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Assessment of Bilateral Limb Lymphedema by

Bioelectrical Impedance Spectroscopy
Leigh Ward, PhD,*Þ Ann Winall, Dipl Physiol,þ Elizabeth Isenring, PhD,§ Andrew Hills, PhD,§
Sharon Czerniec, MHlthSci,Þ Elizabeth Dylke, MPhty,Þ and Sharon Kilbreath, PhDÞ

Objective: The aim of the present study was to determine if the ratio of extracellular fluid
(ECF), including the lymph, to that of intracellular fluid (ICF), as measured by bioim-
pedance spectroscopy (BIS), could be used to assess bilateral lymphedema (LE).
Background: The presence of LE is commonly determined as an increase in tissue volume
due to the presence of excess lymph relative to the volume of a comparable unaffected body
region or to comparative normative data. However, in bilateral LE of the limbs, a compa-
rable body region, the contralateral limb, is also affected, precluding normalization. An
alternative is to normalize the increase in lymph volume, as ECF, to that of ICF volume.
Methods: Extracellular/intracellular fluid ratios, expressed as the ratio of intracellular
impedance (Ri) to extracellular impedance (R0), for the limbs of 277 female and 224 male
controls were determined from an accumulated database of impedance data. Equivalent
data were obtained for an opportunistic cross-sectional sample of 37 female and 5 male
participants with bilateral LE of the legs. The ratios of Ri/R0 in the lymphedematous legs of
the affected participants were compared with the equivalent ratios in the unaffected arms of
the same participants and with those of the controls using box plots and visualized as
bivariate data using tolerance ellipses.
Results: Despite Ri/R0 ratios varying with age, sex, and limb dominance, comparison of
the ratio for affected legs (normalized to the ratio in the unaffected arms) with equivalent
ratios observed in a control population (as bivariate tolerance plots) was capable of dis-
criminating between 70% and 89% of the participants with LE.
Conclusions: Bioelectrical impedance spectroscopy and determination of Ri/R0 ratios as
indices of ECF/ICF ratios holds promise for the semiquantitative assessment of bilateral LE.
Key Words: Bilateral, Lymphedema, Bioelectrical impedance spectroscopy, BIS

Received August 16, 2010, and in revised form November 19, 2010.
Accepted for publication November 24, 2010.
(Int J Gynecol Cancer 2011;21: 409Y418)

*School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences, University of Address correspondence and reprint requests to Leigh Ward, PhD,
Queensland, St. Lucia, Brisbane, Australia; †Breast Cancer Re- School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences, University
search Group of the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of of Queensland, St Lucia, Brisbane, QLD 4072, Australia.
Sydney, Sydney, Australia; ‡Lymphoedema and Laser Therapy, E-mail:
Glenside, Adelaide, Australia; §Institute of Health and Biomedical The present address of E Isenring: School of Human Movement
Innovation, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Studies, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, Brisbane,
Australia. Australia.
Copyright * 2011 by IGCS and ESGO This study was funded, in part, by research grants from the National
ISSN: 1048-891X Health and Medical Research Council of Australia, National
DOI: 10.1097/IGC.0b013e31820866e1 Breast Cancer Foundation, and ImpediMed Ltd.

International Journal of Gynecological Cancer & Volume 21, Number 2, February 2011 409

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Ward et al International Journal of Gynecological Cancer & Volume 21, Number 2, February 2011

