกรณีที่มีการระบุผูกระทํา (agent) จะใชบุพบท by นําหนา เชน

This picture was painted by Picasso.

That book was written by Krisana.

Penicillin was discovered by Fleming.

The helicopter was piloted by Mary.

Mary towns were destroyed by the earthquake.

1 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Exercise Unit 13 Passive Voice

A. จงเปลี่ยนประโยค Active Voice ตอไปนี้ใหเปน Passive Voice

1. They took the car.


2. I will buy the house.


3. She wrote the letter.


4. They have made mistakes.


5. They will not build the house.


6. She has cut the cake.


7. They did the work.


8. He lost the books.


9. They will not remember Fred.


10. You can’t take drinks out of the bar.


11. You may drink that milk.

2 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
12. They are mailing the letters.


13. You should invite Pee Kong to the party.


14. Did you wash the dishes?


15. Have you read the book?


16. They rang the bell.


17. Did you type the letter?


18. They will sell the cars.


19. You must follow instructions.


20. He is repairing the television set.

3 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
B. จงเปลี่ยนประโยค Passive Voice ตอไปนี้เปน Active Voice

The books were taken by John. เปน John took the books.

1. The boxes were mailed today by Kanya.


2. Our homework is corrected by our teacher.


3. Two buildings have been built by that company.


4. That room was not cleaned carefully by them.


5. The truck is being driven by Tim.


6. The machine was checked by John.


7. This book was written by Arjarn Vichit.


8. Those books were returned to the library by them.


9. Was the cake eaten by Somchai?


10. Has the food been brought by the cook?

4 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
C. จงเปลี่ยนกริยาในวงเล็บใหมี Tense ที่ถูกตอง และมีรูป Active หรือ Passive Voice ที่ถูกตองดวย

1. Everyone (shock) by the news yesterday.


2. English (teach) in the schools of almost every country.


3. Richard (teach) at that school since 1980.


4. Nida (borrow) the money from Suda two weeks ago.


5. Who (prepare) the food for the picnic next Sunday?


6. A new book (publish) by that company next month.


7. I (know) Pannee for a few years.


8. Those pictures (take) by Danai last summer.


9. Milk should (keep) in a refrigerator all the time.


10. The boy cried because he (beat) by his father.

5 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
D. ตอไปนี้เปนการบรรยายวิธีทําขนมปง จงเปลี่ยนกริยาในวงเล็บใหเปน Passive Voice และอยูในรูป Simple Present


First, all the yeast, flour and water or milk (1.mix). The mixture (2.put) in a warm

place to rise for about three hours. After the rising process has been completed, the dough

(3.divide) into pieces and shaped. The divided dough (4.leave) to rise again for a short time.

Then it (5.bake) in an oven at about 450 F for an hour. After the bread has been baked, it

(6.remove) from the oven to cool. Finally, it (7.slice) and (8.wrap) in paper or plastic film.

1. ___________________

2. ___________________

3. ___________________

4. ___________________

5. ___________________

6. ___________________

7. ___________________

8. ___________________
6 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
E. Choose the best answer.

1. Everyone ___________ by the bad news yesterday.

a) is shocked b) shocked c) was shocked d) will shock

2. Almost everyone ___________ the concert last night.

a) enjoyed b) was enjoyed c) enjoys d) will enjoy

3. English ___________ in the schools in almost every country today.

a) teaches b) was taught c) taught d) is taught

4. The accident ____________ here at 9:30 p.m. last night.

a) happened b) will happen c) was happened d) happens

5. Mr. Johnson __________ the class into two groups tomorrow.

a) will be divided b) divided c) will divide d) divides

6. The report _____________ by the committee yet.

a) has not examined b) has not been examined

c) is not examined d) was not examined

7. That old house ____________ in the year 1949.

a) was built b) built c) is built d) will build

8. All her valuable jewelry _____________ last night.

a) stole b) is stolen c) was stolen d) steals

9. “Where did you get this silver tray?”

“It ___________ to us by our children.”

a) was given b) was giving c) given d) gave

10. This play _________ next Saturday night?

a) will perform b) will be performed

c) is performing d) was performed

11. I saw a giant stuffed crocodile yesterday. It _____________ to the museum.

a) will be carried b) carried c) was carrying d) was carried

7 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
12. Students who fail ___________ another chance to take the exam next month.

a) will be given b) will give c) give d) are giving

13. A telephone ______________ in my office next week.

a) is installing b) will install c) will be installed d) was installed

14. The robbers _____________ by the police last Sunday.

a) arrested b) arrest c) will be arrested d) were arrested

15. He ____________ in a car accident.

a) was killed b) killed c) killing d) kills

16. Our debating team _____________ three times this year.

a) defeats b) has defeated c) is defeated d) has been defeated

17. English _____________ in many countries all over the world.

a) speaks b) spoke c) is spoken d) is speaking

18. He __________ by the policeman with a revolver.

a) was shot b) shoots c) shot d) is shooting

19. The room ____________ beautiful by an interior decorator.

a) made b) was made c) was making d) makes

20. The vegetables _______________. What shall I do now?

a) cut up b) are cutting up c) are cut up d) is cut up

1 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Unit 14 Direct and Indirect Speech


Linda: I like fried chicken.

Ying: I like it, too.

Danai: What did Linda say?

Richard: She said she liked fried chicken.

Danai: And what did Ying say?

Richard: She said she liked it, too.

ขอความที่ Linda และ Ying กลาวออกมาจริง ๆ เรียกวา “Direct Speech” สวนขอความที่ Richard เลาให Danai

ฟงเกี่ยวกับคําพูดของ Linda และ Ying เรียกวา “Indirect Speech” or “Reported Speech”

ตัวอยางอื่น ๆ

1. He said, “I am sick.”

He said (that) he was sick.

2. “I am sick,” he said.

He said (that) he was sick.

3. She said, “Where is John going?”

She asked where John was going.

4. “Is Suda sick?” Winai said.

Winai asked if (or whether) Suda was sick.

5. Nantha said, “I’m doing my homework.”

Nantha said (that) she was doing her homework.

2 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
6. Tom said to Wipa, “When will you go to school?”

Tom asked Wipa when she would go to school.

7. John said to Pranee, “Speak English”

John told Pranee to speak English.

การเปลี่ยนประโยคจาก Direct Speech เปน Indirect Speech จะมีการเปลี่ยนรูป Tense ตามกฎ

Direct Speech Indirect Speech

Simple Present Simple Past

He said, “I like meat.” He said that he liked meat.

Present Continuous Past Continuous

“I’m waiting for Pilai,” he said. He said that he was waiting for Pilai.

Present Perfect Past Perfect

“I have bought a car,” he said. He said that he had bought a car.

Simple Past Past Perfect

She said, “I ate the cake.” She said that she had eaten the cake.

Future Tense Condition

She said, “Tom will arrive on Tuesday.” She said that Tom would arrive on

3 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
การเปลี่ยนประโยคจาก Direct Speech เปน Indirect Speech มี 3 ลักษณะ คือ

1. ในกรณีที่ประโยค Direct Speech เปนประโยคบอกเลา (Statement) กริยาในประโยค Indirect Speech มักจะใช

say (Said)

Chinda said, “I want to see Wimon.”

Chinda said that she wanted to see Wimon.

“Suda is not working hard,” The teacher said.

The teacher said that Suda was not working hard.

Nantha said, “Somsak has gone to England.”

Nantha said that Somsak had gone to England.

“Wichai sold his car,” Samorn said.

