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_SECTION_BEGIN( "Stokinghem-Diraj 2652 system" );

/*Stokinghem-Diraj 2652 Intra-Day system*/


SetChartOptions( 0, chartShowArrows | chartShowDates );

H1 = SelectedValue( TimeFrameGetPrice( "H", inDaily, -1 ) );

L1 = SelectedValue( TimeFrameGetPrice( "L", inDaily, -1 ) );
C1 = SelectedValue( TimeFrameGetPrice( "C", inDaily, -1 ) );
H2 = SelectedValue( TimeFrameGetPrice( "H", inDaily, 0 ) );
L2 = SelectedValue( TimeFrameGetPrice( "L", inDaily, 0 ) );
O1 = SelectedValue( TimeFrameGetPrice( "open", inDaily, 0 ) );
/*PIVOT Calculation*/
D1 = (( C1 - L1)/3 );
D2 = ( H2 - L2 );
F1 = D1 * 0.433;
F2 = D1 * 0.766;
F3 = D1 * 1.35;

F4 = 0;

if ( D2 <= F1 )
F4 = F1;
if ( D2 <= F2 )
F4 = F2;
F4 = F3;

S_P = ( O1 - F4 );

B_P = ( O1 + F4 );

BP = ( L1 + F2 );

BPTGT = ( BP + ( BP * .0065 ) );//.0015 brokerage

BPSTPLS = ( BP - ( BP * .0085 ) );

SP = ( C1 - D1 );

SPTGT = ( C1 - ( H1 - L1 ) );

SPSTPLS = ( SP + ( SP * .0085 ) );

p = ( H1 + L1 + C1 ) / 3;

s1 = ( H1 );

r1 = ( L1 );

r2 = SelectedValue( L2 );
s2 = SelectedValue( H2 );


S = ( C > p );

SS = ( C < P );


Plot ( p , "PIVOT", 25, 4 );PlotText( "PIVOT" , BarCount-25, p+0, 25 );

Plot ( r1, "PRE_LOW", 29, 4 );PlotText( "PreDay LOW" , BarCount-25, r1+0, 29 );

Plot ( s1, "PRE_HIGH", 29, 4 );PlotText( "PreDay HIGH" , BarCount-25, s1+0, 29 );

Plot ( s2, "DAY_HIGH", 42, 4 );PlotText( "Day HIGH" , BarCount-25, s2+0, 42 );

Plot ( r2, "DAY_LOW", 42, 4 );PlotText( "Day LOW" , BarCount-25, r2+0, 42 );

Plot ( BP, "BUY @", 35, 4 );PlotText( "Buy-Long" , BarCount-25, BP+0, 35 );

Plot ( BPTGT, "BUY & SELL @", 40, 4 );PlotText( "Sell-LongSell" , BarCount-25,
BPTGT+0, 40 );

Plot ( BPSTPLS, "BUY STPLS @", 32, 4 );PlotText( "STP-LS LongSell" , BarCount-25,
BPSTPLS+0, 32 );

Plot ( SP, "SELL @", 35, 4 );PlotText( "Sell-Short" , BarCount-25, SP+0, 35 );

Plot ( SPTGT, "SEL & BUY @", 35, 4 );PlotText( "Buy-ShortCover" , BarCount-25,
SPTGT+0, 40 );

Plot ( SPSTPLS, "SELL STPLS @", 32, 4 );PlotText( "STP-LS ShortCover" , BarCount-
25, SPSTPLS+0, 32 );

GfxSetBkColor( colorRed );

GfxSetTextColor( 41 );

GfxSelectFont( "TOHMA", 9, 700, False );

GfxSetBkColor( colorLightGrey );

GfxSetTextColor( 16 );
GfxTextOut("* "+ ( WriteVal( H1 ) + "--" + WriteVal( L1 ) + "=PreDay=" +
WriteVal( D1 ) ), 32, 100 );

GfxTextOut("* "+ ( WriteVal( H2 ) + "--" + WriteVal( L2 ) + "=ToDay=" +

WriteVal( D2 ) ), 32, 115 );

