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CePA"? Does Sass: Tabular nd Gopal enon humetical value shown for each sector can be frequencies, relative frequencies, of per cent frequencies roped into an aggregate clas called “oth” numberof categories Clases with frequencies of 5% or less would ‘eforteséik poof tue ts fk. sexo. The data involve 2, The sum ofthe frequencies in any frequency ds- eee Sls depen eneny" eoute eh eed ee tates Mt ceederenchens Daa tons Hemet Rela ee cnege lt ins wonarequrcmary eine fee deaeelee ae ey numberof ich would faves small 100, snd hesomatthepeneeagerng pees ‘umber of purchases, ‘Most statisticians recom- frequency distribution always equals 100. ‘mend that classes. ‘With smaller frequencies be ie lethods Prt a question has he atemtives: A,B, nd. A supe of 120 espns "vides 604,24 8, and 36.C, Show the fequeney and relative frequency distbutions 2 A pattia re L ‘ative frequency distribution is given Relative Frequency 22 18 40 1, WERLs the relative fequeney of elass D? & Bis total sampe sie 200 Whats the equeney fess D? S: StOW the frequency distribution, Show the percent frequency distibution. * A ausstionnsre provides 58 Yes, 42 No, end 20 no-opinion answers * Mulbs Constrction of spi char, how many degrees would he inthe section ofthe pie showing the Yes answers? OW many degrees would bein the section of the pie showing the No answers? Sonstruct a pie chat, Construct a bar chart Applications fad * 76 !P fou: prime tie evs shows wee Law & Oni CS, Wow a Tec, nd Desperate Housewives (Nielsen Media Research, January 1, 2007). Data indicating the Besiry refested shows for a sample of 50 viewers follow 46 ‘Chepter 2. Descriptive Slatisis: Tabular and Graphical Present 12, Consider the following frequency distribution, Class Frequency 10-19 10 20-29 4 = 30-39» 7 0-49 7 50-59 2 Construct cumlative frequency distibution anda cumulative relative frequency distebation, 13. Construct a histogram and an ogive forthe data in exercise 12, 14, Consider the following data eB 89 102 5 78 100 122 135 141 100 122 68 95 1S 112 149 75 100 60 158 us Construct a dot plot. b. Construct frequency distribution, ©. Construct a percent frequency distsibution, | Applications 15. A doctor’ office staff studied the waiting times for patients who arive atthe office with — 25M B4e57NF9R U6 87 13 Use classes of 0-4, 59, and so on in the following: Show the frequency distribution, ‘Show the relative frequency distribution, ‘Show the cumulative frequency distribution, Show the cumulative relative frequency distribution ©. What proportion of paticnts needing emergeney service wait 9 minutes or less? ea 16, A shortage of candidates has requited school districts to pay higher salaries and offer extras i ‘attract and retain school district superintendents. The following data show the annual base salary ($1000) for superintendents in 20 districts in the greater Rochester, New Yotk, area ft (Che Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, Pebrvary 10, 2008), = : 187 184 14 185, hi 175 m 02 197 - Be fi rr er Use classes of 150-159, 160-169, and so on in the following. Show the frequency disteibution Show the percent frequency distribution. ‘Show the cumulative percent frequency distribu Develop a histogram for the annual base salary. Do the data appear to be skewed? Explain, ‘Whet percentage of the superintendents make more than $200,000? : 17. The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) underwent one of its infrequent reshufflings of My ‘companies when General Motors and Citigroup were replaced by Ciseo Systenas and Trav" fee lets (The Wall Street Journal, June 8, 2009). At the time, the prices per share for the 30 \ ‘companies in the DILA were as follows: peapes west DutaPeces weal Holi 18, 19, Company Share Company $iShare 3M 6 BM 107 Alcoa n Intel 16 “Amuerican Express 25 LP. Mongan Chase 35 ster 24 Ich 56 Bank of America 2 Kraft Foods a Boeing 52 MeDonald’s 59 Catorpttar 38 Merck 26 Chevron 69 Microsoft 2 Cisco Systems 2 Pfizer 4 Coca-Cola 4” Proctes & Gamble 3 DuPont 2 Travelers a BxxonMobil n United Technologies 36 General Electric ie Verizon 29 Howlett Packard 37 Wal-Mart Stores SI Home Depot 4 Walt Disney 25 4 & Wut is the highest price per share? What isthe lowest price per share? D. Using a class width of 10, develop a frequency distribution for