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Lillian Guzman

Ms Alcaraz, Per 6

Non Fiction Response: Princess Diana

1. Beginning with Princess Diana’s death, a whole week is captured on film.

2. I cannot make any connections as I have never read up on the royal family.

3. The director’s purpose was to describe what that week was like.

4. The audience is everyone around the world. I know because Diana’s death truly impacted

the globe thanks to her numerous charities. The choice of audience makes the tone of the

documentary very sad and serious.

5. The most relevant details are real video clips inserted into the documentary.

6. Pathos is the most prevalent in the documentary. The director exercises their credibility

by using interviews and by gaining access to the Queen’s personal royal family archives.

a. “Every detail had to be agreed upon by both the Spencers and the royal family,”


b. “Since last sunday's dreadful news, we have seen throughout Britain and around

the world an overwhelming expression of sadness at Diana's death,” (The Queen).

c. “The will of the people had trumped centuries of tradition,” (Ryder).

7. The three previous quotes show that a theme is ‘it is important to stick together’.

8. This text helped me understand the British Royal family a bit more.

9. I would have interviewed Diana’s sons, if I had the chance to change anything. It would

add more sentiment.

10. OPTION 2: People should always stick together. People should stick together to

overcome tragedies. For example, “Since last sunday's dreadful news, we have seen

throughout Britain and around the world an overwhelming expression of sadness at

Diana's death,” (The Queen). This shows that, together, the world may overcome

tragedies, such as the death of a princess. Because of the dreadful news, it was important

for the royal family, and everybody, to always stick together and create a united front.

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