Lymphedema (LE) will be familiar to many surgeons as a

chronic debilitating condition that may occur as a conse-
whether this ratio could be used to discriminate individuals
with clinically ascribed bilateral LE.
quence of axillary and inguinal surgery and/or radiotherapy
to lymph nodes. The precise incidence and prevalence is METHODS
uncertain, but it is reported to occur in between 9% and 55%
of patients receiving inguinal or ilioinguinal dissection.1Y3 Participants
This uncertainty is due largely to the lack of a universally The study was an opportunistic cross-sectional design
accepted definition for the presence of LE.2,4 Although a with patients with clinically diagnosed bilateral LE identified
staging classification for LE based primarily on clinical fea- from patients attending an LE treatment clinic and invited to
tures has been developed to describe the progression of the participate in the study. Criteria to be met for inclusion were
condition,5 early detection and severity of LE are commonly broad, with participants being excluded only if they were
based on changes in the volume or circumference of an af- younger than 18 years, pregnant, fitted with a pacemaker or
fected limb relative to that of the contralateral control.2,5Y8 other electrical medical device (contraindicated for BIS
Such measurements are, however, not applicable in cases of measurements), or had medical conditions other than LE or
bilateral LE, common in postgynecological LE, where there were using medications that would disturb their fluid status,
is no unaffected contralateral limb to act as a control.3,9 for example, diuretics.
Attempts have been made to overcome this problem by es- Data were obtained for control subjects with no history
timating the change in volume by comparing, for example, of LE from a database of impedance data maintained at The
thigh-to-foot ratios of circumferences within the same limb.10 University of Queensland. The participants had been recruited
Clearly, such an approach will again not work where the for a variety of other studies being undertaken by the authors
whole limb is affected. for whom comparable impedance measurements had been
Bioelectrical impedance spectroscopy (BIS) has been obtained. These data were pooled to provide the data set used
used for the assessment of arm LE since the early 1990s.11 for analysis in the present study. Pooling of data was consid-
Bioelectrical impedance spectroscopy is based on the prin- ered acceptable inasmuch as inclusion and exclusion criteria
ciple that the magnitude of the opposition (impedance) to the for all of the studies were similar and the impedance mea-
flow of a low-frequency alternating electric current through surement protocols were identical in all studies.
the limb is inversely proportional to the volume of fluid in the All participants were weighed using digital scales, to
tissue. Thus, the impedance at a low frequency is a measure the nearest 0.1 kg, and their height measured to the near-
of the ECF volume and, at least in the early stages of LE, est 0.1 cm using a wall or stand-mounted stadiometer. All
where excess lymphatic fluid accumulates, tissue impedance participants were asked to state their arm and leg dominance.
decreases proportionately.12 (Strictly, the measured imped- The characteristics of the participants are presented in
ance is that of the extracellular water, but because the total Table 1. The mean ages of the male and female controls were
extracellular fluid is approximately 95% water, the terms fluid similar at approximately 43 years of age. This was consid-
and water are often used interchangeably.) Because there is erably younger than the mean ages of the LE participants at
wide biological variation between individuals in impedance 70 and 63 years for the men and women, respectively. Cor-
values, the impedance per se of a limb cannot discriminate respondingly, the age distribution of the LE participants was
between an affected limb, that is, one with excess lymph, such that all the men were aged between 60 and 80 years,
from a normal limb.11 The impedance of an affected limb is whereas the women’s ages ranged from 25.5 to 84.1 years.
therefore normalized to that of the contralateral unaffected The male LE participants were shorter on average by 16 cm
limb and expressed as a ratio; the ratio is then compared with but 4.9 kg heavier than the male controls; consequently, their
normative values. The method has been shown to detect ac- body mass indices (BMIs) were higher: 33.7 kg/m2 compared
curately early-stage upper limb LE and monitor treatment to 26.3 kg/m2. Although the female LE participants were the
efficacy (see Ward et al12 for review) and to be suitable for same height as the female controls, they were considerably
early detection of lower limb LE.13 heavier: average of 94.2 kg compared to 69.0 kg, with cor-
In bilateral LE, as with volumetric measurements, respondingly higher BMI: 34.7 compared to 25.4 kg/m2. The
normalization to the contralateral limb is not possible. In number of cases of primary LE in men was 4-fold greater
1996, Ward et al12 showed that the intracellular fluid volume than secondary LE. The ratio was 3:1 for the female partic-
is largely unaffected in the early stages of LE development ipants. There were also 7 female participants with clinically
and subsequently demonstrated that the ratio of extracellular ascribed mixed lipedema-lymphedema. Ethical approvals
(ECF) to intracellular fluid (ICF) volumes (as the inverse ratio were obtained from the relevant medical research ethics
of the respective resistances, Ri/R0, where Ri and R0 are the committee of the participating institutions, and all partici-
resistances of ICF and ECF, respectively) was a sensitive pants provided written informed consent.
diagnostic criterion for unilateral LE posttreatment for breast
cancer.14 These authors postulated that this method could be Measurement of Limb Impedance
applied to the assessment of bilateral LE, although substan- The impedance of the legs and arms of all participants
tiation of the technique in such cases was necessary. was measured according to methods described in detail
The purpose of the present study was to determine the elsewhere.12 Briefly, whole limb impedance (wrist to axilla
normal variation of ECF/ICF ratios (as Ri/R0) in the limbs of and ankle to groin) was determined according to the principle
a cross section of a healthy population and to determine of equipotentials, as this protocol has been shown to have

