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Accuracy of the Speed’s and Yergason’s Tests in Detecting

Biceps Pathology and SLAP Lesions: Comparison With

Arthroscopic Findings
Richard Holtby, M.B., B.S., F.R.C.S.C., and Helen Razmjou, B.Sc.(P.T.), M.Sc., Cred. M.D.T.

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore and describe reasons for variation in diagnostic
accuracy of clinical tests using Yergason’s and Speed’s tests in predicting biceps tendon pathology
and SLAP lesions. Shoulder arthroscopy was used as the gold standard. Type of Study: Prospective
blinded study of consecutive patients with a wide spectrum of shoulder conditions. Methods: One
hundred fifty-two subjects (65 women and 87 men) with complaints of shoulder pain were examined.
Fifty subjects (16 women and 34 men) ranging in age from 24 to 79 years (mean age, 50 years; SD ⫽
14.36) met the criteria for surgery. The validity of the Yergason’s and Speed’s tests was evaluated
against findings at surgery. Results: The surgical findings related to biceps pathology and SLAP
lesions were as follows: 2 bicipital tendonitis, both associated with significant rotator cuff pathology;
10 biceps partial tears; and 2 complete ruptures. Fifteen patients had SLAP lesion type I, 12 type II,
and 1 type IV. The sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values were 43%,
79%, 60%, and 65% for Yergason’s test and 32%, 75%, 50%, and 58% for Speed’s test, respectively.
The likelihood ratios were 1.28 and 0.91 for Speed’s test and 2.05 and 0.72 for Yergason’s test. These
ratios were provided to assist clinicians in calculating the probability of biceps pathology and SLAP
lesions for a single patient with a different history-specific prevalence of having the pathology.
Conclusions: Although Speed’s and Yergason’s tests are moderately specific, they do not generate
a large change in the post-test probability and are unlikely to make a significant change in the pretest
diagnosis. Clinicians should understand that clinical examination tests do not perform consistently
and have variable predictive values in different patient populations and settings. Level of Evidence:
Level I diagnostic study: testing of previously developed criteria in a series of consecutive patients
(using surgery as gold standard). Key Words: Arthroscopy—Validity—Biceps—SLAP—Speed’s—

T he accuracy of some of the clinical examination

tests of the shoulder has been questioned lately in
the literature.1-4 New shoulder tests have been de-
conception that these tests perform consistently and
have fixed characteristics in different patient popula-
tions and settings. In a study8 that examined the gen-
scribed and validated in certain patient populations.5-7 eral practitioners’ ability to estimate disease probabil-
However, some readers have been left with the mis- ities, it was found that most practitioners recognized
the correct definitions for sensitivity and positive pre-
dictive values but did not apply them correctly. Im-
From The University of Toronto, Orthopaedic and Arthritic portantly, sensitivity and specificity values are rela-
Institute, Sunnybrook & Women’s College Health Sciences Centre, tively independent of prevalence of the disease but
Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Supported by research funds of the Orthopaedic and Arthritic predictive values are significantly affected by the
Foundation, Orthopaedic and Arthritic Institute, Toronto, Ontario. spectrum of the patients being examined.9 Patients
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Richard Holtby, selected based on extensive exclusion criteria are ex-
M.B., B.S., F.R.C.S.C., Orthopaedic and Arthritic Institute, 43
Wellesley Street East, Toronto, Ontario M4Y 1H1, Canada. E- pected to have a much higher chance of having the
mail: target disorder. Therefore, predictive values of clinical
© 2004 by the Arthroscopy Association of North America
tests in these type of studies cannot be used in settings
doi:10.1016/j.arthro.2004.01.008 that have a much lower prevalence or pretest proba-

Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery, Vol 20, No 3 (March), 2004: pp 231-236 231

