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Period 6: Key concepts 6.1-6.

Directions: please do the following with the key concepts/terms/people below

1. Define or provide a description (meaning the why, who, cause/effect) of the events
2. Make sure to connect the term/event to the topic sentence above it.
3. Place it into one of the 5 APWH themes:
a. Environment (ENV
b. Dev./Interaction of Cultures (CUL)
c. State building, expansion and conflict (SB)
d. Creation, expansion, and interaction of economic systems (ECON)
e. Dev./Transformation of Social Structures (SOC)
4. This is due on Wednesday, May 9th

Key concept 6.1- Science and Environment

I. Researchers made rapid advances in science that spread throughout the world, assisted
by the development of new technology

a. The Green Revolution

- The Green Revolution is the renovation of agricultural practices throughout the world, is
was a success in producing more agricultural products there. This connects to the topic
sentence because the revolution brought forward new technologies and strategies to help
grow more crops that had more nutrients. The theme is ENV, because the green revolution
was a result of how humans affected the environment and brought forward a need to

b. Antibiotics
- Antibiotics are a type of antimicrobial drug used in the treatment and prevention of
bacterial infections. This connects to the topic because antibiotics were invented by scientist
and used to treat diseases in a way that had never been done before. The theme is CUL
because Antibiotics were spread all over the world (technological diffusion) and it affected
social systems by allowing people to live longer and fight diseases.

c. The polio vaccine

- Developed by Jonas Salk in 1955, the polio vaccine used inactivated polio to train the bodies
immune system to be resistant to polio. This connects to the topic because polio was an
incurable and common disease that greatly shortened the lifespans of many people. The
vaccine was one of the first “great” vaccines and spread all over the world. The theme is
CUL because it greatly increased the lifespans of people and caused more vaccines that even
further increased lifespan and health.

II. During a period of unprecedented global population expansion, humans fundamentally

changed their relationship with the environment.
a. Deforestation
- Deforestation is the clearing of a forest or stand of trees where the land is thereafter
converted to a non forest use. It connects to the topic because as global population
increase, more and more trees were cleared to make room for the houses and
facilities that had to be built. The theme is ENV because deforestation is an example
of how humans interact with and change their environment. As more people
migrated more trees were cut down.

b. Greenhouse gas
- A gas that contributes to the greenhouse effect by absorbing infrared radiation, like
carbon dioxide, causes the warming of a planet’s atmosphere. It connects to the
topic because humans invented greenhouses, and greenhouses are main cause of the
greenhouse effect which heats of the earth’s atmosphere and changes the
environment. The theme is ENV because greenhouse gas is caused by humans and
greenhouses (man made products), and the ENV theme is the interaction between
humans and their environment.

c. Climate change
- Change in global or regional climate patterns, a change apparent from the mid to
late 20th century onwards and attributed largely to the increase levels of carbon
dioxide produced by the use of fossil fuels. Connects to the topic because climate
change is a result of the C02 produced by cars, trains, etc. All which are made and
used by humans. The theme is ENV because due to industrialization, we now have
cars, trains, and factories that produce C02 which causes climate change. Human
interaction with environment.
III. Disease, scientific innovations, and conflict led to demographic shifts.
c. Malaria
- Disease transmitted by mosquitoes, causes a fever and a protozoan parasite that
invades red blood cells, can cause death. Connects to the topic because Malaria is a
disease that spread due to advancements in technology like ships and planes, led to
demographic changes in population. The theme is ENV, as people migrated to new
cities and regions, malaria came with them and devastated the populations that they
went to.

d. 1918 Influenza pandemic

- A pandemic of influenza that killed nearly 40 million people, killed more people
than WWI and is known as the most devastating pandemic ever. Connects to the
topic because the 1918 influenza pandemic is killed nearly 40 million people and
caused a huge population change. Theme is ENV because this pandemic was spread
by people migrating and caused devastation to thousands of regions. Population fell,
depression began.

