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Marco Ivan Rodríguez Dimas


Paco._ Ho! I can´t believe it, my car crash again. I

cannot put up with this problems.
Hello Mike I need your help, I crashed my car, and a
tire got flatted, I must arrive to my home at pm I have
some an important meeting work , please I need your
Mike_ Stay calm Paco, You just need to call a crane
Paco. _ It isn´t possible my cell phone run out of
credit, that’s why I am using a collect call.
Mike._ My gosh. Well I will call for you and I will
deposit some money for you. Be sure to give me it
Paco,_Thank you my brother I will go over my bill en
half an hour I expect you have already deposit.
Thanks a lot.
Mike So hurry up! I think you´re looking forward to
arriving on time, aren´t you?
Paco. Sure. I am.
Mike. Ooooo! One question why do you have people
over in your house,Your wife will kill you.
Paco Do not worry my wife arrive late today she won´t
know and I will clean up my mess. Well I have to hang
you up, the crane is coming up. Thank you.

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