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Title of Unit / Lesson Title: Duration of Lesson Date:

Gross Income, Net Income, & Recordkeeping 21 1st Quarter (SY2017-2018)

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

 through creative and critical thinking  taking initiative and demonstrating innovation  awareness of local and
skills  demonstrating professional conduct, collaboration global issues
 through effective communication and other interpersonal skills  contributing time and
skills  efficient use of time and resources to achieve talent to community
 through being goal oriented and self- goals needs
discipline individuals  demonstrating the ability to understand and
effectively use relevant technology
Design Question Focus of the Lesson (elements from other DQ’s may be used as support)
 Introducing New Knowledge  Deepening or Practicing  Generating and Testing Hypotheses
Learning Goal/ Objective: (based on Standards ) (teacher language)
Use proportional relationships to solve multistep ratio and percent problems. Examples: simple interest, tax, markups and
markdowns, gratuities and commissions, fees, percent increase and decrease, percent error.

Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving the four operations with rational numbers.

Learning Targets: (write in the scale below) (student language)

2.0 Simpler Content: 3.0 Target (Objective/Learning Goal): 4.0 More Complex:

“I can…..” “I can…..” “I can…..”

Chapter 1:
I can calculate the different types of pay and
the total (or gross) pay.

Chapter 2:
I can find the deductions from a paycheck to
figure out the take-home pay.

Chapter 3:
I can figure out how much money I need to live
on and where I spend my money.

Level 1 (Recall) Level 2 ( Skill/Concept) Level 3 (Strategic Thinking) Level 4 (Extended Thinking)
Recite, tell, recall, state, repeat, use, name, Graph, classify, separate, cause/effect, Revise, assess, apprise, construct, critique, Design, connect, synthesize, apply
match, 5 Ws, define, draw, identify, list, estimate, compare, relate, infer, identify compare, investigate, differentiate, draw concepts, critique, analyze, create, prove
label, measure, illustrate, memorize, patterns, organize, construct, modify, conclusions, hypothesize, formulate, cite
arrange, report, quote, calculate…. predict, interpret, distinguish, make evidence, critique, develop a logical
observations, summarize, show, categorize argument…
Assessment and Monitoring: (checks for content and desired effect)
Common Formative Assessment Common Summative Assessment

Seatwork Quizzes
Homework Chapter Tests
Concept Checks Pre/Post - Tests

Critical Information Chunks (as determined by learning targets) i.e. vocabulary

Chapter 1 Chapter 2: Chapter 3:
 Hourly rate  Federal Income Tax  Recordkeeping
 Straight-time pay  Personal exemptions  Expenditures
 Overtime pay  Social Security  Budget sheet
 Time and a half  Medicare  Living expenses
 Double time  Group insurance  Fixed expenses
 Weekly time card  Net pay  Annual expenses
 Piecework  Expense summary
 Salary  Emergency fund
 Commission
 Commission rate
 Straight commission
Learning Plan: Instructional Strategies /Lesson Activity: (Identify your CFAs and CITW strategies in your plan)
Anticipatory Set:
Review previous lesson, open with lesson opener from resources for each section, an activity, or relate concepts to real
L1.1 and 1.2 Review students on changing fractions to decimal. Introduce chapter topic with a brief story about the origin of
money. Then ask students who work part-time or has worked part-time and how do they get paid. Lead into the topic of
straight-time pay and overtime pay.
L1.3 Ask students who have part-time jobs how they keep track of the number of hours they work each week.
L1.4 Ask students how they would be paid to wash a car, deliver newspapers, paint a house, or cut a lawn. Discuss why
some jobs pay on a piecework basis rather than an hourly rate basis.
L1.5 Discuss definition of salary and the different types of pay periods. Ask students to suggest some jobs that would earn a
L1.6 Ask students why many businesses pay sales employees on a commission basis.

L2.1 Ask students if they’ve ever heard someone complaining about how much money is taken out of their paycheck for
taxes. Did they ever wonder how these tax amounts are calculated?
L2.2 Ask students why the federal government needs to collect money from taxes. Ask why states need to collect taxes.
L2.4 Ask students how older adults pay for living expenses when they are no longer working. Show video of how the
government uses the taxes.
L2.5 Ask students why do we need health insurance. Show video explaining about why we need it. Show the different costs
of typical medical expenses without insurance and point out how expensive it is to pay for those.
L2.6 Ask students to estimate how much of the gross pay they think a single person with no allowances will take home if
that person earns $330 per week.

L3.1 Ask students how many either earn money from a job or work for an allowance. Ask these students if they are
expected to help meet their own needs from this money. Make a list of ways students spend the money they receive.
L3.2 Ask students if they have ever heard from anyone talk about having to live on a budget. Ask students where else they
have heard the term budget.
L3.3 The overall purpose of a budget is for a person or family to check on how many is being spent and to make
adjustments where necessary. Point out that any budget must be somewhat flexible since unbudgeted expenses are usually
encountered at some time.

Engaging the student in learning the content:

Students come to class prepared, take notes, participate in class activities and actively engage in class discussion. Work to
be turned in at the end of class if completed (unless otherwise specified by the teacher). The incomplete work will be taken
home for homework and due the next class period.

