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I, PO2 Narcisa Azucena-Mendoza, of legal age, married, presently assigned at the Office
of the Director, HPG, Camp Crame, Quezon City, after being sworn in accordance with
law, depose and say:

That on September 6, 2017 at 8:15 AM, Director together with Aide-De-Camp left the
Office to attend an i-ACT meeting at MMDA;

That as an Admin PNCO, it is my duty and responsibility to scrutinize all the incoming
communications and at the same time, write on to the calendar of activities all the
schedules/meetings of the Director for the month;

That at about 9:00 AM, while I’m inside the Director’s Office and writing to the calendar
board for the incoming meetings of the Director, NUP Erlinda Galos arrived at the Office
and called my attention why I just let my bag opened. I went to the bag she’s pertaining
and I answered her that it is our ADC’s bag. Maybe, she left it opened because they
hurriedly went downstairs to attend the said meeting;

That at 9:06 AM on my phone, ADC texted me to deliver the wedding invitations of D,

HPG to Taguig that’s why I requested NUP Galos to call for a one (1) rider at the NCR;

That while waiting for the rider, at 9:19 AM, I got the brown envelope inside ADC’s bag
and texted her immediately if the content of the said brown envelope is the two (2)
invitations card;

That at around 10:00 AM, I asked Rigen Doroteo (OJT) to accompany me to the Office of
the DIPO-EM to hand-over the Accommodation folder of PSINSP SABLADA (former
Admin Officer of D, HPG at PRO 6) to PSINSP SICLAO;

That when we came back at the office, Director and ADC arrived already from MMDA;

That it was never came up to my mind that there was untoward incident happened within
the day.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 13th day of September, 2017,
in Camp Crame, Quezon City, Philippines.

PO2 Narcisa A Mendoza
(Signature of Affiant)

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this _____ day of September, 2017 at

Quezon City Philippines.

(Administering Officer)

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