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Strengthen Your Faith!

The Value of Speaking God’s Word

…For out of the fullness (the overflow, the superabundance) 

of the heart the mouth speaks.
—MATTHEW 12:34

We can learn more about people by listening to them. We can also learn a lot more
about ourselves by listening to the words we speak. Words are powerful and affect
our health—mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.

JAMES 3:2 says, “…If anyone does not offend in speech [never says the wrong
things], he is a fully developed character and a perfect man, able to control his whole
body and to curb his entire nature.” In other words, if we can control our tongue, we
are completely mature and can control every other part of our lives.

But none of us can do this in our own strength. We need the wisdom of God’s Word
and the help of the Holy Spirit, who lives in our spirit, to stop saying the wrong
things and instead say the right things.

Joyce says, “We need to take a much more positive approach and not just talk about
what we shouldn’t do, but what we should do.” For starters, we can focus on giving
more thanks to God each day. List at least five things that you are thankful for today.

Read ROMANS 12:21 and PHILIPPIANS 4:11-12. What do these verses teach you
regarding the kinds of words God wants us to speak? How does our speech affect our
attitude or perspective of life?

Review the story of Ezekiel and the dry bones in EZEKIEL 37:1-10. What does this
passage of Scripture teach us about the power of words and our future?

It’s vitally important for us to speak words that line up with God’s Word so we’re in
agreement with His will, plans and purposes (AMOS 3:3). But we also have to act on
these biblical principles to experience more of God’s goodness in our lives. What’s
one way you can change the way you speak and act that agrees with God’s way of
thinking and doing things?

As we think and speak more like God does, we will become more stable and
consistent in our moods and behavior. We’ll also be able to control our attitudes and
actions, rather than letting our emotions control us.

Read 2 CORINTHIANS 10:4-5 and note how taking control of your thoughts gives
you the ability to remain stable when difficult situations arise.

When you speak God’s Word out of your own mouth, it’s more powerful than anything
anyone else has said to you. Study JEREMIAH 23:28 and ISAIAH 55:10-11. What is
the key to overcoming wrong things that have hurt you, as well as God’s promise
regarding the power His Word has in your life?

The Word of God in your mouth is stronger than anything that has been said to you.
The Word of God has power—the Word works!

Always Believe!

Now faith is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed) of the things [we] hope
for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality [faith
perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses].

Faith is vitally important in the life of a believer in Christ. Our relationship, our
salvation, is based on what we believe about God.

In MATTHEW 18:3, Jesus says “… Unless you…become like little children [trusting,
lowly, loving, forgiving], you can never enter the kingdom of heaven [at all].” God
wants us to come to Him and say, “I believe You, and I trust You. I may not see
everything, understand everything, or feel like everything is okay, but I believe You.”

Take a closer look at HEBREWS 11:1 and MATTHEW 18:3. In your own words, define
“faith” and what it means to believe God like a little child.

When we decide to believe the Word of God above all else—more than what we want,
think or feel—we overcome the torment of doubt, unbelief, double-minded thinking
and the need to figure everything out. Faith goes beyond our thoughts and is a
knowing deep down in our heart, or spirit. God is a Spirit, and He reveals things to us
in our spirit (JOHN 4:24).

ROMANS 12:2 says you are “transformed (changed) by the [entire] renewal of your
mind…so that you may prove [for yourselves] what is the good and acceptable and
perfect will of God….” But many times when He speaks to our hearts and gives us
direction, we have to take a step of faith as we obey His leading because we can’t
always understand how everything will work out.

We consciously choose to believe God, but faith is deeper than what we think or
understand—it’s something that operates in our spirit.

Read ROMANS 1:17 and note the connection between our salvation, in which we
become the righteousness of God, and our faith in God. How does it tell us to live?

When we study the Word of God and trust His promises to us, life can be absolutely
wonderful! Look up the following scriptures and list the ways God works in our lives
when we believe His Word is true above all else. Then use a concordance to look up
additional verses that help you overcome doubt, unbelief, fear or anxiety.

MATTHEW 6:33; 11:28-29; 28:20; PHILIPPIANS 4:19; ROMANS 8:28


It’s amazing how wonderful life can be if we decide to get out of our brain and go
deeper, to what we sense in the spirit. Shut your mind off and go deeper in your
heart. What is God speaking to your heart?

What Are You Believing?

Jesus said to her, Did I not tell you and promise you that if you would believe and rely
on Me, you would see the glory of God?
—JOHN 11:40

In JOHN 11, we read the story of Lazarus, who died and was raised to life by Jesus.
It’s an amazing account that helps us discover that all things truly are possible with
God if we will only believe.

Read verses 5 and 6. Was Jesus aware of what was going on? How did He respond to
the news about Lazarus?

Joyce said, “We think when we have to wait it means God doesn’t love us, but it’s a
symptom that He really does love us. God has something deeper in mind than our
immediate relief!

Read verses 21-35. How were Martha and Mary feeling about Jesus and the loss of
their brother? What was Jesus’ response, and how does this inspire you to trust God

It’s easy for us to question God at times and wonder, “Why did You allow this to
happen? You could have done something about this and kept us from this pain/
struggle/inconvenience.” But God has a higher life of faith for us if we will choose to
trust Him no matter what!

Study JOHN 11:39-44 to discover how God wants us to believe Him in every
situation and every area of our lives. How should we act on our faith both before and
after He brings the breakthrough or answer we need?

Study the following scriptures and write down the truths you discover about what it
means to put your faith in God.

MATTHEW 8:13; MARK 9:23; ACTS 16:31; JAMES 2:23; ROMANS 15:13; 


We’re called “Believers” because our relationship with God is based on our belief in
His Son, Jesus Christ, and what He has done for us. Remember that the quality of
your life is determined by what you choose to believe. Keep your heart and mind
focused on God and His Word, and you will see the manifestation of His goodness—
His glory—in your life!

