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African Trip Itinerary

Day 1-

Everyone meet at 2:45 in the middle school commons. We will do a quick check in
and then grab, the safe, teleporter, which will teleport us straight to Addis Ababa,
Ethiopia. We will arrive in there at 1:00, Ethiopian time. On this day we will check
into The Adams Hotel and leave our bags in our rooms. Then we will put on our
bathing suits and go for a boat ride on The Nile. While we are on the boat ride we
will learn about how The Nile river flows in reverse. After that we will go back to
the hotel get changed into diner clothes and then go to dinner at the Be Emnit
restaurant for a taste of culture.

Day 2-

We will have a wake up knock(s) on the door, after everybody wakes up and
comes out we will go to breakfast at the tivoli restaurant at 8:00, for it will be
10:00 in park city so we are bound to be hungry.We visit the Amhara ethnic group
that lives and Ethiopia on this day. We will drive to where they live, which is in
central Ethiopia. When we get there we will see how these people live. These
people live in a cool, brisk climate that has a generous amount of rainfall. While
here we will learn a couple of words in their language, Amharic, which is only
what most people there speak. We will also learn about their religion, Christianity,
but theirs is unlike western Christianity. For, theirs has “four separate, but
interwoven realms of religious beliefs.”
Lastly we will try some of these foods, for instance, a berbere, which is a spicy
seasoning and contemplate how hot it is and why we think they eat something if it
is really hot.. Then we will hop back in the cars and drive back to the hotel and
have some of the hotel’s food for dinner.
Day 3-

We will have a wake up knock. Everybody will come down for a breakfast gotten
by one of our parent volunteers from a local restaurant. We will eat then we will go
and pack our bags. Lets meet down in the lobby at 9:15, then grab the luggage and
teleporter and teleport to Kenya. We will arrive in Northern Kenya at 9:45. When
we arrive in Kenya we will go to the Serena Mountain Lodge. We will drop off our
bags there and then go to Mount Kenya National Park and hike just a small portion
of the mountain, for it would take at least two days to climb to the peak. We should
be back at the hotel for, most likely, a shower and some dinner at the hotel. Then
we will go to bed.

Day 4-

We will, again, today wake everybody up with a knock at 9:00. Then we will go to
a local restaurant. After that we will hop in some cars and go to where the Oromos
live around 10:30. When there, we will learn about their lives. We will learn about
their religion. The largest religion practiced by the oromo people is Islamic. We
will also learn about how they speak afaan oromo and learn some words. For
example, bye is nagatti and congratulations is baga gammadde. We will also learn
about clothing they wear. Men sometimes wear a woya ( toga like robes) while
women wear​ ​wandabiti (skirts). Others wear animal skins and leather garments.
Some women also wear qollo and sadetta ( cloth made of cotton). Next, we will
learn about how many of there meals include meat and that most Oromos only eat
two times a day, once in the morning and once in the night. Also we will learn that
muslim Oromos don't eat pork for religious reasons. After we learn all of that, and
more, it should be around 3:00 so we will leave the hot climate, and go to an even
hotter one, back to the hotel to have available time for relaxing and calling home to
tell them about our exciting trip so far. We will meet in the lobby around 5:00 to go
get dinner, then it is off to bed.
Day 5-

Today, we will wake everyone up with a wake up knock and meet downstairs in
the lobby at 9:15. Then we will go to breakfast at a local restaurant and grab the
teleporter and teleport to Zimbabwe. Once in Zimbabwe we will check into the
Chilo Gorge Safari Lodge at 10:30. We will have a little time to rest and then go
to lunch at a local restaurant. After lunch we will go explore the woods and maybe
go by the river. While in the woods we will talk about the climate of Zimbabwe.
How there’s a dry season, two short cold seasons and how the country gets little
rain. Then we will change and go to dinner at a local restaurant. After that we will
go to bed.

Day 6-

We will wake everyone up with a knock and meet down in the lobby, pile in the
car, and travel north of the Lundi River where the Shona People live. Once there
we will do a little exploring. In the eastern half of Zimbabwe, where the Shona
people live, has about 70-100 centimeters of rain each year. The Shona people live
on a cold wet plateau. They speak Bantu. The Shona people farm millet, corn,
beans and a variety of different other crops. Most groups have cows, used for there
milk as well for there prestige. Villages are made of mud and wattle huts. Usually,
more than one family lives in each house. We will also talk about how they break
up the work in there ethnic group. Women usually do pottery and all the domestic
work, while men dol the cattle, hunting, ironwork, the harder, but less time
consuming work. Now, we will go back to the hotel, get some rest, and go to
dinner. After dinner we will go to bed and sleep.

Day 7-

Today, we will wake up with a knock and then meet down stairs in the lobby
where we will grab some breakfast and then grab the teleporter and teleport to
Democratic Republic of Congo, where the Bakongo people live. Once in
Democratic Republic of Congo(DRC) we will pile into a car and go to where they
live. Once there we will learn about what they speak. They speak many different
kinds of Kikongo, a language close to the one spoken in the ancient kingdom. We
will also learn about their living conditions. How the rural families usually live in a
one-to-two room mud and brick huts with thatch or tin roofs, with no electricity.
They mainly make the food outside. After that we will pile in the car and go to
Hotel Paradis and check in. Once checked in we will go to bed.

Day 8-

We will wake up with a knock. Then meet down in the lobby with packed bags.
Once everybody is there, We will go to breakfast and then grab the teleporter and
teleport to Cameroon, where the Fulani people live. Once in Cameroon we will go
to where they live. Once there we will do a little exploring and then talk about how
the Fulani people are muslim. Also, they speak “Fulfulde”, “Pulaar”, “Fula or
“Peul”. Amongst other things. We will also learn about their former lives. Fulanis
are former slaves. We will listen to some stories of their hard lifes, which would be
very nice since the Fulani are noted for their oral literature. Now, we will go to the
Motel Du Futur. We will get dinner, and then a good night rest.

Day 9-

We will wake up with a knock, then go to breakfast. After that we will teleport to
Egypt. Once in Egypt we will explore and have a rest day. After that we will check
into a hotel.

Day 10-

We will wake up with a knock on our door and then go to breakfast. Then we will
explore a little more. At, about, 3:00 we will take the teleporter back to Park City
Day School. The parents should be prepared for a 10:00am pick up back at the
End of trip.

● Google maps
● Google-to find the websites

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