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522 Chapter 7. Pathophysiology of the gastrointestinal tract ( I. Hulı́n, I. Ďuriš et al.

the shape of a cast of the intestinal lumen. The cause subsequent ulceration and perforation. Currently we
of this state is not clear. Hypersecretion of mucus distinguish:
occurs in vegetatively stigmatized individuals. Some
consider it to be an impact of allergy. 1. Megacolon congenitum (Hirschsprung’s disease)
The factors leading to the onset of irritable bowel is caused by the absence of ganglia in the rectal
Meissner’s and Auerbach’s plexuses. The agan-
syndrome are classified as local or overall. The over-
glionic segment is most frequently in the area
all factors include an increased vegetative irritability
of the junction of sigmoid colon with rectum.
and instability. The corticovisceral theory explains
This aganglionic segment is narrowed down, the
its commencement as being a consequence of func-
tional disturbances, cortex-subcortex relations with peristaltic movements cease before it, while the
segment lying proximally to it (in the oral direc-
an origin of parasympathotonia resulting in spasms,
tion) is dilated and its wall is hypertrophic. This
hypermotility and hypersecretion.
condition can even lead to a subileous state, re-
Out of the locally effective factors, the influence
sorption impairment, vomiting and weight loss.
of food must be taken into consideration, as well as
that of laxatives, or other drugs, and the reflexive 2. Idiopathic megacolon is difficult to be distin-
impact of the surrounding tissues. guished from the congenital form. It is a dis-
ease assumedly acquired in consequence of inap-
propriate defecatory habits and the main role is
7.12.3 Congenital and acquired mega- played by psychogenous factors. The rectum is
colon overfilled with stool, and its distension extends
as far as to the anal sphincter.
The congenital megacolon occurs in childhood. It
is characterized by an enormously distended large 3. Symptomatic megacolon develops in conse-
intestine, and constipation. Children have a large, quence of acquired organic disorders, e.g. nar-
tympanic abdomen. Stool is absent for days, even rowment of the rectum due to its strictures en-
weeks. Evacuation of bowels is seldom, but the tailed by injury, infection, etc. . It also can in-
weight of stool may attain the amount of 10 kg. tervene in consequence of dilatation developed
due to ulcerative colitis.
The disease was described for the first time by
Hirschsprung. He believed that the disease involved
a congenital intestinal anomaly, e.g. abnormal pli-
cae which enclose the intestine in a valvular man-
ner. Later it was believed that the predominance of
the sympathetic innervation decreases the intestinal
motility with the development of the above described 7.13 Intestinal obstruction
clinical picture.
The current conception apprehends that this con-
dition involves a state which is analogic to achalasia
of the cardia. It was found out that the afflicted in-
7.13.1 Terminology, classification,
testinal segment (most frequently the sigmoid colon
and rectum) is narrower in comparison with the rest clinical impact
of the intestine due to congenital absence of the in- Intestinal obstruction refers to a situation when the
tramural neural plexuses. The intestine above the af- intestinal contents cannot be forced further in aboral
flicted portion is dilated and its wall is hypertrophic. direction. Transit of intestinal content depends not
Such defect of the autonomic innervation is man- only on an intact state of intestinal lumen, but also
ifestant by an inability to arise peristalsis within on peristalsis. Intestinal obstruction can be therefore
this portion, thus causing functional obstruction. It caused by two principally distinct mechanisms:
seems that this disease is incompatible with life. If it
is not treated by replacement of the rectum and the • mechanical obstruction (occlusion, obturation)
lower part of the sigmoid colon, ileus develops with of the intestinal lumen, or
7.13. Intestinal obstruction (M. Turčáni) 523

• paralysis of the intestinal musculature (intesti- forms is of great value. Regarding the quantitative
nal pseudoobstruction). The clinical symptoma- aspect, mechanical obstruction represents a severe
tology of this state yields symptoms of a severe problem as it is the cause of approximately 20 % of
obturation, however, it is impossible to detect all urgent cases where surgical intervention is neces-
the mechanical obstacle disabling the propulsion sary. 95 % of cases yield an affliction of the small
of the intestinal contents. intestine, most frequently in consequence of abdom-
inal adhesions. Abdominal adhesions can develop
Both mechanisms (mechanical obstacle and inhi- spontaneously, or in consequence of intraperitoneal
bition of intestinal motility) can take place indepen- inflammation. The majority of adhesions causing
dently, subsequently, as well as simultaneously. They intestinal obstruction is however caused by preced-
can cause a partial or complete obstruction which ing operations. Approximately 5 % of abdominal op-
in turn can be of temporal or permanent character, erations are complicated by intestinal obstruction,
acute or chronic. A simple mechanical obstruction in a number of cases as late as some years after
(single obstacle in single site) is rarely complicated surgery. Post-operative scars detectable by inspec-
by strangulation, i.e. impairment of mesenteric ves- tion are therefore a significant diagnostic indicator.
