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Diajukan Untuk Memenuhi Sebagian Persyaratan dalam Penugasan Mata Kuliah

Bahasa Inggris di Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Yogyakarta






Post partum hemorrhage is one of the causes of maternal mortality. The

three main factors causing maternal mortality are post partum hemorrhage or post
partum hemorrhage hypertension during pregnancy, pre-eclamsia, and infection.
Post partum hemorrhage is bleeding 500 ml that occurs after the baby is born. The
danger of this bleeding there are two kinds. First, the anemia caused by the
bleeding that weakens the state of the mother, decreased endurance and became
the trigger factor of infection during the puerperium. Secondly if this blood loss is
not stopped, it can result in the death of the mother.

Post partum bleeding there are two classification of. First, Early post
partum hemorrhage is a bleeding that occurs after the baby is born withn the first
24 hours of labor second, Late post partum hemorrhage is a bleeding that occurs
after 24 hours of labor, less than 6 weeks postpartum.

The cause of post partum hemorrhage my be caused by uterine atony, a

tear in the birth canal, placenta retention, placenta remains, invorsio uteri and
blood clotting disorders.

The are general type of bleeding in delivery post partum blood is often
calculated lower that 30-50% difference. Blood lose after delivery per vaginam
averaged 500 ml, with 5% of mothers bleeding >1000 ml. While post delivery
blood loss with an average cesarean section 1000 ml. Recent devetopments, post
partum hemorrhage is defined as a 10% decrease in hematocrit from entry or
bleeding requiring blood transfusion each bleeding must be regarded as the sign
of dangrousness in delivery. Bleeding should be handled corrcetly and
immedately so that the mother can besaved.
There are General handling post partum bleeding Always ready with
emergency action, Management of active management in the third stage of labor,
Ask for help or help to other healty workers, Condact a rapld assassement of the
general state of the mother include consciousness of the palse, blood, pressure,
respiration and temperature, Handling shock if it occurs, Examination of the
bladder, when full immediately empaty, Look for the cause of the bleeding and
perform the examination to determine the cause of the bleedin.

Post partum bleeding is a blood loss of more than 500 ml through a birth
canal that occurs during or after childbirth stage III. Estimated blood loss is
usually not as much as it actually is, sometimes just half the truth. The risk is
facad by all woman maternity. However, there are ways to avoid postpartum
hemorrhage. Every childbirth will surely bleed. What is bleeding is when the
blood comes out more than 500 cc. Another indication is that blood pressure drops
below 90, pulse beats fast, weak or weak, and blurred vision. In this condition the
patient has entered the phase of shock. Postnatal bleeeding may occur
immediately after delivery (within 24 hours), a faw days later, even after the
patient returns home. That is why, patients always get a post-birth control

After delivery, the patient will generally be provided with the knowledge
to distinguish nomer postnatal blood after delivery, with dangerous postpartum
hemorrhage. For example, the amount of puerperal blood is not much. While on
the bleeding, the blood that comes out is fresh blood and sometimes clups. When
there are symptoms like this plus severe abdominal pain, the patient is askesd ti
the hospital immediately.

Serious risks if not addressed, post-maternal bleeding is certainly life-

threatening risk. In indonesia, maternal mortality is still very high. Based in
MDGS report, in 2012 as many as 259 mothers died in every 100.000 live births.
This figure is more than ten times AKI Malaysia (19) and Sri Langka (24).
Bleeding after childbirth accounts for about 20-25% of maternal deaths so it is the
most serious risk. Therefore, every mother who wants to give birth need to know
the risks and possible emergence of postpartum hemorrhage. Even so, pregnant
women need not worry to much. Postpartum hemorrhage is very likely to be

Generally, postpartum hemorrhage may occur in pregnant woman such as

the following first during pregnancy anemia where the hemoglobin (HB) is less
than normal, the delivery of twins, have more than five children. The cause is
tone, tears, trombine and tissue. Prevention of postpartum hemorrhage is eat
nutritious food, check your pregnancy regulary, choose a complete maternity

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