410 * 2011 IGCS and ESGO

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TABLE 1. Participants’ characteristics

* 2011 IGCS and ESGO

Controls Lymphedema
Males Females Males Females
Number 224 277 5 37
Age, yrs 42.6 T 17.5 (18.4Y91.0) 43.6 T 15.3 (18.3Y86.0) 70.4 T 4.2 (64.0Y74.3) 63.3 T 14.6 (25.5Y84.1)
Numbers per Decade of Age, yrs
G20 6 (2.7%) 3 (1.1%) V V
International Journal of Gynecological Cancer

20Y29.9 51 (22.8%) 56 (20.2%) V 2 (5.4%)

30Y39.9 63 (28.1%) 63 (22.7%) V V
40Y49.9 40 (17.9%) 70 (25.3%) V 5 (13.5%)
50Y59.9 30 (13.4%) 49 (17.7%) V 6 (16.2%)
60Y69.9 12 (5.4%) 15 (5.4%) 2 (40%) 8 (21.6%)
70Y79.9 6 (2.7%) 12 (4.3%) 3 (60%) 11 (29.8%)
980 16 (7.1%) 9 (3.2%) V 5 (13.5%)
Height, cm 178.2 T 7.2 (155.0 Y197.6) 164.6 T 6.7 (147.0Y187.4) 161.6 T 2.8 (157.0Y164.7) 164.8 T 8.2 (151.0Y182.1)
Weight, kg 83.5 T 13.4 (54.0Y126.9) 69.0 T 14.7 (40.4Y119.0) 88.4 T 16.4 (68.0Y111.1) 94.2 T 20.7 (62.0Y141.0)
Body mass index (BMI), kg/m2 26.3 T 3.9 (18.3Y 40.5) 25.4 T 4.8 (16.1Y 45.9) 33.7 T 5.4 (27.6Y41.8) 34.7 T 7.5 (24.2Y50.8)
Numbers per BMI range, kg/m2
Underweight (G20) 8 (3.5%) 30 (10.8%) V V
Healthy (20Y24.9) 81 (36.2%) 116 (41.9%) 3 (8.1%)
& Volume 21, Number 2, February 2011

Overweight (25Y29.9) 94 (42.0%) 88 (31.8%) 1 (20%) 8 (24.3)
Obese (930) 41 (18.3%) 43 (15.5%) 4 (80.0%) 25 (67.6%)
Lymphedema stage (n) 0:4:1:0 3:25:7:0*
Primary: secondary lymphedema (n) 4:1 28:9
Lipedema present 0 7
*Number of subjects per LE grades 1 to 4; 2 subjects were ungraded.

