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Qualitative Report

a. Topic and research question

Why have you selected this topic?
Rent prices effect all students at Otago University while they are studying

Why is the topic important?

Student experience is already expensive enough, limited amount of student loan that can be
taken out each week without landlords taking advantage

Provide some background on this topic (using an academic reference) - Dunedin – Flat – All – Much higher
yield for north Dunedin

State your research question.

What part of Dunedin are you living in/ with how many people

Are students paying too much for rent in Dunedin and why are they accepting it

Possible questions
What do you think landlords should provide their tenants with? Insulation, power….

What do you get out of these things?

How much are you paying for rent? Do you think this a fair price for the quality of the good
you are receiving?

If not, why are you happy to pay it. Does location or other factors add to your willingness to

Do you have friends in better/worse flats for the same price

Do you think landlords are overcharging in Dunedin, does the price fit what you think a
similar house would get in another city

Do you know your rights in terms of tenancy laws

Do you know about ousa student support for flatting

Rate my flat
Accepting factors

b. Method and sampling

Explain that you used two semi-structured interviews to gather the data

Define semi-structured interviews supported with a reference

- Schedule in advance at a designated time
- Location around normal day events
- Organised around a set of predetermined questions
- Other questions emerge from dialogue
- Usually last 30mins- several hours

(Academic reference):
Whiting, L. S. (2008). Semi-structured interviews: Guidance for novice
researchers.Nursing Standard (through 2013), 22(23), 35-40. Retrieved from

Why do you think a semi-structured interview is an appropriate method for your research?

Explain that you used convenience sampling

Define convenience sampling supported with a reference

- Convenience sampling is a type of nonprobability or non-random sampling where
members of the target population that meet certain practical criteria, such as easy
accessibility, geographical proximity, availability at any given time, or the
willingness to participate are included for the study

(Academic Reference):
Etikan, I. (2016). Comparison of Convenience Sampling and Purposive
Sampling. American Journal Of Theoretical And Applied Statistics, 5(1), 1-2. doi:

- Explain your sample

o How did you select your respondents?
o How did you contact them? (e.g. via email or in person)
o Provide some demographic information about them (e.g. age, gender, characteristics
of them that relate to your topic)
o Mention the pseudonyms you used for them but do not report any personal
information (e.g. real name)

c. Data analysis procedures

- Explain how you recorded the interviews (e.g. where, using what equipment)
- Explain that you used thematic analysis
- Thematic analysis is simple to use which lends itself to use for novice researchers who
are unfamiliar with more complex types of qualitative analysis. It allows for flexibility in
the researcher’s choice of theoretical framework. Some other methods of analysis are
closely tied to specific theories, but thematic analysis can be used with any theory the
researcher chooses. Through this flexibility, thematic analysis allows for rich, detailed
and complex description of your data.
o (Academic reference)
 Braun, V., & Clarke, V. (2006). Using thematic analysis in
psychology. Qualitative Research In Psychology, 3(2), 77-101

o Define thematic analysis supported with a reference

 Thematic analysis is a method for identifying, analysing and
reporting patterns (themes) within data.
- (Academic reference)
Braun, V., & Clarke, V. (2006). Using thematic analysis in
psychology. Qualitative Research In Psychology, 3(2), 77-101
- Explain the process of interview analysis as discussed in the lectures (e.g. the stages
and what happens in each stage)

d. Core themes
- Identify up to five themes, although the exact number may vary based on the research
- Do identified core themes answer your research question?
- Are the core themes different from each other?
- Keep the themes simple (e.g. one or two words as theme headings)
- Discuss each theme separately in a paragraph or two
- Does the interview data support themes you identified?
- What quotes from the interview transcript match (or explain) the theme?

e. Contradictions in the data

- Explain instances where respondents describe the same theme differently
- Explain if a respondent contradicts himself/herself in the answer to your question

f. Conclusions and theoretical implications

- Explain how you addressed the topic and aim of the research project
- Repeat the themes briefly and convince the reader that the themes answer your
research question
- How do your findings relate to other studies or general literature on this topic?
o Find books, book chapters, journal articles (5 different sources) that relate to your
research (do not reference lecture notes or websites)
o Briefly explain how they are similar or different to your findings.

g. Include a full reference list (in alphabetical order)

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