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Model (MOCK) Entrance Exam

Patan Academy of Health Sciences

Part (A1) MAT

Date: 2068-01-03 (Saturday) Duration: 1 hours


Homogenously shed the most appropriate option. And do not

waste your time in any single question. If confused just leave it
and proceed further.

1. Find the odd one out?
Dawn, Fast, Morning, Evening, Night
a) Dawn b) Night c) Fast d) Evening
2. What comes next?
DEF, JKL, PQR, ................?
a) VWX b) TUV c) UVW d) STU
3. If A for Z, B for Y, C for X, then M for?
a) O b) N c) M d) P
4. How many triangles are there in the figure?

a) 10 b) 11 c) 12 d) 13

Which is missing section?

6. point, segment, _______ , line

a) dash b) dot c) arc d) ray
7. WARM : HOT ::
a) pure : impure b) nip : crush c) call : speak d) eat : meat
8. In a certain code ‘MONKEY’ is written as OMNKYE, how is TIGER written in that code?
9. Ashok is heavier than Gopal. Mahesh is lighter than Jayesh. Prashant is heavier than Jayesh but lighter than
Gopal. Who among them is the heaviet?
a) Gopal b) Ashok c) Jayesh d) Prashant
10. 42 : 63 : : 84 : ?
a) 185 b) 95 c) 142 d) 125
11. Complete the given series.
97, 86, 73, 58, 45, ___
a) 34 b) 54 c) 55 d) 56

a) 5 b) 6 c) 8 d) 9
13. Replace the question marks.
3 6 8
5 8 4
4 7 ?
a) 9 b) 8 c) 7 d) 6
14. If ‘+’ means ‘’, ‘‘ means ‘’, ‘’ means ‘+’ and ‘’ means ‘’, the what will be the value of 20  40 – 4  5 + 6 = ?
a) 60 b) 1.67 c) 150 d) 0

15. If A, B and C are distinct digits in the correctly worked addition problem above, what is the value of A + B +
a) 4 b) 9 c) 14 d) 16
16. One day John left home and cycled 10 km southwards, turned right and cycled 5 km and turned right and cycled 10
km and turned left and cycled 10 km. How many kms will he have to cycle to reach his home straight?
a) 10 km b) 15 km c) 20 km d) 25 km
17. How many minutes before 12 am is it, if one hour ago it was twice as many minutes after 9 am?
a) 30 minutes b) 35 minutes c) 40 minutes d) 45 minutes

19. What is the hidden card?

a) b) c) d)
20. The number of times the hands of a clock are at right angles in a day is ___.
a) 4 b) 12 c) 22 d) 44
21. Given below is a matrix with a missing term. Identify the misssing term.

7 8 9 6
4 3 7 5
3 ? 7 9
a) 4 b) 2 c) 6 d) 8
22. In a certain code, ‘they are fools’ means ‘plane is risky’, ‘we are wise’ means ‘train is fast’ and ‘wise never fools’
means ‘fast always risky’. Which of the following stands for ‘train’?
a) they b) we c) never d) fools
23. What is the greatest 3-digit number which when divided by 6, 9 or 12 leaves a remainder of 1 in each case?
a) 949 b) 961 c) 973 d) 9873
24. A family consists of six persons. A is E’s grandfather, E is the niece of B and D. A has three children, a daughter and
two sons. B is F’s sister-in-law. D is unmarried. C is also a member of this family.
How is B related to A?
a) son b) daughter c) sister d) brother
25. In a month of 31 days, the third Wednesday falls on the 15th. What will be the last day of that month?
a) fifth Thursday b) fifth Wednesday c) fourth Sunday d) fifth Friday
26. A girl earns twice as much in December as in each of the other months. What part of her entire years earning does
she earn in December?
2 2 3 1
a) b) c) d)
11 13 14 16
27. What number should replace the question mark?

a) 4 b) 7 c) 8 d) 10
28. What comes next?


What is the missing square?

