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Phase Changes and Thermodynamic Equations

A quantity of matter that is homogeneous in both chemical composition and physical structure
is known as phase. In thermodynamic system phase change is a process in which
thermodynamic properties changes its state in between solid liquid or gas. The change of phase
always occurs with a change of heat. Whenever a phase change process occurs the properties
temperature, pressure and volume will also change.
Consider a phase change process from solid to liquid. In this condition the temperature of the
substance will increase and its volume will also increase as a result pressure will decrease in this
change of state. Now when we go from liquid to gas which is called vaporization the particles
began to move faster as they absorb heat. As the particles move faster they break the attractive
forces and move freely as a steam which is called gas. In this state the temperature again rises
and volume will also expand and the pressure decreases to vaporize the liquid into gas.

Thermodynamics equation of different states:

Thermodynamic equations are required for calculations of different properties in
thermodynamic system when going from one phase of equilibrium to another.
Equation of first law of thermodynamics:
This equation states that the total energy of an isolated system remains constant, energy can
neither be created nor be destroyed but can transform from one form to another.

Energy balance and mass balance equation for closed systems:

Mass Balance:

Energy Balance:

Energy balance and mass balance equation for open systems:

Open Systems

Mass Balance:

Energy Balance:

Equation for incompressible ideal or real gases:

For incompressible material the change in volume will be “0” and for ideal gas and real gas the
difference arise in calculation of gas constant “R” in equation;

Where in ideal gas it remains same but universal gas constant for real gas can be calculated as;

Where “M” is the molecular mass of the particular gas used and is different for each gas.
Real gases are close to ideal behavior when they are treated with very high temperatures so that
the molecules roam freely as in ideal gases.
The Zeroth Law relates the thermal equilibrium of two bodies with a third body then they are
also in equilibrium with each other.

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