Samorn said that Wichai had sold his car.

“The children will go camping,” Mrs. Smith said.

Mrs. Smith said that the children would go camping.

2. ในกรณีที่ประโยค Direct Speech เปนประโยคคําถาม (Questions) กริยาในประโยค Indirect Speech มักจะใช

Ask (Asked)

A. เปน Yes-No Questions คือ คําถามที่จะตองตอบวา Yes หรือ No ประโยค Indirect Speech จะใช “asked if

or asked whether”

“Are you studying hard?” He said to me.

He asked me if I was studying hard.

4 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
“Are you unhappy?” Tom asked Linda.

Tom asked Linda whether she was unhappy.

“Can you cook?” Nantha asked Marry.

Nantha asked Mary if she could cook.

Malee asked Chitra, “Do you know Linda?”

Malee asked Chitra whether she knew Linda.

B. เปนคําถามที่ขึ้นตนดวย Question Words (คือ what, when, who, where, how, why) ไมตองใส that

หรือ if อีก ใหใช Question Words ตามหลังกริยา Ask ไดเลย

“What time does the bus leave?” Somsak asked Suda.

Somsak asked Suda what time the bus left.

Paul said to Tom, “How many cigarettes do you smoke a day?”

Paul asked Tom how many cigarettes he smoked a day.

Kanya said to Ratree, “What does Pranee like?”

Kanya asked Ratree what Pranee liked.

“How much is the bag?” Sunan asked.

Sunan asked how much the bag was.

Derek said to Wilai, “Why is Damrong sad?”

Derek asked Wilai why Damrong was sad.

5 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
หมายเหตุ:- สังเกตไดวาประโยค Indirect Speech ที่มาจากประโยคคําถาม จะมีวิธีเรียงคําแตกตาง จากประโยค

คําถามที่เปน Direct Speech คือ

ประโยค Indirect Speech แบบนี้ ประธานมากอนกริยาเหมือนประโยคบอกเลา ไมตองสลับที่ประธานและกริยาและ

ไมตองใช Verb to do มาเปนกริยาชวยแบบประโยคคําถามที่เปน Direct Speech

Indirect Speech: He asked what time the bus left.

Direct Speech: He asked, “What time does the bus leave?”

3. ในกรณีที่ประโยค Direct Speech เปนประโยคคําสั่ง (Commands) กริยาในประโยค Indirect Speech มักจะใช

Tell (Told)

He said, “Lie down, Tom”

He told Tom to lie down.

She said, “Get your coat, Susan.”

She told Susan to get her coat.

“Turn on the lights,” John said to Paul.

John told Paul to turn on the lights.

“Don’t be late, “Nida told Pilai.

Nida told Pilai not to be late.

Anong said to her brother, “Open the window.”

Anong told her brother to open the window.

1 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Exercise Unit 14 Direct and Indirect Speech

A. จงเปลี่ยนประโยคตอไปนี้ใหเปน Indirect Speech

1. “I have two pens,” my friend said.


2. Ann said to me, “I know Tim.”


3. Wichit said, “I don’t want to study geography.”


4. Bob said, “I’m going to hire a car.”


5. Malee said, “Winai will go to England.”


6. “Chinda is a very good girl,” Anon said.


7. “Your children are lovely,” Tom said to Betty.


8. “Sit next to Winai,” Udom told Sanan.


9. Nipa said to her sister, “Buy me a new pen.”


10. The teacher told Wichit, “Work harder.”


11. “I have eaten the oranges,” Titima said.

2 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
12. “Where does Suda live?” Chitra asked Pimon.


13. Rewat asked his friends, “Who has a car?”


14. “How many shirts do you have?” Boonchai said to Wichit.


15. The salesman said, “The blue car is the best.”


16. “Does Tom do his homework?” Bob asked me.


17. “How do you go to work?” Derek asked Wiwan.


18. “When do you get up?” Pramote said to Anan.


19. “I don’t like watching television,” Weena said.


20. Srisuda asked the shopkeeper, “Are the oranges good?”

3 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
B. Choose the indirect speech sentence, which is the most appropriate with the given direct

speech sentence.

1. “What are you doing?” the policeman said to me.

a) The policeman asked if what I was doing.

b) The policeman asked what I was doing.

c) The policeman asked me what was I doing.

d) The policeman said to me what I was doing.

2. He said, “Get out of my house immediately.”

a) He told me to get out of his house immediately.

b) He told me that I get out of his house immediately.

c) He told me to get out of my house immediately.

d) He said that I got out of his house immediately.

3. “Do you want to buy anything?” she asked him.

a) She asked him did he want to buy anything.

b) She asked him that did he want to buy anything.

c) She asked him if did he want to buy anything.

d) She asked him if he wanted to buy anything.

4. She said to me, “I am glad to see you.”

a) She said to me that she was glad to see me.

b) She said I was glad to see you.

c) She said to me that she is glad to see you.

d) She said that she is glad to see me.

4 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
5. “Please open the window,” he said to me.

a) He said to me open the window.

b) He ordered me to open the window.

c) He asked me to open the window.

d) He told me please open the window.

6. “Don’t you like Peter ?” I said to Carol.

a) I said to Carol doesn’t she like Peter.

b) I asked Carol if she didn’t like Peter.

c) I asked Carol that didn’t she like Peter.

d) I said to Carol if didn’t she like Peter.

7. He said to his son, “Don’t turn on the radio.”

a) He said to his son that he didn’t turn on the radio.

b) He told his son not to turn on the radio.

c) He told to his son not to turn on the radio.

d) He told his son that not to turn on the radio.

8. She said, “I’ll go shopping.”

a) She said she’ll go shopping. b) She said she should go shopping.

c) She said she would go shopping. d) She said I’ll go shopping.

9. “We’re going to the Cinema,” they said.

a) They said that we were going to the cinema.

b) They said they are going to the cinema.

c) They said we are going to the cinema.

d) They said they were going to the cinema.

10. He asked me, “Can you play tennis?”

a) He asked me if I could play tennis. b) He asked me if you could play tennis.

c) He asked me that I can play tennis. d) He asked me that I play tennis.

5 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
11. “Where do you want to go for your holiday?”

a) John said to Mary where did she want to go for her holiday.

b) John asked Mary where she wanted to go for her holiday.

c) John asked Mary that where she wants to go for her holiday.

d) John said to Mary where you wanted to go for your holiday.

12. She said to me, “What is your name?”

a) She asked me what my name was. b) She said to me what was my name.

c) She asked me what was my name. d) She said to me what my name was.

13. They said to me, “Do you like our house?”

a) They said to me if I like their house. b) They said to me if I liked our house.

c) They asked me if I like our house. d) They asked me if I liked their house.

14. “Stand up,” he said to the boys.

a) He said to the boys stand up.

b) He told the boys to stand up.

c) He told the boys that they stand up.

d) He said to the boys that they should stand up.

15. Piboon said, “I am a doctor.”

a) Piboon said that he was a doctor. b) Piboon said that I was a doctor.

c) Piboon told he was a doctor. d) Piboon told that he is a doctor.

16. “I’ll buy a present for him,” I said to Chitra.

a) I told to Chitra that I would buy a present for him.

b) I told Chitra that I would buy a present for him.

c) I said to Chitra that I’ll buy a present for him.

d) I said to Chitra that I would buy a present for her.

6 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
17. He said to me, “I want to go with you.”

a) He told me that he wanted to go with me.

b) He said to me that I wanted to go with you.

c) He told me that he wants to go with me.

d) He said to me that he wanted to go with you.

