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Case Presentation

LM Potencies- Some Times a
By: Dr. Hadiya Athar
LM Potencies- Some Times a Must!
The physician who knows how to use the various potencies has ten times
the advantages of the one who always uses the potencies. No Matter what
the potency is (James Taylor Kent).

Among modern homeopaths there has been a saying that as long as

the remedy is correct, the potency is of lesser or no importance. Thus,
many experienced homeopaths claim that the range of C potencies
following the octave scale of Kent fulfils every need. My conclusion
based on observation and experience in the last 15 to 20years is that this
statement is wrong.
In our literature, different rules have been given on how to adjust the
potency to the individual patient.

Regarding 50 millesimal potencies, few guidelines can be found, except

the statement that LM potencies seem useful in patients who have strong
allergies/hypersensitive reactions.

According to Hahnemann, the LM potency scale was developed because

ordinary C potencies caused too strong an aggravation in some patients.
Yes,this seems to be true in a certain type of patient—those having a
hyper-reactive defence mechanism.
Most probably Hahnemann himself ran into this problem and thus
developed the LM potencies after trying to treat hypersensitive patients
with C potencies with little or no success.
The Two Groups of Patients Where the LM
Potency Should Be Chose
Group 1—The So-Called Hypersensitive Patient

Several homeopaths have stated that LM potencies are useful for treating
hypersensitive persons, but what does this imply and how to identify

The group where LM is an absolute must consists of those who are born
hyper-reactive and always will be, regardless how much homoeopathic
treatment or other therapies they might receive.
 Since this group needs to be recognised and the potency adjusted
accordingly, this will be described in depth.

Kent, in one of his paragraphs in Lectures on Homoeopathic Philosophy,

discusses hypersensitivity and describes this type of patient as one that
get proving symptoms engrafted upon their delicate constitution very

He also states that initially these patients should never be given a higher
potency than C 200.

 Since the Sixth edition of Organ on was not discovered until after his
death,Kentnever used the LM scale.
How to Identify These Patients
 They are very easily affected by emotional stress and usually need time on their
own to recuperate.

They seem to be very sensitive to coffee and very sensitive in general.

They tend to react much stronger to various alternative treatments than others.

They are often hypersensitive to allopathic medications.

Another very interesting point is that these patients tend to be more spiritually
evolved and thus have a much deeper understanding and respect for
homeopathy than most other patients. This implies that their sensitivity is linked to
their point of evolution.
They tend not to respond properly to C potencies, even if the remedy is
correct. The most common re spoce is a an aggravation that is much too
strong and prolonged with out any, or only slight subsequent improvement,
or only a short superficial amelioration.

They tend to register some type of effect from every homeopathic remedy
that they have been given and tend to get proving symptoms very easily.

Therefore, before starting treatment, it is very important to identify this

type of patient and treat them gently with just a single dose of the indicated
remedy in LM in order not to engraft proving symptoms on these delicate
The Enigma Patient
When a patient in this category comes to our office, the homeopath is
faced with a special problem. The patient will share his/her part in the
difficulties since remedy after remedy tends to be given in the C potency
scale with some reaction, but with very limited effect.

Quote from David Little

 ‘When Hahnemann used his low potencies (6c, 12c, 24c, 30c) they
would not cure, but if he used the high potencies(200c-1M)they
produced unproductive aggravations’. This is precisely what I have
observed regarding these patients!
The Proof:

How can there be proof that this theory is correct?

Because the same remedy has first been given in a C potency hardly
without improvement and then again to the same patient in an LM
potency with great success, its validity has been tested and verified.
Group 2
This group consists of people with strong allergies, like people suffering from
eczema or other allergic states. Doesn’t this seem logical since having strong
allergies is another form of hyper-reactivity?

