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Title of Unit / Lesson Title: Duration of Lesson Date:

Checking Accounts, 26 2nd Quarter (SY2017-2018)
Savings Accounts, and
Cash Purchases

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

 through creative and critical thinking  taking initiative and demonstrating innovation  awareness of local and
skills  demonstrating professional conduct, global issues
 through effective communication collaboration and other interpersonal skills  contributing time and
skills  efficient use of time and resources to achieve talent to community needs
 through being goal oriented and self- goals
discipline individuals  demonstrating the ability to understand and
effectively use relevant technology
Design Question Focus of the Lesson (elements from other DQ’s may be used as support)
 Introducing New Knowledge  Deepening or Practicing  Generating and Testing Hypotheses
Learning Goal/ Objective: (based on Standards ) (teacher language)
Use proportional relationships to solve multistep ratio and percent problems. Examples: simple interest, tax, markups and
markdowns, gratuities and commissions, fees, percent increase and decrease, percent error.

Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving the four operations with rational numbers.

Learning Targets: (write in the scale below) (student language)

2.0 Simpler Content: 3.0 Target (Objective/Learning Goal): 4.0 More Complex:

“I can…..” “I can…..” “I can…..”

Chapter 4:
I can study checking accounts and how to use

Chapter 5:
I can complete a savings account deposit and
withdrawal slips, and calcite its simple interest.

Chapter 6:
I can determine the exact price of an item
(including calculating the sales tax on it) given
whichever method a store uses to move its
good or services.

Level 1 (Recall) Level 2 ( Skill/Concept) Level 3 (Strategic Thinking) Level 4 (Extended Thinking)
Recite, tell, recall, state, repeat, use, name, Graph, classify, separate, cause/effect, Revise, assess, apprise, construct, Design, connect, synthesize, apply concepts,
match, 5 Ws, define, draw, identify, list, estimate, compare, relate, infer, identify critique, compare, investigate, critique, analyze, create, prove
label, measure, illustrate, memorize, patterns, organize, construct, modify, differentiate, draw conclusions,
arrange, report, quote, calculate…. predict, interpret, distinguish, make hypothesize, formulate, cite evidence,
observations, summarize, show, categorize critique, develop a logical argument…
Assessment and Monitoring: (checks for content and desired effect)
Common Formative Assessment Common Summative Assessment

Seatwork Quizzes
Homework Chapter Tests
Concept Checks Pre/Post - Tests
Critical Information Chunks (as determined by learning targets) i.e. vocabulary

Chapter 4 Chapter 5: Chapter 6:

 Deposit  Savings account  Sales tax
 Automatic teller machine (ATM)  Deposit  Sales receipt
 Personal identification number (PIN)  Withdrawal  Total purchase price
 Checking account  interest  Unit pricing
 Check  simple interest  Coupons
 Check register  principal  Rebates
 Balance  Markdown
 Bank statement  Markdown rate
 Service charge  Sale price
 Reconcile
 Online banking

Learning Plan: Instructional Strategies /Lesson Activity: (Identify your CFAs and CITW strategies in your plan)
Anticipatory Set:
Review previous lesson, open with lesson opener from resources for each section, an activity, or relate concepts to real
L4-1 Ask students if any of them have a checking account. Ask these students if they deposit their checks themselves, or if
their employer arranges for the check to be sent to the student’s account.
L4-2 Ask students if any of them have ever written a check or if they have ever watched someone write a check. Ask
students the reason the checks were written.
L4-3 Ask students if they have ever seen a sign by a cash register stating that there will be a certain dollar charge if a check
is returned for insufficient funds. Point out that one way to make sure a checking account has enough money to cover a
check written is by means of a written record.
L4-4 Discuss that just as anyone with a checking account must keep a written record of deposits made and checks written,
so must a bank. The bank periodically sends each person, with an account, a record of the transactions as the bank has
recorded them.
L4-5 Ask students to give a definition of reconcile. Explain that in this lesson they’ll learn how to make sure that the bank’s
records agree with the records of a person with a checking account.
L4-6 Ask students what advantages online banking can provide for them. Point out that online banking allows an account
holder the convenience of accessing their account information 24/7. They can transfer money between two or more
accounts and pay bills without leaving their home. Online banking is made possible through an Internet connection.