18. “Does Paul want to go to England?” Jill said to me.

a) Jill asked me that Paul wants to go to England.

b) Jill asked me did Paul want to go to England.

c) Jill asked me if Paul wanted to go to England.

d) Jill said to me if Paul wants to go to England.

19. “Please lend me some money,” Suda said to Winai.

a) Suda said to Winai to lend me some money.

b) Suda asked Winai if he lent her some money.

c) Suda said to Winai please lend her some money.

d) Suda asked Winai to lend her some money.

20. “Don’t ask me too many questions,” she said to her daughter.

a) She said to her daughter not to ask me too many questions.

b) She told her daughter to ask her too many questions.

c) She told her daughter not to ask her too many questions.

d) She said to her daughter not to ask her too many questions.

21. “I’ve broken your glass,” Tim said to me.

a) Tim told me that he had broken my glass.

b) Tim said to me that I have broken your glass.

c) Tim said to me that he has broken my glass.

d) Tim told me that he has broken my glass.

7 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
22. “I saw your father yesterday,” he said to me.

a) He said to me that he saw my father the day before.

b) He said to me that he has seen my father yesterday.

c) He told me that he had seen my father the previous day.

d) He told me that he saw your father the previous day.

23. Wipa said to him, “I want you to return my book now.”

a) Wipa said to him that I wanted him to return my book now.

b) Wipa told him that she wanted him to return her book now.

c) Wipa said to him that she wants him to return my book then.

d) Wipa told him that she wanted him to return her book then.

24. “I’ll go to Songkhla with my parents next week,” Santi said to Danai.

a) Santi told Danai that he will go to Songkhla with his parents next week.

b) Santi told Danai that he would go to Songkhla with his parents the following week.

c) Santi said to Danai that he will go to Songkhla with my parents next week.

d) Santi said to Danai that he would go to Songkhla with his parents next week.

25. Bill said to Helen, “Please give this book to your sister today.”

a) Bill said to Helen that she gives this book to her sister today.

b) Bill told Helen that she would give that book to her sister today.

c) Bill asked Helen to give that book to her sister that day.

d) Bill told Helen to give that book to your sister that day.
1 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Unit 15 Conditional Sentences

Conditional Sentence

คือ ประโยคสมมติเหตุการณ หรือ การกระทํานั้นยังไมเกิดขึ้นจริง ๆ แตอาจจะเกิดขึ้นหรือไมเกิดขึ้นก็ได Conditional

Sentence ประกอบดวย 2 สวน คือ if-clause และ main clause

If it rains, I shall stay at home.

“If it rains” เปน if-clause

“I shall stay at home” เปน main-clause

รูปแบบตาง ๆ ของ if-clause และ main-clause

1. If + Present Tense, Future Tense

If he runs, he will get there quickly.

If you are rude, she will get angry.

The cat will scratch you if you pull its tail.

Ladda will go with you if you ask her.

If you don’t study hard, you won’t pass the examination.

2. If + Present Tense, may/ may not + V1

If it rains, I may not go out.

If Kanya is lazy, she may fail the final examination.

If Danai comes late, we may not wait for him.

He may not come if you don’t ask him.

2 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
3. If + Present Tense, can/ cannot + V1

If it stops raining, we can go out

If she is ill, she can’t come.

They cannot go if their parents do not give them any money.

We can do it if you teach us.

If you are ready, you can leave now.

4. If + Present Tense, must/ should or must not/ should not + V1

if you want to lose weight, you must/ should eat less bread.

If you are ill, you must/ should go to see the doctor.

You should warn him if he behaves badly.

You must go now if you don’t want to miss the bus.

5. If + Present Tense, ประโยคคําสั่ง (V1)

If it is cold, close the window.

If you want to lose weight, eat less bread.

Turn on the light if it’s dark.

Take the umbrella if it rains.

3 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
6. If + Present Tense, Present Tense

If you heat ice, it turns to water.

If the weather is bad, John seldom drives to work.

Trees grow well if it rains regularly.

If he gets up early, he always goes for a walk.

If it does not rain, farmers always complain.

A teacher is always happy if his students study hard.

ใช Present Tense ทั้งใน if-clause และใน main-clause เมื่อกลาวถึงสิ่งที่เกิดขึ้นเปนประจําเสมอ


ตําแหนงของ if-clause และ main-clause สลับที่กันได ดังนี้ ถา if-clause อยูขางหนานิยมใชเครื่องหมาย

comma (,) คั่น if-clause และ main-clause แตถา main-clause อยูขางหนา ไมตองใส comma

เชน If it rains, I won’t go out.

หรือ I won’t go out if it rains.

4 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
7. Condition Sentences อีกแบบหนึ่งที่ควรรูจัก คือ ประโยคสมมติที่มีโครงสรางดังนี้

If-clause Main-clause

Past Tense Conditional Tense (would/ could/ might)


1. ใชเชนเดียวกับประโยคสมมติประเภทแรกที่ไดกลาวมาแลวขางตน คือใชกับการสมมติเกี่ยวกับปจจุบันและอนาคต

If I had a car, I would lend it to you.

If someone tried to break into my house, I would tell the police.

2. ใชสมมติในเรื่องที่เปนไปไมไดในปจจุบันหรืออนาคต

If I were you, I would plant a lot of trees in the garden.

If I were a millionaire, I would give you some money.

If he were the Prime Minister, he would help the farmers.

หมายเหตุ:- จะสังเกตเห็นวาประโยคสมมติแบบนี้ ถากริยาใน if-clause เปน verb to be มักนิยมใช were แทน was

เมื่อประธานเปน I, he, she, it หรือคํานามเอกพจน ที่ทําหนาที่เปนประธานของประโยค เชน John, Mary, the boy, the

weather เปนตน

3. ใชสมมติในเรื่องที่ตรงขามกับความเปนจริงในปจจุบัน

If I lived near my office, I would come to work early.

If I had a lot of money, I would buy a new house.

If he loved her, he would marry her.

1 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Exercise Unit 15 Conditional Sentences

A. จงเปลี่ยนประโยคสมมติตอไปนี้ใหเปนประโยคปฎิเสธ


Wichai will learn English if he goes to class.

Wichai will not learn English if he does not go to class.

1. If Mary comes early, she can help us.


2. The baby will wake up if you turn on the radio.


3. He will be upset if she goes away again.


4. She will tell him to go on a diet if he gets fat.


5. If Kanya writes to Winai soon, she can tell him the news.


6. If he drives fast, there may be an accident.


7. If the weather forecast is correct, it may rain tomorrow.


8. If you help them, they will give you some money.


9. They will wait for him if he comes early.


10. If Mary wants Tom to visit her, she should tell him her address.

2 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
B. จงเปลี่ยนคํากริยาในวงเล็บใหมีรูป Tense ที่ถูกตอง


I shall go shopping if it (not, rain).

I shall go shopping if it does not rain.

1. If Don (use) an alarm clock, he will wake up early.


2. Bill may go to the party if he (receive) an invitation.


3. Pornchai will sleep better if he (not, drink) so much beer.


4. John will eat at the Chinese restaurant if it (be) cheap there.


5. If Dara (listen) to her teacher, she may make fewer mistakes.


6. If Danai (want) to speak to Wilai urgently, he must telephone her.


7. My brother can use my car if he (promise) to drive it carefully.


8. If Ann (tell) Jim where she lives, he may visit her.


9. I will like Mary if she (not, be) selfish.


10. Thira won’t wear that shirt if it (not, suit) him.

3 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
C. จงเปลี่ยนคํากริยาในวงเล็บใหมีรูปที่ถูกตอง (future tense หรือ modal เชน can, may, must, should)


If he works hard, he (make) a lot of money.

