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Tense n
I Ubacite glagole u zagradarna u Past $imple Tenss ili Present Continuous
odgovarajudi oblik lpotvrdan, upitan ili odri0an)
, I
. ,,.,. *.$bt to attend) the ceremony last night
----- --r -i -L+
t. Mike ;:.
- '
2. Why * , ., . {to be) he upset two.days ago?
3. _ you:*_ **_to purchnse) a new dress foi your birthday last
" Tom... . . (to prepare) for an exam at the moment?
4. - to sing) because she got a flu
5. Shili"gs *r*ry day,funot

II tlbaoite jednu red u date praznine

1. He speaks It.takes ages furhim to finish the sentence.

2. Whai *oulO yon lik* to ---.....-...*--. for your dinner?
: '
3. Whenever they come to this city; they in our hotel'
4. Did you the flight for Saturday night?
5. Do you want to a car during your holiday?

III poslavite piranja iakc da cznadena red predstavlja odgovor na'fostavljeno pitanje
Far example:
There were four people in aur group'
How many people we( out grou??.

i. He lrought a car because he really liked it'

2. She had tree fiiends.

5. tt ey are doing their h*mework at the moment'

4. Mike travelled to Australia.

IV lzaberite odgovarajudi Pridev iz kutije i stavite

ga u oblik komparativa ili superlativa'
Svaki pridev se koristijedanPut i ima svoju reienicu'

2. His flat is new but your flat is **-_- thp ]ris'
** than he is.
3. She is a better Person and
4, Munich is than London.

ge ne merr;ajri' ne ir-bacuju ine d*daj* n*ve)

cl* bt
\i{si<*ristir* sv* r*ii u rei*tlic'i {l'*di
uafrar,ili pctvrdne, *driine ili upitr:* ro*snirc

l.I u,vi,v nu / a"h i * 3tr: 1 *i ti i ci'i -v o nr/ s * tvn ervlt*

----'.-. I''
:. tot,tit l-t*t*1 t'rr, i, ei i d; rrt a:'riet

l* Jl ii I wl'l* nl)'rlr/cl i qV x ni ex * *r'
.l tiiin-;t 1 inr *

-: ----:l-- --*
C *i*ri *"fl ut lhe/nrer'v
i acali oui alErntthey'

"Lbaeite jedx-tlt r*i: lt <trafc prazi:rllls


l" {s there .,- -

t*rking * tram'
t" ln th*t lllrl*; th*s* 1rc*ple
l. you irappy rvilen ycti got tnarri*d'/
- - -..-_ the he'ilk
+. : fri**io*rl ihc libr;':ly'
----- ili vohabutreir' Frron$dit*
ve7'&rllt :'fi grall"!a"[ik*
\r{$ Svekt redenir:a sgdriijce{*u gre$tr<tl
si'c$ku i prepiiil* tarin$ f**s:tliru

1. You c*tr'l't* ch irie irr this pafi slf th* ioiv:r'

1 H'tr, **0, frier:d is a r'vcll o:o{}k

3 rlt*i-e fr;t{* i* *hurch late on surrdnyi'

4, ${1r"' rlieS' ra{kinp-l to thcsc pcople

1. Mike did not attend the ceremony last night.
2. Why he was upset two daYs ago?
3. Did vou purchase a new dress for your birthday last Sunday?
4. Is Tom preparing for an exam at the moment?
5. Sh" singr every day, but today she is not sineine because she got a flu.

L He speaks slowlv. It takes ages for him to finish the sentence.

2. What would you like to eat for your dinner?
3. Whenever they come to this city, they stav in our hotel.
4. Did you catch the flight for Saturday night?
5. Do you want to rent a car during your holiday?

1. Why did he buy a car?

2. How many friends did she have?
3. What are they doing at the moment?
4. Where did Mike travel to?

1. This town is not big at all. It is actually the smallest place in the world.
His flat is new but your flat is newer than his.
3. She is the better person and more sociable than he is.
4. Munich is quieter than London.

1. Did you buy a new bicycle to your son?

2. Where did you get married?
3. You didn't tell me how you did an exam.
4. They are on a vacation at the moment'

1. Is there bus station near your house?

2. In that movie those people are taking a tram.
3. Were you happy when you got married?
4. I borrowed the book !4 the library.

1. You can't drive in this part of the town.

2. My best friend is a g4! cook.
3. Did he go to the church late on Sunday?
4. Why are they talking to these people?

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