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War By Proxy

The cold war was characterized being a psychological war, sort of ideological or even
statement. Mostly every conflict developed in this context were moved by political wills, and
served by the intentions of politics and regimens, just like USA, USSR, China, Japan that
implemented every type of manipulations, including mass media, and communications
enterprises, using propaganda to fulfill their political intentions. This sinister war between
ideologies, in the first side the capitalist, commanded by USA and almost every part of the
world, on the other hand the “red vision”, the “commies” called properly as the Communists
ideology adopted by the USSR, this ideology reached Korea as well, where in the beginning
of this conflict the leaders of the nations mentioned before, implemented a terminology full
of ambiguous premises and confusing terms that helped to make people think the ideologies
where good for their political purposes. Stalin (USSR leader) is the perfect example for this,
because he used to control the whole mass media of the regimen to make people belief a
contrary situation, an evidently in that case empower the leaders of each regimen. The other
side, US was more libertarian in that matters, because its well known that they believe in the
free speech in an incongruent speech (I would say).
In the Stalin regimen, it was a simple task to accuse someone against the ideology of the
USSR, and in the modus operandi of it, they distorted information and make people think the
accused was guilty, without any legal defense (The Stalin regimen was a complete
slaughterhouse with approximate 8.5 million of murders). In other examples of what this
ideological conflict meant Mao Zeng (leader of China, also a massive dictator, attributed at
least 19 million murders) use to refer conveniently to the soldiers as “volunteers” to avoid
negative connotations between society, Truman (president of USA) also, instead of calling it
a war, he used to call it a conflict, more specifically “police action for the flags and values of
UN” with the purpose of avoid a confrontation directly to USSR and also avoid the pressure
of the local media, achieving an unperceptive war, which was mostly forgotten as a war for
the country that he addressed. In the middle of this conflict Korea took place as a strategic
trench, where the number of murders surpassed the 2 million, those numbers were important
for the stats book, because unfortunately anybody in the US is aware of those terrifying

As well, understanding the facts with an objective perspective, is easy to reach some thoughts
and judge them as irresponsible leaders in every matter, from every country assorted in this
conflict as heads an evidently the ones that commanded orders, because Asia took a massive
part in that sense (basically in every sense to keep US economy afloat, nowadays, as well the
Making this clear, the consequences came fast because, as I said before the took a lot of
irresponsible decisions, that put them as a priority instead of the people in each country. It is
irresponsible to justify any type of war per se, but in this case, there was a lot of waste in the
human sources way. After the human losses, the economic, social, political and a some more
came along. The way to judge the capitalist or even the “commies” in the respective rival
country attempt against human rights, because in almost every case they made exceptions to
judge without giving a fair defense to the ones that were in trouble.
Focusing again in the strategic part of this conflict, Korea was a very important war vault (or
that is what each nation -reference to US and USSR- thought about it), because the one that
where imposed on that geographic point would be able to attack clearly, or use it as a shield,
as some sort of land protection. Even before this conflict Japan and China had their thoughts
in this territory due to the connection between America and Eastern Europe, key in the market
aspect, and obviously in this case, the conflict aspect, this point has been cataloged as a trench
for ages, or also known as a safehouse, and in American eyes this was the perfect spot to
bring some control in the eastern Europe where USSR has been imposed for plenty of time,
even when they were the Zar´s Empire. Korea, as I said before was a very important spot in
the main things that surround war, or so that surround the business war, that at this point was
essential for the economy of both Ideologic Empires, both of the nations were imposed as the
victors of the second WW, that is why they moved with such arrogance beneath the Asian
leaders, with the course of the world in their hands, with the first nuclear implications,
allegedly. Even so, the war at the space, with all the experiments, as I said before, this war,
more than a war, it was a conflict of the willingness of each Empire, willingness in so many
senses, we can talk about the sputnik, about Armstrong, even about Kubrick and those
conspiracy theories where the US just simulated arriving to the moon to make the USSR
think they won the space career, as I said very, very irresponsible and full of ambition of
Stalin, Truman, Gorbachov, and so on, and so on.
Let´s remember that the strategic objectives for the USSR and the extern politics was the
national security, that is why the strategy against Korea consisted in stablishing a security
zone against a possible aggression of the rivals, and at the same time dispose a platform to
invade Japan, at any time, taking matter in a hypothetic conflict against them. Of course,
across this power and control, reach the extension of communist ideology in all the countries
that were considered in the secure zone (previously explained), obviously in a process of
control and power, reaching the extension that they wanted, or even so they have dream as
the transcendental purpose.
Korea had the advantage, of focusing the attention of the US in Asia, provoking the
distraction of it, and making them forget momently of the European situation, China did not
want the increase of the American power in the Pacific, as well the soviets thought that a
“commie” Korea will make them feel safer, avoiding the US form using it as a nuclear
Every action, has a consequence, or that is what the US thought against Asia, as a community
and that is why they started the invasion of several countries in Indochina, just like: Vietnam,
Cambodia and even the invasion of Guantanamo, that obviously is not in Asia but it is
connected to the conflict as Korea was, a strategic spot to land some nuclear ammo. This
conflict was also very important to try new strategies of war, and armed conflicts.
I can conclude that this kind of conflict have no room in the world, even if there is a good
excuse, because the life of many innocent people comes against any kind of purposes an what
makes us valuable is the community and the diversity of our people, I mean, any human life
is priority against the war purposes and the economic purposes that involve war sometimes.
I think that there are many other ways to maintain our economies than war, and personally I
am against this violations of human rights, because even so my country is very violent
(Mexico), we have some strict policies when it comes to external policies, we have some
pacific standards that can not be violated by a leader or an ideology, we need more peaceful
people to overcome the violent purposes that prioritize economy over human sources.
1291 Words
Taylor,PhilipM.(2001).“PropagandaandIn-formationOperations”,en:Taiwan Defense
Kissinger Henry, La Diplomacia, Fondo de Cultura Económica de México, México 2000.
Páginas 450-490
Historia de la Política Exterior de la URSS, Moscú 1974. (Varios autores)
AYSON,R;TAYLOR,B. (2004) «Attacking North Korea: Why War Might Be Preferred»
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HALBERSTAM,D.(2009) La guerra olvidada: Historia de la guerra de Corea. Barcelona:
STANLEY,E.A. (2009) «Ending the Korean War: The Role of Domestic Coalition Shifts in
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La desinformación: una manipulación del poder, Madrid, Espasa Calpe, 1988.
BERNAYS, Edward (2005): Propaganda, Nueva York, I.G. Publisihing.
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