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Debugging Process of Launching Device Templates in EMS

As we click on the MenuItem ‘Device Templates’ in Ems Client, actionPerformed () method in
the is invoked and a Frame titled ‘New
Device Template Manager’ will get opened and before opening the Frame it’ll build all it’s
panels and fetches the Device Templates as follows.

Observations before Launching the Frame:

The launchFunction () method in the RedCellLaunchConsole class

takes the class name (“com.adtran.devicetemplatesv2.gui.DeviceTemplateInit").The connection
for the database is established in the DeviceTemplateInit() Constructor. And
DeviceTemplateManager starts in this constructor.

Building this Module:

Developing of this module is done in the init () method of the class

com.adtran.devicetemplatesv2.gui.DeviceTemplateConfig. All the access permissions to
different users is controlled in this init () method.

‘New Device Template Manager’ Frame:

This frame is developed in the method called initFrame () of the

Class DeviceTemplateConfig (), once this method is executed all the panels in the frame will
also be created. XXX

Creation of DeviceTemplate Panel:

This panel is created using the method initPanel () of the class

com.adtran.devicetemplatesv2.gui.DeviceTemplatePanel. Instances for the three panels like,
buttonpanel, mainpanel and bottompanel are created in this method.

All the buttons for the button panel are also created and all the buttons are
initially disabled. This panel is added to the bottom panel.

This panel consists of a comboBox which consists of a list of
DeviceTemplate classes. These device template classes are retrieving from the
devicetemplates.xml and all these device template values are setting and getting in the class class which is the third vendor’s class.So I could not debug the
code that part as there is no code for that.


For getting and setting device templates, internally call will be sent to Rule Engine,
which inturn invokes dorado code, which is proprietory. So we can debug till Rule Engine, but v
can't step into Rule Engine, as v doesn't have dorado source code.

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