If he works hard, he will make a lot of money.

1. If Ladda dresses well, Wichai (be) interested in her.


2. If there is no bus, we (not, go) to Chonburi.


3. Peter (not, take) a holiday if he has too much work to do.


4. I (not, telephone) Suda if I don’t know her telephone number.


5. If Sakda speaks English well, he (visit) the United States.


6. Tom (not, buy) that coat if he doesn’t have enough money.


7. If Nathee does not do the job, I (do) it myself.


8. If Santi goes to New York next month, he (go) by plane.


9. If you want to get that job, you (take) a computer course.


10. Nida (get) good marks in the exam if she works hard.

4 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
D. จงจับคู if-clause และ main-clause ใหถูกตอง

If Clause

________ 1. If Nipa invites me,

________ 2. If the weather is good,

________ 3. If you see Montha,

________ 4. If Linda does not like this blouse,

________ 5. If the train leaves on time,

________ 6. If he does not take the umbrella,

________ 7. If you are not careful,

________ 8. If I make that mistake again,

________ 9. If she studies these lessons carefully,

________ 10. If you get lost in this city,

Main clause

a. can she return it to the shop?

b. you may have an accident.

c. please tell her the news

d. you should ask a policeman for help.

e. I may go to the party.

f. she will pass the examination.

g. we will go on a picnic tomorrow.

h. he will get wet.

i. the teacher will get angry.

j. we will get there before midnight.

5 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
E. จงเปลี่ยนกริยาในวงเล็บใหมีรูปที่ถูกตอง

If I (have) a holiday tomorrow, I would go to the beach.

If I had a holiday tomorrow, I would go to the beach.

1. If I (be) the mayor of this city, I would change many things.


2. If Somchai (work) harder, he could earn more money.


3. I would tell you the answer if I (know) it myself.


4. If John and I (have) enough money, we would buy a new car.


5. If the weather (be) better tomorrow, we could go to Pattaya.


6. Som would get higher marks if he (study) harder.


7. People (understand) you better if you spoke more clearly.


8. If I were in your place, I (accept) Mr. Jackson’s offer.


9. If Mr. Johnson called me, I (explain) everything to him.


10. If Jane had more free time, she (play) tennis with us every day.

6 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
F. Choose the best answer.

1. If the telephone ______________, please answer it.

a) rang b) rings c) is ringing d) has rung

2. If you __________, I shall be very angry.

a) weren’t going b) don’t go c) won’t go d) hadn’t gone

3. If you like this new dress, ______________ it to you.

a) I had given b) I’ve given c) I’ll give d) I gave

4. If my father were here, he ______________ what to do.

a) has known b) will know c) know d) would know

5. If she told the truth, they __________ her.

a) would forgive b) forgive c) have forgiven d) were forgiving

6. If you ___________ the car today, I will repair it for you.

a) brought b) bring c) will bring d) were bringing

7. If my father were richer, he ___________ a new house.

a) will buy b) is going to buy c) would buy d) has bought

8. If I _________ the king, you would be my queen.

a) was b) were c) am d) will be

9. You will see an elephant if you ___________ out of the window.

a) will look b) have looked c) looked d) look

10. I ___________ if I were you.

a) would hurry up b) hurry up

c) will hurry up d) am hurrying up

11. You would be invited to more parties if you ____________ more often.

a) smile b) will smile c) smiled d) are smiling

12. If you ____________ promotion, you must work hard.

a) wanted b) want c) will want d) may want

7 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
13. If I were younger, I ___________ go with you.

a) shall b) will c) may d) would

14. If Mary ______________ the dinner, we would eat it.

a) were b) will c) may d) would

15. If you were left alone on a desert island, what __________ you do?

a) may b) will c) would d) shall

16. If a big bear ___________ towards you, you should pretend to be dead.

a) will come b) come c) may come d) would come

17. If they ___________ to help you, you should not reject their offer.

a) want b) had wanted c) will want d) are wanting

18. She would cry if she ____________ the truth.

a) knows b) knew c) may know d) was knowing

19. The boss _____________ get angry with you if you came late.

a) can b) may c) will d) would

20. If you ___________ hurry up, you may miss the bus.

a) won’t b) can’t c) don’t d) shouldn’t

21. If you ___________ eating a lot of chocolate, you’ll be overweight.

a) continue b) continued c) will continue d) must continue

22. You’ll lose weight if you ___________ too hard.

a) are working b) had worked c) work d) worked

23. If he __________ too much, he’ll be ill again.

a) had exercised b) exercised c) exercising d) exercises

24. If John ate more, he ______________ be stronger.

a) may b) would c) must d) will

25. If the doctor ___________, he would give up smoking.

a) insisted b) is insisting c) insists d) have insisted

8 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
26. If you ______________ the doctor’s advice, you may be ill.

a) aren’t taking b) didn’t take c) haven’t taken d) don’t take

27. If I _________ him, I wouldn’t work so hard.

a) were b) am c) was d) have been

28. If they were your children, how ___________ you bring them up?

a) may b) will c) do d) would

29. If you __________ time, would you take up yoga?

a) are having b) have had c) had d) have

30. If I ___________ enough sleep, I will be irritable.

a) don’t get b) am not getting c) didn’t get d) hadn’t gotten

1 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Unit 16 Noun Clause

Noun Clause

คือ อนุประโยคที่ทําหนาที่เชนเดียวกับคํานาม คือสามารถเปนประธาน และ กรรมของประโยค Noun Clauses แบงเปน

พวกใหญ ๆ 2 ชนิด คือ

1. Noun Clauses ที่นําหนาดวย Question Words จําพวก what, when, where, why, who, whose, which,

how much, how many เปนตน

2. Noun Clauses ที่นําหนาดวย that เรียกวา that-clause

Noun Clauses ชนิดที่นําหนาดวย Question Words

a) ทําหนาที่เปนประธาน

What he is doing annoys me.

What she has said makes him angry.

How he disappeared was a mystery.

b) ทําหนาที่เปนกรรม

He does not know how many shirts he has.

I asked her who borrowed her car.

Suda always believes what Thada says.

I want to know why he did not come yesterday.

Don’t ask me who took your pen.

Do you know how I can go to Yala?

Please tell me what it is.

Can you tell me when I will get the book back?

2 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)

(1) Noun Clauses จะเปนกรรมของกริยาที่ตามปกติตองมีกรรมมาตอทาย เชน know, tell, believe เปนตน

(2) การเรียงลําดับคําใน noun clauses ที่ขึ้นตนดวย Question Words นั้นมีการเรียงคําแบบประโยคบอกเลา คือ

Question Word + Subject + Verb + Object

Noun Clause ชนิดที่นําหนาดวย that

a) ทําหนาที่เปนประธาน

That he loves her is obvious.

(= It is obvious that he loves her.)

That he did not come to my party was surprising.

(= It was surprising that he did not come to my party.)

b) ทําหนาที่เปนกรรม

She always says that he is a good man.

They believe that he is a robber.

He said that you stole his money.

I have heard that Nipat has a new car.

Remember that we have to leave before six o’clock.

1 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Exercise Unit 16 Noun Clause

A. จงเปลี่ยนประโยคคําถามใหเปน Noun Clauses โดยตัดคําบางคําทิ้งหรือเรียงลําดับคําใหม


When do you want this book?