Copyright © 2011 by IGCS and ESGO. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
BIS and Bilateral Lymphedema

Ward et al International Journal of Gynecological Cancer & Volume 21, Number 2, February 2011

greater precision than a ‘‘paired electrode’’ approach.12 Par- assuming that the resistivities of ICF and ECF are relatively
ticipants assumed a supine position on a nonconductive ex- constant (see ‘‘Discussion’’ section). The ECF/ICF ratios
amination couch, arms by their side and slightly abducted were calculated for each limb.
from the body. All jewelry, except rings on fingers, was re-
moved and the skin at the electrode sites cleaned with an Statistical Analysis
alcohol wipe before the application of silverYsilver chlo- Participant data were summarized with parametric
ride gel electrodes. The electrode locations were those rec- descriptive statistics. Individuals were classified according to
ommended by the manufacturer, that is, current drive group (LE/control), sex (male/female), age (G30, 30Y39.9,
electrodes on the dorsal surface of the third metacarpal of the 40Y49.9, 50-59.9 and 960 years) and BMI (20, 20Y24.9,
hand and the dorsal surface of the third metatarsal of the foot 25Y29.9, 930 kg/m2). The distributions of ECF/ICF ratios, as
and the voltage sensing electrodes on the dorsum of the wrists Ri/R0, for all limbs were then determined for subgroups.
midway between the styloid processes and the dorsal surface To determine whether there were significant differences
of the ankle midway between the malleoli. All measurements across and between subgroups, 2- and 3-way analyses of
were performed on each limb with the exception of a cohort variance (ANOVA) were performed using the general linear
of 73 men and 103 women in the control group for whom model procedures in the statistics module of Sigmaplot Ver-
only measurements on the dominant side were available. sion 11.0 (Systat Software Inc, Chicago, Ill). Two-way
Impedance data were obtained with 2 different imped- ANOVAs were used to determine whether there were any
ance instruments. Data for 224 male controls and 277 female overall differences between age strata and between dominant
controls drawn from the database had been obtained using an and nondominant limbs within each sex and limbs (arm and
SFB3 frequency-scanning bioimpedance spectrometer (range,
5-1024 kHz; SEAC-ImpediMed Ltd, Brisbane, Australia). All
other data were obtained using an SFB7 bioimpedance spec-
trometer (ImpediMed Ltd), which scans a similar range of
frequencies (3-1000 kHz). Equivalence of these instruments
has been demonstrated previously (below and in Ward15).

Data Processing and Analysis

Data from both SFB3 and SFB7 were processed
according to Cole theory12 using the manufacturer’s software
(Bioimp v, ImpediMed Ltd) to provide values for R0
and RV. R0 is the resistance at zero frequency and is equal to
that of ECF, whereas RV is the resistance at infinite frequency
equal to that of total limb water. At zero and infinite fre-
quencies, impedance (Z) and resistance (R) are equal; there-
fore, for the purposes of this manuscript, these terms are used
interchangeably. Generally, the default program settings were
used for analyses; however, for some data sets, the analysis was
optimized by adjustment of the frequency ‘‘window’’ used for
fitting the data to the Cole model guided by minimizing the
standard error of the estimate (SEE) for the curve fitting pro-
cedure.16 The SEE for all analyses was less than 1%.
Small, less than 2.5%, but significant differences in R0
and RV values between the SFB3 and SFB7 instruments have
been determined when both are tested on the participants or
electronic test circuits, an observation confirmed in a small
subset of the present subject group (data not presented).
Therefore, to facilitate pooling of data, all SFB3 data were
converted to equivalent SFB7 data using the conversion
factors provided by Ward.15
The resistance of intracellular water (ICF), Ri,, was
calculated from the relationship:
FIGURE 1. Ratio of extracellular to intracellular fluid
ðR0  RV Þ (as Ri/R0) in the arms and legs of male controls and of
Ri ¼
ðR0 jRV Þ male participants with bilateral lower limb LE stratified
Inasmuch as resistance is inversely related to volume, by age. Data presented as mean (line), 25th and 75th
the ratio of ECF/ICF is given by percentiles (box), and 5th and 95th percentiles
(whiskers). Mean values shown for each data set.
ECW Ri Upper panel: nondominant arm to dominant arm; lower
¼ ;
ICW Ro panel: nondominant leg to dominant leg.