bility of the disease. The more variation in the popu- consent before participation. The study received ethics
lation being studied, the greater the potential to know approval from the Human Ethics Research Board of
how the test will perform in various settings. the Sunnybrook & Women’s College Health Sciences
The clinical usefulness of a shoulder test is defined Centre, Toronto, Canada.
by its measurement properties such as reliability and Yergason’s and Speed’s tests were performed as a
validity and also its ability to move the clinician closer part of a formal examination of the shoulder. Previous
to the correct diagnosis. Traditionally, validity indexes magnetic resonance images (MRI) or radiographs
have been presented as sensitivity and specificity, taken on the day of assessment were examined by the
which do not describe the ability of a test to revise the surgeon after completion of the data collection form.
initial probability of disease. The likelihood ratio ap- The results of the clinical tests were recorded sepa-
proach would help integrate diagnostic information rately from the patient’s file, and the orthopaedic
into individual clinical decision making and obtain a surgeon had no access to the original data collection
more accurate estimate of the risk of disease. forms when completing the surgical data collection
For clinicians to confidently rely on clinical tests, forms.
more information on performance measures of these Surgical techniques for visual examination or repair
tests is needed. Information on validity of the tests that of the biceps or labral lesions involved the following
examine the biceps tendon is fairly limited. Two tests steps: With the patient under general anesthesia in the
have been described, Yergason’s test10 and Speed’s lateral position, the arm was suspended from a robot
test.11 Originally, both tests were noted to be specific traction device with 12 lb of weight. The arthroscope
to bicipital tendonitis, and their significance in detect- was inserted into the glenohumeral joint through the
ing SLAP lesions was unappreciated. With recent posterosuperior portal to inspect the articular surfaces,
identification of SLAP lesions, some surgeons have anterior and inferior labrum, long head of the biceps,
examined the value of Speed’s test for detecting this and articular surface of the rotator cuff. The criteria
clinical entity.1,12 However, the usefulness of Yerga- for true positive findings related to the biceps tendon
son’s test in detecting SLAP lesions has not been included fibrillation, adhesion in the bicipital groove,
examined to date. The purpose of this study was to subluxation, or dislocation, partial tear, or complete
explore and describe reasons for variation in diagnos- rupture of the tendon. The criteria for true-positive
tic accuracy of clinical tests. Yergason’s and Speed’s findings related to the labrum were detachment of the
tests were used as examples of clinical tests in pre- biceps anchor from the superior glenoid (type II
dicting biceps tendon pathology and SLAP lesions. SLAP) or a superior labrum bucket handle tear with
Shoulder arthroscopy was used as the gold standard. extension into the biceps tendon (type IV SLAP).
Superior labral frying with an intact biceps tendon and
bucket handle labral tears with an intact biceps (type I
and III) were not considered positive surgical findings
METHODS for the biceps tests. Partial tears of the long head of the
Subjects biceps were debrided. No subject of this cohort had a
biceps tenodesis. SLAP lesions were debrided or re-
This was a prospective study of consecutive patients paired as appropriate. Treatment of associated rotator
referred by family physicians or other orthopaedic cuff pathology involved resecting the subacromial
surgeons for assessment of shoulder problems. Pa- bursa, anterior acromioplasty, or resection of the lat-
tients who fulfilled the following criteria underwent eral end of the clavicle. Rotator cuff repairs were
surgery: (1) persistent pain and functional disability performed either open or arthroscopically as indi-
for more than 6 months, not responsive to adequate cated.
conservative treatment, with a positive impingement Surgical findings were recorded for true and false
test confirmed with local anesthesia or clinical or positives and true and false negatives for biceps pa-
investigative signs of rotator cuff tears, labrum, or thology and labral lesions. Prevalence, sensitivity,
biceps lesions; (2) symptoms referred to the acromi- specificity, accuracy, and positive and negative pre-
oclavicular joint lasting more than 6 months with dictive values were calculated for Speed’s and Yerga-
radiographic changes in the joint; or (3) symptomatic son’s tests (Tables 1 and 2). Likelihood ratios were
shoulder instabilities. Patients with a history of previ- provided to assist clinicians in calculating the post-test
ous shoulder surgery or upper extremity fractures probability of disease for a single patient with a dif-
were excluded. All subjects gave written informed ferent pretest probability of the disease. Likelihood

TABLE 1. Speed’s Test: Clinical and Surgical Correlation

Present Surgically Absent Surgically Total

Positive clinically (a ⫽ 7) (b ⫽ 7) (a ⫹ b ⫽ 14)

Negative clinically (c ⫽ 15) (d ⫽ 21) (c ⫹ d ⫽ 36)
Total (a ⫹ c ⫽ 22) (b ⫹ d ⫽ 28) (a ⫹ b ⫹ c ⫹ d ⫽ 50)