In highly allergic persons , the indicated remedy should be given in the lower
end of the LM scale, like LM 1, 2 or 3. By applying LMs for this group, you will
have much better and faster curative results without the strong aggravation that
often follows the C potency. Some times a single dose of a C30 can work well,
but the indicated remedy in LM(Q) is a much better choice.
As a conclusion and rule of thumb, the LM potency should always be
chosen for persons who have an excitable, hyper reactive defence
mechanism. This means that smaller impacts which do not bother the
average person produce symptoms. The persons should be called hyper-
reactive. As you can see this applies to both groups, but for different
reasons. Farokh Master also advocates LMs for ‘hyper sensitives’ as
well as for cases with advanced cancer and autoimmune disorders.
Myths of LM Potencies
A very important point stressed by both David Little and Farokh Master and which
I have confirmed from my own practice is that an LM should never be given
routinely like daily, every other day weekly.

As with C potencies, this has to be adjusted to the need of the individual patient.
Some patients may require frequent repetition, others more seldom, like once a
month or even longer intervals. Homeopaths tend either: 1. Not to use LMs at all
or 2. Claim them to be the best choice for every patient.9 Instead of giving a low
daily dose of a C potency, some homeopaths restrict the use of LMs for cases
where a low dose given repeatedly is more appropriate.
Case Example 1—Hyper-Reactive Defence
The number after the symptoms indicates symptom strength and is used
in accordance with idea put forward by George Vithoulkas.

This is a lady born in 1957, who came for the first time in November 2016.
Her problems were anxiety and lack of energy. The inner restlessness and
anxiety were worse in the afternoon and better when moving about.3 She
has an anxiety about others and about her own health, especially a fear of
She described her mood as even and melancholic. ‘All the time I wait for
something positive to happen’. She is very sensitive to quarrels and hates
being reprimanded.2 She has some fear of the dark. Her father died when
he was 63. This was at errible blow to her.She prefers to hide her sadness
and only weep when she is alone.

Lately, she has noticed that her memory has declined and that she has
more difficulty concentrating. She likes being alone. If she drinks
coffee,eats spicy food,sweets or salt, she gets palpitations.

She sleeps well. Coffee gives her a nightly perspiration.

Although still chilly, lately her body has become warmer. She has some
pain in her hips when lying down. The painis worse when she begins to
move and gets better with motion.

This woman is as taunch supporter of homeopathy with a much deeper

interest and understanding of this wonderful healing art and science than
the average patient. As previously mentioned, this is a quite common
occurrence in this patient group and often a pointer.


GENERALS—MOTION—beginning of—agg.


GENERALS—LYING—back; on—agg.

GENERALS—MOTION—affected part; of—amel.

GENERALS—INJURIES—ailments from; chronic




 MIND—CARES, full of

MIND—ANXIETY—health; about—own health; one's

MIND—FEAR—cancer; of

MIND—SENSITIVE—reprimands, to

MIND—SENSITIVE—quarrels; to

MIND—AILMENTS FROM—death of loved ones

 MIND—WEEPING—alone, when

MIND—MEMORY—weakness of memory—words; for

CHEST—PALPITATION of heart—coffee agg.

NOSE—OBSTRUCTION—air; in open—amel.
In this case, we see unprocessed grief and high sensitivity with Natrum
characteristics. She also prefers being alone. We also find some typical traits
from Arsenicum.

In my experience the salts of Arsenicum like Arsenicum Sulphuratum

Flavum,Aurum Arsenicum or Kali Arsenicum are as frequently indicated as
Arsenicum Album. The high sensitivity and reaction to coffee, salt, sweet and
spicy food, indicate that she has a hyper-reactive defence mechanism.

 Since I was familiar with this type of patient, in this case I was able to choose the
LM without any trial and error. Regardless of the condition being treated, in such
cases the indicated remedy should always be given in the LM scale.
Follow-Up after Six Weeks
I have taken three, perhaps four doses of the remedy. The result is that my
energy has improved a lot and my emotional state is much better.I am
happier and the melancholic mood is gone. Before, I was devastated by
issues like mistreatment of animals. Now I handle such impressions better.
In short, I feel stronger emotionally.

I stand more up for myself when needed and have more dreams. Lately, I
have dreams of getting approbation. I still have problems
concentrating.Before,I waited for something positive to happen. This
feeling has disappeared.
My hips are getting worse and are more painful. The pressure in the
sinuses(she for got to tell this the first time)is better. If I drink red wine, I
feel it in the sinuses. My nose I blocked more often, and there is more
dryness. Bowels move more regularly now. Not so chilly that I used to be.