sels and nerves. However strangulation is a common Most frequent causes of the small intestine obstruc-
complication if the bowel is occluded at least in two tion include internal and external hernias, and tu-
sites (obstruction of an enclosed loop) as e.g. in incar- mours. Mechanical obstruction of the large intestine
cerated hernia or volvulus. The obstructed intestinal occurs more frequently in the elderly population, and
loop can be evacuated neither in aboral direction, nor is caused by tumours, inflammatory processes and
by progressive dilatation of the bowel proximal to the volvulus.
obstacle. The enclosed intestinal loop develops high
intraluminal pressure, which in turn decreases the in- Historical aspects
flow of arterial blood and hinders the venous outflow. First documentation describing the clinical symp-
In cases of pseudoobstruction, strangulation can de- toms associated with intestinal obstruction are dated
velop secondary to the compression of mesenterium far back to the past. They can be found, e.g. in the
by the distended bowel. If the obturation lasts for a studies of Hippocrates. The success rate of therapy,
period which is sufficiently long to enable an impair- either surgical (Praxagoras, 350 B.C., enterocuta-
ment of mucosa by autodigestion, a severe state is neous fistula) or conservative (reposition of incarcer-
developing which is even now incurable – the ileus. ated hernias, analgetic therapy by opium, mercury
This clinical syndrome is characterized by intestinal or lead p.o. aimed at reopening of the enclosed intes-
inactivity, autodigestion of the intestinal mucosa and tine, gastric irrigation, etc.) was until the 20th cen-
breakdown of the internal environment. tury minimal. Had ileus developed in consequence
Regarding its causes, ileus can be classified as be- of intestinal obstruction, the mortality rate reached
ing post-obstructional when caused by a mechani- 100 %. An improvement took place after 1912, when
cal obstruction, and pseudo-obstructional when de- Hartwell and Hoguet noticed that infusion of the
veloped in consequence of the cessation of intestinal physiological solution prolonged the survival of dogs
peristalsis. Keeping its pathogenesis in mind, ileus is with intestinal obstruction. Infusion is even nowa-
an irreversible, incurable clinical syndrome. Hence, days a part of the therapy of intestinal obstruction.
great attention must be paid to early diagnosis and The second chief therapeutic principle – suction by
treatment of all states which enable its development. nasogastric or intestinal tubes – was gradually intro-
Mechanical intestinal obstruction frequently induces duced into clinical practice in the 1920’s (McIver,
an acute abdominal pain and requires urgent exami- 1926). Antibiotics began to represent a standard
nation which is often immediately followed by surgi- part of therapy algorithms of intestinal obturation
cal intervention. in the 1940’ and 1950’s. Infusion therapy, intestinal
The identification of the cause of intestinal ob- suction, antibiotics and somatostatin together with
struction is not always simple. Owing to the fact improved surgical and anaesthetic techniques have
that individual pathomechanisms of intestinal ob- substantially reduced the mortality rate, especially
struction require principally distinct therapies, early that of the simple mechanical obstruction. Other
distinguishment of the mechanical and paralytic causes of intestinal obstruction, such as strangula-
524 Chapter 7. Pathophysiology of the gastrointestinal tract ( I. Hulı́n, I. Ďuriš et al.)

tive intestinal obstruction or generalised shock have tion, digestion, absorption and immunity functions.
even now a very bad prognosis and remain a serious In addition, intestinal obstruction generally leads to
clinical problem. hypoxia of the intestinal mucosa which represents
the primary mechanism in the pathogenesis of ileus.
