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1 Theory Framework


1. Knowledge
2. Attitude
3. Faith
4. Value
5. Culture

Enabling Factors

1. 1. Environment Health Behavior

2. 2. Infrastructure
Smoking Behavior

Reinforcing Factors

Attitude and
behavior of Health


Yellow font : Use as the variables

: : Variables of Independent

: Variables of Dependent
According to Lawrence Green and friends (1980) declared that human behavior influenced by two
factors those are behaviour causes non behaviour causes. After that, behavior itself formed from 3
factors those are:

Predisposing factors, that include knowledge, attitude etc

Enabling factor, that include physical environment, availability of facilities and work safe
infrastructures like selfs protect tool, training and others.

Reinforcement factor,

These factors include law, regulations and etc. (Notoatmodjo, 2003).

Virginia Henderson Theory

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