30. My watch was correct at midnight, after which it began to lose 12 minutes per hour, until 7 hour ago when it
stopped completely. It now shows the time as 3:12. What now is the correct time?
a) 11:24 am b) 11:12 am c) 11:00 am d) 11:45 am
31. What number should be replace question marks?

a) 7 b) 8 c) 6 d) 4
32. M, A, M, J, J, A, S, O,__
a) N b) M c) A d) P
33. Last week, I travelled from London to Stoke. On the first day I travelled one half of the distance. On day two, I
travelled one third of the remaining distance. On day three, I travelled three quarters of the remaining distance.
Yesterday I travelled one half of the remaining distance. I now have 5 miles left to travel. How far is it from Stoke to
London in total?
a) 60 miles b) 120 miles c) 240 miles d) 480 miles
34. 8723, 3872, 2387, ?
a) 7238 b) 3287 c) 8732 d) 7823

35. At the end of a banquet 10 people shake hands with each other. How many handshakes will there be in total?
a) 100 b) 20 c) 45 d) 50
36. Which of the diagrams follows?

37. What is the maximum area in square feet of a rectangle with a perimeter of forty feet?
a) 48 b) 144 c) 64 d) 100
38. There are five people of different heights. Allen is taller than Dale, who is taller than Earl. Carla is shorter than Bill,
but taller than Allen. Who is the third tallest person?
a) Allen b) Dale c) Earl d) Carla e) Bill
39. Rearrange the following words and choose the category in which it fits.
a)city b)sport c) vegetable d)electronics
40. A coach must choose five starters from a team of 12 players. How many different ways can the coach choose the
a) 12! /7! b) 144 c) 95040 d)792
41. A speaks truth in 75% cases and B in 80% of the cases. In what percentage of cases are they likely to contradict
each other, narrating the same incident?
a) 5% b) 15% c) 35% d) 45%
42. The sum of three consecutive odd numbers is 20 more than the first number, what is the middle number?
a) 7 b) 9 c) 11 d) Data inadequate
43. An office has as many four-legged chairs and as many four-legged tables as workers, and as many three-legged
stools as four-legged almirahs. If the number of stools be one more than the number of workers and the total
number of legs be 585, the number of workers in the office are?
a) 17 b) 34 c) 16 d) Cannot be determined
44. Choose the venn diagram which best illustrates the given class.
Rock, Wood, Solid

45. In a class with a certain number of students, if one student weighing 50 kg is added then the average weight of the
class increases by 1 kg, If one more student weighing 50 kg is added then the average weight of the class increases by
1.5 kg over the original average? What is the original average weight(in kg) of the class?
a) 4 b) 46 c) 2 d) 47
46. When Ranjeev was born, his father was 32 years older than his brother and his mother was 25 years older than his
sister. If Ranjeev’s brother is 6 years older than Ranjeev and his mother is 3 years younger than his father, how old
was Ranjeev’s sister when he was born?
a) 15 years b) 14 years c) 7 years d) 10 years
47. Find out the missing number which fits in place of marked (?).

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
48. If 55 = 50. Then 44 = ?
a) 36 b) 38 c) 40 d) 42
49. If
909 = 212 - 818
68 = 911 - 502
What number is missing from the sum below?
? = 218 - 896
a) 678 b) 156 c) 932 d) 428