I want to know when you want this book.

1. How much is this shirt?

Please tell me _________________________________________.

2. Where will you study next year?

I want to ask you _________________________________________.

3. Why is Sirima sad?

Bancha wants to know ____________________________________.

4. How many people came to his party?

I don’t know _________________________________________.

5. How much money does Susan need?

Do you know _________________________________________?

6. Where can I buy this T-shirt?

I want to know _________________________________________?

7. Whose car is this?

Do you remember ________________________________________.

8. How can I go to Yala?

Please tell me _________________________________________.

9. What is his job?

I want to know _________________________________________.

2 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
10. Who took John’s car?

I don’t know _________________________________________.

11. Who is that man?

Please tell me _________________________________________.

12. Where does Winai live?

I can’t remember ________________________________________.

B. จงเติมประโยคแรกลงในประโยคที่สองใหถูกตอง


a. I can go tomorrow.

b. I don’t think that I can go tomorrow.

1. We have to finish this work tomorrow.

Do you remember that ____________________________________?

2. You didn’t like that movie.

I think that _____________________________________________.

3. Suthee is an honest man.

Everybody believes that ___________________________________.

4. The exam will be difficult.

The teacher says that _____________________________________.

5. He had a lot of money.

We didn’t know that ______________________________________.

6. They will come back soon.

We hope that ____________________________________________.

3 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
7. He is very busy.

His secretary said that _____________________________________.

8. He will agree with us.

Do you think that ________________________________________?

9. You have to go to Chiengmai next week.

Don’t forget that _________________________________________.

10. We won’t go to his party.

We don’t want to tell him that ______________________________.

1 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Unit 17 Tenses


หมายถึง การใชรูปของกริยาในกาลตาง ๆ เชน ในปจจุบัน อดีต หรือ อนาคต

Present Simple Tense

a) ใช Tense นี้ เมื่อการกระทํานั้นเกิดขึ้นเปนประจําสม่ําเสมอ หรือ เหตุการณนั้นเปนความจริงอยูตลอดเวลา

b) ถาประธานเปนเอกพจน กริยาตองเติม ‘s’ เสมอ

The sun rises in the east.

The earth moves round the sun.

He gets up at six o’clock.

They smoke.

Dogs bark.

Birds fly.

I go to school by bus.

She goes to church on Sundays.

c) รูปของกริยาใน Tense นี้ เมื่อใชกับประธานบุรุษตาง ๆ และรูปประโยคตาง ๆ มีดังนี้

บอกเลา ปฏิเสธ คําถาม คําถามปฏิเสธ

I work. I do not work. Do I work? Do I not work?

You work. You do not work. Do you work? Do you not work?

{He, She} {He, She} does not Does {he, she} Does {he, she} not

works. work. work? work?

We work. We do not work. Do we work? Do we not work?

They work. They do not work. Do they work? Do they not work?

It works. It does not work. Does it work? Does it not work?

2 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
รูปยอของ do + not = don’t

does + not = doesn’t

เชน I don’t They don’t You don’t

It doesn’t He/She doesn’t We don’t

d) The Simple Present Tense มักใชกับคํากริยาวิเศษณที่บอกเวลาตอไปนี้

often usually sometimes never

always occasionally on Monday once a year

three times a month every week in the morning at night, etc.

He goes abroad every year.

I never smoke.

She always sings.

How often do you wash your hair?

They go to the cinema sometimes.

He is usually late.

We exercise in the morning.

3 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)

A. จงเปลี่ยนประโยคตอไปนี้ใหเปนประโยคปฏิเสธ

1. Tom likes beer.


2. I drive a car.


3. He teaches everyday.


4. We go to bed early.


5. It rains everyday.


6. She speaks English well.


7. We know Jim.


8. They study at night.


9. I sleep well.


10. She works in the evening.

4 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
B. จงเปลี่ยนประโยคตอไปนี้ใหเปนประโยคคําถาม

1. He works hard.


2. It eats grass.


3. John has breakfast at eight o’clock.


4. Mrs.Smith knows Richard.


5. Bob reads a newspaper.


6. They go by bus.


7. You walk to school.


8. They watch television.


9. You love Dream.


10. We need help.

5 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
C. จงเปลี่ยนกริยาในวงเล็บใหอยูในรูป simple present tense ที่ถูกตอง ถาถูกตองแลวใหคงไวเหมือนเดิม

1. He (drink) ________ coffee every morning.

2. Richard (like) ________ fried chicken.

3. They (go) ________ to work by train.

4. Dara and Ying always (swim) ________.

5. We (clean) ________ the bedroom every Wednesday.

6. She (pass) ________ my house every day.

7. He (wash) ________ his car every week.

8. The baby always (cry) ________.

9. She (teach) ________ English in that school.

10. They always (tell) ________ the truth.

6 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
The Present Continuous Tense

a) ใช Tense นี้ เมื่อเหตุการณ หรือ การกระทํานั้นยังดําเนินอยูตลอดเวลาในขณะที่พูด

b) กริยาที่อยูใน Tense นี้ จะมี –ing ขางทายและใชกับ verb to be

ประธาน + {am, is, are} + Ving + (object)

I am writing a letter.

He is running.

They are playing football.

We are cleaning the room.

c) รูปของกริยาใน Tense นี้ เมื่อใชกับประธานบุรุษตาง ๆ และรูปประโยคชนิดตาง ๆ มีดังนี้

บอกเลา ปฏิเสธ คําถาม

I am working. I am not working. Am I working?

You are working. You are not working. Are you working?

{He, She} is working. {He, She} is not working. Is {he, she} working?

We are working. We are not working. Are we working?

They are working. They are not working. Are they working?

It is working. It is not working. Is it working?

7 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
รูปยอของสรรพนาม + verb to be คือ

I’m We’re You’re

He’s She’s It’s

รูปยอของ verb to be + not คือ

You aren’t We aren’t He isn’t

She isn’t It isn’t They aren’t

d) คํากริยาวิเศษณที่มักใชกับ Tense นี้ ไดแก now, at this moment

What are they doing now?

e) กริยาที่มักไมนิยมใชกับ continuous tense ไดแก feel, think, belong, remember, owe, know, forget, fear,

like, hate, love, want, dislike, believe กริยาเหลานี้มักใชกับ simple present tense เมื่อกลาวถึงเหตุการณปจจุบัน

We feel sorry.

I think that he is honest.

This bag belongs to John.

I remember his name.

We owe him 500 baht.

I know her well.

I often forget their names.

Everybody fears death.

We believe him.
251 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)

A. จงเปลี่ยนคํากริยาในวงเล็บใหเปนรูป present continuous tense ใหถูกตอง

1. It ___________ now. (rain)

2. They ___________. (not, eat)

3. She ___________ some apples. (cut)

4. We ___________ the windows. (shut)

5. He ___________. (not, swim)

6. They ___________. (smoke)

7. She ___________ now. (not, cry)

8. We ___________ the table. (move)

9. I ___________ the door. (close)

10. They ___________ on the floor. (lie)

11. He ___________. (die)

12. She ___________ on the swing. (sit)

252 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
B. จงเลือกคํากริยาในวงเล็บมาเติมในชองวางใหถูกตอง โดยขีดเสนใตคํากริยานั้น

1. The students (work, are working) in the classroom now.

2. I (wash, am washing) my clothes every day.

3. We usually (eat, are eating) rice with forks and spoons.

4. (Do you read, Are you reading) your book now?

