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Al-Qadir Jinnah Science Academy

ENGLISH BA - II (Test # 2 )
Time: 3 hours Marks: 100
Name: ___________ Date: 03-01-2018
1. Attempt any TWO of the following questions.
(a) All "fanatical creeds" are harmful to mankind. Discuss.

(b) What are Russell's views about science and values?

2. Attempt any TWO of the following questions. (“ The Old Man and The Sea”?)
(a) “ Every thing about him was old , except his eyes and they were cheerful and

undefeated „‟ Discuss?
(b) which is the greater challenge for the Old Man from the struggle with the big fish and

fight against the sharks?

3. Write an essay, with an outline, of 300-350 words on ONE of the following topics:
(a) Ideal Parents (b) Life with and Without fashion
(c) My experience of shopping (d) Role of working women

4. Write a letter to the Health Minister about the lack of medical facilities in hospitals and
5. Correct any FIVE of the following sentences. (In case of over attempt only the First Five
will be marked.) Note : Correction of sentences taken from PRONOUN.
(a) Ali did not go. (b) It is I who is ill.
(c) I am yours humble servant. (d) I am her whom you dislike.
(e) He who work hard succeed. (f) I dislike you to go to cinema.

6. Use any FIVE of the following phrases in sentences. (No extra attempts will be marked.)
(a) Do away with (b) Do away with (c) Do away with
(d) Do up (e) Do up (f) Do up

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