Duration: 30 minutes
lrlsT;f lj1fgdf :gfts / :gftsf]Q/ ;Dd uf]/vf ;b/d'sfddf cjl:yt hgHof]lt pRr
cWoog u/fpg] ;+:yfgsf] ?kdf kl/lrt cjw dfWoflds ljwfnosf] Ps lzlIfsf x'g\ /]0f' s];L
lzIf0f c:ktfn g]kfnsf] t/fO e]udf cjl:yt 5 . hf] Ps ljwjfsf] hLjg hLpg afWo l5g\ . pgsf]
o;df la/fdLsf] rfk cTolws x'g] u/]sf]n] o;df >Ldfg\sf] d[To' pgsf] ljjfxsf] s]lx lbgd}
lrlsT;f cWoogsf] nfuL jif]{gL xhf/f} ePsf] xf] . clxn] pgsf] 3/sf] x/]s cfjZostf
ljwfyL{n] o;sf lgDt k|j]z k/LIff lbG5g . sn]h pgs} tnan] wfGg'k/]sf] 5 . pgs} ljwfnodf
k|d'vn] 5fqj[tL sf]6fdf lxgfldgf ug]{ u/]sf] pgL;Fu} k9fpg] Ps lzIfs ;Fu pgsf] dfof
5 . h;sf] lj/f]wdf cfjfh gp7fpbf xhf/f} ul/a a;]sf] 5 . ljsNk / /]0f'sf] k|]d sxfgLn] clxn]
ljwfyL{nfO{ dsf{ kl//x]sf] 5 . o;sf nflu ljwfnosf ljwfyL{df o;sf] b]vfl;sL a9]sf] 5 .
ljwfyL{ ;+u7gx?n] c:ktfn aGb u/fpg] u/]sf] k|wfgWofksn] b'j} hgfnfO{ ;f]wk'5sf] nflu
5 h;af6 6f9faf6 cfpg] lj/fdLsf] ljrNnL ePsf] clkm;df af]nfPsf 5g\ .
5. o:tf] cj:yfdf /]0f'sf ;;'/fn] s]lx af]Ng klg
o; cj:yfnfO{ Wofg /fvL lgDg k|Zgx?sf] pQ/ ;s]sf 5}g lsgeg] pgs} sdfOn] pgsf] kl/jf/
ug{'xf];\ . rn]sf] 5 .
dflysf] cg'R5]b k9L cfkmgf ljrf/ k|s6
!_ sd{rf/L 5fGg] k|ls|of :jR5 k|lt:kwf{af6 ug{'xf];\ .
x'g'k5{ .
s_ xf] v_ zfob xf] u_ zfob xf]Og 3_ xf]Og !&_ ;a}nfO{ cfkmgf] hLjg cfkmg} tl/sfn] lhpg]
@_ o:tf] ;d:ofaf6 ul/a h]]x]Gbf/ ljwfyL{x?sf] clwsf/ x'G5 .
dgf]andf gsf/fTds k5{ . s_ x'G5 v_ zfob x'G5 u_ zfob xF'b}g
s_ xf] v_ zfob xf] u_ zfob xf]Og 3_ xf]Og 3_ xF'b}g
#_ o:tf ;d:of t'?Gt ;dfwfg ul/g'k5{ . !*_ /]0f'n] cfkmgf] wd{ ;+:s[lt lj;{g' xF'b}g .
s_ xf] v_ zfob xf] u_ zfob xf]Og 3_ xf]Og s_ x'G5 v_ zfob x'G5 u_ zfob xF'b}g
$_ lrlsT;fs aGg] ljwfyL{n] la/fdLnfO{ c;/ kg] 3_ xF'b}g
{ ul/ aGb ug{' x'Fb}g . !(_ o:tf 36gfn] ;dfhdf gsf/fTds c;/ km}nfpF5 .
s_ x'G5 v_ zfob x'G5 u_ zfob xF'b}g s_ xf] v_ zfob xf] u_ zfob xf]Og 3_ xf]Og
3_ xF'b}g @)_ ;+:s[lt tyf l/ltl/jfh ;do ;dodf abNg'k5{ .
%_ ;/sf/n] o:tf ljifodf t'?Gt Wofg k'o|fpg' k5{ . s_ xf] v_ zfob xf] u_ zfob xf]Og 3_ xf]Og
