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First english conversation meeting

Name : _____________________________

1 - What is her name?


2 - how old is she?


3- where does she live?


4- is she canadian ?


5- what does she do? where does she work ?


6- does she work in the morning?


7- how does she like her job?

8- does she like country music?


9 - what is the weather like in her city?


10- who is her favorite artist?


11- what kind of music does she like?


12- what is her favorite color?


13- what does she do in her free time?


14- does she have any pets ?


15- How often does she play the piano? does she play any musical instrument?

16- what sports does she practice?


17- How many brothers does she have?


18- what are their names?


19- does she live in an apartament?


20- who does she live with ?


21- does she speak another language?


22-what does she think about brazil?


23- does she know another country?


24- what does she think about the amazing Fabio? :P


25- does she know any famous brazilian person?


26- what is she gonna do next weekend?


27- what did she do yesterday ?


28- what countries would she like to know?


29- Is she planning going college?


30- Final considerations



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