412 * 2011 IGCS and ESGO

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International Journal of Gynecological Cancer & Volume 21, Number 2, February 2011 BIS and Bilateral Lymphedema

leg). Three-way ANOVAs were used to determine whether is presented in Figure 1 and for the female participants in
there were any overall differences between age, sex, and be- Figure 2. The mean ECF/ICF ratios of the arms in men
tween dominant and nondominant limbs for arms and leg varied significantly (P G 0.001) among the different age
separately. Post hoc pairwise comparisons were performed strata after allowing for dominance. The ratios were gen-
using the Holm-Sidak test. The effect of BMI was similarly erally similar up to the fifth decade and then increased
explored in a 2-way ANOVA. progressively into the ninth decade in men. Post hoc anal-
To determine whether the ratios for the affected limbs ysis among the groups indicated that this was significant for
could be discriminated from those of the control group, the 80-year-olds versus all other groups and for the 70-year-
the distribution of the ECF/ICF ratios of the legs and the olds versus the 30- and 40-year-olds only. Despite there
arms were analyzed according to the generalized method of being also an overall significant, but weaker, effect (P G
Hotteling.17,18 When the ECF/ICF ratios for the arms are 0.030) of age in the arms of the female controls, there were
plotted on polar axes against the same ratios for the legs of the no individual pairwise significant differences. As for the
control population, they follow a bivariate Gaussian distri- men, there was no effect of arm dominance or a significant
bution and a confidence interval (CI) for the correlation age-dominance interaction.
between the 2 variables determines an ellipsoid shape. Con- The effect of age on ECF/ICF ratios in the legs was the
fidence intervals of 50%, 70%, and 95% were calculated for same and highly significant (P G 0.001) in both men and
the control data and presented as tolerance ellipses18 against women. Post hoc analysis between age strata for each sex
which the ECF/ICF ratios for the LE participants were then indicated that significant differences (P G 0.001) were present
compared. Tolerance ellipses were prepared using both the between 80-year-old subjects and all other age strata. The
data for all control subjects and those aged older than ECF/ICF ratios of the nondominant leg were significantly
40 years because these more closely matched the age spec- larger in both sexes (P G 0.014 for men and P G 0.005 for
trum of the LE participants (Table 1). women). There was no significant interaction between age
and dominance.
RESULTS Three-way ANOVA revealed that the ECF/ICF ratios
were significantly higher (P G 0.001) in both the arms and
Control Subjects the legs of men compared to those of the women. However,
The ratio of ECF to ICF in all 4 limbs, stratified for there was no significant interaction among dominance, age,
limb dominance and by age decade, for the male participants and sex.

FIGURE 2. Ratio of ECF to ICF (as Ri/R0) in the arms and legs of female controls and of female participants with
bilateral lower limb LE stratified by age. Data presented as mean (line), 25th and 75th percentiles (box), and 5th
and 95th percentiles (whiskers). Mean values shown for each data set. Upper left panel: affected leg to nondominant
to dominant; upper right panel: control leg to nondominant to dominant; lower left panel: affected arm to
nondominant to dominant; lower right panel: control arm to nondominant to dominant.

* 2011 IGCS and ESGO 413

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Ward et al International Journal of Gynecological Cancer & Volume 21, Number 2, February 2011

FIGURE 3. Ratio of ECF to ICF (as Ri/R0) in the arms and legs of control subjects and of participants with bilateral
lower limb LE stratified by body mass index (BMI). Data presented as mean (line), 25th and 75th percentiles (box),
and 5th and 95th percentiles (whiskers). Upper left panel: male nondominant leg; upper right panel: female
nondominant leg; lower left panel: male nondominant arm; lower right panel: female nondominant arm.