7.13.2 Etiology Hypoxia decreases the resistance of intestinal mu-
cosa and thereby enables autodigestion, which is the
The causes of mechanical intestinal obstruction secondary mechanism leading to ileus.
can be localised in the intestinal lumen (poly- The correct function of intestinal mucosa is de-
poid tumours, intususception, bezoars, meconium, termined by a continuous supply of oxygen, either
bile stones, etc.), intramural (congenital anoma- by blood, or by aerophagia (alimentary respiration).
lies – e.g. atresia, stenosis, Meckel’s diverticulum, Bearing this in mind, hypoxia of intestinal mucosa
tumours, post-inflammatory structures – e.g. in can be formally caused by intestinal hypoperfusion,
Crohn’s disease, radiation enteritis, chronic intesti- hypoxaemia and hypoventilation of the intestinal lu-
nal ischaemia, lesions induced by KCl enteral tablets, men.
posttraumatic states – e.g. duodenal haematoma), Luminal hypoventilation represents a common
or in the intestinal surroundings (congenital, but es- pathogenetic mechanism of mechanical intestinal ob-
pecially post-operative adhesions, incarcerated ex-
struction and pseudoobstruction. Hypoventilation is
ternal hernias, internal hernias, volvulus, compres- caused by every mechanical obstacle disabling the
sion of intestine by abscess, tumour, etc.). Acute transport of intestinal contents and by all changes
pseudoobstruction can accompany the conditions af- leading to the cessation of peristalsis.
ter laparotomy and orthopedic operations, diseases
Intestinal motility depends on the functional state
of abdominal organs (intestinal ischaemia, pancre-
atitis, pyelonephritis, peritonitis, intraperitoneal ab- of intestinal musculature, its supply by oxygen and
scess), thoracic organs (pneumonia, acute myocar- its nervous and humoral regulation. The etiology of
dial infarction), and overall diseases (sepsis, shock, intestinal pseudoobstruction is therefore of heteroge-
polytrauma, decreased level of plasma potassium). nous character. All impairments of the contractile
apparatus of the intestinal smooth musculature and
Chronic pseudoobstruction is caused by primary
(familial visceral myopathies), or secondary (col- excitation-contraction coupling, local impairments of
lagenoses, muscular dystrophies, amyloidoses, radi- intestinal circulation, all situations associated with
ation impairment) diseases of the smooth intesti- activation of the sympathetic system and centralisa-
nal muscles, diseases of the myenteric plexus (fa- tion of circulation, as well as all hypoxaemic states
milial visceral neuropathy, paraneoplastic degener- can halt the peristalsis, thus causing intestinal pseu-
ation, Chagas’ disease, intestinal agangliosis, neu- doobstruction.
ronal intestinal dysplasia, myotonic dystrophy), di- Negative impacts of hypoperfusion and hypox-
verticulosis of the small intestine, coeliac sprue, je- aemia on the intestinal supply by oxygen are of two
junoileal bypass, some neurologic diseases (Parkin- kinds. They either cause a deficit in blood-delivered
son’s disease, tumours in the brain stem), endocrine oxygen within the intestinal mucosa, or decrease the
and metabolic disorders (myxoedema, feochromocy- intestinal motility thus leading to luminal hypoven-
toma, hypoparathyreoidism, acute intermittent por- tilation. A great variability in the clinical course of
phyria), and drugs (opiates, phenothiazines, cloni- mechanical intestinal obstruction and especially that
dine, tricyclic antidepressive drugs, vincristine). of pseudoobstruction can be ascribed to the possi-
bility of mutual compensation of oxygen supply by
intraluminal air and blood, as well as to varying ag-
7.13.3 Pathogenesis gressivity of the intestinal contents depending on the
Initial pathogenesis and clinical manifestation of in- amount and composition of digestive juices.
testinal obstruction vary as they are determined by The pathogenesis of intestinal obstruction is char-
mechanism, localisation, and the stage of obstruc- acterised by several positive feedbacks which cause
tion, actual state of the gastrointestinal system and its progression, and since the moment of ileus devel-
organism per se. Each intestinal obstruction impairs opment, also the irreversibility of this clinical syn-
in a specific manner the intestinal transport, secre- drome.