L5-1 Ask students if any of them have a savings account. For those who do, ask them if they have a plan for saving – say
10 percent of any money received. $5 every time money is received, and so on. This lesson deals with how to make a
deposit to a savings account.
L5-2 Introduce the savings account withdrawal slip to the students. Point out that this form must be used when no money is
being deposited, only being taken out of a savings account.
L5-3 Discuss that a written record of all deposits, withdrawals, and interest is kept on a monthly or quarterly account
statement. It is important to make sure your teller window and/or ATM receipts for deposits and withdrawals match your
account statement information. The focus of this lesson is to compute the new balance on an account statement after a
transaction has been made and/or interest has been credited.
L5-4 Ask students if any of them have accounts that earn interest. Point out that they’ll learn how to compute simple interest
in this lesson.
L6-1 Ask students if they know what the sales tax rate is on Guam.
L6-2 Ask students if they ever check their total purchase price by adding the cost of each purchase, finding the sales tax,
and then adding the two figures together.
L6-3 Show students three different cup sizes of an Infusion drink. Ask students which size is the better buy.
L6-4 In choosing a product having different sizes, a decision can be made based upon the unit price. Ask students how they
would do this.
L6-5 Ask students if they have ever received coupons in the mail at home. Where else have they seen coupons? Discuss
the value of coupons to a consumer.
L6-6 Ask students if they know the meaning of the term discount. Then ask them to give some examples of when discounts
are used.
L6-7 In this lesson, students compute the sale price when the markdown rate is known. Ask students what they must
multiply the markdown rate by in order to find the amount of the markdown.

Engaging the student in learning the content:

Students come to class prepared, take notes, participate in class activities and actively engage in class discussion. Work to
be turned in at the end of class if completed (unless otherwise specified by the teacher). The incomplete work will be taken
home for homework and due the next class period.

Guided Practice

Day 1: L4-1 Deposits

 Pre-Test Quarter 2
 Goals:
o Compute the total checking account deposit
 Key Terms:
o Deposit
o Automatic teller machine (ATM)
o Personal identification number (PIN)
 Copy: Notes on key terms and examples of problems to be solved in seatwork
 Seatwork/Homework: Complete problems for L4-1 in the textbook.

Day 2: L4-2 Writing Checks

 Goals: Write a check.
 Key Terms:
o Checking account
o check
 Copy: Notes on key terms and examples of problems to be solved in seatwork
 Seatwork/Homework: Complete problems for L4-2 in the textbook.

Day 3: L4-3 Check Registers

 Goals:
o Figure out the balance in a check register
 Key Terms:
o Check register
o balance
 Copy: Notes on key terms and examples of problems to be solved in seatwork
 Seatwork/Homework: Complete problems for L4-3 in the textbook.

Day 4: L4-4 Bank Statements

 Goals: Calculate the present balance on a checking account bank statement.
 Key Terms:
o Bank statement
o Service charge
 Copy: Notes on key terms and examples of problems to be solved in seatwork
 Seatwork/Homework: Complete problems for L4-4 in the textbook

Day 5: L4-5 Reconciling the Bank Statement

 Goals:
o Reconcile a check register with a bank account statement
 Key Terms:
o reconcile
 Copy: Notes on key terms and examples of problems to be solved in seatwork
 Seatwork/Homework: Complete problems for L4-5 in the textbook.

Day 6: L4-1 to L4-5 Quiz

Day 7: L4-6 Online Banking

 Goals: Compute online banking charges and update the check register
 Key Terms:
o Online banking
 Copy: Notes on key terms and examples of problems to be solved in seatwork
 Seatwork/Homework: Complete problems for L4-6 in the textbook

Day 8: Chapter 4 Review

Day 9: Chapter 4 Test

Day 10: L5-1 Deposits

 Goals:
o Complete a savings account deposit slip, and compute the total deposit
 Key Terms:
o Savings account
o deposit
 Copy: Notes on key terms and examples of problems to be solved in seatwork
 Seatwork/Homework: Complete problems for L5-1 in the textbook.

