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MBG 110-1

Homework 1

Plants take in carbon dioxide and water from environment and by using the light energy from
Sun, they convert carbon dioxide and water to oxygen and sugar. To be able to find out
whether the oxygen in sugar(glucose) comes from carbon dioxide or water, it is necessary to
set up a n experimental setup which is isolated from environment. By isolating the plant from
environment it will be possible to control molecules entering the photosynthesis reaction
which is 6H2O+6CO2C6 H12O6+6O2. In experiment setup there will only be plant, water,
Sunlight and carbon dioxide to make sure that there is no other molecules that affect
experiment conclusion.

Firstly oxygen molecules in water will be marked by radioactive markers. Than water which
has marked oxygen molecules will be added to experiment setup. After a while which is
sufficient enough to photosynthesis reaction, some samples from plant and air in experiment
setup will be taken and examined. By tracking the radioactive oxygen molecules, it is possible
to determine whether the oxygen molecules come from water or carbon dioxide in sugar. If
there will be radioactive oxygen molecules in sugar it will be concluded that the water is the
source of oxygen in sugar. If there will be radioactive oxygen molecules in air it will be
concluded that the water is the source of oxygen gas in air.

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