s_ xf] v_ zfob xf] u_ zfob xf]Og 3_ xf]Og @!_ ljwfnosf] jftfj/0fdf o;n] v/fa k|f]T;fxg
^_ s]lx kfpgnfO{ w]/} yf]s u'dfpg' k5{ . b]lvG5 .
s_ xf] v_ zfob xf] u_ zfob xf]Og 3_ xf]Og s_ xf] v_ zfob xf] u_ zfob xf]Og 3_ xf]Og
&_ Pp6f v/fa JolQmn] w]/}nfO{ c;/ k'o|fO/x]sf] @@_ o;df ljsNk / /]0f'sf] uNtL a/fa/ b]lvG5 .
x'G5 . s_ xf] v_ zfob xf] u_ zfob xf]Og 3_ xf]Og
s_ x'G5 v_ zfob x'G5 u_ zfob xF'b}g @#_ k|wfgWofksn] /]0f'sf] kl/jf/nfO{ Wofg lbO
3_ xF'b}g hflu/ vf]:g'xF'b}g .
*_ sn]h k|d'vn] t'?Gt /flhgfdf lbg'k5{ . s_ x'G5 v_ zfob x'G5 u_ zfob xF'b}g
s_ xf] v_ zfob xf] u_ zfob xf]Og 3_ xf]Og 3_ xF'b}g
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w]/} ul/an] g} d'No r'sfpg' k5{ . lbg'k5{ .
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!)_ x/]s lrlsT;sdf ;]jfsf] efjgf x'g} k5{ . @%_ ljsNk / /]0f'sf] ;DaGw c?sf] rf;f]sf] ljifo
s_ xf] v_ zfob xf] u_ zfob xf]Og 3_ xf]Og xf]Og .
!!_ cfGbf]ngsf] ljsNk vf]lhg'k5{ . s_ xf] v_ zfob xf] u_ zfob xf]Og 3_ xf]Og
s_ xf] v_ zfob xf] u_ zfob xf]Og 3_ xf]Og @^_ sfg'gdf o:tf] ;DaGwsf] dGh'/Ldf lbg xF'b}g
!@_ ;~rf/ dfWod ulDe/ gePs} sf/0f o:tf aGb .
x'G5g\ . s_ x'G5 v_ zfob x'G5 u_ zfob xF'b}g
s_ x'G5 v_ zfob x'G5 u_ zfob xF'b}g 3_ xF'b}g
3_ xF'b}g @&_ o'jf cj:yfsf lg0f{o cToGt sdhf]/ x'G5
!#_ tkfO{sf] ljrf/df aGb l7s xf] . To;}n] /]0f'n] o;df km:g' xF'b}g .
s_ xf] v_ zfob xf] u_ zfob xf]Og 3_ xf]Og s_ x'G5 v_ zfob x'G5 u_ zfob xF'b}g
!$_ :jf:Yo If]q aGb d'Qm agfpg' k5{ . 3_ xF'b}g
s_ xf] v_ zfob xf] u_ zfob xf]Og 3_ xf]Og @*_ dfG5]n] glhssf] v'zL rf8} b]V5 .
!%_ o:tf] lxgfldgf ug]{ k|zf;snfO{ s8f sf/jfxL s_ xf] v_ zfob xf] u_ zfob xf]Og 3_ xf]Og
ug'{k5{ . ca ljsNk÷/]0f'sf] 7fpFdf cfkm'nfO{ /fv]/ pQ/
s_ xf] v_ zfob xf] u_ zfob xf]Og 3_ xf]Og lbg'xf];\ .
!^_ o:tf] ;d:ofnfO{ Go"g kfg{ cfd ;~rf/sf] @(_ tkfO{sf] nflu c?sf] Kof/f] nfU5 .
e'ldsf d'Vo x'G5 . s_ xf] v_ zfob xf] u_ zfob xf]Og 3_ xf]Og
s_ x'G5 v_ zfob x'G5 u_ zfob xF'b}g #)_ tkfO{nfO{ ;dfh tyf cfkmgf] 3/n] /fd|/L
3_ xF'b}g a'emlbg' k5{ .
s_ xf] v_ zfob xf] u_ zfob xf]Og 3_ xf]Og