FIGURE 4. Ratio of ECF to ICF (as Ri/R0) in the arms and legs of control subjects and of participants with bilateral
lower limb LE stratified by BMI. Data presented as mean (line), 25th and 75th percentiles (box), and 5th and
95th percentiles (whiskers). Upper left panel: male dominant leg; upper right panel: female dominant leg;
lower left panel: male dominant arm; lower right panel: female dominant arm.

414 * 2011 IGCS and ESGO

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International Journal of Gynecological Cancer & Volume 21, Number 2, February 2011 BIS and Bilateral Lymphedema

The ratios of ECF to ICF in the nondominant limbs, stratified The mean ratio in the legs of LE females was signif-
by BMI, are presented in Figure 3, and the ratios of ECF to icantly greater by 29% (P G 0.001) than that of comparable
ICF in the dominant limbs are shown in Figure 4. Two-way control women at all ages and irrespective of limb domi-
ANOVA showed a significant effect (P G 0.001) of BMI, nance. Post hoc analysis indicated that the effect of the
allowing for the effects of dominance, in the arms of men presence of LE was significant at (P G 0.001) for the age
only. There was no significant effect of BMI in the legs strata 40 to 49.9, 60 to 69.9, and older than 70 years of age;
irrespective of sex. However, as noted earlier, the ratios were (P G 0.010) for the 50 to 59.9 age group but not significant
significantly larger in the nondominant leg compared with in those aged younger than 30 years. This last observation is
the dominant leg for both men and women (P G 0.016 and not surprising given the small number of participants in this
P G 0.001, respectively). age stratum.
The ECF/ICF ratio in the arms of the LE females was
Participants With Lymphedema significantly lower (P G 0.001) by an average of 17%, com-
The small sample size of the male LE participants (n = pared with similarly aged controls (Fig. 2), a finding similar
5 only) precluded stratification in this group by age, and the to that observed in the men with leg LE. However, post hoc
combined group data are presented in Figure 1. The ratios in the analysis indicated no difference among age strata. There were
arms of the LE participants were slightly but not significantly no other significant differences or interactions among the
less (6%) than those observed in the comparably aged control variables studied.
subjects. The ratios in the legs of the LE participants were,
however, significantly greater (P G 0.007) than those of the Bivariate Analyses
comparably aged controls: 5.1 and 5.3 compared with 2.9 and Bivariate tolerance ellipses for control males and fe-
3.1 for nondominant and dominant limbs, respectively (Fig. 1). males with superimposed data points for the LE participants

FIGURE 5. Bivariate distributions of ratio of ECF to ICF (as Ri/R0) in the arms and legs of female controls and of
participants with bilateral lower limb LE. Control data presented as tolerance ellipses: 50th (V), 75th (V), and
95th (V) percentiles. Upper left panel: nondominant arm, female participants aged older than 40 years; upper
right panel: nondominant arm, female participants aged 18 to 86 years; lower left panel: dominant arm, female
participants aged older than 40 years; lower right panel: dominant arm, female participants aged 18 to 86 years.
Numbers refer to participants’ ID as discussed in text.

* 2011 IGCS and ESGO 415

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Ward et al International Journal of Gynecological Cancer & Volume 21, Number 2, February 2011

FIGURE 6. Bivariate distributions of ratio of extracellular to intracellular water (as Ri/R0) in the arms and legs of
male controls and of participants with bilateral lower limb LE. Control data presented as tolerance ellipses: 50th (V),
75th (V), and 95th (V) percentiles. Upper left panel: nondominant arm, male participants aged older than 40 years;
upper right panel: nondominant arm, male participants aged 18 to 86 years; lower left panel: dominant arm,
male participants aged older than 40 years; lower right panel: dominant arm, male participants aged 18 to 86 years.