5. I (do, am doing) my homework at night.

6. She (gets, is getting) up at 6 o’clock.

7. He (hates, is hating) snakes.

8. They (play, are playing) tennis at this moment.

9. This car (does not belong, is not belonging) to me.

10. Richard (never tells, is never telling) the truth.

253 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
The Simple Past Tense

a) Tense นี้แสดงเหตุการณหรือการกระทําที่เกิดขึ้นในอดีต เชนเดียวกับที่ Simple Present Tense ใชกับการกระทําที่เกิดขึ้น


b) กริยารูป Simple Past Tense เปนกริยาชองที่ 2 ซึ่งตามธรรมดา คือ การเติม –ed ตอทายกริยาชองที่ 1

Present: We walk to work every day.

Past: We walked to work yesterday.

Present: He plays football on Mondays.

Past: He played football yesterday.

c) รูปของกริยาใน Tense นี้ เมื่อใชกับประธานบุรุษตาง ๆ และรูปประโยคชนิดตาง ๆ มีดังนี้

บอกเลา ปฏิเสธ คําถาม คําถามปฏิเสธ

I worked I did not work. Did I work? Did I not work?

You worked. You did not work. Did you work? Did you not work?

{He, She} {He, She} did not Did {he, she} Did {he, she} not

worked. work. work? work?

We worked. We did not work. Did we work? Did we not work?

They worked. They did not work. Did they work? Did they not work?

It worked. It did not work. Did it work? Did it not work?

254 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
d) คํากริยาวิเศษณที่ใชกับ Simple Past Tense ไดแก ago เชน three years ago, yesterday, in the past, from


He came here two years ago.

We saw her yesterday.

I did not exercise last week.

e) การเติม -ed ที่ทายคํากริยา มีขอควรจดจําดังนี้

1) เติม –ed ตามปกติ เชน

mixed played pointed

kissed added laughed

2) ถาคํากริยานั้นลงทายดวย e แลว ใหเติมเฉพาะ d เทานั้น เชน

moved loved closed

lived liked arranged

believed died

3) ถาคํากริยานั้นลงทายดวย y ใหเปลี่ยน y เปน i แลวจึงเติม ed (ยกเวน เมื่อหนา y เปนสระ a, e, i, o, u ไมตองเปลี่ยน y

เปน i เชน played) เชน

dry dried cry cried

carry carried hurry hurried

4) ถาคํากริยานั้นออกเสียงพยางคเดียว มีสระตัวเดียว และสะกดดวยพยัญชนะตัวเดียว ใหเพิ่มตัวสะกดอีกหนึ่งตัว กอนเติม ed


stop stopped plan planned

rob robbed beg begged

255 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Irregular Verbs

คือ กริยาที่ไมเติม –ed ในชองที่ 2 หรือ ชองที่ 3 แตมีรูปแตกตางไปจากเดิม

1. กลุมที่ Verb ชองที่ 2 และ 3 เหมือนกัน

verb ชองที่ 1 verb ชองที่ 2 verb ชองที่ 3

have had had

hear heard heard
lay laid laid
make made made
pay paid paid
say said said
stand stood stood
tell told told
bend bent bent
build built built
deal dealt dealt
feel felt felt
keep kept kept
leave left left
lose lost lost
meet met met
send sent sent
weep wept wept
dig dug dug
hang hung hung
spin spun spun
strike struck struck
swing swung swung
256 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
2. กลุมที่ Verb ชองที่ 1, 2, 3 เหมือนกัน

verb ชองที่ 1 verb ชองที่ 2 verb ชองที่ 3

Bet bet bet

Burst burst burst

Cost cost cost

cut cut cut

hit hit hit

hurt hurt hurt

let let let

put put put

quit quit quit

set set set

split split split

shut shut shut

3. กลุมที่ Verb ชองที่ 1 และ 3 เหมือนกัน

verb ชองที่ 1 verb ชองที่ 2 verb ชองที่ 3

become became become

come came come

run ran run

257 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
4. กลุมที่ Verb ชองที่ 1, 2, 3 แตกตางกัน

verb ชองที่ 1 verb ชองที่ 2 verb ชองที่ 3

arise arose arisen

bear bore borne

break broke broken

draw drew drawn

drive drove driven

fly flew flown

give gave given

grow grew grown

hide hid hidden

know knew known

see saw seen

shake shook shaken

speak spoke spoken

steal stole stolen

swim swam swum

take took taken

tear tore torn

throw threw thrown

wake woke, waked woken, waked

withdraw withdrew withdrawn

write wrote written

258 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
The Past Continuous Tense

a) ใช Tense นี้กับเหตุการณหรือการกระทําที่ดําเนินอยูตลอดเวลาชั่วระยะเวลาหนึ่งในอดีต

b) กริยาอยูในรูป –ing และใชกับ Verb to be ซึ่งอยูในรูป Simple Past Tense

Subject + {was, were} + V-ing + (object)

c) มักมีเวลาแบงไว เชน

He was having breakfast at eight o’clock yesterday.

d) เมื่อไมมีเวลาบงไว มักใชคูกับกริยาอยู Simple Past Tense ซึ่งอยูในอนุประโยคที่ขึ้นตนดวย when

When I arrived they were playing tennis.

When I saw her she was reading.

e) รูปของกริยาใน Tense นี้ เมื่อใชกับประธานบุรุษตาง ๆ และรูปประโยคชนิดตาง ๆ มีดังนี้

บอกเลา ปฏิเสธ คําถาม

I was working. I was not working. Was I working?

You were working. You were not working. Were you working?

{He, She} was working. {He, She} was not working. Was {he, she} working?

We were working. We were not working. Were we working?

They were working. They were not working. Were they working?

It was working. It was not working. Was it working?

รูปยอของ was + not = wasn’t

were + not = weren’t

259 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
The Future Tense

a) ใช Tense นี้กับเหตุการณหรือการกระทำที่จะเกิดขึ้นในอนาคต

b) กริยาใน future tense ใชประกอบกับคํา will หรือ shall โดยกริยานั้น จะคงรูปเดิมเสมอ

Subject + will, shall + V1

I shall หรือ will

You will

He/ She will

arrive tomorrow.
We shall หรือ will

They will

It will

รูปยอของสรรพนาม + will หรือ shall คือ

I’ll We’ll You’ll They’ll

He’ll She’ll It’ll

รูปยอของ shall not คือ shan’t

will not คือ won’t

260 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
c) นอกจากจะใช will หรือ shall แลว ในการทํากริยาใหอยูในรูป future tense อาจใช verb to be + going to ก็ได

am, is, are + going to + V1

I am

You are

He is going to arrive next week.

We are

They are

It is

d) คํากริยาวิเศษณบอกเวลาที่มักใชกับ future tense ไดแก tomorrow, next week, soon, next year

They will travel next year.

I will see him soon.

261 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
The Present Perfect Tense

a) ใช Tense นี้กับการกระทําหรือ เหตุการณที่เกิดขึ้นและสิ้นสุดแลว แตไมมีเวลาระบุไว

I have been to England.

b) ใช Tense นี้กับเหตุการณหรือการกระทําที่เกิดขึ้นในอดีตและยังคงดําเนินอยูในปจจุบัน ในกรณีนี้มักมีคําบงเวลาประกอบดวย

เชน for a few years, since Monday

I have worked here for a few years.

He has been ill since Monday.

c) ใช Tense นี้กับเหตุการณหรือการกระทําในอดีตที่มีผลกับปจจุบันหรืออนาคต

John has been ill. He can’t play football today.