True Positive
Positive clinical examination: Pain in the anterior shoulder or glenohumeral joint. The examiner applies a downward pressure to the
upper extremity with 90° of shoulder elevation, full supination, and with the elbow completely extended.
Positive surgical findings: Bicipital tendonitis, subluxed, dislocated, partial tear, or complete rupture of the biceps tendon, or SLAP
lesions type II or IV.
True Negative
Negative clinical examination: No symptoms.
Negative surgical findings: Normal biceps tendon, no SLAP lesion type II or IV.
Prevalence 100% ⫻ (a ⫹ c)/N ⫽ 22/50 ⫽ 44%
Sensitivity 100% ⫻ (a/a ⫹ c) ⫽ 7/22 ⫽ 32%
Specificity 100% ⫻ (d/b ⫹ d) ⫽ 21/28 ⫽ 75%
Accuracy ⫽ a ⫹ d/N ⫽ 28/50 ⫽ 56%
Positive predictive value 100% ⫻ (a/a ⫹ b) ⫽ 7/14 ⫽ 50%
Negative predictive value 100% ⫻ (d/c ⫹ d) ⫽ 21/36 ⫽ 58%
Positive likelihood ratios ⫽ sensitivity/1-specificity ⫽ 1.28
Negative likelihood ratios ⫽ 1-sensitivity/specificity ⫽ 0.91

ratios were interpreted based on the guidelines pro- ity. Positive likelihood ratios between 5 and 10 and
posed by Jaeschke et al.13 Therefore, positive likeli- negative ratios between 0.2 and 0.1 result in a mod-
hood ratios greater than 10 and negative likelihood erate shift in post-test probability. Positive ratios be-
ratios less than 0.1 were considered to generate sig- tween 2 and 5 and negative ratios between 0.5 and 0.2
nificant changes from the pretest to post-test probabil- generate small shifts in probability. Ratios that are

TABLE 2. Yergason’s Test: Clinical and Surgical Correlation

Present Surgically Absent Surgically Total

Positive clinically (a ⫽ 9) (b ⫽ 6) (a ⫹ b ⫽ 15)

Negative clinically (c ⫽ 12) (d ⫽ 22) (c ⫹ d ⫽ 34)
Total (a ⫹ c ⫽ 21) (b ⫹ d ⫽ 28) (a ⫹ b ⫹ c ⫹ d ⫽ 49)

True Positive
Positive clinical examination: Pain in the bicipital groove area or glenohumeral joint. The patient’s elbow is flexed to 90° and stabilized
against the thorax with the forearm pronated and the examiner resists supination.
Positive surgical findings: Bicipital tendonitis, subluxed, dislocated, partial tear, or complete rupture of the biceps tendon, or SLAP
lesions type II or IV.
True Negative
Negative clinical examination: No symptoms.
Negative surgical findings: Normal biceps tendon, no SLAP lesion type II or IV.
Prevalence 100% ⫻ (a ⫹ c)/(N) ⫽ 21/49 ⫽ 43%
Sensitivity 100% ⫻ (a/a ⫹ c) ⫽ 9/21 ⫽ 43%
Specificity 100% ⫻ (d/b ⫹ d) ⫽ 22/28 ⫽ 79%
Accuracy ⫽ a ⫹ d/N ⫽ 31/49 ⫽ 63%
Positive predictive value 100% ⫻ (a/a ⫹ b) ⫽ 9/15 ⫽ 60%
Negative predictive value 100% ⫻ (d/c ⫹ d) ⫽ 22/34 ⫽ 65%
Positive likelihood ratios ⫽ sensitivity/1 ⫺ specificity ⫽ 43/21 ⫽ 2.05
Negative likelihood ratios ⫽ 1⫺sensitivity/specificity ⫽ 57/79 ⫽ 0.72