Guided Practice
Day 1-2: L1.1 and 1.2 Straight-time and Overtime Pay
 Pre-Test Quarter 1
 Goals:
o Calculate straight-time pay
o Figure out straight-time, overtime, and total pay
 Key Terms:
o Hourly rate
o Straight-time pay
o Overtime pay
o Time and a half
o Double time
 Copy: Notes on key terms and examples of problems to be solved in seatwork
 Seatwork/Homework: Complete problems for 1.1 and 1.2 in the textbook.

Day 3: L1.3 Weekly Time Card

 Goals:
o Calculate the total hours on a weekly time card
 Key Terms:
o Weekly time card
 Copy: Notes on key terms and examples of problems to be solved in seatwork
 Seatwork/Homework: Complete problems for 1.3 in the textbook.

Day 4: L1.4 Piecework

 Goals:
o Compute the total pay on a piecework basis
 Key Terms:
o Piecework
 Copy: Notes on key terms and examples of problems to be solved in seatwork
 Seatwork/Homework: Complete problems for 1.4 in the textbook.

Day 5: L1.1 to L1.4 Quiz

Day 6: L1.5 Salary

 Goals:
o Determine the salary per pay period
 Key Terms:
o Salary
 Copy: Notes on key terms and examples of problems to be solved in seatwork
 Seatwork/Homework: Complete problems for 1.5 in the textbook.

Day 7: L1.6 Commission

 Goals:
o Calculate the straight commission and determine the gross pay.
 Key Terms:
o Commission
o Commission rate
o Straight commission
 Copy: Notes on key terms and examples of problems to be solved in seatwork
 Seatwork/Homework: Complete problems for 1.6 in the textbook.
Day 8: Chapter 1 Review

Day 9: Chapter 1 Test

Day 10: L2.1 Federal Income Tax and L2.2 State Income Tax
 Goals:
o Read tables to find the amount withheld for federal income tax
o Compute the state taxes on a straight percent basis
 Key Terms:
o Federal income tax (FIT)
o Personal exemptions
 Copy: Notes on key terms and examples of problems to be solved in seatwork
 Seatwork/Homework: Complete problems for 2.1 and 2.2 in the textbook.

Day 11: L2.1 and L2.2 Quiz

Day 12: L2.4 Social Security and Medicare Taxes

 Goals:
o Work out the amount of income withheld for Social Security and Medicare taxes
 Key Terms
o Social security
o Medicare
 Copy: Notes on key terms and examples of problems to be solved in seatwork
 Seatwork/Homework: Complete problems for 2.4 in the textbook.

Day 13: L2.5 Group Health Insurance

 Goals:
o Calculate the deduction for group insurance
 Key Terms:
o Group insurance
 Copy: Notes on key terms and examples of problems to be solved in seatwork
 Seatwork/Homework: Complete problems for 2.5 in the textbook.

Day 14: L2.6 Statement of Earnings

 Goals:
o Figure out net pay per pay period
 Key Terms:
o Net pay
 Copy: Notes on key terms and examples of problems to be solved in seatwork
 Seatwork/Homework: Complete problems for 2.6 in the textbook.

Day 15: Chapter 2 Review

Day 16: Chapter 2 Test

Day 17: L3.1 Average Monthly Expenditures

 Goals
o Compute the average monthly expenditure
 Key Terms:
o Recordkeeping
o Expenditures
o Budget sheet
 Copy: Notes on key terms and examples of problems to be solved in seatwork
 Seatwork/Homework: Complete problems for 3.1 in the textbook.

Day 18: L3.2 Preparing a Budget Sheet

 Goals
o Use records of past expenditures to prepare a monthly budget sheet
 Key Terms:
o Living expenses
o Fixed expenses
o Annual expenses
 Copy: Notes on key terms and examples of problems to be solved in seatwork
 Seatwork/Homework: Complete problems for 3.2 in the textbook.

Day 19: L3.3 Using a Budget

 Goals
o Compare amount budgeted to actual expenditures
 Key Terms
o Expense summary
o Emergency fund
 Copy: Notes on key terms and examples of problems to be solved in seatwork
 Seatwork/Homework: Complete problems for 3.3 in the textbook.

Day 20: Chapter 3 Review

Day 21: Chapter 3 Test


Adaptations for Unique Student Needs: (ELL, Special Education, Gifted, Students who lack support for school)
Extra time, homework, multiple choice, one-to-one assistance, peer tutoring, shorter assignments, simplified instructions,

See Learning plan

Resources and Materials:

Textbook: Mathematics with Business Applications 5 th edition by Lange & Rousos
Internet/ Computer
Multimedia projector

CITW Strategies
Setting Objectives Cues/Questions ISD - Compare
Providing Feedback Advance Organizers ISD - Classify
Reinforcing Effort NLR - Graphic Organizer ISD - Metaphor
Providing Recognition NLR - Kinesthetic ISD - Analogy
Cooperative Learning NLR - Mental Image GTH - Problem Solving
NLR - Pictograph GTH -Investigation
NLR - Physical Model GTH - Systems Analysis
Summarizing GTH -Experimental Inquiry

Webb’s Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Levels

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