I have played football. I am tired.

d) กริยาที่ใชใน Present Perfect Tense มีรูปดังนี้

have + V3 (past participle)

รูปของกริยาใน Tense นี้ เมื่อใชกับประธานบุรุษตางๆ และรูปประโยคชนิดตาง ๆ มีดังนี้

บอกเลา ปฏิเสธ

I have worked. I have not worked.

You have worked. You have not worked.

{He, She} has worked. {He, She} has not worked.

We have worked. We have not worked.

They have worked. They have not worked.

It has worked. It has not worked.

262 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)

คําถาม คําถาม

Have I worked? Have I not worked?

Have you worked? Have you not worked?

Has {he, she} worked? Has {he, she} not worked?

Have we worked? Have we not worked?

Have they worked? Have they not worked?

Has it worked? Has it not worked?

รูปยอของ have + not = haven’t

has + not = hasn’t

e) คํากริยาวิเศษณที่มักใชกับ tense นี้ไดแก คําที่แบงเวลา เชน

1. for a long time, for three years, lately, recently, just, once, twice, four times

2. ใช ever และ never กับ Present Perfect Tense

Have you ever seen a fox?

I have never been to England.

หมายเหตุ: ever มักจะใชในประโยคคําถามเสมอ

never มักใชในประโยคคําถามและปฏิเสธ

Have you never seen it?

I have never seen rocket.

263 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
3. ใชคํา already และ yet กับ Present Perfect Tense

already ใชกับประโยคบอกเลาและคําถาม

I have already eaten. (= I have eaten already.)

Have you already eaten? (= Have you eaten already?)

yet ใชกับประโยคปฏิเสธและคําถาม

I have not eaten yet.

Have you eaten yet?

4. ใชคํา for และ since กับ Present Perfect Tense

for + ระยะเวลา

เชน for a long time, for six years

since + จุดเริ่มตนของเหตุการณ

เชน Since Monday, Since last week, Since nine o’clock, Since I was young, Since last

June, Since 1984.

They have worked here for three years.

They have worked here since 1982.

They have worked here since last June.

He has collected stamps for a long time.

He has collected stamps since he was 15 years old.

Suda has studied English for ten years.

Suda has studied English since 1975.

Suda has studied English since she was 10 years old.

1 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Exercise Unit 17 Tenses

A. จงขีดเสนใตรูปกริยาที่ถูกตองในประโยคตอไปนี้

1. Danai (sold, has sold) his house last week.

2. I (worked, have worked) for this company since 1980.

3. The weather (was, has been) bad since last Sunday.

4. We (spent, have spent) a week in Chiengmai last week.

5. We (came, have come) back yesterday.

6. I (read, have read) this book already.

7. Bancha and Damrong (did not finish, have not finished) their homework yet.

8. Kanya (studied, has studied) English in this school for six months.

9. We (heard, have heard) bad news an hour ago.

10. I (saw, have seen) this movie four times already.

11. They (lived, have lived) in Phuket since 1982.

12. Somchai (worked, has worked) in Yala from 1978-1982.

13. I (visited, have visited) that museum recently.

14. (Did you finish, Have you finished) the work yet?

15. Mr. And Mrs. Brown (were, have been) in Bangkok for two months.
2 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
B. จงเปลี่ยนกริยาในวงเล็บใหมีรูปที่ถูกตอง –simple present tense, present continuous tense, future tense

หรือ present perfect tense

1. He always (go) to school early.

2. Nantha (take) an examination tomorrow.

3. Boonlert and Mana (buy) a lot of stamps two days ago.

4. We (paint) the bedroom next week.

5. She (be) ill since Monday.

6. They (have) breakfast at seven o’clock tomorrow.

7. We usually (have) dinner at six o’clock.

8. The students (study) that lesson already.

9. There (be) some bad storms in this area recently.

10. Winai (teach) in this school for three years.

11. I (send) a letter to my uncle a few days ago.

12. The sun (set) in the west.

13. We (travel) to Europe next month.

14. Those boys (not, watch) television last night.

15. I (meet) Somporn in 1980.

16. We (know) John since 1981.

17. Mr. Jackson often (play) tennis on Sundays.

18. Mr. And Mrs. Thomas (arrive) in Bangkok next Tuesday.

19. They (dance) now.

20. Wimala (wash) the dishes at this moment.

3 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
C. Choose the most appropriate alternative.

1. Please wait here: my boss ______________ in ten minutes.

a) returns b) has returned c) will return d) return

2. You will feel better after you ___________ the medicines.

a) will take b) has taken c) have taken d) will have taken

3. Whenever the old woman hears a sad story, she __________.

a) weeps b) will weep c) would weep d) has wept

4. Mother ____________. Don’t disturb her.

a) sleeps b) has slept c) is sleeping d) will have slept

5. John usually listens to the radio, but last night he ___________ a book.

a) was reading b) had read c) has read d) read

6. I can’t go out because I __________ my work.

a) shall not finish b) have not finished c) did not finish d) do not finish

7. This is the first time anybody ____________ in climbing that mountain.

a) succeeded b) has succeeded c) succeeds d) had been succeeding

8. Peter can’t come to the phone now because he _________ a bath.

a) having b) is having c) will have d) has

9. “Is your mother still awake?”

“No, she ________ a few minutes ago.”

a) slept b) fell asleep c) went to sleep d) went to bed

10. The tigers in the zoo __________ by the caretaker at the moment.

a) are fed b) are being fed c) will be fed d) are feeding

11. I __________ my raincoat. I must go back for it.

a) forgetting b) had forgotten c) forget d) have forgotten

12. Last week John promised that he _________ to the theatre with me today.

a) would go b) was going c) goes d) is going

4 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
13. Whenever he has any money, he ________ it with his brother.

a) shares b) shared c) sharing d) has shared

14. Please help us. We _________ our way.

a) lose b) are losing c) have lost d) have been lost

15. That baby ___________ non-stop for an hour yesterday.

a) cried b) crying c) is crying d) had been crying

16. They usually ____________ to school at seven o’clock.

a) have gone b) go c) goes d) will go

17. I __________ the King yesterday.

a) saw b) see c) has seen d) will see

18. He always boils water before he _________ it.

a) drank b) will drink c) drinks d) drink

19. I __________ football when I was a young boy.

a) played b) play c) was playing d) have played

20. My grandmother never __________ us now because she is very old.

a) visited b) will visit c) visits d) has visited

21. Please stop singing because I __________ my homework now.

a) am doing b) was doing c) has done d) did

22. Listen! The teacher ___________ the answer.

a) explained b) has explained c) explain d) is explaining

23. I __________ four cups of coffee since eight o’clock.

a) drink b) will drink c) have drunk d) am drinking

24. She __________ her brother for three years.

a) did not see b) doesn’t see c) is not seeing d) hasn’t seen

25. Jill __________ a new blouse, and now she wants to buy a new skirt.

a) buys b) has bought c) will buy d) is buying

5 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
26. He __________ me the tape I asked for.

a) gives b) has just given c) give d) given

27. They __________ anything I say.

a) never understood b) understood c) never understand d) understands

28. Our team _______ every match so far this year, but we still have two more games to play.

a) wins b) will win c) has won d) have won

29. Henry usually listens to the radio, but at this moment he __________ television.

a) watches b) has watched c) will watch d) is watching

30. __________ oil or butter when you fry eggs?

a) Do you use b) Did you use c) Have you used d) Were you using

31. __________ the work yet?