Day 11: L5-2 Withdrawals

 Goals: Fill out a savings account withdrawal slip.
 Key Terms:
o Withdrawal
 Copy: Notes on key terms and examples of problems to be solved in seatwork
 Seatwork/Homework: Complete problems for L5-2 in the textbook.

Day 12: L5-1 and L5-2 Quiz

Day 13: L5-3 Account Statements

 Goals:
o Compute the new balance on a savings account statement.
 Key Terms:
o Account statement
 Copy: Notes on key terms and examples of problems to be solved in seatwork
 Seatwork/Homework: Complete problems for L5-3 in the textbook.

Day 14: L5-3 Quiz

Day 15: L5-4 Simple Interest

 Goals: Calculate simple interest.
 Key Terms:
o Interest
o Simple interest
o Principal
o Annual interest rate
 Copy: Notes on key terms and examples of problems to be solved in seatwork
 Seatwork/Homework: Complete problems for L5-4 in the textbook

Day 16: Chapter 5 Review

Day 17: Chapter 5 Test

Day 18: L6-1 Sales Tax

 Goals
o Compute the sales tax
 Key Terms:
o Sales tax
 Copy: Notes on key terms and examples of problems to be solved in seatwork
 Seatwork/Homework: Complete problems for L6-1 in the textbook.

Day 19: L6-2 Total Purchase Price

 Goals
o Compute the total purchase price
 Key Terms:
o Sales receipt
o Total purchase price
 Copy: Notes on key terms and examples of problems to be solved in seatwork
 Seatwork/Homework: Complete problems for L6-2 in the textbook.

Day 20: L6-1 and L6-2 Quiz

Day 21: L6-3 Unit Pricing

 Goals: Figure out the unit price
 Key Terms:
o Unit pricing
 Copy: Notes on key terms and examples of problems to be solved in seatwork
 Seatwork/Homework: Complete problems for L6-3 in the textbook

Day 22: L6-4 Comparison Shopping

 Goals: Find the better buy based on unit price
 Copy: Notes on key terms and examples of problems to be solved in seatwork
 Seatwork/Homework: Complete problems for L6-4 in the textbook
Day 23: L6-5 Coupons and Rebates
 Goals: Work out the final price after using a coupon or rebate
 Key Terms:
o Coupons
o Rebates
 Copy: Notes on key terms and examples of problems to be solved in seatwork
 Seatwork/Homework: Complete problems for L6-5 in the textbook

Day 24: L6-6 Markdown and L6-7 Sale Price

 Goals:
o Solve for the dollar amount of the markdown
o Compute the sale price when the markdown rate is known
 Key Terms:
o Markdown
o Sale price
 Copy: Notes on key terms and examples of problems to be solved in seatwork
 Seatwork/Homework: Complete problems for L6-6 and L6-7 in the textbook

Day 25: Chapter 6 Review

Day 26: Chapter 6 Test and 2nd Quarter Post-Test


Adaptations for Unique Student Needs: (ELL, Special Education, Gifted, Students who lack support for school)
Extra time, homework, multiple choice test, one-to-one assistance, peer tutoring, shorter assignments, simplified
instructions, visuals, calculator

See Learning plan

Resources and Materials:

Textbook: Mathematics with Business Applications 5th edition by Lange & Rousos
Internet/ Computer
Multimedia projector

CITW Strategies
Setting Objectives Cues/Questions ISD - Compare
Providing Feedback Advance Organizers ISD - Classify
Reinforcing Effort NLR - Graphic Organizer ISD - Metaphor
Providing Recognition NLR - Kinesthetic ISD - Analogy
Cooperative Learning NLR - Mental Image GTH - Problem Solving
NLR - Pictograph GTH -Investigation
NLR - Physical Model GTH - Systems Analysis
Summarizing GTH -Experimental Inquiry
Webb’s Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Levels

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