While you’re “doing life,” handling the problems of everyday life, if you will trust God
and believe Him, you will enter the rest of God…you will have an internal rest. It’s the
most beautiful place you can be!

Who Are You…Really?

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away;
behold, all things have become new.

Do you know who you are? Have you discovered what it means to be “a new
creation” in Christ? These may seem like strange questions to ask, but they are ones
we all need to think about.

In this program, Joyce and her guest, Pastor Craig Groeschel, talk about what it
means to know who you are as a believer in Christ. So many people don’t like
themselves and they want to be like someone else. It’s easy to feel insecure when
you compare yourself with others and feel pressured to emulate their looks, abilities,
choices or preferences.

The problem is when we are basing our identity, sense of security or confidence in
how we measure up to others, we aren’t focusing on the unique person God created
each of us to be. And we’re not at peace with ourselves.

Craig says that when we live this way, “We’re living for the approval of people rather
than from the approval of God.” We need to get a biblical understanding of who God
says we are.

What do you base your identity on? Do you wrestle with insecurity or feel
inadequate? Read PHILIPPIANS 3:3 and note what God says about where we place 

our confidence.

False labels that others have given us can cause us to miss out on who God created
us to be. Maybe someone has told you…
• “I wish you were more like your brother.”
• “I wish I never had you.”
• “You’ll never measure up. You’re a failure.”

• “You’re stupid.”
• “You’re overweight.”
• “You’re not pretty enough.”

But God says something radically different, and what He says is the truth! Look up
the following scriptures and write down what they say about who you are in God’s
eyes, as a believer in Christ. Then search for other verses that reveal the identity He
ascribes to you.

PSALM 139:13-14; JEREMIAH 31:3; DEUTERONOMY 28:13; 1 JOHN 4:4;

ROMANS 8:29-30, 37-39

We all have something we don’t like about ourselves. It could be a personality trait,
such as being timid or too talkative. Or it could be a physical characteristic, like the
size of your nose, your height, your weight, etc. God wants you to like yourself, to be
comfortable in your own skin and confident that you are His masterpiece!

Study EPHESIANS 2:10 and note what this says about who created you and the
value you have because of where you come from.

Joyce and Craig both spoke about how we need to give God the negative labels and
criticisms others say about us, as well as our weaknesses, so He can work through
them to make us more like Christ. Second CORINTHIANS 12:9 gives us insight about
the attitude God wants us to have in this area. What is it?

One of the most exciting revelations we can have as Christians is that we are His
ambassadors, representing Him in this world. An ambassador is the highest ranking
official sent from one nation to represent that nation to another. So you are not
“just” a teacher, custodian, executive, stay-at-home mom, etc. God has chosen you
to represent Him in this world!

Take a close look at 2 CORINTHIANS 5:20 and make a declaration in your own
words based on this verse of who you are as Christ’s ambassador.

We need to know who we are in Christ and separate 

who we are from what we do!

Bible Study with Joyce

And He said to them, Be careful what you are hearing. The measure [of thought and
study] you give [to the truth you hear] will be the measure [of virtue and knowledge]
that comes back to you—and more [besides] will be given to you who hear.
—MARK 4:24

The best way we can learn how to enjoy our lives is by knowing the Word of God.
When we study the Bible, we discover how God thinks, what He says, what His
character is really like, and how He can literally change our lives and make us
everything He created us to be!

The truth is, you’re doing yourself a favor when you take time to study God’s Word
because it’s the key to keeping your spirit strong.

In the program today, Joyce teaches a simple approach to Bible study. All you need
to do it is…
• a Bible in a translation you best understand
• the help of the Holy Spirit, who is your Teacher
• and a notebook to write down what you’re learning

With this guide, you can walk through the study of JAMES 4 that Joyce shared and
record the points and biblical principles you learned that will help you grow
spiritually and go deeper in your relationship with God.

Read verses 1 and 2. What causes strife, and why do we sometimes not get the things
we want?

PSALM 37:4 says, “Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He will give you the desires
and secret petitions of your heart.” According to this verse, what is key to having the
desires of God for your life? What is the difference between healthy and unhealthy

Take a close look at JAMES 4:3 and JEREMIAH 17:9. What does this reveal about
the motives of our hearts?

JAMES 4:4 gives a word of wisdom about the greatest priority we can ever have.
What is it and why is it so important?

Verses 5 and 6 tell us about the gift God offers that can bring change in our lives.
What is it and how do we do our part to experience the benefit it gives?

In verse 7, what do we have to do that will cause the enemy to flee?


What vital principle is explained in verse 8 and how can you apply it to your life?

Read verses 9-12 to get the practical direction we all need that makes us more loving
toward others.

Verses 13-16 give us two points that help us have a humble attitude and remind us to
keep the main thing the main thing in our daily lives. What are they?

What are some practical ways you can walk out these principles in your relationship
with God and in your daily circumstances? Be specific.

According to verse 17, what should we always do?


Make it your goal to study the Bible every day as you spend one-on-one time with
God. Remember to keep it simple. Pray for the Holy Spirit to show you the practical
principles and inspiring words of wisdom you need to apply to your life so you can
get closer to Him and walk out His amazing plans for you.

Think about how you can establish a daily routine of Bible study and time in prayer
alone with God. If you already have a routine but want to freshen it up or take it up a
level, consider what changes you can make to do this.

Write down your goals and how you will pursue them. What time of day is best for
you on a regular basis? How long can you reasonably commit yourself to pray and
study? Where will you do it? Are there any arrangements you need to make with
your family or other people who depend on you to set this time aside and avoid

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