the data, © Htspare a histogram. Interpret the histogram, including a discusion of the general ‘GixPe of the histogram, the midprce range, and the mos frequent pice range, 4 Ube the The Wall Sneet Journal or snotier newspaper to find the curen pice por Site for thse companies, Prepare a histogrt of the data and discus any changes ibe June 2009, What company bas had tie largest increase inthe price po shece? ‘What company has had the largest decrease in the price per hare? DRLIBIG research provided results of a consumer holiday spending survey (USA Tay, fee att 20,2015), The following doa provide te dollar amount of haliday spening for @ sample of 25 consumers, 1200 850 740 590) 340 450 890, 260 610 350 1780 180 850 2050 70 800 1090 S10 520 220 1430 280 1120 200 350 & What isthe lowest holiday spending? The highest? bee a clas width of $250 to prepare nfiequency distribution and a percent frequency listibution forthe data, Prepare a histogram and comment on the shape ofthe distribution, 4 What observations can you make about holiday spending? joing through unsolicited e-mail and spam affects the productivity of office workers, An PalshEsrets survey monitored office workers to determine the unpreductv tine por {y devoted fo unsolicited e-mail and spem (USA Today, November 13,200). The fol lowing data show a sample of time in minutes devoted to this task 2 4 8 4 3 1 2 32 2 1 5 7 5 5 3 4 24 9 4 4 Summavize the data by constycting the following: A frequency distribution (classes 1-5, 6-10, 11-15, 1620, and so on) A relative fiejuency distribution ‘Accumnulative frequency distribution ‘A-cumnlative relative frequency dishibution ‘An ogive ‘What percentage of office workers spend $ minutes or ess on unsolicited e-mail and ‘spam? What percentage of office workers spend morethan IO minute acy on this tock? CChaplor 2 Descriptive Stats Tebular ond Grophical Presentations Applications 31, The following exosstabulation shows household income by educational Level of the heag ‘of household (Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2008). Household Income ($1003) Under 750- 25 ‘Total Not HS. graduate 201 9961 HLS. graduate 4917 2009 Some college 2807 20067 Bachelor's degree 885 13787 Beyond bach, deg. 290 7822 ‘Total 13106 15216 B36 ‘Compute the row percentages and identify the pereent frequency distributions of in. ‘come for houscholds in which the head isa high school graduate and in which the head holds a bachelor’s degree. ‘What percentage of households headed by high school graduates earn $75,000 or ‘more? What percentage of households headed by bachelor’s degree recipients eam {$75,000 or more? Construct percent frequency histograms of income for households headed by persons with @ high school degrce and for those headed by persons with a bachelor’s degee, Isauy relationship evident between household income and educational level? 32, Refer again to the crosstabulation of household income by educational level shown in exercise 31. 4, Compute column percentages and identify the percent frequency distibutions dis played. What percontage af the heads of households did not graduate fromhigh school? '. What percentage of the households earning $100,000 or more were headed by a per son having schooling beyond a bachelor's degree? Whet percentage of the households headed by a persom with schooling beyond a bachelor’s degree earned over $100,000? ‘Why aro these two percentages diferent? Compare the percent frequency distributions for those households earning “Under 25,""100 or moro,” and for “Total.” Comment onthe relationship between household {income and educational level of the head of household Rocenily, management at Onk Thee Golf Course received a few complaints aboutthe com dition of the greeis. Several players complained thatthe greens are too fast, Rather than react to the comments of just afew, the Golf Association conducted a survey of 100 male and 100 female goifers. The survey results are summatized here. Male Golfers Female Golfers Greens Condition Greens Condition ‘Too Fast__ ine Handiea ‘TooFast__ Fine 1 ° a) si 1. Combine these two erosstabulations into one with Male and Female as the row labels ‘and Too Fest and Fine asthe column labels. Which group shows the highest percent age saying thatthe ervens are too fast’?

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