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Learning activity 3

Evidence: My life plan

For this evidence, you have to make a list of your long term plans and set short term goals to
reach them.

This is an example:

My life plan is ambitious. I am going to study at the university one day. I will travel abroad and
I am going to buy a house. In order to achieve my dreams I have to: get up early and study
hard, save money, get a bet.

My life plan
to be a proactive person in the exercise of my profession and in the labor field, with much
knowledge in all aspects of my life. I to be kind, responsible and courteous. Provide my service
with quality, be admired for the practice of my values, principles and my profession. always work
efficiently and effectively to contribute to the development of my country.

Within my short-term plans are the ability to perfect the English language, which is very important
for the work I perform, also to undertake higher studies among which are the master in project
management. To achieve my goals I have to work with persistence, discipline and manage my
time well, prioritize.

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