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The turning workpiece loses its mass by 22,22 gram, slightly different with the expected mass loss, which is
24,258 gram. This is mainly caused by the variation of individual in doing each job. In turning process, the
change of individual in doing the job on one segment makes the cutting speed varies and the Y axis lever,
which is always unbalanced, held differently. In time measurement, the change of individual makes the
accuracy of time measurement varies. The calculated mass loss is expecting the steps on each segment to be
done by one person. However, each steps of a segment were not being done by one person. The defect
encountered were only rough surface and inaccurate dimension.

After the drilling process, the workpiece loses its mass by 0,85 gram. However, the expected mass loss is 0,65
gram. This happened due to the lack of precise measurement of time, the material used which is an aluminium
alloy not a pure aluminium, and non steady workhead. The only deffect happened is a rough surface. This is
mainly because of te drill bit.


Based on the conclusion, it can be inferred that the difference between the actual mass loss and the calculated
mass loss is mainly happened because of the variation of individuals doing the job. These results suggest that
the future practicum will be done by the same person so that every calculation and measurement will be stable.
Other suggestions will be using a pure aluminium (not an aluminium alloy) as a workpiece.

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