are presented in Figures 5 and 6, respectively. Tolerance ellipses a novel approach of referencing the volume excess in a
are presented for participants older than 40 years only (left- lymphedematous limb to another body region was explored.
hand panels) and for all participants (right-hand panels) in each Using bivariate analysis, up to 89% of the participants with a
figure. Depending on limb dominance, all but 4 (dominant) or 6 clinically ascribed bilateral LE were correctly classified.
(nondominant) female LE participants fell outside the 95th The approach taken was to quantify the accumulated
percentile for all control subjects (Figs. 5B, D). If the more lymph in LE as a change in the ratio of ECF to ICF in the
conservative tolerance ellipses for similarly aged control sub- limb. The present study is, to the authors’ knowledge, the first
jects are used, then 9 of the total 37 women fell within the 95th to apply this method to the assessment of bilateral LE in the
percentile. These data suggest that, depending on limb domi- legs. We found that the ECF/ICF ratio was increased in the
nance and the chosen tolerance limits, between 89% and 70% legs of those with leg LE compared with that of similarly
of women were identified as having ECF/ICF ratios outside aged controls but that the range of ratio values found in af-
the reference range. For the male LE participants, except for fected limbs overlapped with that observed in the healthy
the ECF/ICF ratio in the nondominant leg of one subject population, limiting diagnostic discrimination.
when compared to age-matched controls (Fig. 6A), all par- Consequently, individual variation was decreased by
ticipants exhibited ratios that fell outside the 95th percentile indexing the ECF/ICF ratio of an affected leg to the equiva-
ellipse. lent ratio of the arm. The relationship between these vari-
ables, ECF/ICF ratios in the arm and leg, of healthy control
DISCUSSION subjects is depicted as tolerance ellipses. A tolerance ellipse
The assessment of bilateral limb LE presents particular is a reference for a given percentile, which gives the proba-
challenges to the clinician. The commonly used approach of bility that a given datum is located from the mean vector of
measuring affected limb volume excess compared to the as- the ellipse drawn for the reference population, that is, the
sumed normal contralateral limb is not possible. In this study, probability for data from participants with LE that the loci for

416 * 2011 IGCS and ESGO

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International Journal of Gynecological Cancer & Volume 21, Number 2, February 2011 BIS and Bilateral Lymphedema

