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Religious Education

Oceans and Rivers

This task assessed the children’s understanding that God created the ocean and
the thing that live in it. Children identified signs of Gods creations and wondered
about God and what he created.

Children had to draw a picture of their favourite sea animal that God had created
and orally tell the educated why this is their favourite sea creature and why they
think God created it. The educator scribed children’s answers, typed them up
and added them to students work.

Learning Objective:
Children can identify one or more sea creatures that God created and recognise
that God created it. Children could state what is special about this sea creature
and why they think God created that creature.

We talked about that God created the sea and rivers and the many creatures
that live there. We read lots of stories and looked at lots of information books.
We made octopus, crabs, turtles, seahorses and a rainbow fish. We explored
different types of shells and what sea animals have them. We did a drawing of
our favourite sea animal and had lots of fun playing with the sea creatures. We
made patterns with coloured fish and joined them together to practice our
numbers from 1-10. We sorted and classified different shells and sea animals
and we looked at things that belong in the ocean and things that don’t. We
discussed why Jesus would want us to look after the ocean and ways we could
do this. We talked about the beach, sun and water safety and had a lovely time
building sandcastles. We talked about Baptism and what it means to be
baptised, we did a godly play about the story of Jesus being baptised and we
got to role-play baptising babies.

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