7.13. Intestinal obstruction (M. Turčáni) 525

Vitality of intestinal mucosa and primarily its ab- tion, aerophagia is an inappropriate mechanism, as it
sorptive function react very sensitively to the deoxy- does not procure the exchange of gases. In addition,
genation of the intestinal contents, especially in cases aerophagia gradually leads to intestinal distention.
which include reduction in the delivery of oxygen Later, when the oxygen contained in the swallowed
by blood. Organism strives to get rid of the deoxy- air is depleted, hypoxia becomes more profound as
genated intestinal contents (vomitus, diarrhoea) and the epithelial cells occur in anoxic environment of
to compensate the physiological level of oxygen in the pure nitrogen. The distention per se enables the de-
intestinal lumen by aerophagia. Failing to perform velopment of further positive feedbacks. The intesti-
this, absorption ceases as the first of physiological nal distention limitates the movement abilities of the
functions, later the mucosa afflicted by autodigestion diaphragm which has a negative impact on the ex-
develops inflammation with a pronounced exudation, change of gases by the lungs, thus contributing to
and finally the mucosa succumbs to necrosis. These hypoxaemia. In addition to the latter, the increased
processes impair the immunity functions of the in- contents of gases inside the intestine brings about
testinal wall, the state of which enables the develop- intestinal angularities which not only enclose the in-
ment of migrating peritonitis. Reduced absorption, testinal lumen, but also comprime the mesenterium,
increased secretion and exudation lead to the accu- thus deteriorating the intestinal perfusion, and in-
mulation of fluid in the intestinal lumen. Together creasing the congestion of the intestinal wall.
with vomiting and reduced oral intake of food, the
oedema of the intestinal wall and splanchnic vasodi- Acid gastric juice, IgA antibodies and nor-
latation can evoke extreme hypovolaemia, or even mal peristalsis maintain low bacterial contents (0–
hypovolaemic shock. These mechanisms can deduct 103 bacteria/mm3 ) in the proximal part of the gas-
as much as 6 l of fluid from the circulation system, trointestinal tract. The bacterial count increases in
especially in cases of proximal or complete obstruc- the aboral direction, and in the terminal ileum it
tion. During the acute compensatory response to attains 109–1012 bacteria/mm3 . The effects of in-
hypovolaemia, a part of which resides in centralisa- testinal antibacterial mechanisms substantially de-
tion of circulation, the bowel is hypoperfused thus crease during the intestinal obstruction. Bacteria
making mucosal hypoxia more profound. (primary enteric aerobic bacteria) proliferate out of
control until their count reaches that in the large
In addition to hypoperfusion of intestinal muscu-
intestine. These bacteria can enter the mesenteric
lature, hypovolaemia causes also the hypoperfusion
lymph and portal circuit and assumedly participate
of respiratory muscles. Hypoperfused respiratory
in the severe, deadly course of intestinal obstruc-
muscles reduce the ventilation of the lungs, and con-
tion. A significant role in the pathogenesis of in-
tributes in this way to the development of pneumo-
testinal obstruction is taken by bacterial endotox-
nia. Pneumonia intensifies the hypoxaemic condi-
ins. They directly incur damage to intestinal mu-
tion and thereby profounds the hypoxic impairment
cosa, but can also transgress the walls of the ob-
of intestinal motility and that of mucosa. In addition
structed bowel. Endotoxins stimulate the elimina-
to the intestinal obstruction, hypovolaemia and hy-
tion of vasoactive intestinal peptide, other intestinal
poxaemia are also important components of shock.
peptides and various prostaglandins (PGI2, PGF2)
Both these clinical syndromes therefore often mutu-
which mutually cause abnormal hypersecretion in the
ally combine. Shock can occur as either cause or
obstructed bowel.
consequence of intestinal obstruction. The possibil-
ity of autodigestion and the tendency to limitate in-
The intestinal myoelectrical and motor activities
testinal perfusion within the course of the general
in pseudoobstruction are impaired primarily. The
adaptation reaction cause that the bowel becomes
impairment brought about by the mechanical intesti-
liable to irreversible damage during the circulatory
nal obstruction is of secondary character. The phases
shock, and can influence negatively the prognosis of
of hyperperistalsis and antiperistalsis are followed by
all hypovolaemic and hypoxaemic states.
a reduction in the electrical activity of myocytes and
Hypoxia of intestinal mucosa stimulates aeropha- the migrating myoelectric complex is substituted by
gia which delivers air into bowel. However, un- conglomerates of action potentials and contractions
der the condition of prolonged intestinal obstruc- which are not able to bring about luminal transport.
