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General information:
Name and Stefan
shurname: Progovac
Date of birth: 26.03.1990 god.
Adress: Partizanska br.5 Milosevac
Phone: 063/111-57-79

EDUCATION: I’v finished Secondary school of economics Department of Tourism

in Velika Plana. I studied at the Faculty of Business and Management in Smederevo
(2009-2012) Froze my third year of college , for financial reasons .
.I have excellent English language skills , reading writing and speaking .

WORK I worked as a business administrator in a private company 4 months,

EXPIRIENCE: completed the one-month course for fast delivery couriers (D Express)

WORK Privately I was dealing with computer service, replacement hardware, fault finding,
EXPIRIENCE: installation systems and other software. Voluntarily I completed military service in
Serbian army 01.03.2014-31.05.2014

ABILITY: As my skills I can mention that I have successfully worked in specific work
environments, quickly make contact with people, I can handle with pressure, at any
given moment i can make the right decision, motivated by a lot because I'm young
and I want to succeed and prosper in business that I do.

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