- HIV/AIDS is a sexually transmitted disease that causes immune system and organ
failure. HIV is the first stage, where you can live with the disease, but AIDS is the
second stage that causes death. Connects to the topic because HIV/AIDS was a
common disease in the 20th century that caused automatic death within 10 years,
caused population decrease and mass confusion, caused great harm to third world
countries and still does today. Theme is ENV because HIV/AIDS was transmitted to
many people that did not know they had it, then these people would give it to other
people and so on. Mainly a third world disease and caused major population

f. Birth control
- Practice of preventing unwanted pregnancies, typically by use of contraception, in
1914 the movement to legalize contraception began; condoms, sponges, and
spermicide were invented. Connects to topic because these scientific innovations led
to less unwanted pregnancies and abortions, also less kids being put up for adoption.
Theme is CUL, scientific advancements in birth control changed people’s ideas and
beliefs about this topic, gave people new knowledge on these “sensitive” matters.
III. Improved military technology and new tactics led to increased levels of wartime
a. Tanks
- A tank is an armoured fighting vehicle designed for front line combat; effects are
stronger armies, more casualties, more offense, and more strategy. Connects to the
topic because tanks were a new type of military tech that resulted in new war
strategy, caused more offensive strategy and could kill hundreds of people at a time.
Theme is SB because the conflicts of war and battle influenced the development of
the tank, made states stronger and dominant. Tanks could change the course of
battle in seconds.

b. Trench Warfare
- Type of combat in which opposing troops fight from trenches facing each other.
Connects to the topic because trench warfare not only caused casualties via
gunshots, grenades, and poison gas; but also through diseases and sickness such as
trench foot, malnutrition, starvation, and dehydration. Theme is SB, the conflict
and strategy of war caused for trench warfare to be invented, a stalemate war plan
that usually did not result in much expansion.

c. Hiroshima
- A city in Japan that was largely destroyed by an atomic bomb during World war II,
response to Pearl Harbor, killed hundreds of thousands of people. Connects to topic
because the atomic bomb was a very new and advancement military technology, one
bomb can wipe out a whole city and can kill thousands and possibly millions of
people. Theme is SB, the conflict between Japan and USA caused the bombing, they
were not in an alliance and Japan had bombed Pearl Harbor. The developement of
the Atomic bomb made the USA arguably the strongest nation, and it severely hurt
the state of Japan.
Key Concept 6.2-Global Conflicts and Their Consequence
I. Europe dominated the global political order at the beginning of the 20th century, but
both land-based and transoceanic empires gave way to new states by the century’s end.
a. India from the British Empire
- British Raj, period of British rule over India for 100 years, in 1947 however; India
officially gained independence and became a free nation. Effects were that India
became a third world country as many resources were taken by British. Connects
to the topic because England had control over India for decades, but after war,
England was weaker and no longer able to control India. The theme is SB, India
gained independence and was finally able to rule itself, had its own government and
economy that wasn’t British controlled.

b. Algeria and Vietnam from the French Empire

- Algeria and Vietnam were both under French rule until the 1900s, they both
successfully defeated France in battles to gain independence, but they both became
poor countries. Connects to topic because France had complete control over these
states for decades, but slowly lost power and fell in debt due to war. Vietnam and
Algeria saw this and defeated France in battles for freedom. Theme is SB, Vietnam
and Algeria both saw themselves as independent states that had their own
government and economy to build their nation, but France’s state decline as the fell
into debt and lost colonies.

II. Emerging ideologies of anti-imperialism contributed to this dissolution of empires and

the restructuring of states.
a. Muhammad Ali Jinnah in British India
- He was the leader of the Muslim League in India, he partitioned for the freedom of
India and independence of Pakistan as a Muslim state. Connects to the topic
because through his anti imperialism views and consistent plea for the independence
of India and Pakistan, Jinnah was able to gain freedom for these nations. Theme is
SB, these nations of India and Pakistan were able to have their own rule,
government, economy, and were united under their state.

b. Indian National Congress

- Broadly based political party in India, founded in 1885 and was the first modern
nationalist movement in the British empire in Asia or Africa. Connects to the topic
because this congress was made to stand up against Britain and “fight” for
independence. Ended up helping India become a free state. Theme is SB, as the
conflict between Britain and India inspired the creation of the congress, helped
India become stronger and unite people under one state.

c. Communism
- Theory derived from Karl Marx, leading a society in which all property is publicly
owned and relies on collectivization of labor and good to equal out the classes.
Effects are no competition and equality, power in one ruler. Connects to the topic
because in Russia for example, the nation became weak and corrupt and was soon
taken over by Stalin and turned into the communist state of USSR, becoming
virtually a whole new nation. Theme is SB because communism is a new idea that is
changing the world, many new and powerful nations are forming due to
communism (Germany and USSR).
III. Political changes were accompanied by major demographic and social consequences
a. India/Pakistan partition
- Partition of India from Britain in 1947, creation of two independent states of India
and Pakistan. Connects to the topic because Hindus got India and Muslims got
Pakistan, there were many Muslims in India and there was always conflict between
Hindus and Muslims. Theme is SB because Muslims got their own land in Pakistan
to develop a government, economy, and become strong and build their nation, and
Hindus got their own land in India to do the same.

