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Checklist for a “Good Leader”

Good people with good intentions may or may not be suitable for organisation building in a party liked AAP.
Nominating person should fill this form and send for approval to the appropriate appointment panel.

District: ___________________ District / Assembly / ZP / TP / GP Local Unit: ___________________

Name: _____________________________________ Role/Post: _____________________________

Leadership Quality / Requirement Person meets this Comment, if any


1. Not Corrupt, Criminal, Communal, Casteist (4C Yes / Potential / No


2. Availability of time Yes / Potential / No

3. Ability to travel extensively Yes / Potential / No

4. Financially self-sufficient Yes / Potential / No

5. Passion for making social impact Yes / Potential / No

6. Have some political knowledge; ability to network Yes / Potential / No

with credible local leaders and establish political

7. Ability to identify leaders and build district level team Yes / Potential / No

8. Ability to organise meetings and enroll volunteers Yes / Potential / No

9. Ability to locally mobilise resources: either based on Yes / Potential / No

personal contacts and goodwill or can build a team
to raise local unit level expenses through AAP Ka

10. Clear understanding that unlike in other parties Yes / Potential / No

where political lineage, money, muscle power and
other traditional reasons are considered, in AAP,
hard work and contribution to the party, good
organisation building performance are given
weightage during candidate selection process at
appropriate levels.The most deserving person will
be chosen as the candidate in the respective

Note: Going from District to Assembly to Zilla Panchayat to Taluk Panchayat to Gram Panchayat, the
geographic region and the number of people decrease, but desired characteristics remain the same. If a
person hasn’t demonstrated a particular skill, it should be possible for him/her to acquire that skill.
Note: In this document, we’ll use ZP, TP, and GP as short names to refer to Zilla Panchayat, Taluk
Panchayat, and Gram Panchayat, respectively.

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