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Learner Differences Reflection

During my student teaching placement it has been brought to my attention that

there are a variety of learners in the class who require different strategies/supports or

accommodations/modifications to instruction or assessment. Spread throughout the three

science classes I teach there are two Dyslexia students and eight ADHD students.

Accommodations for the Dyslexia students include 50% extra time for tests in

reading and writing, handouts summarizing material, a tutor who assists with

comprehension and oral reading. The accommodations for those with ADHD include

brief movement breaks if the student is struggling with inattentiveness or restlessness,

preferential seating close to the teacher, additional time to complete tests and assignments

when needed, positive verbal reinforcement and organizational assistance. As I am

approaching my solo teaching period, I am well aware of these students and their needs. I

aim to assist them as best I can and ensure my lessons for the day provide an inclusive

learning environment that enable each learner to meet great standards.

Incorporating differentiation instruction into the classroom would also provide a

variety of learning experiences to meet the diverse needs of students. Differentiation

acknowledges that all students have varying amounts of background knowledge, ability

levels, interests, and personalities that make each student unique. In a science classroom,

specifically, differentiation instruction and assessment can be achieved through flexible

grouping, choice boards, and learning centers.

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