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Hospitality and Tourism Faculty

The Difference of Incoporated (Perseroan Terbatas in Bahasa) and Limited Partnership

(Commanditaire Vennootschap)


Incorporated (inc) is an enterprise which run by some investors and the owner have a portion as

much as his stocks.

Limited partnership (CV in Indonesia) more commonly referred to as a company comanditer, this

is a company established by one or more persons who are mutually responsible and wholly liable

for the debts of the company. One or more persons serve as providers of capital.

The Differences

1. Shape

Incorporated as a legal entity have a similar position with a person in a law. That makes

Inc can open personal bank account, ownership of vehicle and personal citizen right. While

CV is not a legal entity and does not have similar position with person in a law.

2. Founder

The founder of CV and Inc may consist of 2 people. The different is on the founder

nationality. CV is only built by Indonesian citizen while PT/Inc can be combined by

Indonesian and other nationality.

3. Legal Basic

Incorporated have a legal basic like a constitution or regulation in Indonesia (UU No.40

tahun 2007). All mechanism and procedures of Incorporated are clear in that regulation.

While CV doesn’t have regular regulation anymore in Indonesia.

4. Name/Title

Name of incorporated may not same with the other Inc. Law minister will check name of

incorporated in registration, to avoid a same name or title.

5. Stock

Incorporated must have capital details in their certificate while CV have not

6. Management/Board

PT and CV hhave 2 or more people but PT boards are divide into directors and

commissioners. CV board are divided into passive persero and active persero.

7. Endorsement and cost

CV will have endorsement only from local court, while PT must have endorsement form

law ministry. Those based from the difference establishment cost of CV and PT.

Source :
Sugeng, M. (2016, Mei 18). 8 Perbedaan CV dan PT yang Paling Mendasar + Tabel . Retrieved
from Dan Perbedaan:

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