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Survey Questionnaire

Instruction: Please answer the following questionnaire on the effects of Marketing Mix
on Attendance of the Business and Accountancy students in watching the National
Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA) games. The results of the study will be used for
academic purposes only.

Part 1: Profile of the Respondent

1.1 Age: ________

1.2 Gender: ______ Male ______ Female

1.3 Course: __________________

Part 2: Assessment of the Effects of the Marking Mix on the Attendance of the
Business and Accountancy Students of the University of Perpetual Help System
DALTA in Watching the National Athletics Association of the Philippines

To what extent are the following factors using the 4Ps affects the attendance of the
business and accountancy students in watching the National Collegiate Athletic
Association (NCAA) Games. Please use the following rating scale:

5 Very Great Extent

4 Great Extent
3 Moderate Extent
2 Slight Extent
1 No Extent

Indicators of Sports Product as a Factor Rating

The popularity of the game.

The enjoyment of a particular sport.
The performance of the cheering crowd (size, noise)
The player’s physical attractiveness.
The presence of a rivalry
The quality of the team supported (performance, W/L record)
The reputation of team and the opposing team.

Indicators of Price as a Factor Rating

Free admission to watch the game.

Reasonable prices of the game ticket.

Discounted prices of the game ticket.

Bulk pricing of the game tickets offered for a group.

Subsidized game tickets by the school.

Offers varying prices based on the location of the seat.

Ticket price is part of the fees that I paid in school.

Indicators Promotion as a Factor Rating

The games are advertised in the television.

The games are advertised through the radio programs.

The games are advertised through the social media platform.

The games are advertised though newspapers and magazines.

The games are advertised though billboards.

The games are advertised in the respective schools.

The games and advertised through brochures and fliers.

Indicators of Place as a Factor Rating

The location of the venue of the games is convenient.

The location of the venue has accessibility parking.

The location of the venue is clean and in good conduction.

The location of the venue is secured.

The location of the venue is appropriate for games played.

Events because it is played in the various NCAA schools

Events are played in the various sport arena such as MOA Arena, San
Juan Arena and Araneta Coliseum, and etc.

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