b. Filipinos to the United States

- Mass migration of Filipinos to the US began in the 1900s, after the Philippines
gained independence from the US. Filipino Americans grew in numbers and are
now one of the biggest migratory groups in America. Connects to topic because
after the political change of the Philippines gaining independence from the USA,
millions of filipinos migrated to the US. Theme is CUL because many Filipinos
migrated to the US and there was a culture blend between them and Americans.
Filipinos had to adapt to life in America and adapt their culture to American views.

c. The Holocaust
- Genocide during WWII in which Nazi Germany murdered around 6 million jews,
millions of jews were put in concentration camps and millions more fled. Connects
to the topic because the Political change of Hitler becoming dictator of Germany led
to the genocide of millions and millions of Jews, considered to be the most
devastating genocide ever. Theme is SOC because the Jewish religion was
challenged through discrimination and genocide but still stayed strong, Jews were
portrayed to be like aliens in Germany and they were killed in masses.

IV. Although conflict dominated much of the 20th century, many individuals and groups,
including states, opposed this trend. Some individuals and groups, however, intensified
the conflict.
a. Picasso in his Guernica
- The guernica life sized oil mural that Picasso painted in response to the Nazis
bombing practice on the Basque town of Guernica during the Spanish civil war.
Effect of painting was the suffering inflicted on the many victims of the bombings.
Connects to the topic because during the time of the Nazi reign they heavily resented
the anti fascist works such as picassos, and they intensified their bombings. Theme
is CUL because Picasso creates a culture and ideology aimed against the Nazis, he
wants people to rally behind him.

b. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

- MLK was an American Baptist Minister and black rights activist who became the
most famous civil rights advocate in time. Helped blacks gain rights, “end” racism.
Connects to the topic because MLK’s assassination led to the conflict created by
these minorities, he gave blacks a chance to achieve the liberties and rights they
have been asking for. Theme is SOC, MLK is fighting for blacks to have equal
rights and treatments as whites. He wants blacks to be respected and higher on the
social “hierarchy”.

c. Anti-Apartheid Movement in South Africa

- The AAM movements of South Africa were a british organization that was at the
center of the international movement opposing South Africa. They went against the
government that supported whites, eventually called ACTSA after South Africa
became a democracy. Connects to the topic because the unfair treatment of Africans
in South Africa created conflict that was opposed by the state and intensified over
time. Theme is SOC, while whites are at the top of the social structure, that is what
is fueling these movements. Whites were a minority, Africans were the majority.

d. Al-Qaeda
- Means the foundation of, and their goal was to drive the USA out of Saudi Arabia.
Issued fatwas indication that such attacks were proper and necessary. Led and
created by Osama bin laden and were responsible for 9/11 attacks. Connects to the
topic because the goal of the group was to create a pure Saudi Arabia, this failed
and created a war on terrorism that influenced how the middle east is today. Theme
is SB, their attempts to create a new islamic state in the Middle East failed and
created more conflict than ever.
Key Concept 6.3- New Conceptualizations of Global Economy, Society, and Culture
I. States responded in a variety of ways to the economic challenges of the 20th century
a. The Five Year Plan
- A list of economic goals created by Joseph Stalin and based on his policy of
socialism in one country. Goals was to re industrialize the economy of the Soviet
Union and increase the population. Connects to the topic because the Five Year
Plan was made in response to the challenges that the USSR was facing, they needed
a fix. USSR responded with the Five Year Plan to fix their problems. Theme is
ECON becauses the Five Year Plan created new economic opportunities in the
USSR, with the hopes of becoming a dominant and stable nation.

b. The New Deal

- The new deal was created by FDR in response to the financial reforms and
regulations in the US due to the Great Depression. The outcome of the great deal
was reforms of wall street, relief for farmers and the unemployed, and social
security. Connects to the topic because it was a plan to pull the US out of the great
depression and respond to the challenges they have been faced with, re creating the
most powerful economy in the world.