close to 1 do not result in important changes in post- ing a high percentage of false-negative results. Spec-
test probability. ificity values are much higher, indicating a low num-
ber of false-positive results. Likelihood ratios
RESULTS obtained for Speed’s test are close to 1, indicating that
both negative and positive clinical tests are unlikely to
One hundred fifty-two subjects (65 women and 87 assist diagnosis. A positive Yergason’s test generates
men) were examined. Fifty subjects (16 women and a small change in the post-test probability and a neg-
34 men) ranging in age between 24 and 79 (mean age, ative test is unlikely to change the pretest diagnosis.
50, SD ⫽ 14.36) met the criteria for surgery. The A review of the shoulder diagnostic test literature
spectrum of pathology varied from rotator cuff or shows minimal information on the validity of Yerga-
bicipital tendonitis to massive rotator cuff tears, SLAP son’s test as a diagnostic tool for subacromial biceps
lesions type IV, or biceps rupture. The time between impingement syndrome.2 In that study, conventional
clinical examination and surgery averaged 23 weeks. radiography and MRI of the shoulder were used as
Surgical findings related to biceps pathology and gold standards. Calis et al.2 reported a poor sensitivity
SLAP lesions were 2 bicipital tendonitis associated of 37.0 and moderately high specificity of 86.1% for
with significant rotator cuff pathology, 10 partial tears, Yergason’s test. The same study reported a sensitivity
and 2 complete ruptures. Fifteen patients had SLAP of 68.5 and specificity of 55.5 for Speed’s test.2 The
lesion type I, 12 type II, and 1 type IV. The SLAP criteria for true radiologic findings were increased
lesion type IV was associated with a partial tear of the signal intensity, irregularity and thinning, and com-
biceps. One of the type II SLAP lesions was associ- plete disruption of the tendon.
ated with a partial tear of the biceps and one with a In a different study, conducted by Bennett,1 the
complete rupture. The sensitivity and specificity of validity of Speed’s test was examined against arthro-
Yergason’s test was 43% and 79%, respectively. The scopy. The criteria for true surgical findings were
sensitivity and specificity of Speed’s test was 32% and macroscopic inflammation or tearing of the biceps
75%, respectively. The accuracy values were 56% and tendon at any level, evidence of a SLAP lesion, or
63% for Speed’s and Yergason’s tests, respectively. complete avulsion of the biceps tendon. A sensitivity
The positive likelihood ratio for Speed’s test was 1.28, of 90% and specificity of 13.8% were calculated for
and negative likelihood ratio was 0.91. The positive the presence of bicipital tendonitis, SLAP lesions, and
likelihood ratio for Yergason’s test was 2.05 and neg- biceps avulsions. The result of our study on Speed’s
ative likelihood ratio was 0.72 (Tables 1 and 2). test is not consistent with the previous study that used
arthroscopy as a gold standard.1 It is not clear if the
DISCUSSION treating surgeon in that study was blinded to the
results of the clinical examination at the time of sur-
This study meets the methodologic standards re- gery. The Speed’s test was evaluated in a tertiary
ported by Sackett et al.9 The original sample (152 clinic, and patients had surgery for various pathologic
subjects) and the surgical patients (50 subjects) were conditions, which indicates an appropriate spectrum
consecutive patients who met the criteria for each of patients. The author believed that the reason the
component of the study. Arthroscopy (diagnostic or specificity of Speed’s test was not optimal might have
therapeutic), which is an accurate way of examining been the intimate contact between biceps tendon and
shoulder pathology, was performed on patients with a portions of the subscapularis and supraspinatus ten-
broad spectrum of disease. The orthopaedic surgeon dons or extension of a Bankart labral injury toward the
assessing was blinded to the results of the specific anterosuperior biceps-labral complex.1 These pathol-
clinical tests at the time of surgery, and more than half ogies might have increased the number of false-posi-
of patients with a negative clinical test result under- tive results and decreased the specificity. In another
went the gold standard examination. This indicates study that involved a retrospective review of 102
reduced verification bias that is normally associated consecutive patients with type II SLAP lesions, Mor-
with studies that use invasive gold standards such as gan et al.12 examined the correlation between the
surgery and limit the application of this invasive ex- Speed’s test and the anatomic location of type II
amination to those who only have the positive test SLAP lesions. The sensitivity was reported as 29% for
results. posterior lesions, 100% for anterior, and 78% for
In the present study, the sensitivity values of combined lesions. Specificities of 11%, 70%, and 37%
Speed’s and Yergason’s tests were both low, indicat- were reported for posterior, anterior, and combined