a) Will you finish b) Are you finishing c) Have you finished d) Do you finish

32. Since last year, I __________ them only twice.

a) have seen b) see c) was seeing d) will see

33. The students __________ an English test when the lights went out.

a) are doing b) will do c) were doing d) have done

34. Ying went to go shopping, but she __________ her homework yet.

a) didn’t finish b) hasn’t finished c) doesn’t finish d) won’t finish

35. He __________ here from 1967 to 1980.

a) lived b) has lived c) lives d) is living

36. The teacher __________ all the exam papers last Friday evening.

a) marks b) has marked c) marked d) is marking

37. It __________ now.

a) is raining b) rains c) was raining d) rained

38. I am sure __________ her two years ago.

a) met b) have met c) meet d) was meeting

6 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
39. While you __________ football, I was working in the garden.

a) have played b) are playing c) play d) were playing

40. When I came home, my wife __________ in the kitchen.

a) was cooking b) cooks c) has cooked d) is cooking

41. As soon as I came in, he __________ the room.

a) was leaving b) has left c) leaves d) left

42. They __________ to Paris four times in 1974.

a) have gone b) went c) will go d) were going

43. I __________ to Chiengmai five so far.

a) was b) am c) have been d) will be

44. They __________ to England next month.

a) go b) went c) will go d) were going

45. Mount Everest __________ the highest mountain in the world.

a) is b) was c) will be d) has been

46. __________ me to the party next Sunday?

a) Do you take b) Did you take c) Have you taken d) Will you take

47. Every time I __________ him, he smiles at me.

a) saw b) see c) have seen d) will see

48. Please turn off the light before you __________ to bed.

a) go b) will go c) went d) goes

49. I will tell him the news when he __________ back.

a) come b) will come c) comes d) is coming

50. Although Sam __________ for four years, he hasn’t got a degree yet.

a) worked b) has c) is working d) works

51. We will stay in Chiengmai for a week, and then we __________ to Lampang.

a) go b) have gone c) will go d) were going

7 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
52. When I was twelve years old, I __________ music lessons.

a) have b) will have c) am having d) had

53. “How much did you pay for that bag?”

“It __________ ten dollars.”

a) cost b) costs c) costed d) has cost

54. This novel __________ in 1967.

a) is written b) will be written c) was written d) has been written

55. Bancha __________ in love with Pranee over a year ago.

a) has fallen b) falls c) is falling d) fell

56. The police will arrest him when he __________ the house.

a) will leave b) leaves c) left d) was leaving

57. Every day last year he __________ to visit his grandfather.

a) goes b) has gone c) was going d) went

58. __________ today, or has she already arrived?

a) Has she come b) Did she come c) Is she coming d) Was she coming

59. It hasn’t rained much this year, but it __________ a lot last year.

a) rained b) will rain c) rains d) has rained

60. __________ to go swimming in winter?

a) Did you like b) Have you liked c) Will you like d) Do you like

61. When I walked into the office, Peter __________ a report.

a) reads b) was reading c) has read d) is reading

62. The sun __________ in the East.

a) rose b) was rising c) rises d) has risen

63. Mary __________ to Spain the day after tomorrow.

a) goes b) has gone c) went d) is going

8 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
64. Boonchai __________ so many books lately that he has strained his eyes.

a) reads b) will read c) has read d) read

65. At the moment Wanida __________ with the coat.

a) plays b) played c) has played d) is playing

66. He was sitting in a restaurant when I __________ him.

a) sees b) saw c) has seen d) am seeing

67. “What did you think of the boxing match last night?”

“I really didn’t think Ali __________”

a) wins b) would win c) has won d) winning

68. “Is his name really Curly?”

“No, it isn’t. His real name is Richard, but everyone __________ him Curly.”

a) is calling b) call c) calling d) calls

69. “I drove all the way from Chiengmai yesterday.”

“What time __________ Bangkok?”

a) you reached b) have reached c) did you reach d) have you reached

70. “Is the film at the Scala any good?”

“Excellent. But don’t tell me you __________ seen it yet.

a) haven’t b) didn’t c) weren’t d) won’t

1 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Unit 18 Wish Forms

ในภาษาอังกฤษมีการใชกริยา wish เพื่อสื่อความหมายแสดงความปรารถนาของผูพูด wish สามารถใชไดใน 4 โครงสราง


1. ผูพูดตองการทํา แตอยางไรก็เปนไปไมได

Subject + wish + Infinitive with to

เชน They wish to graduate this year.

I wish to be good at Mathematics

She wishes to finish her paper in time.

2. ผูพูดตองการใหใครคนหนึ่งทําในสิ่งที่เปนไปไมได

Subject + wish + someone + Infinitive with to

เชน I wish my friend to see this work.

She wishes her mother to help her now.

The boys wish their teacher to go to the concert with them.

3. ผูพูดอวยพร

Subject + wish + someone + something(noun)

เชน I wish you happiness.

I wish you all the best.

We wish you a Merry Christmas.

2 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
4. Subject + wish + (that) Noun Clause

นามวลี (noun clause) แบงเปนโครงสรางยอยไดอีก 3 ประเภท โดยพิจารณาจากเวลา (time) เปนเกณฑ ดังนี้

4.1 ตองการใหผลของความปรารถนาเกิดขึ้นในปจจุบันใหกระจายกริยาใน Noun Clause เปน Past Simple Tense


I wish I were rich.

[verb to be ในโครงสราง wish นี้ใหใชรูป were เสมอ]

They wish they went to the zoo.

She wished her father bought her a new dress.

4.2 ตองการใหผลของความปรารถนาเกิดขึ้นในอดีต ใหกระจายกริยาใน Noun Clause เปน Past Perfect Tense เชน

She wishes she had won the game the other day.


She wished she had won the game the other day.

3 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
4.3 ตองการใหผลของความปรารถนาเกิดขึ้นในอนาคต ใหเปลี่ยนกริยาใน Noun Clause เปนกริยาวลี

would/could + v. 1

[ถาประธานของทั้งสอง clauses เปนคนเดียวกันใหใช could แตถาประธานเปนคนละตัวกันใหใช would]

เชน I wish I could go to France with you.

She wishes her daddy would bring her some souvenir.

He wishes he could finish his work tomorrow.

I wish my friend would join the party tonight.

ขอสังเกต : การใช If only สามารถสื่อความหมายไดเหมือนกับ I wish เชน

If only I had come early yesterday.

[ = I wish I had come early yesterday.]

If only I could go with you tomorrow.

[ = I wish I could go with you tomorrow.]

1 อ.ณัฐสิทธิ์ (อ.ปุก)
Exercise Unit 18 Wish Forms

Choose the best answer.

1. I wish I ________________ rich.

a) am b) was c) are d) were

2. He wishes he _________________ with his dad next year.

a) lives b) will live c) could live d) had lived

3. They wish they __________________ the award yesterday.

a) get b) got c) have got d) had got

4. We wish you __________________.

a) happy b) happiness c) be happy d) was happy

5. If only I _________________ a superstar.

a) can be b) will be c) have been d) were

6. She wished he ___________________ with her tomorrow.

a) could go b) would go c) will go d) shall go

7. We wish we _____________________ our homework now.

a) finish b) will finish c) finished d) would finish

8. Yesterday, my dad didn’t come, I wish he ___________________.

a) has come b) had come c) came d) would come

9. My girlfriend is ugly. I wish she ___________________ beautiful.

a) was b) were c) is d) are

10. The children wish ___________________.

a) to go to museum b) going to the museum

c) they go to the museum d) they going to the museum

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