#!_ xfdLn] xfd|f] ;+:s[tLnfO{ hf]ufpg' k5{ . s_ x'G5 v_ zfob x'G5 u_ zfob xF'b}g
s_ xf] v_ zfob xf] u_ zfob xf]Og 3_ xf]Og 3_ xF'b}g
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TofUg' x'GYof] . s_ xf] v_ zfob xf] u_ zfob xf]Og 3_ xf]Og
s_ x'GYof] v_ zfob x'GYof] u_ zfob #(_ afnaflnsfsf] ljrf/ a'emg ufx|f] x'G5 .
xF'b}gYof] 3_ xF'b}gYof] s_ x'G5 v_ zfob x'G5 u_ zfob xF'b}g
3_ xF'b}g
g]kfnsf] k'j{df kg]{ Pp6f 7fpF xf] “bds” $)_ lbdfudf v/fa efjgfsf sf/0f o:tf lg0f{o o'jfx?
hxfF ;fdfGo hLjg hLpg] dhb'/ b]lv 7'nf 7'nf n] u5{g\ .
JolQmsf] klg a;f]af; 5 . ToxLsf] Pp6} 6f]ndf a:5g s_ xf] v_ zfob xf] u_ zfob xf]Og 3_ xf]Og
lgnd / hLjg . logL b'O6fsf] 3/ 5'6\6f 5'6\6} eP $!_ ;a}nfO{ cfkmgf] hLjg hLpg] clwsf/ x'G5 .
klg ;fg} b]lv ;Fu} v]Nbf v]Nb} logsf] afNosfn s_ x'G5 v_ zfob x'G5 u_ zfob xF'b}g
uh|]sf] 5 . ;Fu} Pp6} sn]h k9\g] eP k5L lbg 3_ xF'b}g
/dfOn} ;Fu s6\g] u/]sf] 5 . lgnd tNnf] hftsf] $@_ ul/a d'n'sdf afnclwsf/sf] zf]if0fsf 36gf w]/}
ePsf]n] hLjgsf] cfdf a'afn] p;Fu g/xg lbg lbg} ;'lgG5 .
;DemfO/x]sf 5g\ . 3/df lbg lbg} ufnL vfg' eGbf, s_ xf] v_ zfob xf] u_ zfob xf]Og 3_ xf]Og
hLjg / lgndn] cGt 5'§} ;Fu} a:g ;lhnf] 7fG5g h;n] $#_ v/fa x]/rfxs} sf/0fn] aRrf lalu|G5 .
logLx?sf] k9fO cw'/} 5'6\5 . logsf] s_ xf] v_ zfob xf] u_ zfob xf]Og 3_ xf]Og
3/nfO{ logsf] /QLe/ dtna 5}g . $$_ cfkmgf] aRrfsf] eljiosf] af/]df ;f]Rg] clwsf/
dfyLsf] cg'R5]b k9L cfkmgf] ljrf/ lbg'xf];\ . cfdf a'afnfO{ w]/} x'G5 .
s_ x'G5 v_ zfob x'G5 u_ zfob xF'b}g
##_ afnaflnsfnfO{ kl/jf/sf] x]/rfx ;w} rflxG5 . 3_ xF'b}g
s_ xf] v_ zfob xf] u_ zfob xf]Og 3_ xf]Og $%_ a'af cfdfn] cfkmgf] aRrfsf] ;w} lxtd}
#$_ /]vb]v g ePsf] sf/0f lgnd / hLjgsf] k9fO ;f]R5g\ .
5'6]sf] 5 . s_ xf] v_ zfob xf] u_ zfob xf]Og 3_ xf]Og
s_ xf] v_ zfob xf] u_ zfob xf]Og 3_ xf]Og $^_ s'g} klg cj:yfdf cfkmgf] g}ltstf u'dfpg'
#%_ aRrfnfO{ ;+:sf/ a'af cfdfn] g} lbG5g\ . xF'b}g .
s_ xf] v_ zfob xf] u_ zfob xf]Og 3_ xf]Og s_ xf] v_ zfob xf] u_ zfob xf]Og 3_ xf]Og
#^_ dfG5]sf] ljefhg hftn] ul/g'xF'b}g . $&_ :yfgLo ;d'bfodf hgr]tgf hufP/} o:tf]
s_ x'G5 v_ zfob x'G5 u_ zfob xF'b}g ;d:of ;dfwfg ug{ ;lsG5 .
3_ xF'b}g s_ xf] v_ zfob xf] u_ zfob xf]Og 3_ xf]Og
#&_ aRrfnfO{ b'O dflg; lar hftLotfsf] efjgf k|s6 $*_ clzIffn] ubf{ o:tf] kl/l:ylt NofpF5 .
ul/g' xF'b}g . s_ xf] v_ zfob xf] u_ zfob xf]Og 3_ xf]Og


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