lesions, respectively. Based on these data, the authors TABLE 3. Formulae for Calculation of Predictive Values
believed that Speed’s test was not clinically useful for
Pretest odds ⫽ prevalence/1 ⫺ prevalence
detecting posterior SLAP lesions. In our study, the Post-test odds⫹ ⫽ pretest odds ⫻ likelihood ratios⫹
SLAP lesions were not categorized based on location Post-test odds⫺ ⫽ pretest odds ⫻ likelihood ratios⫺
of the lesion, and therefore we cannot comment on Positive predictive value ⫽ post-test probability⫹ ⫽ post-test
whether the low validity indexes for Speed’s test are odds⫹/post-test odds⫹ ⫹ 1
Negative predictive value ⫽ 1 ⫺ post-test probability⫺ ⫽ 1 ⫺
related to the site of the superior labral lesions.
(post-test odds⫺/post-test odds⫺ ⫹ 1)
Many factors affect the transferability of clinical Accuracy ⫽ (prevalence ⫻ specificity) ⫹ {(1 ⫺ prevalence) ⫻
tests from one setting to another.14 These include sensitivity}
consistency in definition of the pathology, application
of the clinical examination tests, and the spectrum of
the disease in the patients being tested. The conflicting
results between studies that examine the same tests are continues to have symptoms in the right shoulder. The
not surprising, because clinical tests perform differ- symptoms are deep pain in the glenohumeral joint,
ently in different settings. Clinicians must understand feeling of instability in mid range of elevation, diffi-
the implications of this variability in clinical practice. culty lifting away from the body and some discomfort
If a test is performed under comparable conditions, the with full external rotation at 90° of abduction. Based
sensitivity and specificity are appropriate indicators of on the review of the literature and clinical experience,
a test’s performance, because they are not signifi- the information implies a high chance of damage to
cantly affected by prevalence of the disease. Con- the superior labrum and biceps anchor, probably a
versely, the predictive value of clinical tests may SLAP lesion type II or IV. We assigned a prevalence
change between primary care settings (with a low of 90% to this particular patient.
prevalence of the target disorder) and secondary and By using appropriate formulae (Table 3), the pre-
tertiary care settings (with higher probabilities of the dictive values for this specific patient are calculated as
target disease).9,15-18 follows: Prevalence ⫽ 90% ⫽ 0.9, pretest odds ⫽
Variability in prevalence not only affects the pre- 0.9/1 ⫺ 0.9 ⫽ 9, positive likelihood ratio (Table 2) ⫽
dictive values but also the accuracy of the test. There- 2.05, post-test odds⫹ ⫽ 9 ⫻ 2.05 ⫽ 18.45. Positive
fore, clinicians should not assume that a test that was predictive value ⫽ 18.45/19.45 ⫽ 95%.
reported to have high predictive values in a specific This means that if this patient’s Yergason’s test
setting will perform exactly the same in their clinic. result is positive, he has a 95% chance of having
To overcome this problem, likelihood ratios can be biceps pathology, most probably a SLAP lesion type
used to provide a more accurate estimate of the post- II or IV. Based on the same formula (Table 3), pretest
test probability or predictive values. The post-test odds ⫽ 0.9/1 ⫺ 0.9 ⫽ 9, negative likelihood ratio
probability is the probability that a patient has a con- (Table 2) ⫽ 0.72, and post-test odds⫺ ⫽ 9 ⫻ 0.72 ⫽
dition of interest given both the initial clinical infor- 6.48. Therefore, the negative predictive value will be
mation and the test results.19 Likelihood ratios essen- calculated as: 1 ⫺ (6.48/7.48) ⫽ 13%. This means that
tially combine the benefits of sensitivity and if this patient shows a negative Yergason’s test, there
specificity into one index.9 They indicate by how is a 13% chance that he does not have biceps pathol-
much a given diagnostic test result will increase or ogy. Accuracy of Yergason’s test is calculated as
decrease the pretest probability of the target disor- Accuracy ⫽ 共0.90 ⫻ 0.79兲
der.9,15 Therefore, clinicians are encouraged to calcu-
late the predictive values of a test for a specific patient ⫹ 兵共1 ⫺ 0.90兲 ⫻ 0.43其 ⫽ 75%
by assigning a history-specific prevalence.18,20,21 This which is considered moderately high for patients with
is the chance of having the target disorder based on the a high history-specific prevalence of biceps or SLAP
mechanism of injury and information obtained other lesions type II or IV.
than the test of interest.
To examine the effect of disease prevalence on the Acknowledgment: The authors thank Paul Stratford,
value of clinical tests and to assist clinicians in using Professor, School of Rehabilitation Science at McMaster
validity concepts in their own setting, we have used University, for his insightful comments, and Terry Leeke,
Data Management Consultant, and Terri Myhr, Research
Yergason’s test as an example: A 35-year-old right- Manager at The Research Facilitation Office of The Centre
hand– dominant man sustains a significant traction for Research in Women’s Health, for their assistance in data
injury to his right arm. Four months after the injury, he management and statistical analysis. We also wish to ac-

knowledge the assistance of Gail Gunnis, Elizabeth Ander- 10. Yergason RM. Supination sign. J Bone Joint Surg 1931;131:
son, and Gena Hayes for data collection and entry. 160.
11. Gilecreest EL, Albi P. Unusual lesions of muscles and tendons
of the shoulder girdle and upper arm. Surg Gynecol Obstet
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