GfxTextOut( "F1=" + ( WriteVal( F1 ) ), 32, 130 );

GfxTextOut( "F2=" + ( WriteVal( F2 ) ), 32, 145 );

GfxTextOut( "F3=" + ( WriteVal( F3 ) ), 32, 160 );

GfxTextOut( "Selected FC==" + ( WriteVal( F4 ) ), 32, 175 );

GfxTextOut( ( "-P-TGT 0.65 and STP-LS 1.0(Inc-Bkrg)-" ), 32, 190 );

Filter = S OR SS;

AddColumn( IIf( S, 66, 1 ), "Buy", formatChar, 1, bkcolor = IIf( S, 43, 33 ) );

AddColumn( IIf( SS, 83, 1 ), "Sell", formatChar, 1, bkcolor = IIf( SS, 25, 32 ) );

AddColumn( C, "CMP", 1.2, colorDefault, colorSkyblue );

AddColumn( BP, "BUY PRICE", 1.2, colorDefault, colorBrightGreen );

AddColumn( BPTGT, "TGT PRICE", 1.2, colorDefault, colorYellow );

AddColumn( BPSTPLS, "STPLS BUY", 1.2, colorDefault, colorRed );

AddColumn( p, "PIVOT", 1.2, colorDefault, colorBrown );

AddColumn( SPSTPLS, "STPLS SELL", 1.2, colorDefault, colorRose );

AddColumn( SP, "SELL PRICE", 1.2, colorDefault, colorPink );

AddColumn( SPTGT, "TGT PRICE", 1.2, colorDefault, colorGold );

AddColumn( H1, "PRE-HIGH" );

AddColumn( L1, "PRE-LOW" );

AddColumn( H2, "D-HIGH" );

AddColumn( L2, "D-LOW" );

Buy = Cross ( ( C ), ( BP ) );

Sell = Cross ( ( C ), ( SP ) );

AlertIf( Buy, "SOUND C:\\Windows\\Media\\Ding.wav", "2652 System", 1, 2 );

AlertIf( Sell, "SOUND C:\\Windows\\Media\\Chime.wav", "2652 System", 2, 2 );


Q = Param( "% Change", 2, 0.1, 10, 0.1 );
Z = Zig( C , q ) ;
HH = ( ( Z < Ref( Z, -1 ) AND Ref( Z, -1 ) > Ref( Z, -2 ) ) AND (Peak( z, q, 1 ) >
Peak( Z, q, 2 ) ) );
LH = ( ( Z < Ref( Z, -1 ) AND Ref( Z, -1 ) > Ref( Z, -2 ) ) AND (Peak( Z, q, 1 ) <
Peak( Z, q, 2 ) ) );
HL = ( ( Z > Ref( Z, -1 ) AND Ref( Z, -1 ) < Ref( Z, -2 ) ) AND (Trough( Z, q, 1 )
> Trough( Z, q, 2 ) ) );
LL = ( ( Z > Ref( Z, -1 ) AND Ref( Z, -1 ) < Ref( Z, -2 ) ) AND (Trough( Z, q, 1 )
< Trough( Z, q, 2 ) ) );
GraphXSpace = 5;
dist = 0.5 * ATR( 20 );

for ( i = 0; i < BarCount; i++ )

if ( HH[i] )
PlotText( "HH", i, H[ i ] + dist[i], colorYellow );

if ( LH[i] )
PlotText( "LH", i, H[ i ] + dist[i], colorYellow );

if ( HL[i] )
PlotText( "HL", i, L[ i ] - dist[i], colorBrown );

if ( LL[i] )
PlotText( "LL", i, L[ i ] - dist[i], colorBrown );


_SECTION_BEGIN("Show Values at H&L");

n=Param("Values back",20,1,200,1);
p=Param("zig %",5,1,100,1);
dist = 0.8*ATR(15);

for( i = 1; i < n; i++ )



_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close
%g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ));
Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorBlack ), styleNoTitle |
ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() );

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