these data fall outside the tolerance ellipse. This procedure another body region is predicated on this assumption. The
proved effective in classifying correctly all the male partici- findings from this study challenge this assumption because
pants and up to 89% of the female participants at the 95% the ratio was found, on average, to be significantly lower in
probability level of having LE. the arms of those with LE compared with the control subjects.
Interestingly, despite the LE participants having clini- Superimposition of participant’s data on reference tol-
cally ascribed bilateral leg LE, predominantly of grades 2 and erance ellipses provides a simple and effective visual repre-
3, comparison of ECF/ICF ratios with the reference ranges sentation for LE assessment. It does not, however, provide
did not consistently detect this. Six LE women had both legs an exact quantitative measure of the magnitude of the ECF
correctly identified as abnormal when compared with age- volume increase. The distance of a datum locus from the
matched control data (Figs. 5A, C). However, participants 6, ellipse is an indication of this magnitude. It may be possible,
11, and 25 presented with only the dominant leg as abnormal, with more data, to provide better quantification by calculation
whereas participants 1, 2, and 20 presented with only the of Kendall’s T statistic as has been used in other contexts.20
nondominant leg as having an abnormal ratio despite all Inasmuch as it could not be assumed that the ECF/ICF
being clinically described as having bilateral LE. The possi- ratio is constant across all healthy individuals, we attempted
bility of an original misdiagnosis of bilateral LE cannot be to determine the impact of factors such as age, dominance,
excluded. and BMI, as a surrogate for adiposity, on the reference range
Another interesting observation was that for those of values. An unexpected observation was that the ratio of
participants whose ECF/ICF ratios fell outside the reference Ri to R0 in the legs of older persons was increased, indicative
ranges, the loci for the ratio for each leg were not identical. of expansion of the ECF in these individuals. This is sug-
For example, subject 34 exhibited a ratio of 6.9 for the gestive of a degree of edema being present and may reflect
nondominant leg compared to 4.6 for the dominant leg de- the increasing prevalence of vascular disorders in the elderly.
spite having similar ratios in both arms: 3.5 and 3.6, re- It is also noteworthy that many of these older participants
spectively (Figs. 5A, C). These results suggest that bilateral were essentially sedentary institutional residents in which
LE may not affect both limbs equally. pooling of ECF in the legs may occur through lowered calf
A number of caveats to the conclusions drawn from this muscle pump activity due to physical inactivity. With respect
study should be acknowledged. The relationship between the to LE assessment, these observations indicate that age-related
impedance of a given volume conductor is given by reference ranges are required. Although less pronounced, a
BMI effect was also noted. A further unexpected observation
V ¼Q ; was the lack of effect of dominance on the ECF/ICF ratio in the
Z arms compared with a significant effect in the legs of the con-
where V is the volume, L is the conductor length, and Q is the trol subjects. It is generally assumed that the effects of domi-
specific resistivity of the conductor.12 Hence, the measured nance, and consequently on physiology, are more pronounced
impedance of a conductorVin this study, either the ECF or in the upper limbs than in the legs. Presumably, although arm
ICFVis determined by both the resistivities of the tissue dominance is typically associated with a volume difference be-
fluids and their volumes. Thus, comparison of the Ri/R0 ra- tween the arms of up to 3%,11 differences in composition are
tios between limbs in both the LE and control conditions to proportionate such that ECF/ICF ratios are unchanged. Why
reflect accurately the volume differences assumes that the this seems not to be the case in the legs is unknown.
resistivities of the ICF and ECF compartments remain This proof of concept study has demonstrated that
constant. The correctness of this assumption is unknown. bioimpedance spectroscopy shows great promise for the as-
Indeed, accurate knowledge of the resistivities of these fluids sessment of bilateral LE. The data analytic method of tol-
is lacking.19 Resistivity is primarily determined by the erance ellipses provides an effective way to display these
concentration of electrolytes in the tissue fluids and is data. Further work is, however, required. Definitive norma-
exquisitely sensitive to change in their concentration. Under tive ranges across a broader spectrum of ages, to allow age-
normal physiological conditions, electrolyte balance is matching of patients with controls, and body habitus in
tightly homeostatically regulated such that resistivities which bilateral LE commonly occurs, need to be established.
remain essentially constant. Whether this is the case in A prospective study to determine the minimum change in
LE is unknown. As LE progresses and protein or fatty in- ratio capable of detecting LE, that is, the detection threshold,
filtration of the lymph occurs, resistivity will undoubtedly should also be undertaken. The successful translation of BIS
alter. It is, however, noteworthy that 7 of the women with for early detection of unilateral breast cancerYrelated LE from
LE presented with mixed lipedema/lymphedema yet still had a research tool to routine clinical practice,21 however, gives
ratios falling outside the ellipses, suggesting that the pres- hope that it may eventually be equally successful for the as-
ence of lipid had not affected adversely the diagnostic power sessment of bilateral LE.
of the method. Further research is required to determine the
magnitude of such changes.
There is an assumption that effects of LE are generally ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
confined to a specific body region. For example, secondary The willing participation of the volunteers is grate-
LE after inguinal surgery is usually considered to be confined fully acknowledged. The assistance of Kendall Sharpe,
to the legs only. The procedure for indexing the ECF/ICF Jarrod Meerkin, Simon Van Rosendal, and Julia Dyer in col-
ratio of an affected limbVin this case, the legVto that of lecting control data is also gratefully acknowledged.

* 2011 IGCS and ESGO 417

Copyright © 2011 by IGCS and ESGO. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Ward et al International Journal of Gynecological Cancer & Volume 21, Number 2, February 2011

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