c. Free- Market policy of Ronald Reagan

- Free market policy of Ronald Reagan was created to maintain and hold a stable
economy. He proposed that the US should reduce government spending, reduce
income tax, and tighten the money supply in order to reduce inflation. Connects to
the topic because because this policy responded to the threat of economic challenge
that was iminite to the US by reducing the chance of it happening. Theme is ECON,
because it created new solution to in the economy, strengthen it to new levels, and
developed a better system.
II. States, communities, and individuals became increasingly interdependent, a process
facilitated by the growth of institutions of global governance.
a. The United Nations
- United Nations was created after WWII to maintain international peace and
security. The UN does this by working and preventing conflicts and helping to foster
peace. Connects to the topic because because the UN is a global governance crew
the helps the world stay independent, in peace, and united. The theme is CUL
because the UN has to keep different cultures united, keep peace amongst cultures,
and control cultures.

b. The World Bank

- Vital source of financial and technical assistance to developing countries around the
world, they are not a bankbut a unique partnership aimed to reduce poverty.
Connects to the topic because their goals are to make everyone more powerful
through wealth, especially the people that need it most in third world countries and
undeveloped regions. Theme is ECON because they foster money to third world
and undeveloped countries in that hope that the world will become stronger,
economy will develop, and poverty will be eliminated.
c. Greenpeace
- A global, independent campaigning organization that uses peaceful protest and
creative communication to expose global problems and promote solutions that are
essential to a green and peaceful future. Connects to the topic because Greenpeace
fosters peace through agricultural ways, they fight illegal and harmful ways and
hope to make the world green. Theme is CUL because Greenpeace combats
different cultural ideas and stops their harmful ways, hoping to inspire the next
generation of natural living peoples.

III. People conceptualized society and culture in new ways; rights-based discourses
challenged old assumptions about race, class, gender, and religion. In much of the
world, access to education, as well as participation in new political and professional
roles, became more inclusive in terms of race, class, and gender.
a. The U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- The UN Universal Declaration of Human Right was a set of international rights
created after WWII to give humans 30 basic rights. Some of the most important
rights are right of freedom of speech, thought, expression, right to public assembly,
social security, workers rights, and more. This connects to the topic because all of
the ideas challenge the old ideas about race, class, gender, and religion. New
freedoms and liberties are given to the people. The theme is CUL because the
mixtures of the rights between different culture will be appreciated and hates, these
things will develop more cultures.

b. Right to vote for women in the United States in 1920

- In 1920 Congress passed the 19th amendment, which allowed women in the US to
vote. Guaranteed all American women citizens the right to vote, this came after
years of protest. Connects to the topic because old assumptions about women were
that they were not equal to men, not as good as men, and they were lesser, but now
they are gaining equal rights to that of men. The theme is CUL because the culture
of America is being changed, women can now do many things that they have not
ever been able to do, ideas about women are changing and new cultures are
c. U.S. Civil Rights Act of 1965
- The CRA of 1965 is a landmark piece of federal legislation in the US that prohibits
racial discrimination in voting. It was signed into law by Lyndon B Johnson.
Intended for minorities in the south. Connects to the topic because the CRA gave
equality to different races and minorities, changed ideas about these people. Theme
is SOC because these rights changed the “power” of these minorities and races, put
them higher in the social hierarchy.
IV. Popular and consumer culture became more global.
a. Reggae
- Style of popular music strongly accentuated subsidiary befat, originating in
Jamaica. Reggae evolved in the later 1960s from ska and other local versions of
calypso and rhythm and blue. Connects to the topic because this music culture
spread around the globe and became popular, could easily be spread around the
world in a orderly manner. Theme is CUL because as it affects the way cultures
thought about music, it created a new culture that is focused by music and fosters a
new way of life

b. Bollywood
- Indian movie industry, based in Mumbai (Bombay). Bollywood films are made so
fast that sometimes actors on set shoot scenes for four different films at one time.
Connects to the topic because the culture of the indian movie scene created a
lifestyle that shaped Indian life. Popular movie industry, gave ideas to other movie
industries. Theme is CUL because a new sense of culture was formed for Indians
and for the movie industry in the rest of the world.

c. World Cup soccer

- A soccer tournament played once every 4 years with many nations and countries
trying to earn a spot in the 32 country. Connects to the topic sentence because the
World Cup Soccer tournament connects cultures from all over the world in one
place, creates relationships and bonds in cultures. Theme is CUL because 32
different cultures meet in one place and compete, creates “rivalries” and
relationships between cultures.
DUE: Wednesday May 9th

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