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1 – How can you describe the Irish people in a few words?

They are outgoing people, impractical with money, garrulous, and witty in conversation,
incurable dreamers and romantics.

2 – Which things are the Irish love, as they love horses and whiskey?

They love to recall nostalgically their storied past and to argue furiously about their uncertain

3 – How has been the Irish’s contribution to British literature?

Their contribution has been enormous.

4 – Who are Irish writers who have been consider the best writes of the twentieth century?

Jonathan Swift and George Bernard Shaw have been consider the best writes of the twentieth

5 – How could you describe the Ireland during the early middle Ages? In addition, in what
areas of knowledge did they excel?

The Ireland was the most vigorous cultural and intellectual country in the West. They has
excelling in philosophy, poetry and sculpture.

6 – Who did convert the Anglo-Saxons from paganism to Christianity?

It was the Irish missionaries.

7 – What were the reasons that make the Ireland to fell into a long and slow decline until be
conquered by English armies in the sixteenth century?

Due to Vikings raids during the ninth and tenth centuries and internal political squabbles during
the later Middle Ages.

8 – What did English and Scottish colonist bring with them when they moved to Ireland?

They carried with them the Protestant religion and a cultural outlook different from that of the
9 – Why the middle of the nineteenth century was the worst period for the Irish people?

Because the people suffered terribly from a famine that through starvation and emigration to
America reduced the population of the island by one-half.

10 – What was the major trouble spot in British politics from 1860 until 1922? Describe it in a
few words what was it?

The Irish question was the major trouble spot in British in that period. It was the period when
the Irish nationalists began to clamor loudly for “Home Rule”, or independence.

11 – What is the name of the social movement that stated several years before the
independency by a group of Irish intellectuals?

The Irish Renaissance was the social movement.

12 – Who was one of the leading members of the Irish Renaissance?

The poet William Butler Yeats was one of the leading members of this movement.

13 – What was the place that Willian Butler Yeats and the playwright John Millington Synge
found? What was the proposal of that place?

They founded the Abbey Theater in Dublin in 1900. It was dedicating to promoting the talents
of Irish dramatists.

14 – Nowadays, Yeats is best remembered not as a proponent of Irish culture nor for his work
in the theater. How is Yeats best remembered for his work?

He is remembered as one of the greatest poets in the history of the English language.

15 – When did Yeats start to writing and publish his first book?

He began writing poems at an early age and published his first book of poetry when he was 21.

16 – In the beginning what were the biggest influence of the Yeats’ poetry?

Yeats’ poetry was full of Celtic mysticism and a dreamy romanticism.

17 – After Yeats was influenced by his work in the theater, how could be described the way
that Yeats write his poetry?

He began to write poetry that was col

18 – Why Yeats has been consider the leading British symbolist poet?

Because he continued to evolve a tough but simple style set in traditional poetic meters and
relied heavily in symbols.

19 – What were the most important public honors that Yeats received in his later life?

Yeats received an appointment to the first senate of the newly independent Irish Republic, the
1923 Nobel Prize for literature, and the well-deserved adulation of the younger poets in England
and America.

20 – What kind of subjects did Yeats has more interesting in his poetry?

He was attracted by occultism, spiritualism and mysticism.

21 – What are the basis of the private mythology constructed by Yeats that remembers the
style of William Blake?

The basis of which is a complex view of history as a series of repeating cycles.

22 – Despite his eccentric and mystical side, what were other subjects that Yeats usually write
in his literature?

Yeats wrote powerfully about familiar things, about love, art, and heroism.

23 – What were the principal characteristics of the style of Yeats when he wrote about familiar
things, about love, art and heroism?

He wrote in a peculiar style that combines ordinary vocabulary with a sophisticated symbolic

24 – How can you describe the tone of his work?

His tone is usually detached and ironic.

25- What was the poet W.H Auden write about Yeats after his death in 1939?

“You were silly, like us; your gift survived it all”

26 – What is the Yeats’ poem that better illustrates his belief that history is cyclical?

The poem “The second coming” is the better illustrating of his ideas that history is cyclical.

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