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Comms Etiquette – PMCC Heathers

On/off Comms

It is important to announce when you have your headset on and when you take it off. As we can't
see each other, we tend to assume we are all there unless we hear otherwise. To do this you say
Mitchell on comms when you put your headset on, after listening for a second to make sure nothing
important is being said. Then Mitchell off comms before you take if off. Ensure you turn your mic off
BEFORE removing your headset otherwise the rest of us will go deaf!

Comms Check

Before each act, and possibly at other times, I will ask for a 'comms check' to make sure everyone is
in place and that the system is working correctly. Simply state your name if you are there.

Quiet on Comms

Sometimes non-essential chatter happens, particularly the more comfortable we get with the show.
I'm fine with this, as long as it is at appropriate times. I will say 'quiet on comms' when I need
silence, either to give cues or because someone needs to concentrate.

Contacting Each Other

To contact someone else, state your name and then theirs ie; 'Lilly to Mitchell' and wait for a
response. If you are called and are currently tied up, simply say 'hold on Lilly' or 'Just a sec [insert
name]’ and then when you are ready say 'go ahead Lilly'. If you've been put on 'hold' and other
person seems to have moved on and forgotten about you (it happens), just re-request 'Lilly to

Turning on and off

Please remember to turn your transmission off when you’re not talking, because there will be a lot
of background noise that leaks through the microphone when they are switched on. It also makes it
easier to hear important communication when background noise isn’t present.

When to be on comms

If you have comms, try to be wearing them at all times during the show, unless you’re moving away
from the headset to fulfil a function. If possible, try to be in position when the house is open, and at
least before Act 2 beginners.

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