Evaluation: Correct remedy and potency give ideal response. Here we see
Hering’s law in action.When the energy and emotional level improves,
physical symptoms like pain in hips and blocked nose get worse. Here I
chose to wait.
Summary of follow-ups: In February 2017, the remedy was changed to
RhusToxLM3 which caused an improvement in the hip pains and general
state.Seven months laters he got Lac caninum LM6 because the hip pains
again had gotten worse, this time moving erratically from side to side.

After improvement by Lac caninum, the symptom changed to strong knife-

like pains in the hips that suddenly came and went.Hypericum LM1 was
then given. The last remedy given in April 2018 for allergic problems with
sinus congestion which was better in open air was Kali Iodatum LM3,
which also worked well.
Case Example 2: LMs in Allergic States
This is a girl, now 11 years old,who came for consultation for the first time
in March 2011 when she was three. Her main complaint back then was
eczema on her hands, on the neck and in the elbow flexures. She also had
crack son her fingers.The itching was worse in the evening in bed and
worse at night. Her sleep was disturbed by the itching and she woke
Back then she was in secure and cautious and used to cling to her
mother a lot. She also had a fear of male persons. Between March 2011
and October 2012, she was therefore given several doses of Pulsatilla

After the Pulsatilla, she became less clinging and dependent on her
mother and the eczema after some flare ups caused by the LM6, gradually

In hindsight I would have chosen a lower LM to startwith.Due to the risk of

aggravation from higher LMs,now in eczema cases always choose LM
sin the range of LM1—LM3.
In February 2016 and again in October, she took Saccharum 1M for a
sedentary state and enormous craving for sweets which she had
developed. It helped and in August 2017 she was give Ignatia C 200
which improved her emotional state at that time.

The idea behind reporting this case is the fabulous effect of a single dose
of Nux vomica LM1 which was given inJune2018.
Eight Consultation, June 2018
‘My nose gets obstructed when I’m sleeping; especially if the window is
open’.There is a discharge, even though the nose is blocked. From time
to time there is some rash on my body, but the eruption is now only on the

I had a flu that lasted one whole month.

‘I think about food all the time’.

Every now and then I have a headache. From time to time she has some
cramps in the thighs, which gets better from rubbing and motion.
 Her mother describes her as being brave and a bit too responsible. She does not weep, even
when she feels sad She is very tired in the morning.2 He mother also tells that lately she has been
very irritable, impatient, angry, argumentative and quarrelsome.3 She is quite reserved.

 Symptoms chosen for repertorisation:



 GENERALS—MOTION—affected part; of—amel.



 MIND—WEEPING—cannot weep, though sad


GENERALS—FOOD and DRINKS—fish—aversion


MIND—AILMENTS FROM—death of loved ones

 MIND—RESPONSIBILITY—taking responsibility too seriously






NOSE—OBSTRUCTION—night—sleep; during
Follow up after 8 weeks
After a single dose of Nux vomica LM1, the eczema gradually disappeared, her
mood became much better and she stopped being irritable and impatient. Her
energy became better and the nasal obstruction also went away. The thoughts
about food which she used to have all the time also became less prominent.

 For a while she had some vesicular eruptions on her fingers, but no eczema.
When they were on holiday later that summer, she was given the drug Post afen
to prevent travel sickness.

 Immediately her angry, impatient mood came back, but as the effect of the drug
wore off, the improvement returned and again shewas back in a stable and much
better mood.
Last Report of May 2019

She never needed a second dose! This example shows that the effect of
a single dose of an LM should be treated just like an ordinary single dose
of a higher potency—that is do not repeat at fixed intervals, but watch and
wait and only repeat if/when needed!
End Note

As stated in this article, the LM or Q potency has an important role to play.
Hopefully, now you have got a better idea when to apply it!

1 Vithoulkas G. The Science of Homeopathy. Athens: ASOHM; 1978

2 Little D. A Comparison of the C and LM Potency. http://www. acclp/article.php

3 Hahnemann CFS. Organon of Medicine. 6th edition. London: Victor Gollancz

LTD; 1983

4 Kent J T.Lectures on Homoeopathic Philosophy.Calcutta:R.Sinha Roy; 1975 5

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