526 Chapter 7. Pathophysiology of the gastrointestinal tract ( I. Hulı́n, I. Ďuriš et al.)

7.13.4 Pathophysiological principles Alterations within the internal environment

of ileus prevention evoked by dehydration or circulatory shock quickly
succumb to changes; therefore it is necessary to mon-
Intestinal obstruction is curable until ileus develops. itor continuously the serum electrolytes, acid-base
Several positive feedbacks which progressively inten- balance and haemogram. Azotaemia and a pro-
sify both intestinal and overall impairments, disable nounced increase in haematocrit give evidence of a
the successful therapy of ileus. The therapy, or pre- severe decrease in intravascular volume. Metabolic
vention of intestinal obstruction include therefore the acidosis and leukocytosis are frequently present in co-
measures disabling ileus to develop. Preventive an- incidence with intestinal strangulation and advanced
tiileous algorithms are based on the pathogenesis of ileus. No biochemical parameters can be however
ileus and are aimed at the procurement of luminal used for unambiquous assessment of the diagnosis of
ventilation, removal of digestive juices from the in- intestinal strangulation.
testinal lumen, and the procurement of sufficient in-
testinal perfusion by oxygenated blood. In a ma- OVERVIEW OF THE ILEUS PREVENTION
jority of cases, the mechanical intestinal obstruction
A. Procurement of luminal ventilation
requires surgical therapy (assessment of the local-
isation and cause of obstruction, resection of the 1. Gastrointestinal aspiration
necrotic intestine). The significance of the preven- 2. Intraluminal insufflation of oxygen
tive measures resides in the fact that an entirely re-
suscitated patient is able to tolerate better the state B. Removal of digestive juices
of anaesthesia and surgical intervention per se.
1. Gastrointestinal aspiration
In some cases, especially if partial obstruction of
the small intestine is involved, the intestinal trans- 2. Fasting prior to operation
port can be renewed solely by means of conserva- 3. Parenteral nutrition
tive therapy. Intestinal pseudoobstruction often re- 4. Fasting after operation until the reappear-
quires a long-term conservative therapy lasting even ance of intestinal motility
for several weeks, and its supplementation by par-
enteral nutrition. An exclusively conservative ther- C. Procurement of intestinal perfusion by oxy-
apy of intestinal obstruction, however, increases the genated blood
risk of the development of intestinal strangulation. 1. Infusion therapy – maintenace of the vol-
Therefore it should be applied solely in cases when ume and capacity of blood to transport
the risk of intestinal strangulation is low. Inversely, oxygen. Correction of the deficit in fluids
if the assumed cause of complete obstruction resides and electrolytes
in intususception, volvulus or incarcerated hernia, it
2. Optimalisation of the cardiopulmonal and
will be necessary to operate immediately, with no
renal systems
regard to the clinical state.
Non-standard, although frequent is the use of var- 3. Anaesthesia without hypoxaemia
ious antimicrobic interventions. Administration of 4. Spinal anaesthesia
wide-spectrum antibiotics can restrict the growth of
intestinal bacteria. An analogue of somatostatin –
octreotide is administered with the aim to restrict
the secretion of intestinal mediators of inflammatory
reaction induced by bacteria, or endotoxins.
A primary significance of prevention is ascribed to 7.14 Inflammation and other
those techniques of abdominal operations which re- intestinal diseases
duce the risk of the development of adhesions. A pro-
nounced protective effect resides in the preservation
of the omentum, inhibition of both contamination
and the drying out of the peritoneum, and avoidance Inflammatory bowel diseases represent two clini-
of extensive peritoneal ligatures. cally distinct diseases, namely ulcerative colitis and

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